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1、Unit 3 Module 6Welcome to the UnitQuestions:1. What does each of the following gestures mean?2. Do Chinese people use such gestures?3. Can you show us some other gestures?Guess the meaning of each gesture:1.A test on cultural awareness: Guess the meaning of the following gesture.Good luck oreverythi

2、ng goes well.Someone must be crazy.I dont knowor I have no idea.I cant/didnt hear you.Thats enough or its all over for me.Thumb down sign indicates refusal or rejection.Something is a bit suspicious /odd here.Come here.OK in the USA.In Italy, Hello; in Malaysian, Come here.Oh, I forgot or a sign of

3、surprise.Slow down, Relax, or Wait a second.Guess the meaning of each gesture:4. How do we Chinese usually greet each othernow? 5. How do people from different countries greet each other? (Fill in the form)nationalityway of greetingThailandSouth AmericaThe Middle EastThe USADutchJapanput ones hands

4、together/press ones palms together and bow slightlyhug each othertouch noses shake hands firmlykiss on both cheeksbow to each otherPractice talking about cultural differences in pairs with the information in the form. You might follow the patterns below if you like.A: Its strange/ interesting/fascin

5、ating/ funny that. What do you think?/How do you find it?/ Whats your opinion about?B: I agree. / I think its good manners/polite/acceptable to Well, I think its just like the way we Sorry I dont think so./ Its bad manners/ rude/not acceptable toDiscussion:1. Why do you think that we should learn cu

6、ltural differences between different nations? 2. Which of the following words indicate the right attitudes towards cultural differences?To experience different cultures; to get a better understanding;to help strengthen relations with; to avoid unnecessary mistakes andembarrassment; to communicate fr

7、eely and effectively, to be a polite Person, etc.A. respect B. tolerate C. look down uponD. appreciate E. hate F. understand G. rejectABDFA guessing game:Match the idioms with its meaning.( ) 1. With open arms. ( ) 2. To keep a straight face.( ) 3. To put your heads together.( ) 4. To be all ears.(

8、) 5. To shrug something off.( ) 6. To be in over ones head.( ) 7. To keep ones nose out of someones business( ) 8. To pull a long face.( ) 9. To let ones hair down.a. To disregarding sth.b. To be involved in a project that is too difficult.c. To act casually, to be oneself.d. To listen attentively.e

9、. To work together with someone; to share information.f. Not to show ones true feeling; not to laugh under most circumstancesg. To show that one is annoyed.h. To pay attention to only ones own concerns.i. In a welcome and enthusiastic manner. ifedabhgcReadingPrediction According to the title of the

10、unit Understanding each other, guess what the reading is mainly about.While-reading questions:Skim to find the answers:1. What is the style of the text?2. What is the theme of the discussion?3. Which country is Waled from?4. Where does Peter come from?5. Does everyone in Brunei wear yellow?An intern

11、et chat room discussion.Cultural differences.Brunei.The UK.No. Yellow is the color for the royal family only.Scan 1.How many subjects of cultural differences are mentioned in the chat? 2. What are they? 3. Arrange them in right order. (Do C2 on p.36)4. How many examples are used in this passage and

12、whats their function?Seven.Weddings, shoes, presents, USA/UK cultural differences; and American celebration/Thanksgiving; colour of clothing; way of pointing (gestures)1. accumulate(L2) _2. unbelievable(L9) _3. embarrassing(32) _4. newly-weds(34) _5. souvenir(L35) _6. clarify(L36) _7. participate(L3

13、9) _8. bridegroom(L40) _Guessing from the context:a. A man who has just been marriedb. A thing you keep to help you remember a place or an eventc. Very difficult to believe and unlikely to be trued. Get or gather together, collecte. Make it clear or easier to understandf. Causing a feeling or awkwar

14、dness or shameg. People who have recently got marriedh. Take part, gets involved, join indcfgbeha1. Thanksgiving is held to celebrate the first harvest after the first European settlers went to live in the USA, so it is observed by both the American and the British people.2. At the thanksgiving dinn

15、er people usually have turkey.3. Its good manners for Americans as well the British to open the presents as soon as they receive them.4. In Brunei it is polite to point to someone with ones first or index finger.5. In Italy, guests are expected to give presents to the newly-weds as a souvenir to rem

