



1、完型填空潍坊真题剖析(2018·山东潍坊中考)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan­style restaurant. After walking into a store, you see that Huawei smartphones are 1 But you're not in Chin

2、ayou're in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see 2 things in many other cities. Chinese products have been 3 worldwide.Chinese food has been enjoyed in western countries for a long time. To 4 local people's tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the 5 . Unlike Chinese,

3、 Australian people don't like to eat meat with the bone 6 , so Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones, 7 for fish.Some Chinese brands(品牌) are also becoming more 8 . In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers. And more tha

4、n half of US­owned drones(无人机) are Chinese models. They're not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the 9 In the past, most western people thought Chinese products were cheap and not dependable. But now, things have changed greatly. “Made in China” becomes cool. More and more

5、 people 10 Chinese brands.1A.for fun Bat work Con sale Din use2A.similar Bdifferent Ccommon Dunusual3A.stored Bcollected Creceived Daccepted4A.meet Bcopy Cspread Danswer5A.kitchens Bdrinks Cdishes Dservices6A.up Bout Con Din7A.just Beven Cyet Dstill8A.traditional Bexpensive Cpractical Dpopular9A.cou

6、ntry Bcircle Cfield Dtown10A.sell Btrust Cimprove Dquestion参考答案【答案及解析】1Cfor fun“为了消遣”;at work“在工作”;on sale“在售”;in use “在使用中”。结合语境可知,在进入一个商店后会看到产品在出售,故选C。2Asimilar“类似的”;different“不同的”;common“共同的”;unusual“不寻常的”。结合上下文可知不仅在中国,中国产品热销,在其他国家中国产品也很受欢迎,故此处表示在其他国家你也会看到一些类似的事情。故选A。3Dstore“储存”;collect“收集”;recei

7、ve“收到”;accept“接受”。结合上下文可知,中国产品在其他国家也很受欢迎,故被广泛接受。 故选D。4Ameet“遇见;满足”;copy“复制”;spread“传播”;answer“回答”。由下文“Unlike Chinese, Australian people don't like to eat meat with the bone.”可知中国餐厅为了满足澳大利亚人的吃饭习惯,为他们提供没有骨头的大块肉,由上述例子可知中国餐厅为了满足当地人的口味,做出了一些改变。故选A。5Ckitchen“厨房”;drink“饮料”;dish“菜肴”; service“服务”。结合语境可知,

8、为了满足当地人的口味,中餐馆已经对菜做了一些改变。 故选C。6Dup“向上”;out“在外面”;on“在上面”;in“在里面”。根据常识,“骨头”和“肉”的关系是骨头包在肉里面,肉附在骨头上。此处表示“澳大利亚人不喜欢吃有骨头的肉”,故选D。7Bjust“刚刚”;even“甚至”;yet“已经”;still“仍然”;此处表示“所以中餐馆提供大块的没有骨头的肉,甚至对于鱼肉。”,根据常识可知鱼刺比较难挑,故此处用“even”,表示程度更深。8Dtraditional“传统的”;expensive“昂贵的”;practical“实际的;实用性的”;popular“受欢迎的”。上文讲到“中餐受到西方国家喜爱”,下文提到在欧洲国家一些商店卖中国品牌的家电等,故可知中国品牌在变得更加受欢迎。9Acountry“国家”; circle“圆圈;循环;周期”;field“田野;领域”;town“城镇”。结合语境可知此处表示“这些产品不是简单地在中国制造,而是在这个国家设计和发展的。”此处the


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