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1、潜在供应商评估指南评估范围A - Management管理B - Technology and Development技术与开发C - Quality质量D - Production生产E - Engineering (Product and Process)工程(产品和过程)F - Logistics / Supply物流与供应G - Sub-supplier Management分供商管理H - Cost Management成本管理Scoring Guide打分指南Team evaluation must be recorded into Excel file. Input commen

2、ts on COMMENTS page.团队评价必须用 Excel 文件记录,在注释页上输入注释。Points Color Definition Effect on DC processes 在DC流程颜色表示的定义:an applied practice.0 red Supplier demonstrates neither a documented process/procedure nor0分 红色 供应商示范既无文件化流程/程序,又无应用的实例Process will certainly cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory commu

3、nication with the customer 过程肯定会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。1 red Documented process/procedure exists but is incomplete or not fully implemented.2 分 红色 有文件化流程/ 程序,但不完善或没有完全的贯彻。Process will probably cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer 过程大概会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。3 green Process/proce

4、dure is completely documented and acceptably implemented.2分 绿色 流程 /程序是完整的并备有证明文件,贯彻情况可以接受。Process will probably not cause any product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer 过程大概不会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。4 green A completely documented process/procedure is fully implemented and meets min

5、imum requirements.3分 绿色 具有完整的备有证明文件流程/程序,并得到完全地贯彻。According to the evaluation team s expertise the process will not cause any product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer 依照评估团队专家的意见,过程不会发生产品缺陷和顾客抱怨。N/A green N/A 项 绿色The evaluation team agrees that this question should not b

6、e scored. Enter NA into the Score box and explain reasons on COMMENTS page.评估团队同意不记分的这些问题,记分箱内输进NA ,并在注释页解释原因。Question is not applicable for this particular commodity/process对于特殊的商品/过程,问题不适用。Note The team must reach a consensus on each question score.注意:每一项问题的打分,团队必须达成一致意见。A - Management/ 管理Comments

7、: 注解:The Management (e. g. Board of Management, Plant Management, Section Management) develops the quality policy for the company, defines it and commits all areas and levels to it. This allows specific quality goals and also a quality system (Q system) to be agreed upon. Quality must be regarded as

8、 an overall management task. The management must concern itself with the following subjects:提交并详细说明所有范围、级别的公司经营(例如:管理部门、工厂管理、项目管理)发展的质量方针。允许 已经同意的特殊目标和质量体系。质量必须当作一项全面的经营任务。经营必须涉及它自身具有的如下题目: Business Plan*商业计划5 Comparison of internal & external performance data 国内外性能资料对照* Business results 商业成果4 E

9、mployee satisfaction 员工满意4 Customer satisfaction 客户满意“Management" describes the organizational entity in the company that is responsible for profit and loss. 管理层描述在公司内负责利润和消耗的组织实体。Remark: * = Business plan means: local plant performance targets 注,商业计划意味着:当地的工厂执行目标Checklist Overview :评审清单总览1 Hav

10、e goals been defined and are they consistently being followed?是否制定目标,并且始终遵循?1a Does the supplier have process to update their business Plan?供应商是否有更新商业计划的流程?1b Are objectives developed from the business plan? 所有目标是否都源于商业计划?2 Is there a process for management review?是否有管理评审流程?2a Are objectives defined

11、 and controlled on all levels?是否界定和控制所有等级的目标?2b Does the supplier perform regularly scheduled quality audits internally? 供应商是否实施定期的内部质量评审?2c Do preventive and reactive measures derive from this evaluation? 是否有针对评审(结果)的纠正和预防措施?3 Is there a process for evaluating the capability of the established reso

12、urces (employees, equipment, methods, material)?是否有流程来评估已经建立的资源能力(如人员、设备、方法和材料)?3a Does the organization identify and allocate appropriate resources for increase of customer satisfaction?为提高顾客满意度,组织是否识别和分配适当的资源?4 Is there a process for the management of employee satisfaction with suitable methods?是否

