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1、.2005届高考复习专题 宾语一、教学目标通过本章复习,使学生明白在句子中宾语的概念及用法。二、教学重点和难点宾语的复合结构与双宾语,不定式与动词的ing形式作宾语,带疑问词的不定式作宾语与宾语从句三、教学方法Teacher 1What is object?2Give examples, showing what is transitive and what is intransitive.3We often speak of a verb as “transitive ”if it takes an object, and “intransitive” if it doesn't.

2、And usually the same verb is used both transitively and intransitively.(能够跟宾语的动词叫及物动词,不跟宾语的动词叫不及物动词。通常一动词既可跟宾语,又可不跟宾语。)4All this (the students' sentences-see left) is correct. In each group, there are two sentences, the former shows that the verb is transitive and the later shows that it is an i

3、ntransitive verb. What else do you know about transitive verb ?5Besides the verb-groups you used in the sentences what else do you know(group verbs )?6What can be an object?7在有些情况下用it在句子中作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语不定式或动词的ing形式放在句子的后边。你们能举几个例子吗?8By the objective complement we mean that part of the sentence which s

4、tands in the same relation to the object as the predicate stands to the subject.9We can compare the following. 主谓句He was a monitor.Tom was angry.She laughed.In the first two sentences, “He” and“Tom” are subjects and “was a monitor”, “was angry ” are predicates. In the third sentence “She” is subject

5、 and “laughed” is predicate. (前两句是主谓结构,“He”与“Tom”分别是主语,“was a monitor”与“was angry”分别是复合谓语。第三句“She”是主语,“laugh”是谓语。)10Nouns, adjectives and infinitives can be used as objective complements.(名词,形容词及不定式可用作补语。)11In the following., nouns are used as objective complements.We made him chairman.We consider h

6、im an honest boy. He named his son John.I think this a great shame.这几个句子都是名词作宾补。12 In a sentence, participles can also be used as objective complements. 在一个句子中分词也可以作宾补。In the following, ing form is used as objective complement. (现在分词)I found him playing with a snake.I heard him singing in the next r

7、oom. We noticed the boy drawing a picture. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Don't have the boy crying all the time.13 Infinitives can be used as objective complements.(不定式作宾补)We want him to come back as soon as possible.I wish you to take me to that place. We'll invite him to have din

8、ner.What caused World War to take place?I cannot bear you to be unhappy.In the end I got him to see my point of view. We'd better ask another student to do it. 14Up to now, we have learned nine verbs which are followed by infinitives without“to”. Can you tell me what they are?15Do translations,

9、using infinitives without“to”.A有人见他进了屋子。B他被迫留下来并接受惩罚。C人们常听他唱这支歌。D人们注意到小偷溜进了这所房子。16The direct and indirect object.Some verbs frequently or even regularly take two objects.We bought her some flowers. In English, we call her the indirect object and some flowers direct object。17常见的可跟直接宾语和间接宾语的动词有:give,

10、send, buy, refuse, tell, ask,teach, write, get, pay, show, cause等。18 Do the following translations.A我明天给你买件新衬衣。B你能搞到一两张音乐会的票吗?C请出示护照。D老板给雇员付酬金。E下次来时请带教科书。F给我倒杯茶好吗?G他拒绝了你的这点儿盛情。H别急,我会给你们讲故事的。I许久没收到他的来信,他决定给他再写一封。J火车晚点给我们带来了不少麻烦。19As is seen from the sentences above, the indirect object nearly always

11、denotes a person and is generally a personal pronoun. If the direct object is also a personal pronoun (it, them),it is placed after the verb and the indirect object is often introduced by to or for.Translate the following sentences.A把那东西给我。B小明今天早晨把那些东西送给你了。C我们会为你买那东西的。D我会为她把那些东西弄到手的。E他把款付给了我。20 In g

12、rammar, we have a word “gerund”. In a sentence, it can be used as object. 21“Gerund”的意思是“动名词”,现代英语中,我们不太强调这种说法了,而常用动词的ing形式来代替“动名词”。在下列词的后边加 ing 作宾语。avoid, can't help, be busy, excuse, fancy, mind, finish, enjoy, practise, give up, put off, suggest等。Please give some examples, using the words abo

