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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ? 单元测试一、单项选择。(15 分 )( )1. did you govacation We went to the countryside.A What, for B When, onC Where, on D Why, an( )2. was your summer vacation It was went to the park with my friends.( )3. Did you go to Central Park .AYes,he isB Yes,I didCNo,she doesDNo,we were

2、n't( )'m free haveto do.A something B anything C everything D nothing ( ) down the street and you'll find the shop.A walks B walking C to walk D walked( ) hereHuangguoshu Waterfall.AlikeB likingCto likeD likes( ) were quite pigs on the farm and they were very cute.AlittleB a little Ca fe

3、wD some( ) and girls, you have to plant all the treestomorrow.A myself B Herself C themselves D yourselves( ) isnow, and he wants to eat some food.AthirstyB hungryCtired D full( ), what alesson! I really get with it.Abored,boredB boring, boredCbored,boringD boring, boring( ), so she decideda doctor.

4、Afelt,to seeBfeel,seeingCfeel,to seeD felt,seen( ) like the food very is .A terrible B expensive C delicious D friendly( )13. Would you likeanything No, I don't feel likeanything.A . eating, eatingB. eating, to eatC. to eat, eatingD. to eat, to eat( )14.Do you like football play it every afterno

5、on.A . Of course B. Sorry C. That's OK D. Thanks a lot ( )15.Long time no see! Oh! it like years since自从)I saw you last time.A. looks B. seems C. sounds D. tastes二、阅读理解。(20分)Dear JaneAfter I left Paris , I spent two days in New York City and one day in Washington got to Miami, Florida on Novembe

6、r weather was wonderful morning I went swimming and then slept on the I woke up, I found Jennifer Lopez my favorite movie star! She was just on my right! I asked her to take a picture with know, that was my agreed I'm going to show you.JohnDear Dad,I got here after 18 hours on a train at last It

7、's very cold here in 's white afternoon I went to have a look at the got was glad I took Russian lessons in my university依学).They helped me a young girl showed me the way back to my think I can finish my work here and go back home soon.I'm looking forward to(盼望)the warm sunshine at you s

8、oon. MaxDear Amy,I arrived in Guilin a beautiful place! The people are kind here and I have some new who I met here! Tom, my high school small the world is! He is working here as an English teacher at ; middle showed me around the also went to his bought a special bag made in Guilin for you and a si

9、lk tablecloth for evening I'm going to fly to Beijing.Maria根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。( ) of the three had a good time.( ) went to see her classmate in Guilin.( ) was warmer in Max's hometown than in Moscow.( ) was very glad that his dream of going to the beach came true. ( ) speaks little Russian.

10、BMy friend Alice visited my city last arrived on Wednesday is from showed her around the visited the Clock Tower Clock Tower was very took some photos we went to City that, we saw a good next day, we visited the Ladies' Stree收入街).There were a lot of clothes clothes were cheap and bought some clo

11、thes for her parents and we went to the Seafood诲鲜)bought some also had seafood in a of us enjoyed the we went to a concertCff乐会)in the music was fantastic!On the third day, the weather was very hot so we decided to visit the Monkey found different kinds of monkeys in the monkeys were funny and went

12、back to Australia on Friday enjoyed the invited(邀请)me to visit Australia next summer.( ) did the writer and Alice go on the first dayA The Ladies' Street. B The Clock Tower.C The Monkey Garden. D The museum.( ) the Ladies' Street, there were lots ofshops.AseafoodBPhotoCclothesDshoe( ) though

13、t the seafood wasin the restaurant.AdeliciousB BadCterribleDpretty( ) didn't the writer and Alice do during the vacationA Went to the concert.B Bought some clothes.C Went to the beach.D Had seafood.( ) many days did Alice spend visiting the cityA Three days. B Four days. C Five days. D Seven day

14、s. CLast summer, Cathy's whole family went to New York City for their summer stayed there for two York City has more than seven and a half million is the largest city in the United is also the home of theUnited Nations.First they visited the Statue of Statue of Liberty is one of New York's m

15、ost well-known historic of people visit New York City every year.On the second day they went to the Empire State is the tallest building in New York City the top of the building, they saw most parts of New the third day, they visited the Metropolitan this museum, they saw a lot of famous the rest ti

16、me of the week Bob went to Bronx Zoo with his younger brother and they were glad to see a lot of their favorite animals tigers, lions, monkeys, and elephants.In the second week the family visited Long the island, they spent most of their time swimming, sunbathing and playing on the all had a good ti

17、me.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。26 . Do many people live in New York City27 . Where is the United Nations28 . What historical site do millions of people visit29 . How long did Cathy's family stay there30 . Where did they visit in New York CityDLast month, we went on a trip to London. (1) Different from otherLo

18、ndon trips, we didn ' t go to the famous places. We followed our guide Vinny to some other interesting places. Vinny is not a real guide. He is a homeless比家可归的)man. He often sleeps on the streets of London, sohe knows many interesting places there.Vinny took us to Mayfair, an interesting neighbo

19、rhood in London.He told us about the Brown ' s Hotel. Mr. Bell made the UK ' s first telephone call from there. (2池还领我们参观了 一个小博物馆。Therewe saw lots of great paintings from a famous street artist Banksy. He also told us about his life on the street. I like the tripbecause I saw theother side o