13、有合适的方法来管理员工满意度的流程?4a Does the supplier have a process for quality awareness?供应商是否有关于(提高 )质量意识的流程?4b Does the supplier promote any motivational activity (e.g. small group activity) to assure and improve the quality?供应商是否推行员工激励活动(例:小组活动)以保证和改善质量?5 Does a training program exist which supports achieving

14、 the scope of business and fulfillment of customer requirements?是否有支持完成商业经营范围和履行顾客需求的培训计划?5a Does the supplier have documented training and development programs for its personnel?供应商是否有针对员工的书面化的培训和开发计划?5b Individual Training: does the training program fit to the job specifications?个人培训,培训计划是否合适于岗位说明

15、?5c What kinds of information do the employees get about customer requirements and about achievement of objectives?在顾客需求和目标绩效方面,员工得到了哪些信息?A1Have goals been defined and are they consistently being followed?是否制定目标,并且始终遵循?Comments: 注解:“ Goals ”are specifications for products, processes, operations and

16、services defined for all levels. These objectives are derived from customer requirements, the competitive situation, the legal environment and internal requirements as well as adherence to the zero defect strategy目标是.对于产品、过程、操作和所有级别服务界定的规范。这些目标源于顾客的要求、竞争的位置、法定的环境、国内需求以及坚持零缺陷战略。Examples: ppm-data, pp

17、m 数据non conformance data,不合格品数据quality costs,质量成本A1aDoes the supplier have a process to update their business plan?供应商是否有更新商业计划的流程?Comments: 注解: A ”business plan “is a document with company -specific, strategic projects and goals to be fulfilled or achieved in a defined period.商业计划是一种文件,含有公司特定在某一时期要

18、实现或达到的战略性计划和目标。 A " business plan " is a cdstrodocument商业计划是一个受控文件。Examples: 例如: written operating system process,书面的运行系统流程 procedure or practice程序或惯例A1bAre objectives developed from the business plan?所有目标是否都源于商业计划?Comments: 注解:Objectives should be fixed in a way to achieve fulfillment of

19、Business plan.确定目标以完成商业计划Examples: 例如:a) Corporate-wide objectives公司范围的目标* Improving market share改进市场份额* Continuous quality improvement质量持续改进b) Product-related objectives同产品有关的目标 Scrap-failure rates废品/故障率 delivery quality (ppm)交付质量(ppm)* Process capability improvement (Cpk, Ppk)改进过程能力(Cpk, Ppk) Reli

20、ability improvement改进可靠性 Environmental tolerance.环境的忍受力c) Customer-related objectives与顾客有关的目标 Shortening of order processing time (inquiries, orders) (difference in days)缩短定单处理时间(询价、定购)(以天区分)* Improvement of customer satisfaction (reduction of the number of customer complaints change %) 改进顾客满意度(减少顾客

21、抱怨的数量变化率)4 Reduction in the reaction time in the event of complaints (difference in days) 在抱怨事件方面减少反应时间(以天区分)4 Improving delivery reliability (on-time performance).改善交付可靠性(准时履行)d) General objectives 总体目标* Cost reduction减少成本* Advanced quality planning先期质量策划* Increasing employee satisfaction不断增加的员工满意度

22、* Monitoring the effectiveness of corrective actions监测纠正措施的效果* Quality system upgrade from ISO 9001 to ISO/TS 16949质量体系从ISO 9001 升级到ISO/TS 16949* Further development towards TQM, EQA etc.更进一步地向TQM, EQA等发展e) Production related与生产有关的 ppm-data, PPM nonconformance data, 不合格品数据 quality costs,质量成本absentee

23、ism, 缺勤率A2Is there a process for management review?是否有管理评审流程?Comments: 注解:Company management must periodically (at least once each year) ensure that the established quality system (with all elements) is effective and meets the needs of the organization. The aim of this assessment is to continuously

