1、在零售业中各式各样的大小对消费者选择的吸引力外文翻译外文翻译原文Assortment Size and Option Attractiveness in Consumer Choice AmongRetailersMaterial Source:Journal of Marketing ResearchAuthor:Alesander Chernev and Ryan HamiltonIntroductionAn important decision that retailers make involves selecting thenumber of items constitutingth
2、eirassortmentsin each productcategory.This decisioninvolvesoptimizingthe benefitsand costs of the assortmentsize for both buyers and sellers. Thus, from a retailers standpoint,smaller assortments are often considered more desirable for costrelatedreasons,such as inventory,shelfspace, and financingco
3、stsKurt SalmonAssociates 1993; The Partnering Group 1998. In this context, severalretailers have considered trimming their assortments to increase theirprofitmargins.Despite the evidentcost savings,thisapproach has facedresistancefrom retailersconcerned thatdecreasingassortmentsize willhaveanegative
4、impactonconsumerattitudestowardtheretailerultimatelyleadingtolower purchase probabilityBroniarczyk,Hoyer,andMcAlister1998.Theincreasingimpactofassortment sizeon retailercosts raisesthe question of how assortment size influences buyers choice of aretailer.Thus,aretailerconcernedwithcreatinga cost-eff
5、icientassortmentmightwant to know whether reducingthe number ofitems initsassortment will lead to a decline in store attractiveness and lower thelikelihoodof consumers choosing the store.Inthe same vein, aretailerconcerned with broadening its customer base might want to know whetherincreasing the as
6、sortment size will result in greater store preference.Despite the conceptual and practical importance of understanding theimpact of assortment size on consumer choice among retailers, existingresearch does not offer a clear answer to this question, and it has beenargued thatlargerassortmentscan be b
7、oth beneficialand detrimentaltoconsumers Broniarczyk2008; Chernev 2008.We address the questionofhow assortmentsizeinfluencesconsumerchoice amongretailersby investigatingtheimpact ofthe attractivenessof the options constituting these assortments on consumer preferences.Retailers vary in terms of the
8、attractiveness of the items they carry.Someretailerscarryoptionsthatare,on average, ofhigherqualityandthus are likely to be perceived as more attractive. In contrast, otherretailers carry options that are, on average, of lower quality and arelikely to be perceived as relatively less attractive. In a
9、ddition, someassortments can be perceived as more attractive because the items theycarrymatch consumer preferences.To illustrate,assortments comprisingbest-selling itemsthat are likelyto appealto a majorityof buyers arelikelyto be perceivedas more attractivethan assortmentscomprisinglesspopular item
10、s. Likewise, assortments customized to fit the preferencesof a particular customer segment are likely to be perceived as moreattractive to that segment than assortments designed to appeal toabroader segment.In this research, we argue that smaller assortments are morepreferable when choosing among as
11、sortments comprising relatively moreattractive options. We further propose that the relationship betweenassortment size and option attractiveness is concave, such that themarginalimpactofassortmentsizeonchoicedecreasesastheattractiveness of the options increases. We also posit that consumerassortmen
12、tpreferencesare a function ofthe perceivedbenefitsand costsassociated with the available assortments, such that the hypothesizedassortment attractiveness effect is more pronounced when the perceivedcosts of choosing fromthe larger assortmentare high thanwhen they arelow. The data from eight empirica
13、l studies support our theorizing andoffer converging evidence in support of the predictions.An importantaspect of a retailers decisionabout how manyitemsto carry in each product category involves understanding the impact ofassortmentsizeon consumers choiceofaretailer.Despitetheimportanceof thisissue
14、,priorresearchhas madeconflictingpredictionsabout the impact ofassortmentsizeon consumer choiceamongassortments.Thus, it has been argued that a larger number of items can both increaseand decrease theprobabilityofselectingan assortment. Weaddressthisconflictingevidence by demonstrating thatconsumer
15、preferenceforlargerassortmentsisafunctionoftheattractivenessoftheoptionsconstituting the assortments under consideration. We show that smallerassortmentstendtobe preferredprimarilyincases inwhichtheoverallattractiveness of the options in the choice set is relatively high,whereas larger assortments t
16、end to be preferred in cases in which theseassortments comprise relatively less attractive options. Moreover, weshowthattherelationshipbetweenassortmentsizeandoptionattractiveness is concave, such that the marginal impact of assortmentsizeon choice decreasesas theattractivenessoftheoptionsincreases.
