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1、BJ修年九零零 二和年八九九一,行«次首年八八九一 «刊会员委事海际国海的罗波由,有所>版© BIMCO1.琳算署地和日期襟型船舶管理曲K褊虢:“SHIPMAN 2009第一部分2.琳赢起始日期(第 2, 12, 21和25择)3.船束(姓名/名耦、公司音主册地及登IB法)(第1脩)(i)姓名/名耦:(ii)公司音主册地:(iii)登 IS 法:5.公司(参照ISM / ISPS规划封公司的定袤)(篇明公司名情和阈除海事( IMO)戢别代碣。如果公司是力商,遣需嘉明音主册地及主管地)(第 1 和 9(c)(i)(i)姓名/名耦:(ii)阈除海事别代碣:(ii

2、i)公司言主册地:(iv)主管地:4.管理人(姓名/名耦、公司音主册地及登IB法 )(第1脩)(i)姓名/名耦:(ii)公司音主册地:(iii)登IS法:6.技彳村营理(按ii定填舄 是,或古,弟4修)7.船H首理(按H定填舄 是或 古"弟5(a)保)8.商ft管理(按fit定填舄是域否")( 6僚)9.租船服矜期(第8橄中填嘉 是”需填(第 6愉10.船H保安排(按!定填嘉是"或否”)(i)船H保 (第5(b)脩):是(ii)上船船H保(第 5(b)(i)脩):是*船_管理(第5(a)脩)琳定方逾用(兄第 7 ffl)11.保安排(按!定填嘉 是"或否

3、"第7脩)12.逗撵性保 (填定的逗撵性保如海盗、绑架典金、租金揖失和抗辩的(第10(a)(iv)脩)13.滞区内金(嘉明遇期未付款HOmI的比率)14.年度管理费(填嘉年度金H )(第12(a)脩)15.船舶管理人指定H户(第12(a)脩)16.日费率(填嘉超遇H算天数的费率)(第12(c)脩)17.墉修期PM (第12(d)脩)18.最低合同期限(填嘉月数)(第 21(a)脩)19.止管理费(填嘉申tot用的月数)(第22(g)脩)20.遣散费(填瘾上限)(第22(h)(ii"僚)21.解决健撵填嘉第23(a)、23(b)或23(c)脩;如填嘉第 23(c)脩,gW明

4、仲裁地黑占)(第23脩)22.通知(填写完整聊给信息,以寄发通知及通讯予船东)(第24条)23.通知(填写完整聊给信息,以寄发通知及通讯予管理人)(第24条)It is mutually agreed between the party stated in Box 3 and the party stated in Box 4 that this Agreement consisting of PART l and PART ll as well asAnnexes"A” (Details of Vessel or Vessels),“B (Details of Crew),“C (

5、Budget),“D (Associated Vessels) and attached hEretoF shafflcbeduperformed subject to the condition s contained herein. In the event of a conflict of conditions, the provisions of PART l and Annexes"A' ,"B ,“Cshall prevail over those of PART ll to the extent of such conflict but no furt

6、her.第3和第4栏所载订约方逵成以下共本协议包含第一和第二部分以及本协议随附的附件“A”船舶详情卜“B船(员详情)、“C预算)及“D'相关船舶),以及E”(费用表);曼方必须遵照当中所载条文履行。如若本当中所载条文产生冲突,仅就产生冲突的脩文而言,第一部分及附件“A "B 'C ”吸E”的条文将侵先於第二部分的条文。波箍的海和阈除海事委_1曾 (BIMCO)檄津船舶管理愤定-褊虢:“SHIPMAN20U9签署(船东)签署(管理人)附件“A”船舶辞情)愤日期:参看愤!第一部分第1楠船舶名耦:WH281船舶辞情: 船舶(型 IMO褊虢 建造年份 余明嗽位 浮嗽位 载重嗽

