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1、学术会议常用表达1. 有关会议的一般信息(1)名称conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conferenceforum, international forum workshop(2)日期dates/important dates/key dates(3)地点location/venue conference location/venue(4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference confe

2、rence themes/topics topic of interests2论文征稿、提交与录用call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submissiondeadline extendedsubmission deadline date for mortification of acceptance Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by deadline for authors notificat

3、ion camera ready version deadline3. 会议注册deadline/closing date for registrationregistration formregistration informationregistration fees and itemsofficial invitation letterpaymenttelegraphic transfer onlybank transferbank draft/check4. 会议进程及内容conference schedule/programpreliminary conference program

4、final conference programopening ceremony/sessionkeynote session/parallel session/tutorial sessionkeynote speechoral presentationposter presentationtea/coffee break(welcome)banquet(buffet) lunch/(buffet)supper5. 会议具体细节closingquestion and answer comment on speaker 6学术会议的问答讨论环节口语学术报告之后的问答讨论环节 ( Questio

5、n and Answer Sessio)n是同行之间交流的良好机 会,双方可以针对报告中的具体问题进行探讨(1)答问的方式与技巧回答讨论环节可以让报告人通过互动及时地获得信息反馈并可以把在讨论中或得的建 设性建议用于下一步的工作,因此对科研工作有很大的促进作用。对于如此重要的环节, 报告人在报告之前应进行必要的准备,尽可能地保证这一环节完整、流畅地进行,一般应 注意以下几点。 准备工作学术报告中的提问者往往是相关领域中的专家,对报告的内容非常熟悉,因此所提出 的问题可能会有相当的深度、广度以及不可预见性,有时甚至直接指出研究工作中的不完 善之处或漏洞所在。由于时间关系,回答者在现场一般没有充分

6、的时间进行考虑,这就要 求报告人要事先进行充分的准备。在报告前,报告人应将对答环节的准备作为准备工作的 一部分,进行深入考虑,全面的预测听众可能提出的问题,可以假设一些问题,并准备好 最合适的解答。如果会议没有统一安排每个报告的问答环节,报告者在进行报告时就要预 先告知听众随后的 QA Session,这样可以让听众为提问做好准备。 过程控制在时间允许的情况下尽可能让每个想提问的人都有机会提问,不要让少数提问者的提 问占据整个讨论环节,应按照提问者举手示意的顺序来请出提问者。在开始回答问题时, 首先与提问者目光接触,然后转向其他所有听众,这样可以获得所有听众的注意。在回答 完毕之后,可以再次通

7、过目光了解提问者是否对回答表示满意。报告人应控制整个讨论的 过程,对于与主题无关的问题可以礼貌地回避。 答问方式应首先仔细听清问题,在回答之前应将问题清楚的重复一遍,这可以保证对问题的正 确理解,确保每个人都能听清楚问题,同时给自己一些时间来思考,表述答案前可做片刻 停留,这既引起了听众的注意,又表明了对答案的谨慎态度,同时也给自己留更多的思考 空间。不要对问题进行评价,避免说类似“ That was a great question”的话,如果想要对某 一问题进行肯定, 可以用“Thanks for asking that questio”n或“ I get asked that quest

8、ion by many people.”等中性的表述,还可以让听众感到平等。回答问题时应尽可能简洁,切题。在回 答中应尽可能多地提及报告中的内容,这有利于听众对报告内容加深印象,并有利于控制 问答环节的主题。 问题的类型对于寻求具体解释的一些问题, 可以简单地重复报告的内容来对问题进行说明或证明, 或是澄清听众的误解。如果提问者对报告内容提出不同见解,可以通过资料、事实、数据 等来证明自己的观点,但一定注意态度要礼貌谦和。对于过于复杂的深层问题无法进行简 单回答时,可以在简略回答之后邀约提问者在其他时间进行讨论。对于听众的评价或是建 议应表示感谢,但要控制时间,适时地打断发言人并转入下一个问题