16、ember the big day.6. In Brunei only the royal family are allowed to wear yellow clothes.7. Taking off ones shoes before entering someones house is what both Brunei and Chinese cities have in common.FTTFFTTCheck up understanding: T/F statementsCheck up understandingAnswer the following questions: (pa

17、ir work)1.What and by whom does Thanksgiving celebrate?2.What is the typical food eaten at Thanksgiving?3.In the west, when is the proper time to open a present? Why?4.Why do guests expect a present at a wedding in Italy?5.What cant you drink at a wedding in Brunei?6.What should you do instead of po

18、inting with your first finger in Brunei?7.What customs do Chinese cities and Brunei have in common?Consolidation IComplete the notes of the chat room discussion (see text book page 37)Even the UK and the USA seem to have different (1)_. American have something called (2) _, a festival which celebrat

19、es the first (3) _ of the settlers who went from (4) _ to the USA. British people do not (5)_ this and the British teachers in Brunei did not understand what all the excitement was about for the American teacher. The differences between (6)_ in different countries were also discussed. It seems we ne

20、ed to understand cultural differences to avoid mistakes in communication, which could be (7)_. In other words, it is easy to misunderstand things, so we need to know what is appropriate. For example, Westerners coming to the East do not know that we do not open (8) _in front of the person who gives

21、them to us. Waled told us that in Brunei it is (9)_ to point with your first finger and so they use their (10) _ instead.traditionsThanksgivingharvestEuropecelebrateweddingsembarrassingpresentsrudethumbConsolidation II (work in groups of four)Make a comparison between a western wedding and a traditi

22、onal Chinese wedding. Such as How are they dressed? Where and how do they celebrate?Who are expected to give presents?Do they go to spend honeymoon? etc.Your writing must contain these words and expressions: 1. accumulate; 2. (not) the same as; 3. be quite different from 4. in celebrate of5. Partici

23、pate in 6. giveas a souvenir to 7. have a huge banquet to 8. serve Choose a representatives from each group to report to the whole class. Homework1. Write a short passage of about 120 words to record what you have just discussed.2. Do Workbook exercises A1,A2, B1 and B2 on pages 116-117.Word PowerLe

24、arning tasks: Review the previous lesson; Learn something more about the English languageborrowed words;3. Language study( 10 items)1. Match column A with column B( ) 1. custom ( ) 2. participate( ) 3. account( ) 4. adjust( ) 5. remark( ) 6. unbelievable( ) 7. feast( ) 8. clarify( ) 9. concern( )10.

25、 accumulateA. gradually collect sthB. that cannot be believedC. cause sth to become clear or easier to understandD. take part or become involved an activity in E. change sth slightly so that it will be right for useF. generally accepted and long-established way of behavingG. unusually large and cele

26、bration mealH. things said or written as a commentI. be about somethingJ. report; descriptionFDJEHBGCIAII. Spelling according to definitions1. By delivering newspapers Tom has collected a small fortune.2. Whats the subject that you were discussing just now?3. I felt ashamed by his impolite remark ab

27、out my clothes.4. Will you give your permission to your sons marriage?5. Its a suitable behavior to take off shoes before entering someones house in cities in China.6. You are kindly asked not to smoke here.7. Critics commented that the play was not original.8. The statue was cut out of stone.9. Bri

28、tain was once ruled by France.10.She has great wishes of what university has to offer.accumulatedtopicapprovalembarrassedproperrequestedremarkedcarvedgovernedexpectationsIII. Complete the passage with suitable words The other day our English teacher r _ us to log on the internet to a_ as much inform

29、ation as we could on cross-cultural communication. At first we took it for granted that people in America and Britain shared exactly the same language and c_. It was totally out of our e_ to discover that cultural d between these two countries was u_. Americans c_ thanksgiving while many British peo

30、ple even dont even know what it is in c_ of. From then on, we began to form the h_ of noticing cultural differences so as to avoid m_ when we communicate with people of different n_. equestedccumulate ustomsxpectationifferencesnbelievableelebrateelebrationabitisunderstandingationalitiesRead the pass