24、optimize and adapt to changed conditions (market, technology etc.).公司管理层必须定期的进行管理评审(每年至少一次),确保已制定的质量体系(所有元素)是有效的,并满 足组织要求。预定的目标要不断优化以适应市场、技术条件的变化。A2aAre objectives defined and controlled on all levels?是否界定和控制所有等级的目标?Comments: 注解:Objectives must be developed and followed up on all levels from top man

25、agement to the shop floor.目标必须从最高管理层到车间现场各个级别上展开,并且得到遵循。Examples: 举例:Goals/objectives :目标/目的a) Corporate-wide objectives公司总体目标* Improving market share 改善市场份额* Continuous quality improvement质量持续改进b) Product-related objectives与产品相关的目标 Scrap-failure rates废品/故障率 Supplier delivery quality (ppm)供应商交货质量ppm

26、 Process capability improvement (Cpk, Ppk) 过程能力改进 (Cpk, Ppk) Reliability improvement改进可靠性 Environmental tolerance.环境忍受力c) Customer-related objectives与顾客相关的目标4 Shortening of order processing time (inquiries, orders) (difference in days or hours)缩短订单处理时间(询价、定购)(以天或小时区分)4 Improvement of customer satisf

27、action (reduction of the number of customer complaints change %) 改善顾客满意度(减少顾客抱怨数量的变化率)4 Reduction in the reaction time in the event of complaints (difference in days or hours) 减少顾客抱怨事件的反应时间(以天或小时区分)。* Improving delivery reliability (on-time performance).改进交付可靠性(准时履行)d) General objectives总体目标 Cost re

28、duction降低成本 Advanced quality planning先期质量策划 Increasing employee satisfaction增进员工满意度 Monitoring the effectiveness of corrective actions监测纠正措施的有效性 Quality system upgrade from ISO 9001 to ISO/TS 16949质量体系从ISO 9001升级到ISO/TS 16949 Further development towards TQM, EQA, MBA etc.进一步朝TQM, EQA, MBA 等发展Managem

29、ent review:管理评审:The review can be done by gathering and evaluating the following information通过收集和评估下列的信息来完成评审 Quality status report质量状态报告 Regularly scheduled quality meetings定期的质量会议 Quality indices with respect to objectives与目标相关的质量指标 Internal quality audit reports with derived measures来源于测量的内部质量审核报

30、告 Status of the continuous improvement process持续改进过程的状况 Results of product and process analysis with corrective actions产品或过程采用分析和纠正措施的成效 Reports on customer satisfaction顾客满意度的报告A2bDoes the supplier performs regularly scheduled quality audits internOly?商是否实施定 期的内部质量审核?Comments: 注解: Does the managemen

31、t provide appropriate resources for internal audits (system, process, and product)?管理层是否为内部审核(体系、过程、产品)提供了适当的资源? How are results of internal audits included into the management review?内审的结果如何被纳入管理评审Examples: 例如: Supplier audits,供应商审核 internal audits (system, layered process, product)内审(体系、分层的过程、产品)A

32、2cDo preventive and reactive measures derive from this evaluation?是否有针对评审(结果)的预防和纠正措施?Comments: 注解: The responsibility and authority for organization of corrective actions must be defined.必须确定纠正措施组织的职责和职权 Responsibilities must be defined for the coordination, reporting and monitoring of corrective a

33、ctions.对于协调、报告和纠正措施的监控必须要确定职责 Monitoring covers both the carrying out of remedial measures and the inspection of their effectiveness.监测包括补救措施的输出和成效的检验Examples: 例如: root cause analysis and identification根本原因分析和证明 Determination of measures and responsibilities确定措施和责任人 informing the affected and respon

34、sible departments提供情报的、受到影响的和有责任的部门 Determination of monitoring mechanisms.确定监测机制A3Is there a processfor evaluatingthe capabilityof the establishedresources (employees, equipment, methods, material)?是否有流程来评估已经建立的(如人员、设备、方法和材料)资源能力Comments: 注解: so that necessary processes work effectively. The manage

