



1、英语时态填空题一、 用所给动词的正确时态和语态填空。1 The sun _ (rise) in the east and _( go)down in the west.2 _ he _(swim) in the river now?3 -Do the Greens still live here ? - No, they _(move ) away. 4 He _( read ) “Red Star over China” , isnt he?5 We are going to visit the museum if it _( not rain) next Sunday.6 - Is Kat

2、e at home?- NO, she isnt. She _( go ) to the shop.7 What _ you _(do) from nine to eleven yesterday morning?8 I know nothing about the book because I _(not read) it before.9 My watch is broken. My father said he _( buy ) me a new one.10 _(must) all trees _(water)well when it is dry?11 There _(be) an

3、interesting film tonight.12 Where _ he _(go) the day before last?13 The Great Wall of China _(know) to people all over the world .14 Usually he _(hear) to sing in the nest room.15 There_ (be) a hospital in the small town since thirty years ago.16 A bridge _(build) over the river last year.17 I will

4、tell you after I _(hear)from Mr. Black.18 The students _often _(tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.19 How long _ you _(study) in this school?20 My brother _(walk) to school every day last year.21 That play _(put) on again sometime next month.22 He _(visit) the science museum twice a month.

5、23 Look, the young man _(run) after the bus.24 By last week my uncle _(be) ill in hospital for 2 months.25 I wonder if Mr. Zhang _(speak) at the meeting tomorrow.26 Where did you study before you _(go) to colledge?27 _you _(like) learning a foreign language?28 The children _(draw ) some pictures on

6、the blackboard, arent they?29 The old man is ill. He _ (must send) to hospital.30 My father _(not have) lunch at the factory sometimes.四、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.       Sometimes he _(go) to school on foot.2.       She often _(watch) TV on S

7、undays.3.       The boy _(not bring ) his homework every day.4.       _you _(like) English?5.       What _his father usually          in the even

8、ing(do) ?6.       Mr. Liu _(have) no children.7.       We _(not have) lessons on Saturdays.8.       _his mother _(cook)? Yes, she does.9.       Forty plus fifty

9、 _(be) ninety.10.  My brother _ (like) playing football very much11.  Where do your grandparents come from? They _(come) from Guangdong.12.  They _(have) a party yesterday evening.13.  She _(not play) the guitar last week.14.  _ your sister

10、 _(study) in this school two years ago?15.  There _(be) a little factory in this town in 2001.16.  _you _(see ) a film this morning?17.  Where _you _(work) last year?18.  When _you _(buy) the book? I _(buy) it when I _(be) ten years19.  _he _(live) h

11、ere? No, he didnt.20.  He _(read) an interesting book now.21.  She _(make) a model plane these days.22.  Look! The boys _(play) soccer.23.  Listen to the little girl. She _(recite) a poem.24.  Where is Tom? He _(stand) under the tree.25.  I

12、ts five oclock. The students  _(play) sports.26.  What are you doing? I _(write) and he _(watch) TV.27.  _your friends _(prepare) for the test? Yes, they are.28.  He _(not do) his homework. He _(play) video games now.29.  They _(leave) here tomorrow.

13、30.  I _(not go ) to the city next week.31.  _ he _(come ) here and help me this evening?32.  There _(be) a school here in 2007.33.  The Olympic games _(hold) in Beijing in 2008.34.  What _the weather_(be) like the day after tomorrow?35.  W

14、hat day _it _(be) the day after tomorrow?36.  What _she _(do) this afternoon?37.  _the tourists _(get) here soon?38.  _the foreigners _(visit) our school? Yes, they will.39.  The teacher _(come) right away.40.   _he _(not finish) the work at onc

15、e?41.  I want _(be) a teacher when I am an adult.42.  She would like _(help) us tomorrow.43.  It took me two days _(finish) the work.44.  Id love _(go) to your party the day after tomorrow.45.  I can help my friends_(decorate) the party.46. 

