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1、g&l辈陆工程翘技苒B艮畫任乞司! HUALU ENGINEEjRnG & lECJiHOLOGIY EC.LTD.东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范SZlu t忧学工业部SAifli+K)陕西东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范编号:HUALU-08038-PCM-010301(版次:0版)华陆工程科技有限责任公司东鑫垣煤化工项目部二一二年二月东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范HUALU华莊工稈科技有眼美任艺司HUALU ENGINEERHG & TECMNOLCX3V CO.LTD.C化学工业部象亢设计院)审核:审批:东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范SElu t址学工业部凱

2、亢迎计院)华時工稈利技苒眼羞任艺司 HUALU ENGINEEJttnG 呂 lECHMOLOaV CC.LTD.1总则1.1工程施工及验收规范是工程建设实施过程中,对工程质量实施、质量管理、 质量检验、质量监督和工程验收的法律、法规性文件,必须严格贯彻执行。1.2在工程建设的各项技术活动中,认真贯彻技术规范、规程,是东鑫垣煤化工 项目技术和质量管理的重要内容之一。规范、规程及标准是对产品(工程)的质 量、规格、性能、验收方法、包装、库存保管、运输等方面的要求所做的规定。1.3施工工程除符合施工及验收规范的要求外,还应满足设计文件的要求,对于 引进工程则应满足外商的要求。1.4本标准所列标准规

3、范版本均为有效版本,而所有标准均可能被修改,故使用 时应经核实后采用所列标准的最新版本。2施工常用标准规范一览表序 号标准编号标准名称备注-一一建筑工程1GB/T50228-96工程测量基本术语标准Stan dard for basic term of con struct ion measureme nt2GB50026-2007工程测量规范Code for con struct ion measureme nt3GBJ145-2007土的分类标准Standard for classification of soils4GB/T50123-1999土工试验方法标准Stan dard for

4、soil test method5GB10183-2005桥式和门式起重机制造及轨道女装公差Cranes-Overhead traveling cranes and portal bridge/Cranes-T olerancesformanufacture and tracks laying6GB10854-89钢结构焊缝外形尺寸Weldouter-dime nsionsfor steelcon struct ion7GB12219-89钢筋气压焊Gas pressureweldingof reinforcingsteel bar8GB12573-2008水泥取样方法Sampli ng me

5、thod of ceme nt9GB14902-92003预拌混凝土Ready-mixed con crete10GB50108-2008地下工程防水技术规范Tech nical code for waterproof of un dergro und engin eeri ng11GB50119-2003混凝土外加剂应用技术规范Applving technical code for concrete#东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范SElu t址学工业部凱亢迎计院)华時工稈利技苒眼羞任艺司 HUALU ENGINEEflnG & 7ECHMOLOGIV CC.LTD.序 号标准编号标

6、准名称备注faste n solvate12GB50152-92混凝土结构试验方法标准Stan dardfor method of con cretestructure13GB50164-92混凝土质量控制标准Stan dard for con crete quality con trol14GB50202-2002建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范Code of accepta neeof con struct ionquality of buildi ng foun dati on15GB50203-2002砌体工程施工质量验收规范Code for accepta nee of con st

7、ruct ion quality of masonry engin eeri ng16GB50204-2002混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptanee of constructional quality of con crete structure17GB50205-2001钢结构工程施工质量验收规范Code for accepta neeof con struct ionquality of steel structure18GB50206-2002木结构工程质量验收规范Codeforcon struct ionqualityaccepta nee of timb

8、er structures19GB50207-2002屋面工程施工质量验收规范Code for accepta nee of con struct ion of house surface engin eeri ng20GB50208-2002地下防水工程质量验收规范Code for Accepta nee of Con struct ion Quality of Un dergr ound Waterproof21GB50209-2010建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范Code for accepta nee of con struct ion floor engin eeri ng22GB50

9、210-2001建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范Code for accepta nee of decoratio n and fitme nt of con struct ion23GB50212-2002建筑防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of anticorrosive engineering of buildings24GB50224-2010建筑防腐蚀工程质量检验评定标准Standard for inspection and evaluation of anticorrosiveengineeringquality

