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2、跟踪程序7 ATTACHMENT 附件附件Attachment 附件 A Initial Investigation Report 初始调查报告1INTRODUCTION 介绍介绍The incident investigation procedure provides a means to measure and communicate incidents that occur throughout the duration of the project. Timely reporting and analysis of such events is an essential part of

3、 any effective safety management system. The information gathered through reporting and investigating incidents is helpful in understanding what happened and how future activities can be focused to prevent the recurrence of the same or a similar incident in the future.意外事故调查程序在整个项目期间为调查和通报事故提供了一种方法。

4、及时地报告和分析这些事故是任何一个有效安全管理系统的一个重要部分。通过报告和调查事故收集到的材料有助于查明事故的原因以及如何关注今后的作业活动,防止将来再次发生同样的或类似的事故。The procedures are applicable to any injury or incident that occurs on the project site.本程序适用于项目现场上发生的任何伤害或事故。As part of this procedure labor hours worked by all construction personnel will be collected on a da

5、ily basis and tracked along with the incident reports. The HSE Department will compile monthly reports regarding the rate of incidents in relation to the number of hours worked.作为此程序的一部分,所有施工人员的劳动时间将以每个工作日为基础采集,并附在事故报告上。HSE 部门将有关事故发生率与工作小时数的关系每月汇编成报告。The HSE Team has developed a set of procedures to

6、 assist in the communication of incidents to the project organization department. HSE 小组已经制定了一套程序来协助将事故通报给项目部。2TYPES OF INCIDENTS TO REPORT 要报告的事故类型要报告的事故类型Examples of the types of incidents required that must be reported are:必须要报告的意外事故类型举例如下:Struck by an Object 物体打击Machine related injuries 机械伤害Elec

7、trical shock 触电Falling at height 高处坠落Vehicle accidents involving injuries 交通事故;Fires or explosions 火灾或爆炸;Spills or releases 泄漏或释放;Toxicosis and asphyxia accidents 中毒和窒息事故Collapse accidents 坍塌事故Burn injuries 烧伤事故Loss of assets or property damage in excess of RMB ¥10000超过 1 万人民币以上的资产损失或财产损坏Any near mi

8、ss that has a potential for causing an incident as described above有可能造成上述意外事故的任何一个未遂事件3INCIDENT REPORTING AND RESPONSIBILITIES 事故报告和责任事故报告和责任All personnel are responsible for reporting any injury or accident, no matter how insignificant, immediately to their supervisor. 不论伤害或事故的大小,任何人员都有责任立即向其主管报告任何

9、伤害或意外事故。Once an incident occurs, contractor should 一旦发生意外事故,承包商要:Immediate Notification (Verbal) Construction personnel must immediately notify Project and Construction HSE Manager立即通告(口头)- 施工人员必须立即告知施工 HSE 经理。Submit written Initial Investigation Report (see attachment A) to Project and Construction

10、 HSE Manager by end of the shift.在该班作业结束前,必须向项目/施工 HSE 经理提交书面的初步调查报告(见附件 A)。Decide on further investigation based on project departments internal procedure .根据项目部的内部程序决定是否需要进行进一步的调查。No personnel will be disciplined for reporting an injury or incident.没有人会因为报告伤害或事故而受到惩罚。没有人会因为报告伤害或事故而受到惩罚。The followi

11、ng procedure will be followed if an incident has occurred that requires the relevant medical Team:如果发生的事故需要有关医疗小组来处理,则应遵守以下程序:The area shall be secured to prevent further injury and to preserve evidence.保护事故现场,防止造成进一步伤害以及保存证据。Aid for the injured shall be provided or obtained.对伤者提供或使其得到救助。The Project

12、 Manager and Project / Construction HSE Manager will be notified.要通知项目经理和项目/施工 HSE 经理。An investigation to determine the root cause(s) of the incident will be conducted.要展开确定事故根本原因的调查。Recommendations will be developed and implemented to prevent recurrence.要提出意见并落实以防止事故再次发生。Recommendations will be mon

13、itored to ensure they are fully implemented.监督整改意见的执行以保证它们被完全落实。The construction management will report all injury incidents to the company organization.施工管理层要将所有的伤害事故通报给公司。In addition, HSE Team has developed procedures to communicate and assists in responding to these incidents.另外,HSE 小组已经建立对此类事故的通