7、 船旗1111111111111331波箍的海和阈除海事委_1曾 (BIMCO)檄型船舶管理愤定 -褊虢:“SHIPMAN 2009 附件"B'船HiW情)愤ti日期:参看愤ti第一部分第1楠船ittl情:参看如下船I1名军噢 船是 怖m 大副 大管二副 二管 三副 三管水手是 铜匠 大厨 韩穗水手 加油 水手*救人数:人附件“C W)愤日期:参看愤!第一部分第1楠管理人算由本琳定起始日期(言青参看S!第一部分第二楠)起生效:船具工瓷-USD/天就I穗费用-物料-配件-滑油-修理费-保-一般费用-合rF -usd/ 天管理费-usd/天BrF -usd/ 天波箍的海和阈除海事

8、委_1曾(BIMCO)檄型船舶管理愤定 -褊虢:“SHIPMAN 2009附件“D相信司船舶)注:愤定曼方鹰注意,一旦填嘉本附件“D;曼方符受本愤S!第22僚第(b)(i)款修文的限制愤!1日期:参看愤!第一部分第1楠相信司船舶辞情: 瓢波箍的海和阈除海事委_1曾(BIMCO)檄型船舶管理愤定-褊虢:“SHIPMAN 2009附件“ET聋用表)蒯 八、第二部分"SHIPMAN 2009"檄型船舶管理愤定第一的予-合同基磁1. 定nIn this Agreement save where the context otherwise requires, the followin

9、g words and expressions shallhave the meanings hereby assigned to them:在本愤中,除文中另有所指外,下列春司言吾具有本文所赋予的含羲。“Company (with reference to the ISM Code and the ISPS Code) means the organization identified inBox 5 or any replacement organization appointed by the Owners from time to time (see Sub-clauses 9(b)(

10、i) or 9(ii), whichever is applicable).“公司”(参照阈除安全管理(ISM )规即和阈除船舶和港口施保安(ISPS) OlJ )指本愤S1第一部分第5楠所列明的横,或者由船束指定的其他任何替代横。熊青参看修款第9(b)(i)或9(c)(ii)脩"Crew' means the personnel of the numbers, rank and nationality specified in Annex"B" hereto.“船it"指本愤ti附件"B"所载明的船it人数、及阈籍辞情。“C

11、rew Insurances " means insurance of liabilities in respect of crew risks which shall include but not be limited to death, permanent disability, sickness, injury, repatriation, shipwreck unemployment indemnity and loss of personal effects (see Sub-clause 5(b) (Crew Insurances) and Clause 7 (Insu

12、rance Arrangements) and Clause 10 (Insurance Policies) and Boxes 10 and 11)."船具彳"指就船所投保的保船包括但3t不限於身故、永久残疾、疾病、彳寡害、遣返、船舶失事失及偃I人财物损失。熊青参看修款第5(b)修(船保)、第 7脩(保安排)和第 10修(保军)以及本愤!第一部分第10和11楠)“Crew Support Costs “ means all expenses of a general nature which are not particularly referable toany ind

13、ividual vessel for the time being managed by the Managers and which are incurred by the Managers for the purpose of providing an efficient and economic management service and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall include the cost of crew standby pay, training schemes for offic

14、ers and ratings, cadet training schemes, sick pay, study pay, recruitment and interviews."船it支援费用”指管理人因提供高效及合乎湃原期的管理服矜而生的所有一般支,但支不能 清楚分撰至管理人富日寺所管理的任何一僚船舶。在不损害前述规定的一般性原HU下,支包括候派船 I1薪金、高级船I1和普通船I1培就情十重、WT生培就情十重、病假薪金、迤修假期薪金、招聘及面成 本。“Flag State " means the State whose flag the Vessel is flying

15、."船旗阈”指船舶熟挂卜某一阈家的阈旗即具有阈阈籍,道彳固阈家即船的船旗阈。“ISM Code means the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor."阈除安全管理(ISM )规即"指(阈除海事(IMO)通谩决fg案 A.741(18)所探纳的)船舶安全和 防止污染的a除管理规即以及其彳爰任何相信司修言丁。“ISPS

