



1、用药说明书英语翻译一、For skin patches :皮肤膏Apply the patch to a clean, dry skin area that has little or no hair and is free of scars, cuts, or irritation. Remove the previous patch before applying a new one.将膏药贴在没有毛发或毛发很少、无疤痕、无伤口、无发炎、干净、干燥的皮肤部位。Apply a new patch if the first one becomes loose or falls off.如所贴膏

2、药己松开或脱落,请更换新膏药。Apply each patch to a different area of skin to prevent skin irritation or other problems.每贴膏药应贴在不同部位,以避免刺激皮肤或导致其他问题。Do not try to trim or cut the adhesive patch to adjust the dosage. Check with your doctor if you think the medicine is not working as it should.不要因为药量大小而裁剪膏药。如药物作用不够,可咨

3、询医生。二、For inhalers:吸入器Medicines that come in inhalers usually come with patient directions. Read the directions carefully before using the medicine. If you do not understand the directions, or if you are not sure how to use the inhaler, check with your doctor.吸入性药物通常伴有病人用药说明。用前应仔细阅读说明。如无法看懂或不敢确实如 何使

4、用,请咨询医生。Since different types of inhalers may be used in different ways, it is very important to follow carefully the directions given to you.不同的吸入器有不同的使用方法,因此,使用时务必遵照说明°三、For ophthalmic eye drops:眼药水To prevent contamination, do not let the tip of the eye drop applicator touch any surface inclu

5、ding the eye and keep the container tightly closed.为防止污染,切勿将点眼器碰触物体表面包括眼睛,将盖盖紧。The bottle may not be full; this is to provide proper drop control.眼药瓶内留有一定空隙,便于滴药时控制。How to apply: First, wash your hands. Tilt your head back and, with the index finger, pull the lower eyelid away from the eye to form a

6、 pouch. Drop the medicine into the pouch and gently close your eyes. Do not blink. Keep your eyes closed for 1 to 2 minutes.用法:先洗手。头后仰,用食指将下眼睑下拉,使成袋状。将药物滴入袋内,轻轻合 上眼睛。勿眨眼。合眼1-2分钟。If your medicine is for glaucoma or inflammation of the eye: Follow the directions for application that are listed above.

7、However, immediately after placing the drops in your eye, apply pressure to the inside corner of the eye with your middle finger. Continue to apply pressure for 1 to 2 minutes after the medicine has been placed in the eye. This will help prevent the medicine from being absorbed into the body and cau

8、sing side effects.青光眼或炎症眼药:按药物说明使用。药物滴入眼睛后,即用中指按压眼内角1-2分 钟,以防止药物被躯体吸收,导致副作用。After applying the eyedrops, wash your hands to remove any medicine.用药毕,洗手,放好药品。四、For ophthalmic eye ointments:眼药膏To prevent contamination of the eye ointment, do not let the tip of the applicator touch any surface including

9、 the eye. After using, wipe the tip of the ointment tube with a clean tissue and keep the tube tightly closed.为防止污染,切勿将点药器头触碰任何物体表面包括眼睛。用后应用干净手纸擦拭点 药器头部,盖好药管。How to apply: First, wash your hands. Pull the lower eyelid away from the eye to form a pouch. Squeeze a thin strip of ointment into the pouch. A 1一 centimeter approximately 1/3-inch strip of ointment is usually enough unless otherwise directed. Gently close your eyes and keep them closed for 1 to 2 minutes.用法:先洗手。


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