20、f London.阅读短文,完成下列各题。31 .将(1)处划线部分翻译成汉语32 . How does Vinny know London so well33 . Why does the writer like the trip34 . Mr. Bell made the UK ' s first at the Brown ' s Hotel.35 .将(2)处划线部分翻译成英语。三、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词 。(36分)36 .因为糟糕的天气,我们看不到下面任何东西。the bad weathQr we couldn't see.37 . 一个小时后,太

21、阳又开始升起来。An hour later, the sun started.38 .那个男该认识好多英语单词。The boy knows English words.39 .昨天他们徒步走到山顶。They to the top of the hill yesterday.40 .我们太累了,跑不动了。We were we couldn't run.41 .我们从这个故事中能学到什么?What can we the story42 .世界上第一部电影是什么时候出现的?When did the first movie in the world43 .这只是一次小聚会,你不需要打扮。It

22、' s just a small party. You don' t have to44 .汤姆是一个善良的孩子,他总是很乐于帮助别人。Tom is a kind boy. He is always help others.45 .我知道这首歌,但是想不起歌名了。I know this song, but I can' t its name.46 .-爸爸,晚上我可以用一下你的电脑吗?-当然。-Dad, can I use your computer in the evening-47. 在文华中学有不少美国学生。There are American students

23、in WenhuaMiddle School.48. 我唱歌的时候,觉得自己像个明星。When I ' m singing, I I ' m a star.49. 你有没有在火车上碰到什么有趣的人?Did you meet on the train50. 有空的时候,我们一起绕着这个小镇转转吧。When you ' re free, let ' s the small town together.四、词汇运用(20分)。A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词,完成句子。51. I'm(饥饿).I want another two hamburgers.52. My

24、 brother likes keeping(日记)every day.53. What 9舌动)do you do after school54. It's(®的),let's stay at home and watch TV55. I(想知道)what they did yesterday.56. These English商人)want to meet Mr. Zhang.57. You can see lots of tall建筑物)on Green Street.58. The 倡)flew away quickly when it saw us.59.

25、I lost my pen. I can ' t find it 在任何地彷).60. Someone在下面)the bridge is playing the guitar.B)用所给词的适当形式填空。61. I bought a lot of things for(I)when I was on vacation.62. What a(different) a day makes!63. He(try) his best and got to the top of mountain.64. There are a lot of(build)around my house.65. M

26、any(trade)came to the market to sell their things.66. Are there any(different) between the two rpictures67. I(like) math because it is boring.Jill(wait) an hour for you at the train station.69. -Mike, help(you) to some bananas.-OK, thanks.70. Look! Some(duck) are swimming in the river.五、综合填空(10分)从方框

27、中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式完成短文。I黑Jyy嚅(W礴曲Chongq畸搬割黜用制Merent,becau浮weather here but I love the food andscenery(风景).This morning, it was rainy.We didn ' t have any spec72). My parents and I just stayed at the hotel and I felt really (73). Luckily, it stopped raining at noon. We went to eat (74)special-Chong

28、qing hot pot(火锅) for lunch. There is a big (75)between Chongqing hot pot and Beijing hot pot. The food here is really spicy (辛辣的).After lunch, we (76)to visit Foreigner Street in Chongqing (77)a visitor told us that it was a good place to visit. Foreigner Street is really (78)! There are lots of old

29、 buildings and nice food from all over the world. We (79)Italian coffee, Indian cakes and British tea there. (80)was nice and we really had a good time in this street.六、从方框内选词并用其适当形式完成短文填空(10分)。enjoy, in, say, take, visit, decide, and, so, interesting, spend My parents and I spent a few weeks in Lon

30、don last went there in think it is the best time to (81) weather is usually very good (82)there aren't too many visitors in stayed (83)a small village(村庄)in the West had most of our sightseeings 观光)on went to see all the (84) went shopping and (85)too much lot of people (86) English food is didn

31、't think (87) fact, we (88) our vacation so we (89) to go there again this will(90) our umbrellas will use them sometimes.七、书面表达(20分):1)根据下列提示写一篇日记。上周六,5月12日,天气晴朗,你和你的同学去了乡村。上午 9 点出发,沿途看到了许多山、树、工厂和商店。在11点你们去拜访了王叔叔,在他家待了两个小时。在乡村里你们游泳、玩游戏、放风 筝等。你们玩得很开心。当你们回到家时很累,但是很快乐。要求:1.注意日记格式;2 .要求句子通顺,语法正确;3

32、.词数70左右。2)尽管这个暑假王琳没有外出度假,但她一点也没感到烦闷,相反,她觉得这个暑假过得充实而有意义。假日里, 她每天早晨帮妈妈做早饭、打扫房间;下午去购物准备晚饭;晚上帮助弟弟做作业。请你根据以上提示,以 Wang Lin' s summer vacatio为题写一篇短文,介绍 王琳的假期。要求: 70 词左右。Wang Lin s summer vacationUnit 1 参考答案一 .21 25 CBBDB26 30 DCDBB 31 35 ACCAB二.46 50 FFTFF 51 55 BCACA56 Yes, they do.57 It's in New

33、York City.58 The Statue of Liberty.59 They stayed there for two weeks.60 They visited the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, the Metropolitan Museum, Bronx Zoo and Long Island.三.63 activities65 wonder/wondered66 myself68 tried70 traders四 . of, anything below come up a few74 walked up tired that五.79 interesting81 say84 decided六 .One possible version:Saturday, May 12SunnyIt was the first time for me to go to the nine in the morning, I started with my the way we saw many mountains, trees, factories and 11 o'clock, we visited


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