31、age on page 38 and complete the following sentences:1. Many French words in English are linked to f_, c_, e_ and j_, such as r_, d_ and b_.2.From German, English borrowed many words for t_,mechanical e_, s_ and geological t_, such as c_, h_ and r_.3. English got many Italian words connected to m_,th

32、e a_ and the m_. The examples words are o_ and c_.4. Words such as spices, chemicals, animals and much of the language of mathematics are p_ by A_.oodookingntertainmentobsentistestaurantalletoolsquipmentnackstermslockamburgerocketusicrtsilitaryperaolonelrovidedrabicConsolidationComplete exercises C

33、and D on page 39.Key to exercise C:(1) Italian(2) Arabic(3) cooking(4) restaurant(5) jobs(6) ballet(7) confetti(8) colonel(9) clock(10) rocket(11) German(12) hamburger(13) alcohol(14) zeroKey to exercise D1. slept like a log2. as cool as a cucumber3. as poor as a church mouse4. as busy as a bee5. as

34、 strong as a horse Add a supplemental reading passage here on borrowed words.to broad students horizon on the English language.1. believe; believe in2. join; join in;( participate in; take part in); attend3. Going to a wedding in Italy is different from going to one in the UK.4. sb. get used to sth

35、; sb. used to do sth; sth be used to do sth5. get married/hurt/caught/paid/held up6. after all; above all; in all; at all7. point withpoint topoint atpoint out8. take offtake ontake along.take up9. give up; give out; give in; give offLanguage practice1. believe feel sure of the truth of sth; accept

36、what one says as true believe in (sth /sb/ doing sth) trust sth /sb; feel sure of the worth or truth of sth.; feel sure of the existence of sthComplete the following:1. I could hardly _ my eyes.2. You can _ him. Hell never let you down.3. Ive always _being broad-minded.4. Nowadays more and more West

37、erners begin to _ Chinese medicine.5. In ancient times, it was generally _ that the earth was the centre of the universe.6. By the way, do you _ God?believebelieve inbelieved inbelieve inbelievedbelieve in2. join + n.become a member of an organization ( esp. an army, a party, a club, a society, etc)

38、 join in sth/ doing sth or join sb in sth/doing sth take part in or participate in activitiesattendbe present at; go regularly to ( school, church, etc.Complete the following:1. Will you _ the game of playing chess?2. Sam _ the army during the Second World War.3. Lincoln _ an active _ in politics an

39、d was strongly against slavery.4. Ill _ an important meeting tomorrow.5. Athletes from all over the world will _ the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.join injoinedtook partattendjoin intake part inparticipate in3. Going to a wedding in Italy is different from going to one in the UK.Here one is used to

40、indicate a wedding in order to avoid repetition. Observe the following sentences and tell what each pronoun stands for:1. The coffee I bought yesterday seems stronger than that we usually drink.2. I dont want these green apples; I want the red ones.3. Please separate the books borrowed from school l

41、ibrary from those bought by myself.(that refers to the coffee)(ones refers to apples)(those refers to the books)4. sb. get used to sth/doing sth (sb) get accustomed to sth/doing sth sb. used to do sth sb often did sth in the past, but no longer do it now sth be used to do sth This is the passive str

42、ucture of “sb uses sth to do sth.Translate the following: 我小时候常常六点就被叫起来。我小时候常常六点就被叫起来。 因此,因此,我一直习惯早起。现在我用闹钟叫早。我一直习惯早起。现在我用闹钟叫早。 When I was little, I used to be asked to get up at six,so I have been used to getting up early. Now an alarm clock is used to wake me up in the morning5. get+ past particip

43、le 1) used instead of “be” to form passive voiceEg. get hurt ; get beaten; get dismissed; get killed; get damaged/ get held up etc. 2) used to refer to a certain state of sb/sth get married; get engaged; get caught in the rain; get paid; get dressed; get changed; get prepared; get started ( ask stud

44、ents to pick out any of the above to make a sentence)6. after all in spite of what has been said, done or expected above all most important of all; especially in all altogether; as a total at all in any way; to any extend1.There were twelve of us _ for dinner.2. I want to buy a modern and comfortabl

45、e house, but _ it should be in a quiet community.3. Dont be too hard on your son. Hes only a boy of five _.4. There are nothing _ to eat.in allabove allafter allat all7. point with aim or direct sth by using sth. point to/at direct ones attention at sb/sth point out draw attention to1.In the picture