35、ment has the task of providingthe financial andstaff resources for fulfilling the requirements.管理层有责任提供履行该流程中所需的资金和人力资源,以便于必要的流程能够有效地进行。Examples: 例如:* Qualified staff with task-related capabilities for management, process-orientation, implementation and inspection activities (including project manag

36、ement)具备管理、过程开发、执行和检查(包括项目的管理)相关工作能力的资深员工。*technical equipment for product development and manufacture作为产品开发和制造的技术装备 Computer support, e.g. for data analysis, graphic displays, process control, statistics, quality plans作为数据分析、绘图显示、过程控制、统计、质量策划的计算机支持A3aDoes the organizationidentifies and allocatesapp

37、ropriateresourcesfor increaseof customer satisfaction?为了提高顾客满意度,组织是否确定和分配了适当的资源?Comments: 注解: Is there a process or procedure for identification and allocation of resources?是否有确定和分配资源的一个流程或程序? Does the supplier have adequate buildings, facilities and equipment for producing parts that would satisfy

38、the quality requirements of the car manufacturer(s)?对于是否能生产出满足车辆制造商质量要求的零件,取决于该供应商是否具备充足的厂房,设备和装备? Are the dedicated resources qualified for their tasks?投入的资源是否能够完成任务?Examples: 例如: How and when are resources planned?什么时间,如何计划资源? How are the plans released?如何发放计划? How do you make sure that the establ

39、ished resources fulfill the customer requirements?如何确保已制定的资源能够满足客户的要求?Planed Equipments , machines, tools, humans, methods, material, supplied parts,suppliers.计划好的设备,机器,工具,人员,方法,材料,供应零件和供应商 Qualified staff with task-related capabilities for management, process-orientation, implementation and inspect

40、ion activities (including project management)具备管理、过程开发、执行和检查(包括项目的管理)相关工作能力的资深员工。4technical equipment for product development and manufacture作为产品开发和制造的技术装备 Computer support, e.g. for data analysis, graphic displays, process control, statistics, quality plans.作为数据分析、绘图显示、过程控制、统计、质量策划的计算机支持A4Is there

41、a processfor the managemenof employeesatisfactionwith suitable methods?是否有管理员工满意度的流程及合适的方法?Comments: 注解:Is employee satisfaction a management principle? Is employee satisfaction maintained?员工的满意度是否作为一项管理原则?是否保持员工满意?Examples: 举例:Working conditions, work location, environment, equipment工作条件,工作场所,环境及设备

42、 Health and safety measures健康和安全保障措施 Communication on an individual and company wide level员工个人和公司范围各级别进行j沟通 Employee performance evaluation, agreed goals, career planning员工的业绩评估,共同目标,职业计划 Involvement in quality matters参与质量活动System for recognizing and rewarding performance认可和奖励成绩的体系 Job security工作安全F

43、urther indicators can be:可更进一步指示:Absenteeism缺勤率 Personnel turnover人员流动 Use of company facilities公司设施的使用A4aDoes the supplier have a process to improve quality awareness?供应商是否有关于(提高)质量意识的流程?Comments: 注解: A written procedure defining the quality awareness.明确质量意识的书面程序 Do measures for improvement of qual

44、ity awareness and morale exist?是否有提高质量意识和士气的措施? Which measurables indicate employee satisfaction?那种测试能够说明员工的满意度?Examples: 例如: Improvement suggestions改进建议 Quality circles质量循环 Zero defect programs零缺陷计划* Poster campaigns, competitions活动海报,竞赛Training, information meetings培训,信息会议Awards 奖励Workshops.车间A4bD

45、oesthe supplier promote any motivationalactivity (e.g. small group activity) to assureand improve the quality?供应商是否推行员工激励活动(例:小组活动)以保证和改善产品质量?Comments: 注解:The quality and performance capabilities of a company are not only dependent on the technical and organizational capabilities and the business re

