



1、* 1. Describe a situation where you had to deal with multiple tasks/projects within a tight deadline. Explain the situation, your actions and the result.Situation:My last semester of master impressed me most as a result of a lot of tasks I must complete in the limited time. In order to improve my pr

2、ofessionalism CFA program was necessary for me definitely. What s more, I was still having a part-time job in Monkey King Group which is the biggest immigration and education institution in South Australia and arranged a great many of lectures for me with high student pass rate requirement. Besides,

3、 it was also during the final exam month when I had four difficult courses like Portfolio, Financial Statement Analysis and so on. Most importantly, I must get high distinction in final exam to meet the tutor requirement of Monkey King. Therefore, three difficult tasks must be balanced in one month.

4、 Finally, all tasks have been completed with a satisfying result. My arrangement was as follows:Actions:Firstly, a perfect schedule must be made so I needed to distribute the reasonable time to my part-time job, CFA program, and final exam. Most of time has been distributed to CFA program from 8am t

5、o 5pm, the deadline of which was the earliest. From 5pm to 11.30pm was my preview time of major courses such as preparing tomorrow lectures, tutorials and sample exams. Finally, the teaching preparation of part-time job has been done at least two days in advance after receivinginstitution s notice.

6、However, time was still not enough so I had somemethods to improve the efficiency in the limited time. Discussing CFA questions with exam partners was proved to be a good method to conquer the difficult exam points. At the same time, CFA online course was also the awesome learning resource, which he

7、lped me organized the study plan. In terms of part-time job, company rearranged my teaching schedule that arranged all lessons on weekend. Thus, the schedule has been improved by above corrections.Results:Personally, this period was a big achievement for me. I passed CFA exam with 7As and 3Bs and st

8、udent pass rate peaked at 96%. Most importantly, 2 HDs and Ds were obtained in final exam with No.1 student of Financial Statement Analysis. This period of experience is a fortune in my life. Not only did I improve my professional knowledge but also it proved multiple tasks were not impossible for m

9、e. Therefore, I will feel more confident with multiple projects in the future.2. Think of a situation where you have made a significant contribution to the teams success. Describe the situation, your role and contribution, and the result.Situation:As a team member of South Australia we participated

10、in the CFA Institute Global Challenge. The competitor could not be the last year of university so it was a big challenge for us because we didnt learn some major courses like financial statements analysis needed in competition. Thus, group assigned the difficult task that I must study financial stat

11、ement adjustments in advance. However, studying a major course was not easy during a busy semester.Contribution & Result:In order to complete my mission I went to the lecture of this course even if I did not choose the course this semester. Besides, lecturer was so helpful to help me after knowing m

12、y difficulties. Therefore, her consultations were the best time to discuss and resolve problems relating to statement adjustments. At the same time, textbook was a predominant resource to learn adjustment techniques. Thus, I begun to make the first financial statements adjustments after enough discu

13、ssion with the lecturer. After that, our group would discuss my first adjustments and then corrected some disadvantages. Even though the later statement adjustments have been done by all group members my first contribution played a key role.Unfortunately, our group was unable to get the final but we

14、 tried our best. What s more, not only did I learn more professional knowledge but also I realized what we studied in university is not enough to be a qualified financial analyst. Most importantly, so many outstanding group members have become my good friends.3. Provide an example where you creative

15、ly addresseda complex problem. Explain the situation, your thought process, your approach and the outcome.The experience relates to my part-time job. As I described above I had a part-time job in Monkey King, the biggest immigration and education institution in South Australia. The responsibility is

16、 to help some students, who were not good at finance and accounting course, improve professional knowledge and prepare final exam.Situation:However, Monkey King has been facing the threat of new entrants and competitive rivalries so marketing department had a big challenge about how to attract more

17、clients. The colleagues asked me to give some suggestions.Thought Process & Approach:Firstly, our main clients were Chinese students from three universities in South Australia so I must understand when they need our help most and then try our best to help them. It was beyond doubt that we should tea

18、ch them how to adapt in new Australian life and study difficult professional courses in university when they just came to Australia as a freshman.Therefore, some welcome activities could be a good communication channel to make them know the institution better. A free welcome lecture has been held by

19、 me where freshman could ask me university studying like electives, Australian famous travel lines and local culture and they all were so grateful for that. Obviously, we helped them in their hour of greatest need without any charge so students remembered my company name since their first day in Australia.Secondly, some new students wanted to experience every


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