13、ve. 22V-ing form can be used after a preposition.A魏芳喜欢跳舞。(be fond of)B我没考虑讲很长时间。(think of)C通过努力学习,你才能多得知识。(by)D感谢你们光临这个音乐会。(for)E他主动前来帮忙。(without)F对不起,来晚了。(for)G我可不喜欢立即就走开这个想法。(the idea of)23After“remember”, “stop”“forget”, “regret”, “go on”, “like”, a gerund or an infinitive makes a difference in m

14、eaning.I remember going there.=I remember that I went there.I remember to buy the ticket. I remember that I must buy the ticket.I forgot locking the door.=I forgot that I had locked the door.I forgot to tell him about it.=I forgot that I should have told him about it.I like singing pop songs.=To sin

15、g pop songs is my hobby.I'd like to go with you.=If you ask me to go with you, I am very happy to do that.24由于动名词来源于动词,又起到名词的作用,所以动名词,又像名词那样可以在它的前边用物主代词。e.g. your coming, your being late, etc. Give some sentences, showing that you know the usage.25 Some verbs, such as“ know”, “wonder”, “show”, “

16、teach”, “tell”,“ask”and“learn” can be followed by an infinitive with“how”, “what”, “when”, “where”and “whether”.ADo you know what to do next?BHe learned how to make model planes.CWe have not made up our mind whether to go or stay here.DI wonder why to do it.ETell me where to go and what to see. FLet

17、's ask the policeman which way to go.26宾语从句可以出现在及物动词的后边或介词的后边,而且从句要用陈述句式,即主语在前,谓语在后。I am interested in how you did the experiment.He got angry because of what you had said about him behind his back.Can you give me some more examples?Students 1What can be used after a transitive verb is called ob

18、ject.2Charles came. (intransitive, for there is no object after “came”. )Charles took a ticket.(transitive, for there is “ticket” after “took”.)3 Are the following correct? AThe girl plays the violin. She plays very well.BThe headmaster left Beijing. He left yesterday.CHe is painting a picture. But

19、she doesn't paint. DHe borrows money.But I don't borrow or lend.4 We often see many verb-plus preposition groups. And it is often called group verbs.AEveryone laughs at me. BI'll look into the matter.CYou can't play with fire, my dear. DThey sent for a doctor at once. (动词加介词构成一个词组作及物

20、动词用5Look at , look upon, look for, wait for, depend on, live on, search for, call on, call at In a word, we've learned quite a lot.6Up to now, we've found all the following can be an object:ANouns 名词I received a letter. BPronouns 代词Did you see any?I found something interesting in the book.I

21、know him quite well. CInfinitives 不定式I want to buy a video camera.He refused to attend the meeting.Dverb's ing form (Gerunds) 动名词Do you like playing cards?I hate lying.ENoun clauses 名词从句I'll take whoever wants to go. He said that he was busy.FSo or Not standing for a noun clause So与Not代表一个从句

22、I think so. I hope so. I hope not.I suppose not.7 In the following , it may serve as an object.I think it wrong to cheat.I have made it a rule that the classroom should be cleaned every day.I think it useless arguing with him.8 什么是宾语补足语? (What do you mean by宾语补足语?)9主谓宾语补足语We elected him a monitor. I

23、 made him angry.We heard her laugh. Sentence One Sentence TwoSentence ThreeWe heard her laugh. 主 谓 宾 补10What can be objective complements? (什么可以作宾语补足语?)11In the following, adjectives are used as objective complements.I found the room empty. They dyed the silk red. You leave the door open. Don't

24、swallow it whole.这几个句子都是形容词作宾补。12Do you mean present and past participles?那一定是指现在分词或过去分词了。In the following, ed form is used as objective complement.(过去分词)His story made us interested. Please keep your mouth shut. What he did made us satisfied. He left the work undone.I heard the song sung by the fam

25、ous singer. You should have your hair cut.He saw his face reflected in the water. 13 Infinitives without “to” can also be used as objective complements.(不带to 的不定式也可作宾补)I saw him enter the room.Will you come and help me do the experiment?Tell me what makes you think so.I felt my legs tremble.Nothing

