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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上介词 I. 介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。在句中不能单独作句子成分。介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语。介词和它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作状语,表语,补语或介词宾语。   II. 介词归类大全    一、表示地理位置的介词:      (1)at ,in, on, to        at  (1)表示在小地方; &#

2、160;      (2)表示“在附近,旁边”        in  (1)表示 在大地方;       (2)表示“在范围之内”。        on 表示毗邻,接壤        to 表示在范围外,不强调是否接壤    例句:He a

3、rrived the station at ten.          He is sitting the desk.          He arrived Shanghai yesterday.          Jiangsu lies the east of China.    &

4、#160;     Russia lies the north of China.          Fujian is the south of Jiangsu Province.注意:表示“树上有”时,in和on有区别。用on表示这个事物属于树的一部分,但是用in表示这个事物在树上,并不属于树的一部分。练习:There is an apple the tree and a bird the tree.      

5、 (2)above, over, on 在上         above 指在上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对;         over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。         on表示某物体上面并与之接触。    例句:The bird is flying my he

6、ad.          There is a bridge the river.          He put his watch the desk.      (3)below, under 在下面         under表示在正下方    

7、;     below表示在下,不一定在正下方     例句 There is a cat the table.         Please write your name the line.    二、表示时间的介词:      (1)in , on,at 在时        in表示较长时间,

8、如世纪、朝代、时代、年、季节、月及一般(非特指)的早、中、晚等。        如:in the 20th century, in the 1950s, in 1989, in summer, in January,             in the morning, in the night, in ones life , in ones thirties等。    &#

9、160;   on表示具体某一天及某一天的早、中、晚。        如:on May 1st, on Monday, on New Years Day, on a cold night             in January, on a fine morning, on Sunday afternoon等。       

10、 at表示某一时刻或较短暂的时间,或泛指圣诞节,复活节等。         如: at 3:20, at this time of year, at the beginning of, at the end of ,             at the age of , at Christmas, at night, at noon, at this moment等。    

11、    注意:在last, next, this, that, some, every 等词之前一律不用介词。如:We meet every day.     练习:1Tim is going to give his father a surprise _ Father's Day()AinBatConDBy2Some people are used to getting up late _ a cold morning()AonBinCatDof (2)in, after 在之后  &

12、#160;    “in +一段时间”表示将来的一段时间以后;       “after+一段时间”表示过去的一段时间以后;       “after+将来时间点”表示将来的某一时刻以后。       例句:My mother will come back in three or four days.       &#

13、160;     He arrived after five months.              She will appear after five oclock this afternoon. 练习:1Junior high school days will be over _ a weekHow are you feeling?I'm trying to keep my cool because we've

14、been together _ three years()Ain;inBfor;inCin;forDfor;for      (3)from, since 自从        from仅说明什么时候开始,不说明某动作或情况持续多久;        since表示某动作或情况持续至说话时刻,通常与完成时连用。        例句:He st

15、udied the piano the age of three.              They have lived here 1978.      (4)after, behind 在之后        after主要用于表示时间;        behind主要用于表

16、示位置。        例句:We shall leave lunch.              Lucy is hiding an old house.三、表运动方向的介词:      across, through 通过,穿过      across表示横过,即从物体表面通过,与on有关;&#

17、160;     through穿过,即从物体内部穿过,与in有关。      例句:She swam the river.            He walked the forest.练习:1Dad,can we walk_the road now?No,we_We have to wait until the light turns green()Aacross;needn'tBa

18、cross;mustn'tCthrough;can'tDthrough;mustn't    四、表示“在之间”的介词:      between, among      between指在两个人或两个事物之间;      among指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间。      例句:There is a football match Clas

19、s One and Class Two on the playground.            The teacher is standing the students.    五、表示其他意义的介词:      (1)on ,about 关于      on 表示这本书,这篇文章或演说是严肃的,或学术性的,可供专门研究这一问题的人阅读; &#

20、160;    about表示内容较为普通,不那么正式。      例句:There will be a lecture economics this afternoon.            He is writing a book cooking.            He told me

21、a lot his life in the summer vocation.      (2)by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具       by 以方法、手段或泛指某种交通工具;       with 表示用 工具、手段,一般接具体的工具和手段;       in 表示用方式,用语言(语调、笔墨、颜色)等;    

22、  例句:He makes a living selling newspapers.            He broke the window a stone.            The foreigner spoke to us English.      (3)except, besides 除了 

23、;     except 除之外,不包括在内;      besides 除之外,包括在内。     例句: Mr. Wang, we went to see the film.(王先生没去)           Mr. Wang, we also went to see the film.(王先生也去了)练习:1Are your teacher hard _ all

24、 of you?_ Jerry,because he is much younger than others()Awith,ExceptBon,ExceptCin,BesidesDon, Besides1、 单项选择1What do you know about the cartoon?Well,it became very popular in western countries_ when the creator of it was only_()Ain 1990s,in his twentiesBin the 1990s,in his twentiesCin the 1990,in hi

