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1、高凌飚2019年12月13日: 教学评价的目的 教学过程中的各种要素 对教学的本质的认识 教学评价的规范 外部的教学评价 反思式教学评价教学评价的目的检查教学质量诊断教学问题提高教学效果提高教学程度促进学生开展促进教师专业开展教学过程的要素教学内容教师背景课程,资源,评价,校风,师生关系,课堂气氛显性内容隐性内容意向态度,专业素养,教学观念,课程分析,教学预备,教学方法,效果预期,方向方案。兴趣动机原有知识学习战略学习效果教学预备教学过程教学效果教学过程的模型资料来源:资料来源:Biggs, J. B. & Collis, K. (1982): Evalua

2、ting the quality of learning: The SOLO taxonomy, Academic Press, New York 教学评价的模型教师预备过程效果学生内容背景三个阶段四个维度教学评价需求思索的问题过程教师学生教师与学生内容背景预备教师教师与学生教师与背景教师与内容效果学生教师意向、教学观、教学战略、效果预期个性特点、已有知识、学习方式对课程的了解分析、资源预备、评价内容的了解分析教学战略投入程度学习方式相互作用丰富性科学性合理性课堂气氛达标情况专业开展对教学本质的认识教学观教授知识教书育人端正态度开展才干应付考试互动开展式单向教授式教授知识大纲教材知识积累内容教

3、师学生Viewed teaching as an one way delivery process of knowledge a student is a passive receiver or container of knowledge a teacher is a person who poured knowledge into the students focused on the content, especially the novel knowledge good teaching = to deliver knowledge clearly, accurately, logic

4、ally and effectively, etc.应付考试成果学生内容教师考试Viewed teaching as a process for accomplishing the institutional targets external evaluation of students achievement is the central focus teaching = knowledge delivery + external motivating + management students are not self-motivated, they need an external pu

5、sh to force them to learn a student is a figure being shaped according to the institutional values a teacher is the person who designed, arranged, ran and controlled the process of shaping good teaching = more chances for students in drilling exam-type items开展才干内容教师学生互动开展才干View teaching as a process

6、 of interaction between teachers, students, the teaching content and context emphasise the facilitation of student learning and interactions good teaching = facilitating and motivating student learning in varieties of ways. students are active learners the role of a teacher is similar to a guide a g

7、ood teacher: intelligent and capable, be kind and close to students, open mind, involve actively in improving teaching, be equal with students 端正态度内容教师学生相互影响良好学习态度Teaching is viewed as a process of promoting good attitudes and motivating student learning learning includes the setting up or changes o

8、f students attitude to learning the teaching content is not explicit as knowledge in the discipline but rather a kind of implicit message contained in the teachers performance and in teacher-student interactions a good teacher should understand students, could cultivate students with good learning a

9、ttitude, good teaching should be able to promote students interest in learning教书育人教师学生行为改动相互影响相关资料Teaching is viewed as an important way to facilitate students in developing personal conduct and morality learning is a way of conduct cultivation, a way to arrive at self-perfectness good teaching shou

10、ld be able to cultivate students from the conduct or moral aspect the most important teaching content is the implicit messages contained in the teachers performance and teacher-student interaction emphasise the modelling effect of a teacher - Wei Ren Shi BiaoLearning & LearnerNature of TeachingR

11、ole of TeacherExpect Outcomes Teaching ContentMethod of TeachingKDAcquiring knowledge and skills;Passive receiversDelivering knowledge and skillsDeliverer and resource Accumulation of knowledge and skillsFollows the textbook closelyOne-way lecturing plus demonstrationEPAchieving exam requirements,Ac

12、hievers,Competitive Preparing for examinations; Drilling studentsTrainer and directorHigh exam achievementConducted by the baton of examsClassroom drilling, Effective for preparing examsADInternal construction;Explorers,Capable, flexible and creativeFacilitating learning Guide, leader, and facilitat