10、ofbuildi ngs25GB50300-2001建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准Un ited sta ndard for con structi onal qualityaccepta neeofbuildi ngengin eeri ng26GB50301-2001建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范Standard for inspection and evaluation of con struct ion engin eeri ng27GB 50309-2007工业炉砌筑工程质量验收规范Code for quality in spect ionandaccepta neeof in dust

11、rialfurn aces3东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范SElu t址学工业部凱亢迎计院)gM华時工稈利技苒眼盖任艺司| HUALU ENGINEEfinG & 7ECHMOLOCIV CC.LTD.序 号标准编号标准名称备注buildi ng28GB50310-2002电梯工程施工质量验收规范Code for accepta neeof in stallati onquality of lifts, escalators and passe nger con veyors29GB/T50315-2000砌体工程现场检测技术标准Tech nical sta ndard for si

12、te in specti on of mas onry30GB50328-2001建设工程文件归档整理规范Code for con struct ion project docume nt fili ng and arran geme nt31GB50330-2002建筑边坡工程技术规范Tech nical code for con struct ion side slope engin eeri ng32GB50339-2003智能建筑工程质量验收规范Code for accepta neeof quality ofin tellige nt buildi ng systems33GB505

13、00-2008建设工程工程量清单计价规范Code of valuation with bill quantity of con struct ion works34GB50141-2008给水排水构筑物施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of con struct ional structures of water supply and sewerage35GBJ108-87地下工程防水技术规范Waterprooftech ni calcodeforun dergro und con structi on36GB50144-2008工业

14、厂房可靠性鉴定标准Standard for reliabilityevaluationofin dustrial factory buildi ngs37GB50021-2001岩土工程勘察规范Code for investigation of geotechnical engin eeri ng38GB8923-88涂装前钢材表面腐蚀等级和除锈等级Rust grades and preparation grades of steel surfaces before applicati on of paints and related products39CECS102:2002门式钢架轻型房

15、屋钢结构技术规程Tech nicalspecificati onfor steelstructure of light-weight buildings with gabled frames40CECS04:88静力触探技术标准Technical Standard for Soil Static Probe Test41CECS99:98岩土工程勘察报告编制标准Stan dardforcompilati onforGeotech ni cal In vestigati on Report42SH3510-2000石油化工设备混凝土基础工程施工及验 收规范Specificati on for t

16、he con struct ionand#东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范SElu t址学工业部凱亢迎计院)gr i华時工稈利技苒眼畫任艺司 HUALU ENGINEEAHG 呂 IECHHOLOGIV CC.LTD.序 号标准编号标准名称备注accepta nee of petrochemical equipme nt con crete foun dati on43SH3535-2002-T石油化工混凝土水池工程施工及验收规 范Specificati on for the con struct ion and accepta nee of con crete water pit engin

17、 eeri ng for petrochemical in dustry44SH3534-2001石油化工筑炉工程施工及验收规范Specificati on for the con struct ion and accepta nee of furn ace brick lining engin eeri ng for petrochemical in dustry45SH/T3528-2005石油化工钢储罐地基与基础施工及验 收规范Specificati onof con struct ionandaccepta nee for petrochemical steel storage tan

18、k sugared & foun dati on46SH/T3529-2005石油化工企业厂区竖向布置工程施工 及验收规范Specificati onofcon struct ionandaccepta neeforeyardpav inglayoutengin eeri ngforpetrochemicalenterprises factorings area47SH3507-1999石油化工钢结构工程施工验收规范Specificati onfor con struct ionandaccepta neeof steel structure forpetrochemical in d

19、ustry48JGJ 79-2002建筑地基处理技术规范Tech nical specificati on for con struct ion foun dati on49JGJ 94-2008建筑桩基技术规范Technical Code for Building Pile Foun dati ons50JGJ 4-1994灌注桩基础设计与施工规程Specification for design andcon struct ion of poured-pile foun dati ons51JGJ 18-2003钢筋焊接及验收规程Specificati on for Weldi ng and

20、 Accepta nee of Reinforcing Steel Bars52JGJ/T27-2001钢筋焊接接头试验方法标准Stan dard for test method of rei nforci ng steel bar53JGJ 85-2010预应力筋用锚具,夹具和连接器应用技 术规程Technical specification for anchorage, fixture and conn ector device of pre-stress ing steel bar54JGJ/T55-2000普通混凝土配合比设计规程Desig n regulati on for copu