16、Code means the Internati onal Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities and the relevant amendments to Chapter XI of SOLAS and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor."阈除船舶和港口施保安(ISPS )烷HU "指(2002年12月阈除海事海上保安外交大唐通谩 的)船舶和港口施保安的阈除烷期和阈除海上人命安全公余勺(SOLAS )第十四章相信司修言丁内容以及其彳爰任何相信司修言

17、丁。“Managers' means the party identified in Box 4.“管理人"指本愤S!第一部分第4楠所指的前1勺方。aManagement Services" means the services specified in SECTION 2- Services (Clauses 4 through 7) asindicated affirmatively in Boxes 6 through 8, 10 and 11, and all other functions performed by the Managers under t

18、he terms of this Agreement.“管理服矜"指本愤第一部分第6至8楠,10和11楠所示!定的,第二-服矜(修款第4-7修)中列明的服矜、以及在此愤H修款下管理人所施的其他所有功能。“OwnerS' means the party identified in Box 3."船柬”指第3楠所指的前1勺方。“Severance Costs “ means the costs which are legally required to be paid to the Crew as a result of the early termination of

19、 any contracts for service on the Vessel.“遣散费”指因提前止船it在船服矜雇用合余勺而须依法支付予船it的费用。"SMS means the Safety Management System (as defined by the ISM Code)."SMS ”指安全管理ft系(根掳®除安全管理( ISM )规即所定兼)。“STCW 95" means the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkee

20、ping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended in 1995 and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor."STCW 95 "指一九七八年海曼培前I、樊瞪和值班檄型阈除公余勺,於一九九五年修言丁,或其彳爰任何相 修言丁。“Vessel" means the vessel or vessels details of which are set out in Annex«A attached hereto."船舶”指一艘或多艘船舶,有信司辞情载於本琳定附件&quo

21、t;A" o2. Commencem ent and Appointment2. 愤的生效舆委IE管理With effect from the date stated in Box 2 for the commencement of the Management Services and continuing unless and until terminated as provided herein, the Owners hereby appoint the Managers and the Managers hereby agree to act as the Managers

22、 of the Vessel in respect of the Management Services.船柬it此委任管理人而管理人it此同意搪任船舶的管理人,自本愤!第一部分第2楠所述日期起生效及持有效,除非或直至按本愤!规定予以止。3. Authority of the Managers4. 管理人的本瞿利Subject to the terms and conditions herein provided, during the period of this Agreement the Managers shall carry out the Management Services i

23、n respect of the Vessel as agents for and on behalf of the Owners. The Managers shall have authority to take such actions as they may from time to time in their absolute discretion consider to be necessary to enable them to perform the Management Services in accordance with sound ship management pra

24、ctice, including but not limited to compliance with all relevant rules and regulations.在本愤所载修款及修件的规定下,愤期管理人以船柬代理人的身份代表船柬轨行船舶的管理 服矜。施有效的船舶管理服矜,管理人有本瞿探取他例is悬必要的有信司行勤,包含但不僮限於履行本 愤si所有相信司修文及规定。第二-服矜5. Technical Management6. 技秫亍管理(only applicable if agreed according to Box 6).d堇在愤t1第一部分第6示t!定的情况下方遹用)The

25、Managers shall provide technical management which includes, but is not limited to, the following services:管理人提供技街管理,包括但不限於以下服矜:(a) ensuring that the Vessel complies with the requirements of the law of the Flag State;(b) ensuring compliance with the ISM Code;(c) ensuring compliance with the ISPS Code

26、;(d) providing competent personnel to supervise the maintenance and general efficiency of the Vessel;(e) arranging and supervising dry dockings, repairs, alterations and the maintenance of the Vessel tothe standards agreed with the Owners provided that the Managers shall be entitled to incur the nec

27、essary expenditure to ensure that the Vessel will comply with all requirements and recommendations of the classification society, and with the law of the Flag State and of the places where the Vessel is required to trade;(f) arranging the supply of necessary stores, spares and lubricating oil;(g) ap