25、s twentyDin 1990,in the twenties2What can I do for you?I hope I have a nice house_a big garden behind it()AofBwithCbyDto3The 3D film The Angry Birds opened in Chinese cinemas_ May 20,2016()AonBatCinDto4Her birthday is _winter,the most beautiful season in a year()AinBatCon5I'd like to hold our ne

26、xt meeting_June 23rdIs that OK for you?()AinBatCon6Hurry up!The movie will begin_ 10 minutes()AoverBinCforDat7Look out!Look at the traffic lights _crossing the road()AbeforeBafterCsince8The library near our school isn't open in the evening,so we can go there during the dayNo problem,I'll go

27、with you tomorrow()Aday after dayBin the daytimeCall the time9Would you please provide us_some information about the accident?SureIt happened_the morning of June 5th()Ato;onBfor;inCwith;inDwith;on10I'm looking after Tom todayHe's been in my house_8:00 this morning()AatBsinceCforDtill11Stephe

28、n Hawking got more than 380,000 followers in two hours _first message on Weibo()AbeforeBsinceCafterDuntil12Many young people put mobile games_anything else,thinking little of their normal lives()Aalong withBbehindCbeforeDin front of13Yingqi Bird Nest Library,the smallest library in the world,was ope

29、ned to the public in Nanjing's Huashu Village_the World Reading Day this year()AonBinCatDas14Jim sits behind me,so I sit_ him()Aat the end ofBin front ofCin the middle of15I often go to the bookstore_ Quancheng Road although it's crowded()AonBforCfromDbetween16Mr Green is writing_the blackbo

30、ard()AinBonCat17Oh,my god! I've left my keys in the roomI'll have to get in_ the windowIt's dangerousYou'd better wait for your mom to come back()ApastBoverCacrossDthrough18It's so cold outsideRemember to close the door_you when you leave()AbesideBbeforeCwithDbehind19You can buy

31、almost everything_ the Internet,and it's very easy()AintoBforCatDon20Taiwan lies _ the east of Fujian,_ the southeast of China()Aon; inBto; inCon; to2 选词填空 try, how, what, if, can, wonderful , much, shop, glass , read, down, put Tom lived a way from town. One day he went into town to buy somethi

32、ng in the shop, and after he bought 1. _ he wanted, he went into a restaurant and sat 2 . _ at the table. When he looked round, he saw some old people 3. _ eyeglasses on before 4. _ their books, so after lunch he went to a shop to buy 5. _, too. He walked along the road, and soon found a 6. _.The ma

33、n in the shop made him 7. _ on a lot of glasses, but each time Tom said, “ No, I cant read with these. ” The man became 8 . _ and more puzzled (困惑) . At last he said, “ Excuse me, but 9. _ you read at all?”“ No, I cant! ” Tom said, “10. _ I can read, do you think I will come here to buy glasses? ” 一

34、、单项选择题1The"teacherfree exam"means that students take their exams_ teachersStudents must be more honest()AwithoutBagainstCthroughDby2A good student connects what he reads_ what he sees around him()AforBwithCinDon3Class,let's see who can spell most words _ these letters()AatBintoConDwith

35、4Xiaogan is well known _ the culture of "Xiao"()AinBforCatDon5The Blacks usually have milk and bread_breakfast()AforBonCabout6If you are planning a trip to a place of interest,you'd better look in your local library_ a book about it()AonBatCtoDfor7When James arrived at the railway stat

36、ion,he tried to look_a place to park his car()AafterBatCupDfor8_ running after success,we have a lot of other interesting things to do in our lives()AByBOnCBesidesDExcept9Alice,would you like to go hiking with us?What a pity! I am free every day_today()AforBexceptCbesidesDamong10He borrowed some mon

37、ey_ me and gave it_ the poor man()Ato;forBfor;toCfrom;toDto from11The local community centre is open_Monday to Saturday()AinBfromCforDon12It is important _us to make full use of time()AforBofCwith13I have been in China_1997()AsinceBforCinDuntil14Although he was _my opinion,the old professor didn'

38、;t come up with his own()AagainstBonCforDin15As a nurse,her work goes_taking care of her patientsYes,she always thinks of others()AbeyondBbesideCbehindDbetween16_Journey to the West,she has also read Little Women()ABesidesBButCExcept17Fish can't live_water()AwithBinCwithoutDof18Have you got the

39、answer _ the question?Not yet()AonBwithCaboutDto19It is necessary _ us to help our friends out when they meet difficulties()AtoBofCwithDfor20Sleeping is a popular way to relax_students()AonBamongCaboutDbetween21Last Sunday,a group of pupils talked happily _a loud voice as they went to the countryside_ bike()Aby; byB


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