



1、企业生产车间-理念标语口号 企业生产车间- - 理念标语口号大全 2 2 : 日期: 3 3 生产理念、口号: 1. 贴近客户,善待员工,低成本,零缺陷 close to customers, be kind to employees, low cost, defect-free 2. 实施标准作业、消除作业等待 actualize standard operation, eliminate operating wait 3. 培养一人多能,提高人员利用率 train talented person, improve utilization 4. 实施节拍生产、满足客户要求 actualize

2、 step-by-step manufacture, satisfy customers 5. 在需要的时间,生产需要的产品 products manufacture within needful time 6. 降本增效、提高质量 reduce the cost with high efficiency for a better quality. 7. 消除一切浪费,追求精益求精 eliminate waste, strive for perfection 8. 高品质、低成本、准交期 high quality, low cost, on time delivery 4 4 9. 生产均衡化

3、、产品精细化 elaborating product by equalized production 10. 作业标准化、动作简单化 standardized operation, simplified action 11. 精益无终点、创新无止境 endless perfection, unending innovation 品质理念、口号: 1 专注每一个过程,追求尽善尽美 focusing every process, pursuing perfection 2 百分百专注、百分百质量 100% attention, 100% quality 3挑战自我不足,追求品质突破 achieve

4、 the perfect in quality by avoiding the shortcoming 4努力、专注、追求、卓越 effort, attention, pursuance, transcendence 5产品零缺陷、客户零抱怨 none-defect in products, no complain by customers 5 5 6强检验、巧检验 compulsory inspection, skillful inspection 7下道工序是上道工序的客户 the second factory processing operation is the customer of

5、 the first one 安全: 1 安全第一、预防为主 safety first and prevention first 2 排查危险源、杜绝污染源 check hazard source, avoid pollution source 3 安全生产、人人有责 safety production is our duty 4 先安全后生产,不安全不生产 production following safety, none production without safety 现场: 1 5s是习惯,习惯靠养成 5s is habit, the habit grows naturally 2

6、整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养 6 6 organization, neatness, cleaning, standardization, discipline and training 3 不要小看自己,人有无限可能 dont turn up your nose to anyone, people has infinite potential 4 态度决定一切,细节决定成败 attitude determines everything, success depends on details 节约: 1 节约用水,从我做起 do something to save water 2 节约能源做的

7、好,省钱省能又环保 economizing energy is an effective way to help the environment and save money on your energy bill 3 行动是成功的开始,等待是失败的源头 the success begins with the working and the failure caused by the waiting. 改进改善: 1 推行pdca循环,持续改进 promote pdca cycle, keep it improving 7 7 2 人人都可以进行现场改善 improvement of the site is everyones duty 3 现场改善从"心'做起 sites improvement is from


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