26、can make him change his mind.Let me do it a second time. We watched him play basketball.We hear him say it.14Yes. They are: let, make, have, see, feel, hear, watch, observe and notice. And what should we pay attention to when they are used in passive voice? When they are used in passive voice, “to”c

27、an't be omitted.(以上各词若出现在被动语态中“to”不能省略,另外have是个例外,它不能用在被动语态中。)15AHe was seen to enter the room.BHe was made to stay behind and take his punishment. CHe is often heard to sing the song.DThe thief was noticed to steal into the house. 16It means直接宾语和间接宾语。从刚才的例子中,(We bought her some flowers)我们明白了直接宾

28、语与动词的关系最密切,虽然从距离上它不如间接宾语离动词近。在这一句中我们可以删去间接宾语“her”成为“We bought some flowers”但我们不能略去“some flowers”成为“We bought her”17What are the commonest verbs that can take both a direct object and indirect object?18 Can we translate like this?AI'll buy you a new shirt.BCan you get me a couple of tickets for t

29、he concert?CShow me your pass-port.DThe boss paid the workers the money. EDo bring me your textbooks when you come next time.FPour me a cup of tea, will you?GHe refused you the little favour.HDon't worry, I'll tell you a story. INot having heard from him, he decided to write him a second let

30、ter.JThe delay of the train caused us a great deal of trouble.19上述例句中,间接宾语是人,且是人称代词。如果直接宾语与上述例句不一样,不是物而是人称代词,比如it,them等情况时,人称代词(直接宾语)则直接放在动词后边,把间接宾语后置,前边用介词to或for。AGive it to me.BXiao Ming sent them to you this morning.CWe'll buy it for you.DI'll get them for her.EHe paid it to me.20是“动名词”吗?

31、我们是否也可以说是动词的ing形式作宾语?21动名词的概念是来自动词,起名词的作用。AHe is busy doing his homework.BI enjoy listening to pop music.CEvery morning, he practises speaking English.DAt last they put off carrying on the plan.EDo you mind getting up early?22AWei Fang is fond of dancing.BI didn't think of speaking so long.CBy s

32、tudying hard, you can get more knowledge. DThank you for attending the concert. EHe came to help me without being asked.FSorry for being late.GI don't like the idea of going away at once. 23So we can say that “stop to do” and “stop doing”have different meanings.AStop talking, please.(It means an

33、 acting is going on, it should stop. )The students stopped to read English.(Perhaps the students were talking, were singing or even were quarrelling. They stopped their action and then began to do another thing. In the sentence above, the students began to read English.BThe students went on playing

34、basketball.The students went on to play basketball.(The former means that the students kept playing basketball. And the later, however, means that the students stopped their study and then did another thing, in the sentence, they began playing basketball. ) 24AWould you mind my opening the window? I

35、t is stuffy in the room.BThank you for your coming.CI don't like his talking to others in that way.DWho told you of her being here?EI am surprised at your liking this kind of stuff.25I also knew the following verbs can be followed by an infinitive used as object. want, wish, like, prefer, agree,

36、 choose, promise, mean, expect, decide, hope, long, try, attempt, offer, manage, pretend, continue, dare, need, affordADon't trouble to come if you you are busy.BHe didn't dare to wake his father up. CHe chose to stay where he was.DI am longing to see you.26 Yes. For example:Who is it? Tell

37、me who it is.When can you come? I want to knowwhen you can come.What do you want? He asked me what I wanted.What is the matter? He didn't know what was the matter.What happened? He asked me what had happened.Where does he live? Do you know where he lives?四、精选题1 Few pleasures can equal _ of a coo

38、l drink on a hot day. AsomeBanyCthatDthose 2 I hate _ when people talk with mouths full. AitBthatCthese Dthem 3 Dr Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I can't remember _ . AwhereBthereCwhichDthat4 It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants. AhoweverBwhateverCwhi

39、cheverDwhenever5 I would love _ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. Ato goBto have goneCgoingDhaving gone6 I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with _ . AeverythingBanythingCsomethingDnothing 7-Which newspaper shall I buy? - _ , whatever they have in the shop.AAnythingBSomethingCAny oneDSome one8I'm very sorry _ that, I didn't do it on purpose. Adoing Bto doChaving don Dto have done9-Does she stu


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