14、报以及援助响应程序。4INJURY CLASSIFICATIONS 伤害等级划分伤害等级划分The following are the types of injury classifications:以下为伤害等级类别Occupational Injury or Illness - Any death, injury or illness which arises out of and in the course of employment as a result of an incident or exposure, on or off the employers premises resu

15、lting from work activity or environment of employment.职业病或职业伤害-由于事故和接触有害物质,在工作期间内外造成的任何死亡、伤害或疾病。这种伤害是由于工作性质和职业环境所造成的,不管是发生在雇主厂内或厂外。First Aid - Limited to a one-time treatment and any follow-up visits for the purpose of observation of injuries that do not require medical care.急救仅限于一次性治疗及其后的随访观察,不需要进一

16、步的医疗护理。Recordable - An injury that results in any of the following:记录在案 - 造成下列任何一种的意外伤害:Requires sutures 需要缝合Requires a prescription medication 需要处方药 2nd degree burn or greater 二级或以上级别的烧伤Loss of consciousness 昏迷Broken bone 骨折Day Away From Work (DAFW) 损失工时Day Away From Work (DAFW) - An injury that re

17、sults in the employee not being able to return to work on his next workday. These injury incidents will be tracked and totaled until the employee returns to work.损失工时 (DAFW) - 致使雇员下一个工作日不能工作的伤害事故。跟踪这些伤害事故,并统计损失工时直到此雇员返回工作为止。In addition, Medical Treatment includes treatment (other than first aid) adm

18、inistered by a physician or by registered professional personnel under the standing orders of a physician. Medical treatment does not include first aid treatment even though provided by a physician or registered professional personnel.除此之外,由医生或注册的专业人士按照医生的治疗方案进行治疗的医疗处理(不同于急救) 。即使是由医生或注册的专业人士提供的急救处理也

19、不包括在医疗处理内。5INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES 调查程序调查程序As a general guideline all injury accidents and near misses that could have resulted in a recordable injury must be investigated作为一个总的原则,所有受伤事故以及可能导致一个可记录伤害事故的未遂事件均必须进行调查。The process of doing an investigation should be broken down into the following steps:

20、一起事故的调查过程应分为以下几个步骤:Take care of the injured workers and secure the scene.救助受伤的员工并且保护现场Interview witnesses and Collecting and preserving evidence和见证人面谈,收集和保存证据Gather and organize the needed data 收集并组织有用的数据Analyze the data to determine causal factors and identify root causes of the incident分析数据确定事故发生的

21、主要原因和根本原因Develop the effective recommendations 制定有效的建议措施Write the required incident reports 起草必需的事故报告It is very important that once an incident has occurred and after the injured have been attended, that the accident site be secured. No one is allowed to remove anything from the scene until the inve

22、stigation has been completed. All witnesses need to be secured and separated. These two items are vital in order to preserve evidence and eyewitness accounts so that the incident may be properly investigated.重要的是一旦发生一起意外事故并对伤员进行处理后,应保护事发现场。在调查完成之前,不允许任何人从现场移动任何物件,所有的证人要受到保护并隔开。为了保护证物,并为证人考虑,使事故得以正确调

23、查,上述二项措施是至关重要的。In all cases, the immediate supervisor will initiate the investigation. The supervisor will then solicit assistance from his management or the Project / Construction HSE Manager. All management and supervision will receive training on how to investigate an accident.在发生任何事故情况下,直接主管人员将开

24、始进行调查。主管人员可以请求管理层或项目/施工 HSE 经理协助。所有的管理人员和监督人员都要接受如何调查意外事故的培训。All reports, recommendations and follow-up actions will be communicated to all potentially affected site personnel.所有的报告、建议和随后的行动要通报给所有会受到潜在影响的现场人员。The following are the procedures to investigate particular injury incidents:以下为调查典型伤害事故的程序:

25、First Aid - If the injury can be treated without calling the medical team, then the immediate supervisor can conduct the investigation with the aid of the injured employee. The Project / Construction HSE Manager can be called for assistance. A written report with recommendations and follow-up action

26、s will be submitted to the Project Manager and the Project / Construction HSE Manager. However, if the injury requires the medical team, then the Project Manager will be notified immediately along with the Project / Construction HSE Manager. The Project / Construction HSE Manager will lead the inves