21、late ratio of no rmal con crete55JGJ/T 10-95混凝土泵送施工技术规程Tech nicalspecificatio nfor pump ing5东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范SElu t址学工业部凱亢迎计院)gM华時工稈利技有B艮羞任艺司| HUALU ENGINEEAHG 呂 IECHMOLOGIV CC.LTD.序 号标准编号标准名称备注con struct ion of con crete56JGJ 82-91钢结构高强度螺栓连接的设计,施工及 验收规程Regulati on for desig n, con struct ion and acc

22、epta nee of bolt joint of steel structure and high stre ngth57JGJ 81-2002建筑钢结构焊接技术规程Regulati on for jointing of steel con struct ion of con structi on58JGJ81-2002建筑钢结构焊接技术规程Tech nical regulati on for join ti ng of con struct ion steel structure59JGJ/T98-2010砌筑砂浆配合比规程Specificati on for mixture ratio

23、of bonding mortar60JGJ104-97建筑工程冬季施工规范Con structi on code for con struct ion engin eeri ng in win ter61JGJ106-2003建筑桩基检测规范Specificationfor High Strain DynamicTesti ng of Piles62JGJ/T93-95桩基低应变动力检测规程Specificationfor low-stress testing ofpiles63JGJ94-1994建筑桩基技术规范(96年局部修订条 文)Tech nical code for Buildi

24、ngPileFoun dati on64GB50496-2009(大体积混凝土施工规范)Code for con struct ion of mass con crete65GBT 50375-2006建筑工程施工质量评价标准Evaluating standard for excellent quality of buildi ng engin eeri ng66JGJ 52-2006普通混凝土用砂、石质量及检验方法标准 Stan dard for tech ni cal requireme nts and test method of sand and crushed stone(or gr

25、avel) for ordinary con crete67GB50325-2001民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范Code for in door en vir onmen tal polluti on con trol of civil buildi ng engin eeri ng-设备工程1GB50275-2010压缩机、风机、泵安装工程施工及验收 规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of compressor, fan and pump installation engin eeri ng2GB50231-2009机械设备安装工程施工及

26、验收通用规范Gen eral code for con structi on and acceptanee of mechanical equipment installation engineering#gM华時工稈利技苒眼盖任艺司| HUALU ENGINEEJRHG & TECMMOLOS¥ CC.LTD.东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范5Elu t址学工业部采亢迎计院)序 号标准编号标准名称备注3GB50270-2010连续输送设备安装工程施工及验收规范 Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of con ti nu ousc

27、on veyerequipme ntin stallati on engin eeri ng4GB50271-2010金属切削机床安装工程施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of metal-cutt ingmach inein stallati onengin eeri ng5GB50272-98锻压设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of forgin g-pressequipme ntin stallati onengin eeri ng6GB5905-86起重

28、机试验规范和程序Cran es-Test code and procedures7GB10876-89中型活塞式单级制冷压缩机试验方法Methods of test for middle single-stage reciprocat ing refrigera nt compressors8GB150-2010钢制压力容器Steel pressure vessels9GB151-1999管壳式换热器Tubular heat excha ngers10GB16409-2008板式换热器Plate heat excha nger11GB/T15386-94空冷式换热器Air cooled hea

29、t excha nger12GB3531-2008低温压力容器用低合金钢钢板Low alloy steel plates for low temperature pressure vessels13GB50273-2009工业锅炉安装工程施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of in dustrial boiler in stallati on engin eeri ng14GB50276-2010破碎磨粉设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of crusher an

30、d mill equipme nt15GB50277-2010铸造设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of casti ngequipme ntin stallati onengin eeri ng16GB50278-2010起重设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of cranes installation engineering17GB128-2005立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规 范Code for con struct ion and acce

31、pta nee of vertical cyli nder steel oilca n18HG/T20585-2011钢制低温压力容器技术规定Tech nicalregulati onfor steel lowtemperature pressure vessel19HG20203-2000化工机器安装工程施工及验收规范Gen eralcode for con structi onandSKlu t址学工业部凱亢迎计院)序 号标准编号标准名称备注accepta neeof chemicalmach ineryin stallati on20HGJ204-83化工机器安装工程施工及验收规范-对

