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1、考点一形容词与副词的句法功能对比形容词和副词都是起修饰作用的词。它们各自的功能如下:词功能例句形容词定语She is a beautiful girl.她是一个美丽的女孩。表语The meal is very delicious.这顿饭很美味。宾语补足语You must keep the classroom clea n.你必须保持教室清洁。副词状语He gets up late today.今天他起床晚。后置定语(表位置)Life here is rich and in terest ing.这里的生活既富裕又有趣。表语Class is over.放学了。用法提示:1.有些形容词,如 alo

2、ne,afraid ,asleep,awake等,只能作表语,不能作定语。如: a Ionely man个孤独的人(不能说 an alone man)。2. 有些形容词,如:many, wooden, golden等,只能作定语,不能作表语。如:Thisis a wooden house.(但不能说 This house is wooden.)。3. 多个形容词作前置定语修饰一个名词时,其先后顺序一般遵循如下规律:描绘性形容词+ 形状+年龄或新旧+颜色+地区或产地+材料+用途+名词。我们可以把上述七条加以简化为:描、形、年、颜、地、材、途。如:It ' s a beautiful ta

3、ll building.(描、形)It ' s a fine old stone bridge.(描、年、材 )It ' s a nice big old black Chinese wooden writing desk.(描、形、年、颜、地、材、途)4. 若地点副词与时间副词同在一句中,则地点副词在前,时间副词在后。同一性质的 副词,小单位在前,大单位在后。如:I ' m going to meet her at the station in Shanghai at ten o' clock tomorrow.明天上午十点我会在上海车站接她。例 1 It &

4、#39; s very of you to work out the problem for me.That' s all right.A. kindB. cleverC. n ecessary解析:句意:“你帮我解出这道题来,真是太好了。” “不用客气。” kind “友好的”,符合题意。答案:A例 2 Have some ice cream , please.Mm it tastes .A. goodB. betterC. well解析:句意:“请吃些冰激凌吧。”“嗯,尝起来很好。”结合句意可知没有比较,故排除 B项。taste尝起来,感官系动词,后加形容词。good形容词,好的;

5、well副词,好地。故选A。答案:A例 3 Though the old man is ,he doesn ' t feel .A. l on ely;al oneB. alon e;l on elyC. l on ely;lo nely解析:句意为“虽然这位老人独自一人,但他并不感到孤独” 。alone “单独的” ;Ionely“孤独的”。答案:B考点二形容词与副词的构成由形容词构成副词时,有以下几种方法:1. 大多数形容词在词尾加-ly。如:careful carefully;quick quickly;bright brightly;polite politely2. 以“辅音

6、字母+y”结尾的形容词,把y变成i,再加-ly。如:easy easily;happy happily;lucky luckily;heavy heavily3. 以“元音字母+e”结尾的形容词,需去e再加-ly。如:true truly4. 以le结尾的形容词,需去 e再加-y。如:terrible terribly;simple simply;possible possibly【注意】少数以-ly结尾的词是形容词,而不是副词,这类词有:friendly(友好的),Ionely(孤独的),homely(家常的),motherly(慈母般的),deadly(致命的),lively( 活泼 的)

7、,manly(男子气概的)等。有些形容词本身又是副词。如:alone, far, near,fast , early , late , high等。例1(用所给词的适当形式填空)lt rained (heavy) , so he didn ' t go towork yesterday.解析:所填词修饰动词rain,应用heavy的副词形式heavily 。 答案:heavily例 2 (用所给词的适当形式填空)The mother looked(angry)ather naughtydaughter.解析:angry为形容词,所填词修饰动词look,所以应用其副词形式 angrily

8、 。 答案:angrily考点三形容词、副词比较等级的构成大多数的形容词、副词都具有原级、比较级和最高级三种形式。比较级和最高级的构成 方式如下:1.规则变化直接在词尾加-er,-est原级比较级最咼级smallsmallersmallesthighhigherhighestfastfasterfastest以不发音的字母e结尾,在词尾加-r,-st原级比较级最咼级nicenicernicestlargelargerlargestlatelaterlatest以“辅音字母+y”结尾,把y变为i,再加-er,-est原级比较级最咼级easyeasiereasiesthap pyhappierha

