



1、美国大学奖学金申请材料及模板:个人简历模板ResumePersonal informationName: XXXBirthday: December 5,1990Gender: femaleSchool: Senior High School Affiliated To Jiangsu Educational InstituteEmail :Tel:Address:Education informationSeptember 2003- July 2006 Foreign Language School Xianlin Campus Of Nanjing, ChinaSeptember 200

2、6-July 2009 Senior High School Affiliated to Jiangsu Educational InstituteHonors and Award2008.4Got the second prize in the 10 th “ YuWenBao” Cup National MiddleSchool Student Composition Contest2007- 2008 Awarded as “ Excellent Student Se”nioinr High School Affiliated to Jiangsu Educational Institu

3、te2006- 2007 Awarded as “ Excellent Studentin Se”nior High School Affiliated to Jiangsu Educational Institute2006-2007 Got the second prize at the Track and Field Events in Senior High School Affiliated to Jiangsu Educational InstituteHobbies:Extensive interest: volleyball, music, travel, skiing, re

4、ading and writing.Characters :independent, optimistic, diligent, enthusiastic 个人陈述模板Personal StatementI am the applicant Hu Lin. I came from Nanjing First High School, and will graduate in July 2008. Through various channels, I know about your umiversity, and I am now applying for it.I am sure with

5、the further study at your university; I can build up a strong base from which I can fulfill my career goals. I am also confident that I can complete the studies successfully. I believe that my study in your school will greatly benefit my future career.Social capability is very important to me, and I

6、 am always keen to meet new people. I trust that with an analytical mind and the everlasting interest to finding an answer will help me to complete my study. In the process of studies, I preferred such teaching mode as class, group discussion, and the like, and I always took active part in them, act

7、ing as group leader and leading the members to select topic, collect materials and make topic report.In my spare time, as a member of Red Cross, I have done many voluntary works, such as visiting some old people who live alone on Mid-autumn festival.At the same time ,I have broad interests. I am ope

8、n-minded, hard working, with a sense of responsibility and co-operation. I attended all sports meetings' m very gboaosdkeattball.during my school life, and II willThank you very much for your careful consideration.I do hope you could give me the chance to realize myself, and after completion of

9、the studies, return to contribute my learning to my motherland.Sincerelyyours,Hu Lin 在读证明及成绩单模板证明及成绩单Certificate and School Report兹证明XXX,女,出生于198x年x月x日,于2006年9月进入我校高中部,将于 2009 年 6 月毕业获得高中毕业证书。This is to certify that xxx, female, born on xx xx 198x, wasenrolled at the senior department in our school

10、in September,2006 and will get Full-time Regular High School GraduationCertificate in June, 2009.学期 Term科目 Subject、咼一 Grade One高二 Grade Two高三 Grade Three第一学期First Term第二学期SecondTerm第一学期First Term第二学期SecondTerm第一学期First Term第二学期Second Term语文 Chinese88929384数学Math93959690英语 English91959195思想品德90888687

11、Politics历史 History90898987地理92909088Geography物理 Physics9496化学 Chemistry生物 Biology88868581体育PE92899082音乐Music85828388美术 Drawing91939080劳技90Housework信息 Computer87以上各科成绩满分为 100 分。(Full mark of each subject above is 100.)xxx 中学xxx High School大学联盟奖学金选拔项目申请材料个人材料1. 高中在读证明 (学校文头纸加盖学校公章)中英文对照 5 份2. 高中信封 5 个

12、 封口处盖章 但不要封口3. 在校学习成绩单 (学校文头纸加盖学校公章)中英文对照 5 份4. 语言成绩单 ( TOEFL ,IELTS, SAT, ACT 等)5. CV (简历)(初中填起 附以成长历程中的获奖资料)6. PS(个人陈述)7. 学校2位老师推荐信(英文,由老师亲笔签名一式4份,并留老师电话、e-mail)8. 奖状、荣誉证书. 家庭材料1. 家庭户口本复印件 (首页及家庭成员)2. 学生个人身份证 / 护照(复印件)3. 银行存款证明书 (5 份):由银行出具的(除了农村信用合作社和邮政储蓄 的任何银行),冻结期半年以上,金额在 40 万以上。联系方式 :025-美国大学详

13、细信息可以登陆我们的网站查阅 :推荐信模板Recommendation LetterTo whom it may concern,I deem it a great pleasure to recommend Mr. Xiangwei Han, one of the outstanding students in our Jiangsu Province Pei County Middle School.Since his enrollment into our school with remarkable entrance scores, Han has embodied the fine

14、character of strong inquisition and industriousness in learning, which has gained him significant academic records during his three years in our school. I am aware of his distinctive academic performance as reflected in his transcripts. He has been awarded diplomas of “ ThreeGoods Student ”almost ev

15、ery year. Mr. Xiangwei Han has a strong desire to further his studies and wants to learn more advanced knowledge as well as practical skills in the United States.As to his character and personality, he is indeed a courteous, pleasant and good young boy. And he is able to communicate well with others in both written and spoken English. Besides he gets almost everything ready to study i


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