



1、How Can I Demonstrate to My Building PrincipalThat I Am an Effective Physical Education Teacher?如何向“我的建设性校长”证明自己是一个“有效的体育教师”In this new era of measuring teacher quality and student achievement, NASPE/AAHPERD, your professional education association, wants to help you document how you improve the qua

2、lity of life for your students. The role of a physical education teacher requires a performance-evaluation system (一个工作表现评价系统)that acknowledges the complexities of the job(职业的复杂性). This NASPE/AAHPERD guidance document provides you with multiple data sources that will give you greater objectivity and

3、 reliability in documenting your performance.【教师教育质量】和【学生学习成就】的测量和评价进入了一个新时代,NASPE/AAHPERD作为体育教育的专业组织,试图协助体育老师进一步改善【为学生而创设的生活质量】。体育教师的角色需要一个【工作表现评价系统】以告知外界这个职业的复杂性。这份指南会提供你一个多元化的数据资源,也会给你实现自身工作表现的更大目标和可靠性提供协助。1. Provide evidence of teaching and learning in your physical education class.提供体育课堂上教和学的证据

4、。Provide your principal with an annual plan for physical education instruction, block plans for each unit of study and daily lesson plans. These lesson plans should include:向校长提供体育课程指导年度计划,这个计划必须覆盖到每一个单元和每一节课。这个教学计划理应:l Clear alignment with state and/or National Standards for Physical Education.l 清晰

5、地按照州或国家体育课程标准实行定位;l Student objectives and appropriate learning activities that align with congruent student assessments.l 具有高度匹配(一致)性的学生【学习目标】、【学习活动】和【成绩评价】;l A variety of instruction methods.l 一套多样化的指导方法;l Strategies for providing appropriate challenges to all students.l 为所有学生提供合适的挑战策略;l Strategie

6、s for differentiation.l 应对个体差异的策略;l Strategies for creating/maintaining a physically and emotionally safe classroom.l 创设和维持体育课堂学生身体和情绪安全的策略。2. Provide evidence of efficient program management.提供实施高效率课程管理的证据l Maintain supervision of and a safe environment for students.l 保持监督,确保学生享有安全的运动环境;l Maintain

7、an accurate inventory of equipment and supplies for maintenance, replacement and replenishment.l 维持够用的教学装备(器材、设备和教具)供应库存,即时实行维护、更换和补充;l Review the program annually; document strengths and weakness and make recommendations.l 对体育课程的实施情况进行年度总结,指出进步和不足,并提出改进建议;l Review facilities annually and report cri

8、tical needs as they occur.l 对体育设施(包括场馆、器材、装备、教具等)使用情况进行年度总结,并就最重要的需求提出报告;l Demonstrate use of technology to enhance instruction, manage student and program data and generate reports.l 应用现代科技强化【课堂指导】、【学生管理】、【课程数据收集】和【生成报告】。3. Provide evidence of professional development.提供个人职业发展的证据l Develop an annual

9、 professional-development plan. Use NASPEs Physical Education Teacher Evaluation Tool to identify potential instructional competencies to address in your plan.l 制定个人的年度职业发展计划,要求运用【国家体育教师评价工具】识别自身潜在的指导能力的发展空间(即个人的发展方向)。l Seek out professional-development opportunities that enhance your skills.l 积极寻求提

10、升自身技能的职业发展机会。l Share new and innovative ideas learned with administrators and other school staff.l 善于向领导或其他教师学习,分享他们的改革新思想。l Open yourself to new and innovative ideas by reading Strategies and/or JOPERD(美国体育娱乐舞蹈杂志), and by attending national, district or state AHPERD conferences.l 通过阅读国家战略性文件或体育学术刊物

11、,参加全国性、地区性及州一级的学术会议,拓展自己的视野,吸收创新的思想。l Use NASPEs Appropriate Instructional Practice Guidelines for Physical Education checklist documents as a self-study tool to drive your professional-development choices.l 以NASPE制定的【体育课程合理指导实践指南】的【对照检查表】作为自我学习的工具,进行职业发展的选择。4. Assess your students in accordance wit

12、h curricular objectives and physical education standards, and share results with your building principal and parents.以课程目标和体育标准对学生进行评估,并将评估结果与你的建设性校长和家长进行分享;l Use NASPEs PE Metrics assessments to evaluate your elementary and secondary students successes toward meeting the National Standards for Phys

13、ical Education.l 运用NASPE的【体育测量评价工具】估量和评价中小学生的成绩是否达到【国家体育标准】;l Demonstrate to your principal and other stakeholders that your students are learning in physical education class.l 向校长和其他的利益攸关者证明你的学生在体育课堂上的学习效果(即:学生的进步);l Demonstrate student achievement in meeting established curricular targets/ benchma

14、rks by collecting data on student learning.l 收集学生学习行为的数据,证明学生的进步能够达到预期的课程目标和各个观测点的要求;l Conduct action research and collect data on accomplishments of the students you serve, demonstrating the impact of your program.l 实施行动研究,收集所教学生的进步数据,证明你执教的影响力;5. Engage the school community. 推动校园(体育与健康)社区建设l Estab

15、lish regular communication with families, which might include newsletter articles, surveys, family physical activity events, etc.l 与学生家庭保持经常性的沟通,具体方式可以是散发通讯文章、进行家庭调查、组织家庭身体活动项目等;l Support the greater school-wide curriculum and culture.l 为学校的“大体育课程和文化”提供技术支持;l Establish positive report with staff and

16、 students.l 为教职员工和学生制定积极性的健康报告;l Develop a joint-use agreement with community partners to enhance support and accessibility to PE/PA programs.l 与社区合作伙伴签订联合使用场馆的协议,以确保对体育课程和身体活动的支持及可及性;l Partner with your PTA/PTO to support supplemental equipment for PE/PA programs.l 与【家庭教师】和【校外辅助教师】建立合作伙伴关系以支持学生的体育课

17、程和身体锻炼活动;6. Be the physical activity champion in your school.成为学校的身体活动冠军(模范)l Create a culture of physical activity within your school by coordinating the components of a comprehensive school physical activity program:通过推行一种综合性的、协调所有部门的身体活动计划,在学校创造一种身体活动的文化;(即:贯彻“全纳性原则”)l Physical education. 模范的体育课程

18、l Before- and after-school physical activity. 倡导上学前和放学后的身体活动l Physical activity during the school day. 组织学生在校期间的身体活动;l Staff involvement. 教职工全员参与;l Family and community involvement. 家庭和社区的参与;l Develop positive relationships with local media outlets, and promote the programs you have in place and the success of the youths you engage.l 与地方媒体建立积极的关系,推广自己主导的学生身体活动计划,宣传学生在体育运动方面的成就。体育教师“教”什么? Teaching for skill dev


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