9、ppiestearlyearlierearliest(4)以辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-er,-est原级比较级最咼级bigbiggerbiggesthothotterhottestthinthi nnerthinn est(5)多音节词和部分双音节词,在其前加more, most原级比较级最咼级popularmore popularmost populardeliciousmore deliciousmost deliciousquicklymore quicklymost quickly例 1 Actions speak tha n words.A. loudB

10、. louderC. loudest解析:than为比较连词,其前应用形容词或副词的比较级。答案:B例 2 The you eat , the you will be.A. more healthily;more healthilyB. more healthily;healthierC. healthier;healthierD. healthier;more healthily解析:这里考查"the+比较级,the+比较级”句型,即"越,就越” 。句意为"你吃得越健康,身体就越健康”。第一个空用副词healthily 的比较级more healthily ;第

11、二个空用healthy 的比较级healthier 答案:B2.不规则变化原级比较级最咼级good, wellbetterbestmany, muchmoremostbad, ill , badlyworseworstfarfartherfarthestfurtherfurthestoldolderoldesteldereldestlittlelessleast考点四 比较等级的几种常用句型结构1. “as+形容词/副词原级+as”表示“一者和另一者一样”。Mary is as tall as Jan e.玛丽和简一样高。He can type as fast as she can.他打字能够

12、打得和她一样快。2. “not.as/so+形容词/副词原级+as” 相当于“ less+原级+than ”,表示“一者不像另一者”或“一者不如另一者”。Jack is not as/so careful as I.杰克没有我细心。Lucy didn ' t learn so carefully as Mary.露西学习不如玛丽认真。3. “ A+比较级+than+B ”结构意为“ A比B”。Our school is larger tha n theirs.我们的学校比他们的大。Peter jumps higher than Bob.彼得比鲍勃跳得高。4. “比较级+and+比较级”

13、表示“越来越”。As summer is coming , the day is beco ming Ion ger and Ion ger.夏天至U了,天变得越来越长了。It is raining more and more heavily now.现在雨下得越来越大了。5. “ the+比较级,the+比较级”表示"越,越”。The warmer the weather is , the better the crops will grow.天气越暖和,庄稼长得就越好。The harder you work ,the better you ' ll learn.你越努力,

14、学得就越好。6. “ A+. +the+ 最高级+in/of/amo ng. /定语从句”表示"在某范围内 A最”Tom is the tallest i n his class.汤姆是他班里最高的。She is the most beautiful of us all.她是我们当中最漂亮的。考点五比较等级之间的转换1. 原级与比较级之间的转换,可用"less+原级+than ”替换"not so/as+原级+as”。Our garden isn' t as/so beautiful as theirs.t Our garde n is less beau

15、tiful tha n theirs.2. 比较级之间的转换。常改变比较对象的位置或使用反义词。My sister is three years older tha n I.t i am three years youn ger tha n my sister.3. 最高级与比较级之间的转换。A. 用"比较级+than+any other+ 名词单数”。如:Tom runs fastest i n his class.t Tom runs faster tha n any other stude nt in his class.B. 用"比较级+than+all the o

16、ther+名词复数”。如:She is the most beautiful girl in the school.t She is more beautiful tha n all the other girls in the school.C. 用"比较级 +than+anyone/anybody/anything+else”。女口:Joh n is the tallest here.t Joh n is taller tha n an ybody else here.D. 用"否定词+比较级+than ”。女口:Health is the most valuable

17、for us.t Nothing is more valuable than health.E. 用"否定词+. +as/so+ 原级+as”。如:Jim is the most dilige nt stude nt in our class.t No stude nt is so dilige nt as Jim in our class.4. 表示倍数,如"/ 两倍 / 三倍 / 四倍 /”用"twice/three/four/. times+as.as.” 结构。This book costs three times as much as that one.

18、这本书的价钱是那本书的三倍。An elepha nt is about ten times as heavy as a horse.大象约有马的十倍重。例 (根据上句完成下句 )A:Mike is 17 years old and Kate is 15 years old.B:Kate is two years Mike.解析:由上句可知, Mike 17岁,而Kate只有15岁,所以Kate比Mike小两岁,用英 语表示为 two years younger than.。 答案:younger than考点六比较级和最高级的修饰语1. 比较级的修饰语。当强调比较的程度时,可以在形容词、畐U词

19、的比较级前使用much, a little ,even,still , a lot , far 等。如:She is much taller tha n her sister.她比她姐姐高很多。I ' m feeling far better today.今天我感觉好很多。【注意】very , quite常用来修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。如:他比我咼很多。(x )He is very taller than me.(V )He is much taller tha n me.例 1 How do you like the banana milk shake?I love it. I li