9、。对不知道答案的问 题应坦率的承认,不要回避或转换话题,并尽可能提供相关的书籍,资料或是该方面的专 家以供参考。 时间的把握为了能够巧妙地结束回答问题环节,可事先准备一段总结性的陈述用来重申报告主题 并结束问答环节。注意在达到规定时间时应立刻结束讨论环节,在回答最后一个问题之前 们就要礼貌地表示即将超时,并可以让其他提问者将问题留在会后进行讨论。 提问者的礼仪大型会议中回答环节的时间往往比较短暂,提问者应抓住机会参与讨论,同时应注意 以下方面。如果为提问者准备了麦克风,则应在拿到麦克风后等待阿加安静下来在进行提问;大 声地表述,让提问者和听众都能够听清楚问题;不必解释提问的理由以免浪费时间,但

10、如 果适宜可以需要地介绍自己(一定要简要) ;对所提的问题应做好准备,以保证问题的有效 性(不要提那些答案显而易见的问题)提问务必简短;每次尽量只提一个问题,把更多的 机会留给其他听众。(2)常用表达 提问I would like to ask/address/raise a question aboutI would like to know(whether)I would be glad to know(whether)I have a question aboutMay I ask (a question about) ?My question is/concerns/is concer

11、ned withWhat I would like to ask isWhat I am asking isI wonder if you would like to explain/comment on the point ofI would be grateful/appreciate/obliged/for(to have) some explanation aboutI wonder if you would be kind enough to explain/comment on/give some example forI wonder (What I am wondering i

12、s)I am curious about/interested in/keen on(whether/why/how/what/when) ?Could you please tell me whether/why/how/what/when ?Do you mind showing me whether/why/how/what/when ?I could not understand what you really mean byDo you have any ideas about ?What do you think of/about?Could you back up?Could y

13、ou give us an example about?Could you provide any example to prove what you have said abou?tCould you give any example that shows? 回答a. 对问题进行确认Are you asking me the question about?I am not quite about the question? Do you mean?I am not quite sure what your question is. Could you address your questio

14、n more specifically?What do you mean by ?I don t known whether I have understood your question correctly. Do you mean.?b. 肯定会否定的表示Yes. /I do.The answer is (not) correct/true/rightExactly!Precisely!I think so.I think you re right.I don t think so.That is just what I mean.That is not what I mean.I (do

15、n t) believe/consider/suppose/regard the viewpoint is true.Sure. /Absolutely. /Certainly. /Definitely.No, (absolutely/certainly/definitely) not.I m in complete agreement.I (quite) agree.I couldn t agree more.c. 正面回答My answer(to the question) isTo answer this question, I would like to say thatThe dir

16、ect/simple/brief answer to the question isLet me answer your question by same examples ofI d like to make a few comments on/explanation aboutI think I can give you a few general comments on/explanation aboutTo comment on the question of you, I have made comparison between andI d like to present/offe

17、r/give/express/state my opinion onIn my opinion, the conclusion can be supported by the experimental result thatTo answer your question, I d like to repeat what I said just know.I think this picture will be helpful for your understanding.Here, Id like to explain it briefly.My idea is on the basis of

18、 two points. The first is, and the second isI will explain by some examples.d. 非正面回答Now I can only present same estimation about thatAs far as I know, little in-depth research has bean carried out yet.I can only provide/I have only a partial answer to that question.Thats one possible explanation, bu

19、t not the only one.Im afraid its a bit difficult for me to present some experimental data at the moment to support the theory since my idea is mainly out of theoretical consideration.Im afraid the question is too complicated to be answeredw ith a few words. Id like to discuss it with you after the s

20、ession.I think the answer to the question needs some further study.I m afraid is not within the field of the presentation.I m not sure if what youre saying has any relevance here.I m not sure if what youre saying has anything to do with our problem.I m not sure if what youre saying really matters in

21、 this case.I m not sure if what youre saying is relevant to our problem.e. 无法回答时的表述I m sorry my experience/knowledge about your question is very limited so I think I cannot give a good answer to your question.Im sorry I really don t know the answer to the question.Unfortunately I cannot answer the question at the moment.I m afraid I have no idea how to answer your question (about that).Sorry, I m afraid I know little about that matter,


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