13、or Developing understanding and ability, knowing how to learnMeets the needs of students and matches students levelA variety of methods, emphasises activities & interactionsAPEstablishing good attitude, Promoting and fostering good attitude Model of good learner with good attitudeActive and inde

14、pendent in learningContained implicitly in teachers performanceInteractive and interesting; indirect manner CGSelf-improvement Facilitating and guiding good conductRole model of good conduct,friend of studentsQualified persons with good conductRelated materials,contained implicitly in teachers behav

15、ioursFriendly and interactive, indirect manner教学评价的规范 预备阶段预备阶段 教师能否以积极的态度进展教学预备教师能否以积极的态度进展教学预备 教师的教学观念具备一定的先进性并切合教师的教学观念具备一定的先进性并切合实践实践 教师对教学的设计和预期的目的能否合理教师对教学的设计和预期的目的能否合理 教师能否正确把握学生的特点、学习方式教师能否正确把握学生的特点、学习方式和已有知识和已有知识 教师对课程的了解分析能否正确、资源预教师对课程的了解分析能否正确、资源预备能否充分、评价手段能否合理备能否充分、评价手段能否合理 教师对教学内容的了解能否正确

16、,分析能教师对教学内容的了解能否正确,分析能否合理否合理教学评价的规范 过程阶段过程阶段 教师的角色位置和教学战略能否得当教师的角色位置和教学战略能否得当 学生能否积极投入学习,学习方式如何学生能否积极投入学习,学习方式如何 师生间以及同窗间的以什么方式互动,程师生间以及同窗间的以什么方式互动,程度如何度如何 课堂上呈现的教学内容的丰富性、科学性、课堂上呈现的教学内容的丰富性、科学性、合理性合理性 课堂气氛能否有利于学生学习课堂气氛能否有利于学生学习 效果阶段效果阶段 学生能否到达教学目的的要求学生能否到达教学目的的要求 教师的专业素养表现教师的专业素养表现评价方法 外部评价外部评价 程序与方

17、法:程序与方法: 预备阶段:访谈与阅读教案预备阶段:访谈与阅读教案 过程阶段:课堂察看与讨论过程阶段:课堂察看与讨论 效果阶段:必要的测试和访谈效果阶段:必要的测试和访谈 工具工具 优点和缺乏:相对客观;简单化,外表化优点和缺乏:相对客观;简单化,外表化 内部评价内部评价 程序与方法:自我反思程序与方法:自我反思 优点和缺乏:深化,自我建构;客观优点和缺乏:深化,自我建构;客观预备阶段记录表 与教师谈话问题与教师谈话问题教师回答要点教师回答要点访访谈谈记记录录1 1你如何备课?成功的教学包括哪些要素?你如何备课?成功的教学包括哪些要素?2 2上课之前你心中考虑的最主要是什么?上课之前你心中考虑

18、的最主要是什么?3 3你如何确定这堂课的教学目标?你如何确定这堂课的教学目标? 4 4你如何设计这节课的教学?你如何设计这节课的教学?5 5你有没有考虑学生已有的想法?你在教学你有没有考虑学生已有的想法?你在教学中如何联系学生的想法?中如何联系学生的想法?6 6这节课的辅助教学资源足够吗?如果不够,这节课的辅助教学资源足够吗?如果不够,你怎么办?你怎么办?教教案案阅阅读读1 1课堂教学目标课堂教学目标2 2教学过程与方法设计教学过程与方法设计3 3课堂和课后练习安排课堂和课后练习安排课堂察看记录表 教教师师讲讲授授内容内容时间时间资源运用资源运用启发性启发性科学性科学性生动性生动性3 32 21 13 32 21 13 32 21 13 32 21 1师师生生互互动动内容内容时间时间形式形式启发性启发性生动性生动性效果效果3 32 21 13 32 21 13 32 21 1学学生生活活动动内容内容时间时间形式形式启发性启发性生动性生动性效果效果3 32 21 13 32 21 13 32


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