28、pointing surveyors and technical consultants as the Managers may consider from time to time to be necessary;(h) in accordance with the Ownersinstruc tions, supervising the sale and physical delivery of the Vesselunder the sale agreement. However services under this Sub-clause 4(h) shall not include

29、negotiation of the sale agreement or transfer of ownership of the Vessel;(i) arranging for the supply of provisions unless provided by the Owners; and(j) arranging for the sampling and testing of bunkers.(a) 碓保船舶符合船旗阈的法规要求;(b) 碓保符合阈除安全管理(ISM ) OiJ ;(c) 碓保符合阈除船舶和港口施保安( ISPS) W ;(d) 提供遹任之人力管理及整:督船舶的雉修

30、及整ft效能;(e) 按船束的要求和檄型安排及整:督船舶迤韩墉、雉修、改装及保鬟,但悬碓保船舶符合船级社的要求及建H、船旗阈及地I®的法律,管理人有本瞿生必要的费用;安排供鹰必需的物料、配件及滑油;(g) 管理人熬悬必要日寺,委聘瞬船肺及技循濯(冏;(h) 按照船束指示,根摞船舶H整:督管理船舶的和物交割。但是本修款(4(h)下的服矜不包括船舶愤定或船舶所有本瞿的判;(i) 安排食物的供鹰,船束有供鹰除外;(j) 安排油it的取檬及椀限1。5. Crew Management and Crew Insurances6. 船具管理和船具保(a) Crew Management(only

31、 applicable if agreed according to Box 7)The Managers shall provide suitably qualified Crew who shall comply with the requirements of STCW 95.The provision of such crew management services includes, but is not limited to, the following services:(a)船J1管理d堇在本愤I1第7楠!示I!定的,f#况下方逾用)管理人根摞STCW95的规定提供遹任船具,此

32、XK管理服矜包括但不限於以下:(i) selecting, engaging and providing for the administration of the Crew, including, as applicable, payroll arrangements, pension arrangements, tax, social security contributions and other mandatory dues related to their employment payable in each Crew member s country of domicile;(i)

33、箭逗及聘用船提供遹富的船I!管理,包括薪金、退休金安排、税赋、社曾保费的缴区内及每偃I船I1所腐阈家强制要求雁付的舆Hit相信司的款项 ;(ii) ensuring that the applicable requirements of the law of the Flag State in respect of rank, qualification and certification of the Crew and employment regulations, such as Crew s tax and sociainsurance, are satisfied;(ii)碓保船具在H

34、级、资格及if善以及雇用法规(包括船具税赋、社曹保等方面均符合船旗阈法律 的规定;(iii) ensuring that all Crew have passed a medical examination with a qualified doctor certifying that they are fit for the duties for which they are engaged and are in possession of valid medical certificates issued in accordance with appropriate Flag State

35、requirements or such higher standard of medical examination as may be agreed with the Owners. In the absence of applicable Flag State requirements the medical certificate shall be valid at the time when the respective Crew member arrives on board theVessel and shall be maintained for the duration of

36、 the service on board the Vessel;(iii)碓保全ft船it均已通;®I格,3t由合格!生筵樊if善if明他俯遹合拢事受聘的岗位,所有船I1均持 有根摞船旗阈相信司规定或船柬所同意的更高檄型的ft横要求所筵彝的有效健康if。在船旗阈没有相信司规 定的情况下,船I1於上船服矜期健康itW保持有效;(iv) ensuring that the Crew shall have a common working language and a command of the English language of a sufficient standard to

37、enable them to perform their duties safely;(iv)碓保船it使用共同的工作言吾言,英文水型足以安全地履行其1«;(v) arranging transportation of the Crew, including repatriation;(v)安排船具的交通事宜,包括遣返;(vi) training of the Crew;(vi)安排船it的培就I;(vii) conducting union negotiations; an(vii)舆工曾迤行判;(viii) if the Managers are the Company, ens