16、0;I want Han Mei _(get ) together with us.47.  He is trying _(draw) a nice horse.48.  Its time for you _(go) home now.49.  We go to the Square _(watch) football games.50.  They eat grapes _(bring) good luck.51.  The teacher asks the students _(listen

17、) carefully.52.  He asked us _(not go) out in the night.53.  He needs _(go) to see a doctor.54.  He tells us _(not forget) _(go ) there. on time.55.  The best time _(go) to Yunnan is in spring.56.  They are busy _(harvest).57.  She enjoys _

18、(listen) to the music.58.  What about _(have) a picnic?59.  In fall, we often go _(hike) to the mountains.60.  I spend two hours _(do) my homework every day.61.  Do you like _(live) in the city?62.  Do often go _ (climb) mountains?63.  On H

19、alloween, the children of go _(trick-or-treat).64.  Are you good at _(perform) Chinese kung fu?65.  Before you _(enter) someones house, you should take off your shoes.66.  There are many young people _(work) in the factory.67.  People honor their mothers by _(

20、send) flowers and cards.68.  Let me _(help) you.69.  Lets _(go) and _(have) a drink, shall we?70.  Youd better _(be) polite to your mother71.  You d better _(not watch) too much TV.72.  They often go and watch the boys _(perform) piano-playing.73.

21、60; If it _(not rain) tomorrow, we will go to the zoo.74.  When he _(get) to Shanghai next week, he will write to us.75.  After he comes back, I _(tell) you to know.76.  She _(bring) to the Great Wall next year afternoon if she _(have) time.77.  Can you _

22、(work) out the math problem now?78 They _(talk) about the film when I came in.79 English _(teach) in this school since 1978.80 Jack _(begin) to learn Chinese two years ago.81 Dont make so much noise. The baby _(sleep).82 If it _(rain) tomorrow, we _(not have) a picnic in the park.83 Our school _(hol

23、d) a sports meeting next week, isnt it?84 When I got to the station, the train _(leave). So I had to wait for the next one.85. Mr. Smith said that he _(visit) our school the next week.86. Meimei enjoys _(sing) English songs. By the end of last year she _(learn) 30 English songs.五 用所给动词的适当语态填空:1. Her

24、 house _ last year. (sell)    2. The book _ by a famous singer 30 years ago. (write)3. I _ to post the letter, but I forgot. (tell)  4. He is a good teacher and _ by all of us. (love)5. He said that his wallet _ in the bus. (steal)  6. Its a very interesting b

25、ook. It _ very well. (sell)7. Its dangerous. Something must _ to stop them. (do)   8. The war _ out in 1935. (break)9. English _ in every school here. (teach) 10. The woman _ to enter the bank with a man just now. (see)11. Your clothes wants _. They are too dirty. (wash)12. You _

26、 to the country to work next year. (send)13. You cant use the office. It _ now. (repair)14. More money should _ on the work. (spend)15. It _ that he had stolen the money. (believe)六 根据中文提示完成句子:    1. 小花不是在写作业,她在画画。      Xiao Hua _ _ homework. She _ _ pict

27、ures.    2. 今天李老师穿着一件红色的连衣裙。      Miss Li _ _ a red dress today.    3. 你爷爷在看报纸吗?      _ your grandpa _ the newspaper?    4. Tom和Jim在做什么?      _ _ Tom and Jim _?    5

28、. 他们是在打篮球还是在打排球?     _ they _ basketball _ volleyball?    6. 孩子们在干什么?他们在唱歌、跳舞。      _ _ the children _? They _ _ and _.    7. 你喜欢跑步吗?不。      _ you _ _?   No, _ _. 参考答案:   

29、;  1.goes 2. watches 3. doesnt bring 4. Do, like 5.does, do 6.has  7. dont have 8. Does, cook 9. is 10. likes 11. come 12. had   13. didnt play 14. Did, study 15. was 16. Did, see 17.did, work 18. did, buy, bought, was 19. Did, live 20. is reading    21. is makin


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