17、In addition to documenting that assortment choice is contingenton the perceived attractiveness of assortment options, we show thatvarying option attractiveness can even lead to a preference reversal infavorof the smallerassortment.Indeed,infiveofthe eightexperiments,morethan50% ofparticipantsselecte
18、d the smaller assortment whenassortments comprised relatively attractive options, even though themajority of participants favored larger over smaller assortments whenchoosing among assortments comprising less attractive options. Thesecounterintuitivefindingsattesttothe strengthoftheimpactofoptionatt
19、ractiveness on choice among assortments.The findings we report apply not only to scenarios in which theonlyinformationavailable toconsumers beforechoice isassortment sizebutalsoto scenariosinwhichconsumerscanexploretheoptionsconstituting the available assortments before making a choice. This isan im
20、portantfindingbecause of the growingpopularityofonlineretailing,which enables consumers to compare the assortments different retailersofferbeforeselectinga retailer.In thiscontext,we show thateven whenconsumers go through several iterations when evaluating the availableassortments,theyarestillmoreli
21、kelytoselectfromthelargerassortmentwhen theavailableassortmentscompriserelativelylessattractive options.Note that the impact of option attractiveness on choice amongassortments documented in this research is not independent of otherfactors that might influence consumer assortment size preferences. I
22、nparticular,we argue thattheassortment-attractivenesseffectislikelyto be a function of the perceived benefits and costs associated withchoosingeachoftheavailableassortments.Thus,theassortmentattractiveness effect is likely to be more pronounced when the benefitsand costs associated withchoosing the
23、larger and thesmallerassortmentsare balanced and consumers are likely to be in different when choosingbetween the assortments. In contrast, when one of the assortments isclearlymore preferredand itsbenefitsoutweigh thecorrespondingcosts,the impact of varying the attractiveness of the assortment opti
24、ons islikely to be less pronouncedOurfindingsshow that varyingassortmentsizemighthaveadirectionallyoppositeeffecton consumer choice of a retailer,dependingon the attractiveness of the items in the assortment. Thus, in the caseof low price?quality assortments, decreasing assortment size is likelyto d
25、ecrease overall store preference; in the case of high price?qualityassortments, the negative impact of narrowing the assortment is likelyto belesspronouncedandpotentiallyeven reversed,leadingtoanincrease in overall store preference.译文在零售业中各式各样的大小对消费者选择的吸引力资料来源 :Journal of Marketing Research作者 : 亚历山大
26、 Chernev 和瑞恩 ?汉密尔顿介绍 :一个重要的决定 , 包括选择零售商构成每类产品的花色品种的项目数。这项决定涉及了优化的好处和为买家和卖家品种规模成本的设定。因此, 从零售商的角度来看 , 通常被认为是较小的花色品种更适合理由, 如库存 , 货架空间 , 理想和融资成本 (Kurt Salmon 同伴 1993 年; 伙伴合作组 1998 年) 。在这方面 , 一些零售商已经考虑削减其花色品种, 以增加其利润。尽管有明显的节约成本 , 这种方法也有担心 , 面临着各种各样的大小将减少对现在的零售商( 阿诺德 , 韦梅 , 并泰格特 1983; Louviere和 Gaeth 1987
27、) 的消费观念的负面影响同零售商的抵抗, 最终导致购买的可能性降低。该品种对零售商成本大小的影响越来越大, 如何提高产品组合对影响买家的零售商选择的问题。因此, 与创建一个成本有效的产品组合有关的零售商可能想知道是否降低其分类项目数将导致在商店的吸引力下降, 降低了消费者选择商店的可能性。同样 , 与扩大其客户群有关的零售商可能想知道是否增加的品种规模将造成更大的存储可能。 尽管了解各种各样的消费选择的影响大小在零售商之间 , 现有的研究并没有提供一个明确的答案能回答这个问题概念和实践的重要性 , 并一直认为 , 更大的花色品种对消费者可能是有益的也可能是有害的。我们解决了产品组合的影响问题
28、, 就是通过调查分析消费者的不同花色品种喜好 , 影响消费者选择不同零售商问题。不同零售商在他们携带的物品上的吸引力。一些零售商进行平均数选择是, 更高的质量 , 从而有可能被视为更具吸引力。相比之下 , 其他零售商进行平均数选择是, 质量较低 , 并有可能被认为是相对缺乏吸引力。此外 , 一些花色品种可以被看作更具吸引力, 因为它们携带的物品符合消费者的喜好。为了说明这一点, 花色品种 , 包括最畅销的项目 , 可能会吸引广大购买者的感知知觉 , 很可能是因为越来越多的分类以及冷门项目花色品种。同样 , 定制以满足特定客户群的喜好花色品种有可能被认为比设计更多的花色品种能吸引更广泛的市场领域
29、。在此研究中 , 我们认为 : 小花色品种更加可取 , 是因为它较有吸引力 , 包括花色品种选择。我们进一步建议 , 产品组合和选项之间的关系是成正比的吸引力,这样大小的品种选择上降低边际影响, 因为增加吸引力的选项。我们还假定消费者的偏好是各种各样的知觉利益与可用花色品种相关费用, 功能 , 这样的假设效果更加明显时 , 从较大的品种选择知觉成本比他们低时还要高。来自八个实证研究的资料在支持我们的理论预测, 并提供融合的证据。我们报告的结论不仅适用于场景, 其中之前提供的唯一信息是消费者的选择品种大小 , 但是在这种情况下也可以探讨消费者根据构成可用的选项花色品种 , 然后才作出选择。这是因为网上零售 , 让消费者在比较花色品种不同的零售商中选择零售商的这种日益普及的现象提供重要的发现。 在这方面 , 我们表明 , 即使消费者通过多次重复去进行评估时 , 他们更可能选择可用的品种 , 从较大的品种中选择
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