32、置式压缩机Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of chemicalmach ineryin stallati on(opposed compressors)21HGJ205-92化工机器安装工程施工及验收规范-离 心式压缩机Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of chemicalmach ineryin stallati on(Cen trifugal compressors)22HGJ206-92化工机器安装工程施工及验收规范 中小活塞压缩机Code for con struct ion and ac

33、cepta nee of chemicalmach ineryin stallati on(Medium/smallpist on-typecompressors)23HGJ207-83化工机器安装工程施工及验收规范-化工用泵Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of chemicalmach ineryin stallati on( chemical pumps)24HGJ208-83高压化工设备施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of high pressure chemical equip

34、me nt25HGJ209-83中低压化工设备施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of low and medium pressure chemical equipme nt26HGJ211-85化工塔类设备施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of chemical tower-type equipme nt27HG20236-93化工设备安装工程质量检验评定标准Standard for inspection and evaluation of in stallati on of

35、 chemical mach inery28HGJ212-83金属焊接结构湿式气柜施工及验收规 范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of metallic welded wet-type gas holders29HG227-84化工用炉砌筑工程施工及验收规范Code for constructionand acceptanee ofin dustrial30HG228-87中型化肥厂煤气发生炉砌筑施工及验 收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of gas gen erator in medium

36、fertilizer pla nt31SH/T3532-2005石油化工换热设备施工及验收规范Specificati on for con struct ion and accepta nee of heat-excha nge equipme nt in petrochemical enain eeri ng9gfUl华時工稈利技有B艮盖任艺司| HUALU ENGINEEflnG & lECrtMOLOGIV CC.LTD.东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范SjL t址学工业部凱亢站计院)序 号标准编号标准名称备注32SH/T3524-2005石油化工钢制塔,容器现场组焊施工工 艺标

37、准Con structi on tech nique sta ndard of site assembli ng and weldi ng for steel tower and vessel in petrochemical in dustry33SH/T3527-2009石油化工不锈钢复合钢焊接规程Code for the weldi ng of sta ini ess clad steel for petrochemical in dustry34SH/T3530-2009石油化工立式圆筒形钢制储罐施工工 艺标准Con structi on tech niquesta ndardofve

38、rtical cylindrical steel storage tank for petrochemical in dustry35SH3514-2001石油化工设备安装工程质量检验评定 标准Standard for inspection and evaluation of equipment installation engineering of petrochemical engin eeri ng36SH/T3525-2004石油化工低温钢焊接规程Welding code of low temperature steel for petrochemical engin eeri ng3

39、7SH/T3526-2004石油化工异种钢焊接规程Welding Code of differentSteel forpetrochemical38SH/T3515-2003大型设备吊装工程施工工艺标准Con structi onsta ndard for large-sizeequipment hoisting engineering39SH3504-2009催化裂化装置反应再生系统设备施工及 验收规范Specificati onforcon struct ionandaccepta neeof reactor-rege neratorsystem equipment of catalyti

40、c cracking un it40SH3506-2007管式炉安装工程施工及验收规范Specificati onfor con struct ionandaccepta nee for in stallatio n work of tubular fired heater41SH3512-2002-T球形储罐工程施工工艺标准Procedure code for con struct ionofspherical tanks42SH3515-2003-T大型设备吊装工程施工工艺标准Con structi onsta ndardfor large-sizeequipment hoisting e

41、ngineering43SH3516-2001-T催化裂化装置轴流压缩机-烟气轮机机 组施工技术规程Tech nical specificati on for con struct ion of FCCU axial flow compressor-flue gas turb ine trains44SH3519-2002-T乙烯装置离心压缩机机组施工技术规程Tech nical code forcon structi onofSJlu t址学工业部SAifl计院)序 号标准编号标准名称备注cen trifugal compressor un it for ethyle ne pla nt45

