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1、1九十四學年度中醫三微免實驗期末考姓名:_ 學號:_劉世東老師:25%填充題(6 %)1.Urease test is to test the ability of microorganism to split urea. The positive result should showcolor. Which of the following microorganism is usually urease positive?(choose onE. coli,Klebsiella pn eum oniae Pseudo monas aerug in asa)2. Nitrate reduct

2、ion test is used to exam ine if the bacterium produces_(what enzyme?). After adding reagents sulfanilic acid and : -naphthylamine, the positive test shouldshow _ (what color?). To rule out false negative results, you add_ (what reage nt?) and the positive result should show_(what color?)問答題(19 %)1.

3、Gram staining is an important method to distinguish Gram (+) from Gram (-) batreria. Please write down the sta ining procedure and in dicate which the most importa nt step is. (6 %)2. Please give the definition of selective media and differential media. Give an example of each type ofmedia that used

4、 in the experime nt and expla in purpose. (4 %)23.Explain the purpose of 10% glucose solution, 10% lactose solution and ONPG (ortho-n itrophe nyl-1-galactoside) in the en zyme in duct ion experime nt. (3%)4.Distinguish between F and Hfr bacterial strains. (2 %)5.Please describe the mechanism of oper

5、ation of the lactose operon. (4 %)3謝絹珠老師: 15%1.Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes highly infectious disease in population. The bacterium howevercan not be stained well with Gram stain, and you use acid-fast stain instead to examine a sputumsmear. Why? What is the principle involved in acid-fast stain

6、? (5 %)2.Fungi are eukaryotes and they are not as small as bacteria. Identification of fungi frequently involvedmorphology characteristics. To examine a fungus on slide, what stain do you use to reveal the fungalstructure? If the fungi are from a patient s skin, how do you treat the scraped sample i

7、n order toreveal your target organism? (5 %)3.The API 20-E system is commonly used to analyze the biochemical profile of enterobacteria. A total of20 tubes are included. What is the main principle involved in the IMViC test ? (5 %)4陳怡原老師: 14%1.What is the function of thioglycollate in cultivation of

8、 anaerobes? (1 pts)2.Describe the expected results when you perform spore staining procedure (Schaeffer-Fulton method)with a Bacillus cereus culture and aStaphylococcus aureusculture. Please include the shape,arrangement and color of each culture. (3 pts)3.Why strict anaerobes can not survive in the

9、 presence of oxygen? (2 pts)4.What is the enzymatic activity of oxidase? (1 pt)55.Why can Staphylococcus aureuse nhance the growth ofHaemophilus in flue nzaeo n a blood agar plate?(2 pts)6.What is CAMP test? Which streptococcal sp. can be identified by a positive CAMP test? (3 pts)7.In additi on to

10、the differe nt growth patter ns on mann itol salt agar, please n ame two procedure that arecommon ly used in the laboratory to disti nguishStaphylococcus epidermidisfrom Staphylococcusaureus(2 pt)8.What is : -hemolysis? (1 pt)6郭敏玲老師: 16%1.Please define titer and describe how to determine it in a ser

11、um sample. (5%)2.What is the main purpose to inject 1ml 4% thioglycollate into the peritoneal cavity of mice forphagocytosis assay? When should the mice be injected? (5%)3.Why is the vaccination against tetanus recommended for everyone and the vaccination againstinfluenza for only a restricted group

12、 of “at-risk”individuals? (3%)74.In a cytotoxic assay against tumor cells, please explain why might the NK cells cause some damage tothe tumor and the presence of antibody to the tumor enhance the cytotoxic capacity of the NK cells.(3%)趙玫老師: 30%1. 實驗室診斷結果是確認病毒感染的重要依據。請條述常用的六大類診斷方法。 (3%)2.在 phage 培養實驗中使用 maltose 的原因為何?何謂 plaque?實驗中如何定量病毒數量?(6%)83. (1) 本學期用來測試 B 型肝炎病


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