20、ke ittha n yogurt.A. very much B. even betterC. a littleD. much less解析:由比较连词than可判断,这里填比较级,排除A、C两项。由句子I love it. 可 排除D项。答案:B例 2 There used to be lots of fish in the lake.Yes, but there are very now.A. fewB. fewerC. littleD. less解析:very修饰形容词或副词原级,故排除 B、D两项;根据but there are. 可知, 所填词修饰可数名词复数(fish)。故选A。答

21、案:A2. 最高级的修饰语。常用的此类修饰语有序数词以及much, (by)far , nearly , almost等。如:The Yellow River is the seco nd Ion gest river in Chi na.黄河是中国的第二长河。Of all the students, Jack is almost the best in maths.在所有的学生中,在数学方面杰克几乎是最好的。This is (by)far the best song that I' ve ever heard. (=This is the best songby far that I

22、 ' ve ever heard.)这是到目前为止我听过的最好的歌。考点七使用比较级时的三个注意事项1. 注意比较的对象要保持前后一致。 上海比北京人多。(x )The population of Shanghai is larger than Beijing.(V)The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing. 一班的学生比二班的多。(x )There are more students in Class 1 than Class 2.(V)There are more students in Class 1 th

23、an those in Class 2.2. 避免将主语含在比较对象中。中国比非洲的任何一个国家都大。(x )China is bigger than any other country in Africa.(V )Chi na is bigger tha n any country in Africa.3. 要避免重复使用比较级。(x )He is more cleverer than his brother.(V )He is cleverer tha n his brother.例 1 This morning Jack came to school tha n stude nt in

24、hisclass.A. much late;a nyB. much late;a ny otherC. much later;a nyD. much later;a ny other解析:much用作比较级的修饰词,表示同一范围内进行比较时,常用“than any other+名词单数”,故选Db答案:D例 2 Things made by hand are usually more expensive than produced infactories.A. theseB. thisC. thatD. those解析:比较的对象要一致。也就是说“手工做的东西”要和“工厂里的产品”比较。前面的

25、things提示为复数,所以用 those指代things。 答案:D1. (2016 天津)A journey by train isA. more relaxi ngB. relaxi ngrelax ingA句意:坐火车旅行比乘大巴旅行更放松。 为多音节词,其比较级为more relaxi ng2. (2015 天津)Tom fell off his bikeA. quietlyB. carefullyD 句意:Tom从自行车上摔了下来,他的手伤得很严重。细地,认真地”,slowly “慢地3. (2016 上海)This temple is one of actio n to prot

26、ect it.A. oldB. oldertha n by coach.C. most relax ingD. the most根据句中的than可知该句使用比较级,而relaxing。故选A。,and his hand was hurt .C. slowlyD. badlyquietly“安静地” ,carefully “仔Do均与句意不符。故选buildi ngs in the tow n. We must takeC. oldestD. the oldestD句意:这座庙宇是这个城镇上最古老的建筑之一,我们必须采取行动保护它。由"one of +the+形容词最高级+名词复数”

27、可知选 Do4. (2016 重庆 A 卷)I think it ' s necessary to learn how to work in groups.I quite agree. Sometimes it ' s even than grades.A. less importa ntB. more importa ntC. the least importa ntD. the mostimporta ntB句意:“我认为学会怎样分组工作是必要的。”“我非常同意。有时这甚至比成绩更重要。"lessimportant 不女口重要; more important 更重

28、要;the least important 最不重要;the mostimportant最重要,even修饰比较级,排除 C、D两项;结合句意可知选B。5. (2016 广东)Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is thesecond .A. deepB. deeperC. deepestD. the deepestC句意:在中国沿岸的四个海中,东海是第二深海。“the+序数词+最高级”表示“第几大(长、深等)”,结合句中的seco nd可知其后用最高级,且不加定冠词the,故选G6. (2016 安徽)Mr. Black ' s memoryis getting . As a result , he often leaveshis keys at home.A. olderB. poorerC. greaterD. betterB句意:布莱克先生的记忆力正变得 。结果,他经常将钥匙忘在家里。older更老的;poorer更差的,更穷的;greater更棒;better更好。分析:既然他经常将钥匙忘在家里, 那么他的记忆力应是变得越来越差。故选


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