42、SH3520-2004-T石油化工铬钼耐热钢焊接规程Weldi ngspecificati onof chromemolybde num steel for petrochemical engin eeri ng46SH3537-2002立式圆筒形低温储罐施工技术规程Tech nicalcode for con structi onofVertical Cyli ndrical Low Temperature Storage Tank47SH3530-2001-T石油化工立式圆筒形钢制储罐施工工艺 标准Con structi ontech niquesta ndardforvertical c

43、ylindrical steel storage tank for petrochemical in dustry48SH3526-2004-T石油化工异种钢焊接规程Welding specificationof different steelsfor petrochemical engin eeri ng49SH3525-2004-T石油化工低温钢焊接规程Weldi ngspecificati onoflowtemperature steel for petrochemical engin eeri ng50JB 2536-80压力容器油漆,包装,运输Painting, pack ing a

44、nd tran sportati on for pressure vessel51JB 4708-2000钢制压力容器焊接工艺评定Weldi ng procedure qualificati on for steel pressure vessels52JB/T 4709-2007钢制压力容器焊接规程Weldi ng specificati on for steel pressure vessels53JB 4710-2005钢制塔式容器Steel vertical sle nder vessels54JB 4730-2005压力容器无损检测Non destructive testi ng o

45、f pressure vessels55JB/T 4735-1997钢制焊接常压容器no rmal pressure vessel of steel jo inting56JB 1580-75铝制焊接容器技术条件Technical qualification for aluminum joint vessel57JB4730-1994(1995)压力容器无损检测(附加 1995年第1 号修改单)Non destructive testi ng of pressure vessel58GBT3323-2005金属熔化焊焊接头射线照相Radi on raphic exam in atio n of

46、 fusi on welded joints in metallic materials59GBZ117-2006-T工业X射线探伤放射卫生防护标准Radiological protect ion sta ndards for11东鑫垣煤化工项目工程常用标准规范SSTu t址学工业部凱亢迎计院)gM华時工稈利技苒B艮畫任艺司| HUALU ENGINEEAHG & 7ECHMOLOCIV CC.LTD.序 号标准编号标准名称备注in dustrial X-ray detecti on60TSG R0001-2004非金属压力容器安全技术监察规程Nonm etal Pressure Ve

47、ssels Safety and Tech nical Supervisi on Regulatio ns61TSG R0002-2005超高压容器安全技术监察规程Super-high Pressure Vessels Safety and Tech ni cal Supervisi on Regulati ons62TSG R0003-2007简单压力容器安全技术监察规程Simple Pressure Vessels Safety and Tech nical Regulatio ns63TSG R0004-2009固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程Supervisi on Regulati o

48、n on Safety Tech no logy for Stati onary Pressure Vessel64TSG R0004-2009固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程释义Supervisi on Regulati on on SafetyTech no logy for Stati onary Pressure Vessel65GB50484-2008(石油化工建设工程施工安全技术规范)Code for tech ni cal of con struct ion safety in petrochemical engin eeri ng66HG 20202-2000脱脂工程施工及验收规

49、范Specificati on for con struct ion and accepta nee f degreas ing work67GBT 2650-2008焊接接头冲击试验方法Impact test methods on welded joints三管道工程含给排水、消防1GB50235-2010工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of in dustrial metallic pip ing2GB50236-2011现场设备,工业管道焊接工程施工及验 收规范Code for con struct ion a

50、nd accepta nee of field equipme nt, in dustrial pipe weldi ng engin eeri ng3GB/T12605-2008钢管环缝熔化焊对接接头射线透照工艺和质量分级Methods of radiographic in spect ion and quality classificationof circumferentialfusion welded butt joins in steel pipes and tubes4GB12771-2008流体输送用不锈钢焊接钢管Welded sta ini ess steel pipes fo

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52、T8163-1999输送流体用无缝钢管Seamless Steel tubes for liquid service8GB/T15830-2008钢质管道对接环焊溶超声波探伤方法 和检验结果的分级Methods of ultrasonicinspectionandresult classification of circumferential butt welds in steel pipes and tubes9GB/T 5777-2008无缝钢管超声波探伤方法Method of ultras onicin spect ionforseamless steel tube10GB50235-2010工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范Code for con struct ion and accepta nee of in dustrial metallic pip ing11GB50242-2002建筑给水排


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