38、uring that the Crew, on joining the Vessel, are given properfamiliarisation with their duties in relation to the Vessel s SMS and that instructions which are essentiato the SMS are identified, documented and given to the Crew prior to sailing.(viii)如果管理人是 公司(参® ism /isps搬(幽公司的定羲),碓保封上船船迤行船舶安全管理

39、ft系( SMS)中相鹰的岗位HIT的熟悉就1穗,熟悉就I穗是安全管理ft系必不可少的一部分,需在船H上船前迤行、 碓IS及言己金录存槽。(ix) if the Managers are not the Company:(ix)如果管理人不是 公司 渗照ISM / ISPS城(国公司的定割:(1) ensuring that the Crew, before joining the Vessel, are given proper familiarisation with their duties in relation to the iSM Code; and(1)碓保船I1在上船前,迤行了

40、阈除安全管理( ISM )规即相鹰的岗位101的熟悉前|穗;(2) instructing the Crew to obey all reasonable orders of the Company in connection with the operation of the SMS.(2)指厚船J1遵守 公司 渗照ISM / ISPS城(幽公司的定割 有信司安全管理It系(SMS )暹行的所有合理的命 令。(x) Where Managers are not providing technical management services in accordance with Clause

41、4 (Technical Management):(x)如果管理人 不提供第4修(技秫管理)的技秫管理:(1) ensuring that no person connected to the provision and the performance of the crew management services shall proceed to sea on board the Vessel without the prior consent of the Owners (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld); and(1)需碓保在徵得

42、船柬同意前(一旦船柬同意,不可瓢故拒余自),船具管理服矜相信司人不可上船;(2) ensuring that in the event that the Owners darungd alcohol policy requires measures to be taken prior to the Crew joining the Vessel, implementing such measures;(2)碓保如果船柬要求在船具上船前,就II物和酒精政策探取措施,须遵照孰行;(b) Crew Insurances(b)船具保(only applicable if Sub-clause 5(a)

43、 applies and if agreed according to Box 10)The Managers shall throughout the period of this Agreement provide the following services:(彳堇在修款5(a)逾用及愤I1第一部分第10橄!示I!定的,f#况下方逾用)管理人鹰在本愤定期限内提供以下服矜:(i) arranging Crew Insurances in accordance with the best practice of prudent managers of vessels of a similar

44、 type to the Vessel, with sound and reputable insurance companies, underwriters or associations. Insurances for any other persons proceeding to sea onboard the Vessel may be separately agreed by the Owners and the Managers (see Box 10);(i)根摞同型船领先管理人的最佳安排船I1保逗撵信警良好的保公司、承保人或保曹。每一位上船船I1的保需军褐呈船束和管理人同意。(

45、J1制Hi第一部分第10楠);(ii) ensuring that the Owners are aware of the terms, conditions, exceptions and limits of liability of the insurances in Sub-clause 5(b)(i);(ii)碓保船柬都瞭解修款5(b)(i)的保文规定、JT任免除和JT任限制;(iii)ensuring that all premiums or calls in respect of the insurances in Sub-clause 5(b)(i) are paid by th

46、eir due date;(iii)碓保彳紧款5(b)(i)中保的所有保费在到期日前支付;(iv) ensuring that all premiums or calls in respect of the insurances in Sub-clause 5(b)(i) are paid by their due date;(iv)如果不增加I©外费用,碓保修款5(b)(i)中的保符船束作悬全耳粉合投保人,除非另有余勺定,船束封典此保相信司衍生的保费或追加保费不K有任何JT任。(v) providing written evidence, to the reaso nable sa

47、tisfaction of the Owners, of the Managers compliance with their obligations under Sub-clauses 5(b)(ii), and 5(b)(iii) within a reasonable timeof the commencement of this Agreement, and of each renewal date and, if specifically requested, ofeach payment date of the insurances in Sub-clause 5(b)(i)(v)

