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1、百度文库让每个人平等地提升自我发货委托书英文版篇一:XX英文版授权委托书范本XX英文版授权委托书范本The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. representing (company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of(region) and having its office at (address), hereby constitute and appoint the belo

2、w-mentioned persons Mr. /Ms. , to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between (company name) and (company name).Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genu

3、ine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.Signature to be authorized DatePrint signature in English Print E-mail addressPrint full title of authorized Peron Print Tel NumberPrint name of Company Co

4、mpany chop/seal as applicableBy Signature DatePrint signature in English Print E-mail addressPrint full title of executing officer Print Tel NumberPrint address篇二:代理报关委托书英文版Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose. Pdf. Copyright XX-XX Aspose Pty Ltd.Entrust letter of customs declarationNo.: 00000000000

5、00Our company now delegates your company as agent with(A. customs declaration and inspection;B. prepay duty and tax; C.apply with declaration form approved by customs; D.apply with customshandbook; E. cancellation of customs handbook; F(转自:wWw. XiAocAoFanWeN. cOm小 草 范文网:发货委托 书英 文版).apply with tax re

6、duction or exemption; G. others)(A. by shipment; B. in long term) , see details in the Agreement of Declaration Delegation.Our company guarantees the compliance with the Customs Law and the relevant regulation in PRC, aswell as the truth, completeness, consistency of the information we provide. Othe

7、rwise, we will take the responsibility of relevant regulation stipulate.The period of the validity of this entrustment will be from the date signed to DD/MM/YYYY.Authorizing party (stamp)Sign of Legal representative or the authorizedpeople:DD/NM/YYYYAgreement of Declaration DelegationIn order to spe

8、cify the delegation affairs and responsibility of both sides, both sides agree with the entrustment as below with fair negotiation:ConsignorName of goodsHS codeDate of import/exportBill of lading No.received documentMode of tradeCountry of OriginFaxOther requirements: Fee of declaration Description

9、of guarantee: Customs Handbook import/export license Other RMB: Yuan DD/MM/YYYYConsignee *Declaration form No. No. Date of receiving documents DD/MM/YYYY Contract Packing list InvoiceD bill of ladingDThe general term listed in the back side is indivisible of thisAggreement, the sigature on this Aggr

10、eement consitutes theaggreement with the general term. The general term listed in the back side is indivisible of this Aggreement, the sigature on this Aggreement consitutes the aggreement with the general term.Sign and stamp by consignor:Sign and stamp by operatorTelephone: DD/MM/YYYY Sign and stam

11、p by consignee: Sign and stam by customs declarer: Telephone: DDMl/YYYYSupervised and Manufactured by China Customs Brokers Association(White copy kept by Customs, Yellow copy kept byconsignee, Red copy kept by consignor)篇三:货运委托书英文受托人(即承运人)委托人(即托运人)名称:电话:传真:名称:电话:传真:委托代理人:委托代理人:货物出运委托书一般说来,从出口业务人员的角

12、度来看,出口托运是从 租船订舱或是委托出运开始的。首先,外贸业务人员应根据 信用证规定的最迟装运期及货源和船源情况安排委托出运。 一般情况应提前5天左右或更长,以便留出机动时间应付意 外情况发生。接下来,填具货物出运委托书或是其他类似单据,办理 委托代理租船订舱事宜。如果外贸公司本身开展托运业务, 则需填具海运出口托运单、集装箱托运单等。如果外贸公司 本身不办理运输业务,则可委托代理订舱,填具货物出运委 托书。货物出运委托书的填写和托运单的有关栏目相同,填 写时中英文结合,个别栏目依出口货物不同而异。因此,各公司在印制自己使用的此类单据时,稍有变化,但大体内容 基本一致。日期委托出运日期。托运

13、人填写出口公司中文名称及地址(信用证受益人)。抬头人即提单上的抬头人,将来船公司签发的提单上的相应栏 目的填写会参照委托书的写法。如:信用证方式下:(1)来 证要求:“full set of b/1 made out to order提单收 货人一栏则应填“to order"。(2)来证要求:“b/1 issued to order of applicant此 applicant 为信用证的申请开 证人big a. co.,则提单收货人一栏填写“to order of big a. co. o(3)来证要求:“full set of b/1 made out our order”,

14、开证行名称为small b bank,则应在收货人处填“to small b banks order”。通知人填写信用证规定的提单通知人名称及地址,通常为进口 商。合同号填写相关交易的合同号码。运输编号出口商自行编制用于外运的编号,多数出口商直接以发 票号作为运输编号。银行编号开证行的银行编号,在与开证行的业务联系中必须引用 该编号。信用证号填写相关交易的信用证号码,如非信用证方式则不填。开证银行根据信用证填写开证银行,如非信用证方式则不填。付款方式按出口合同所列的付款方式填写。如:1/c。贸易性质填写贸易成交国别(地区),即进口国。如果通过我国驻 港机构与他国成交,应填香港。运输方式按实际填

15、写如海运、陆运、空运等方式。消费国别填写出口货物实际消费的国家(地区),通常为进口国。 如无法确定实际消费国,可填最后运往国。装运期限按出口合同或信用证所列填写。出口口岸填写货物出境时我国港口或国境口岸的名称,按合同或 信用证所列填写。若出口货物在设有海关的发运地办理报关 手续,出口口岸仍应填写出境口岸的名称。有效期限按信用证所列填写。信用证的有效期限是受益人向银行 提交单据的最后日期。受益人应在有效期限日期之前或当天 向银行提交信用证单据。目的港填写出口货物运往境外的最终目的港,按合同或信用证 所列填写。最终目的港不得预知的,可按尽可能预知的目的 港填报。可否转运、可否分批按出口合同或信用证

16、所列填写。如果允许分批或转运, 则填“是”或“yes”或“y",反之,贝U填“否”或“no”或 “n”。运费预付、到付如cif或cfr出口,一般均在运费预付栏填“是”或“yes” 或或”字样,并在到付栏填“否”或或。”或或”,千万 不可漏列,否则收货人会因运费问题提不到货,虽可查清情 况,但拖延提货时间,也将造成损失。如系fob出口,则反 之,除非收货人委托发货人垫付运费。标志口麦头照合同规定填写。口麦头即运输标志,既要与实际货物一 致,还应与提单一致,并符合信用证的规定。如信用证没有 规定,可按买卖双方和厂商订的方案或由受益人自定。无"麦 头时,应注“n/m”或“no m

17、ark”。如为裸装货,则注明"naked” 或散装“in bulk"。如来证规定唆头文字过长,用将 独立意思的文字彼此隔开,可以向下错行。即使无线相隔, 也可酌情错开。货名规格填写货物描述。件数、数量分别填写货物的外包装数量与销售数量。比如“370cartons7400 pc。毛重、净重、价格币制、单价、总价 按货物的实际情况填写。total填写出口货物的总件数、数量、毛重、净重及价格。计 算方法请参考在线帮助中了解产品的基本特点。fob价填写出口货物离开我国国境的fob价格,如按cif、cfr 价格成交的,应扣除其中的保险费、运费以及其他佣金、折 扣等。以成交币种折算成人民币和美元时,均应按当天中国 人民银行公布的汇率折算。总体积按货物的实际情况填写。除信用证另有规定者外


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