46、 the lovely girl was pointing _ a tower in the distant _ her finger.2. The soldier pointed his gun _ the enemy and ordered him to put up his hands. towithat8. take off remove ones clothes, shoes etc.; (of a plane) leave the ground and begin to fly take on a) employ; b) begin to have a particular app

47、earance; take up occupy space or time1.We cant buy the piano before we move into the new plat as it _ too much room.2. This is captain speaking. Welcome on board. Our plane is to_ in ten minutes.3. With all the colorful lights and flags, the Taihu Square _ a festival air. takes uptake offtakes on9.g

48、ive up stop doing sth; give out be tired out; hand out; send out( heat.) give in hand over sth to sb.; allow oneself to be defeated give off send out smell, light, smoke, radiation etc.1. The doctors had given her _ but she made a remarkable recovery. 2. The cooker is giving _ a funny smell.3. After

49、 such a long walk, my legs gave _ under me.4. Please give your examination papers _ to the teacher when youve finished. upoffoutin Grammar and UsageUnreal conditional clausesStep one:Observe the following sentences and tell Whether they are real or unreal conditional clauses: If we go on polluting t

50、he world, it wont be fit for us to live in. If you are busy doing your homework, I wont interrupt you. If you have finished cleaning the classroom, you can go home now. (Under these conditions, the things are sure to happen.) If there were a lot of good restaurants in the city, this would make it mo

51、re attractive. (But there arent many good restaurantsnow.) If a lot of people spoke English, it would be very helpful for tourists. (But not many people can speak English now.)type if clause main clauserealIf sb does sth/is doing sth/has done sth.Sb. will/shall/can do sth.imaginarypresent conditions

52、If sb did/wereSb would/could/should might do sthStep II Summary:Step III.Complete the following sentences with proper verb forms:1.If he _(have) a permit, he could start his own business.2. If I _ (be) you, I would stay away from the fight.3. If you _ (go) to the exhibition, You _(enjoy) it. (But yo

53、u are not likely to go.)4. If I _(know) her number, I could ring her up now.5. If you _(try) again, you _(may succeed). (But you are not going to try.)hadwerewentwould enjoyknewtriedmight succeedStep VIRewrite the following using unreal conditional clauses:1. Football fans often fight, so many peopl

54、e stay away.2. He wont leave his bicycle outside at night.3. I cant open the door because I havent got the key.4. I have forgotten the massage, so I cant give it to her.5. Hes happy as no one interrupts him.Step VChoose one of the topics to practise using unreal conditional clause:1.Suppose you were

55、 an Englishman/ Englishwoman, how could/might/should/would you live? (eat, drink, wear, live in, do, drive, speak, like, etc)2. If you had enough money, what would you like to do most? If he failed, he should try again. ( But he is not likely to fail.) If I dyed /were to dye my hair blue, everyone w

56、ould laugh at me. (But I wont dye it.) If it should clear up tomorrow, I would/could do some washing. (but it is not likely to be fine tomorrow.)Step I Observe the following sentences and pay attention to the verb forms:type if clause main clauseimaginary futureconditionsIf sb did sth were to do sth

57、 should do sthSb would/could/should might do sthStep II Summary:Practice using the above sentence structure: Tell your partner what would you do if you were to study / should go to study in the UK next year?( eg. to prepare, to take ; to buy; to save, to live, know,to speak, to eat, etc) If you were

58、 to be a teacher in the future, what/how.Step one:Observe the following sentences and pay attention to the verb forms: If you had listened to me you would not have lost all that money. I could have saved you a lot of trouble if you had written to me. If you had applied earlier, you would have had yo

59、ur passport now. He might have given you some help if you had asked him.type if clause main clauseimaginay past actionsIf sb had done sthSb would/could/should might have done sthStep II Summary:III. Complete the following sentences using proper verb forms:1. If you had told me about it earlier, I _

60、(be able) to help you.2. If you _(can come) with us, we would have been pleased.3. You _(not make) such a mistake if you had been more careful.Step VI Retell the following sentences:1. I had the ambition to win the match at the beginning, so I succeeded.2. I went abroad at an early age so I was able to


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