46、sources, but far more so on the qualification and motivation of employees to perform well.一个公司的质量和业绩的能力不但要依靠技术,组织能力和商业资源,还需要依靠大量有资格、有抱负的员工 来完成任务。Examples: 举例:4 Documented team activities, 文件化的团队活动 Meeting minutes, 会议记录* Implementation Plans, 执行计划 Quality Circles 质量循环A5Does a training program exist w

47、hich supports achieving the scope of business a fulfillment of customer requirements?是否有支持完成商业经营范围和履行顾客需求的培训计划?Comments: 注解:a Training program " means the determination of the entire training needs and appropriate actions in all areas of the company.“培训计划”是指在公司所有范围内确定完整地的培训需求和安排适当的培训活动A5aDoes t

48、he supplier have documented training and development programs for its personnel?供应商是否有针对员工的书面的培训和开发计划?Comments: 注解:All employees at all levels who carry out work, which affects quality, must be included. Requirement profiles must be defined on a function-related basis.各个级别的全体员工,凡是有可能影响到质量的,都必须包含在需要培

49、训的名单之内。必须要在与实际职能相关的基础之上,制定该需求大纲。The training and further training activities must be summarized on an individual basis.必须在个人的基础上对培训和进一步的培训进行概括和总结。The summary should clearly show implemented and still-open training measures, and the level of achievement must be indicated.总结应该明确展示已完成和仍未完成的培训数量,必须说明达到的

50、水平。The training program encompasses all internal and external training activities and its effectiveness should be examined periodically.这些培训项目涵盖了内部、外部所有的培训活动,并且需要定期检查培训的实效Examples: 举例: Grades, certificates or confirmation of participation may be used as means of demonstrating participation 可采用评级,证书或

51、参与者确认等作为论证方法。4Training procedure, Training plans培训程序,培训计划4Training schedules for new hires新雇员的培训进度表*Training schedule for change of processes and technology过程和技术变更的培训进度表*Training metrics, training records培训奖励、培训纪录A5bIndividual Training: does the training program fit to the job specifications?1训; 培训计

52、 划是否合适于岗位说明?Comments: 注解: How are trainings planned?培训是如何策划的? Do executive management and top management take part in the training program?行政管理层和最高管理层参加培训吗? On which basis do you detect needs for training and qualification measures?以什么为基础探测培训和资格测量的需求? How do you determine needs for qualification and

53、 training?怎样确定资格和培训方面的需求?Examples: 举例: materials inspector certificate材料检查员证书welder certificate 焊接证书* certificate for non -destructive materials testing (X-ray testing)非破坏性原材料试验证书(X-光测试)A5cWhat kind of information do the employeesget about customer requirementsand about achievement of objectives?在顾客

54、需求和目标绩效方面员工得到了哪些信息?Comments: 注解:The employees have to know which customer they are working for, and any specific customer requirements, as well as which objectives they have to follow?在员工除应该理解的那些目标之外,还应该知道,他们正在为那些客户加工产品,以及客户的特殊需求等细节。Remark: At the shop floor it must be included in work instruction a

55、nd or control plan.注:在车间现场,这些内容必须要包括在工作指导书和/或控制计划中。Examples: 例如:The current status of achievement may be shown, for example, by quality indices.例如用质量指标展示目前达到的状态。* Presentation of quality related costs展示与质量有关的成本* Presentation of rework (amount/costs)展示返工品(数量/成本)* Presentation of audit results展示审核结果*

56、Comparison of development objectives and development status 发展目标与发展状况对照* Presentation of customer satisfaction展示顾客满意度B - Technology and Development技术与开发Comments: 注解:The technology and development section focuses upon the process and product creation cycle.技术和开发部分的重点是过程和产品的创造周期。Checklist Overview:B1 Are the necessary methods and tools for risk assessment, error prevention and confirmation of lifetime/endurance-run characteristics applied to new products and process technologies?对于新产品和过程工艺,是否有必要的方法和工艺被应用于风险评估,错误预防和寿命/ 耐久性参数确认?B1a Does the supplier use a


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