48、在本愤S!生效日、或筵生效日、或,如特别要求,脩款 5(b)(i)中的保支付日始起的合理畤内,管理人就修款 5(b)(ii)和5(b)(iii)中鹰承搪责任的轨行情况提供善面imt,以满足船束的需要。6Commercial Management6.商I1管理(only applicable if agreed according to Box 8).The Managers shall provide the following services for the Vessel in accordance with the Owners instructions, which shall inc

49、lude but not be limited to:d堇在第一部分第8楠!示I!定的,f#况下方逾用)管理人须按船柬的要求提供如下船舶服矜,包括但不限於:(a) seeking and negotiating employment for the Vessel and the conclusion (including the execution thereof) of charter parties or other contracts relating to the employment of the Vessel.If such a contract exceeds the perio

50、d stated in Box 9, consent thereto in writing shall first be obtained from the Owners;(a) fl求船舶租it及就租it事宜迤行磋商,言丁立 (包括筵署)租船合余勺或有信司船舶租it的其它合条勺。如 若有信司合余勺超谩本愤ii第一部分第9楠所载的期限,即首先必须取得船柬的善面同意;(b) arranging for the provision of bunker fuels of the quality specified by the Owners as required for the Vessel s

51、trade;(b)安排提供船束指定的、符合船舶的燃油;(c) voyage estimating and accounting and calculation of hire, freights, demurrage and/or despatch monies due from or due to the charterers of the Vessel; assisting in the collection of any sums due to the Owners related to the commercial operation of the Vessel in accordan

52、ce with Clause 11 (Income Collected and Expenses Paid on Behalf of Owners);(c)提供航次估算及幔目以及言十算鹰收或鹰付船舶租用人的租金、费、滞期费及/或速遣费;根摞第11修烷定,代表船束愤助收取及支付租船相信司费用;If any of the services under Sub-clauses 6(a), 6(b) and 6(c) are to be excluded from the ManagementFee, remuneration for these services must be stated in

53、Annex E (Fee Schedule). See Sub-clause 12(e).如果修款6(a)、6(b)和6中任一服矜未包含在管理费中,适些服矜的费用须列明在附件E(费用表)中。言青参看修款12(e)。(d) issuing voyage instructions;(e) appointing agents;(f) appointing stevedores; and(g) arranging surveys associated with the commercial operation of the Vessel.(h) 航次指引;(e)委聘代理人;委聘礁工;(g)安排有信司船

54、舶的查。7. Insurance Arrangements8. 保安排(only applicable if agreed according to Box 11).The Managers shall arrange insurances in accordance with Clause 10 (Insurance Policies), on such terms as the Owners shall have instructed or agreed, in particular regarding conditions, insured values, deductibles, fr

55、anchises and limits of liability.堇在愤t1第一部分第11示t!定的,ffrM下方遹用)管理人if根摞第10 »款(保军)按照船束指示或同意的修款安排保事宜,尤其是信司於保修件、保值、封免踣率、相封免配率及有限JT任(最高踣)。第三育?-责任8. Managers ' Obligations9. 管理人责任(a) The Managers undertake to use their best endeavours to provide the Management Services as agents for and on behalf of

56、 the Owners in accordance with sound ship management practice and to protect and promote the interests of the Owners in all matters relating to the provision of services hereunder.(a)管理人承m等竭翥全力,按照有效的船舶管理作卷船柬代理人代表船柬提供定的管理服<,以及保障和提升船束在本下所提供的服矜相信封的一切事宜方面的才瞿益。Provided however, that in the performance

57、 of their management responsibilities under this Agreement, the Managers shall be entitled to have regard to their overall responsibility in relation to all vessels as may from time to time be entrusted to their management and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing,

58、the Managers shall be entitled to allocate available supplies, manpower and services in such manner as in the prevailing circumstances the Managers in their absolute discretion consider to be fair and reasonable.但是,管理人在履行本愤的管理责任日寺,有才瞿因K及委管理所有船舶的整nw任,按富前情?兄下, 以管理人慎重考彳爰is悬公平合理的方式,分配可用的供鹰品、人力及服矜,但不能损害前述规定的 一


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