27、tigation with the immediate supervisor, injured employee and possibly management from another work area.急救急救:如果伤害事件不需要医疗小组处理,那么直接主管人员可在受伤员工的帮助下进行调查。项目/施工 HSE 经理可以协助处理。整改措施的书面报告将提交给项目经理和项目/施工 HSE 经理。然而,如果需要伤害事件需要医疗小组来处理,就要立即通知项目经理和项目/施工 HSE 经理。项目/施工 HSE 经理将领导调查,直接主管人员、受伤员工和可能来自于其他工作区的管理人员一起参加。Recorda

28、ble and DAFW - The investigation will be lead by the Project Manager or an alternate person skilled in conducting a Root Cause Analysis Investigation. The investigation team will be comprised of Project / Construction HSE Manager, the Immediate Supervisor and the Contractor HSE Manager / Engineer. I

29、nterrogation must be strictly avoided and the atmosphere should remain informal during the investigation in order to foster cooperation to attain input from all involved.可记录事故和损失工时可记录事故和损失工时- 由项目经理或一名能熟练开展根本原因分析调查的替代人员领导调查。调查小组将由下列人员组成:项目/施工 HSE 经理、直接主管人员和承包商 HSE 经理/工程师。在调查期间必须严格避免审问,尽量应保持不拘束的气氛,鼓励互

30、相协作以便于从所涉及的人员那里获得客观的陈述。Fatality or multiple injuries requiring hospitalization company must be notified immediately as well as the appropriate local authorities. company must also receive a copy of the report regarding any and all disabling injuries.死亡事故和需要入院治疗的多处受伤事故死亡事故和需要入院治疗的多处受伤事故- 必须立即报告公司和有关地

31、方当局。对于任何以及所有致残的伤害事故,都要向公司提交一份报告的副本。If a fatality should occur, company will specially appoint a fatality investigation team, which will be lead by the HSE Director and supported by a Root Cause Analysis Specialist. Appropriate local authorities may also conduct an investigation at the same time. The

32、 report by the company investigation team will be issued within two weeks after the date of the occurrence of the incident. 如果发生死亡事故,公司要专门委派一个死亡调查小组,该小组由 HSE 主任领导,并得到根本原因分析专业人员的支持。与此同时有关的地方当局也在展开调查。公司调查小组准备的调查报告应在事故发生日后的两周内发出。 6RECOMMENDATION FOLLOW-UP PROCEDURES建议措施跟踪程序建议措施跟踪程序Once a written report

33、 of an incident has been issued, the follow-up of recommendations begins. No report can be submitted without at least one recommendation to prevent occurrence. Each recommendation must have an individual stated that is responsible for its completion.一旦事故的书面报告公布以后,就要开始跟踪建议的整改措施。提交的事故报告至少要有一个建议措施防止事故再

34、次发生。每一项建议措施都必须落实到具体的责任人。Recommendations that were completed immediately should also be noted in the report.已经即刻完成的建议整改措施也要在报告中注明。The construction manager and construction HSE manager will review all injury reports and the construction manager will be responsible to ensure that all recommendations ar

35、e completed. Some recommendations, due to their nature may take longer to complete than others, however, for as long as a recommendation remains open, the person responsible for completing the recommendation must submit a status report of the recommendation. Any such status report must include targe

36、t completion date for each open recommendation and the reasons for the recommendation remaining incomplete.施工经理和施工 HSE 经理将审查所有的事故报告,并负责确保所有建议措施的落实。有些建议措施的落实由于其性质可能会比其它措施花费较长时间。然而,只要一个整改措施没有得到落实,整改人就必须提交一个整改措施落实情况报告。任何此类状况报告必须包括每个未完成项的目标完成日期,以及措施尚未落实的原因。7ATTACHMENT 附件附件Attachment 附件 A Initial Investi

37、gation Report 初始调查报告INITIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT初始调查报告初始调查报告1 COMPANY/DEPARTMENT公司公司/部门部门2 PROJECT项目项目3 REPORT DATE报告日期报告日期4 INCIDENT LOCATION 事件发生地点事件发生地点5 INCIDENT DATE事件发生日期事件发生日期6 INCIDENT TIME事件发生时间事件发生时间7 INVESTIGATOR(S)调查人员调查人员8 REPORTED BY (NAME/DEPT/ COMPANY/TEL.) 报告人(姓名报告人(姓名/部门部门/公司公司/联系电

38、话)联系电话)9 CONTRACTOR REF. NO. 承包商承包商:GENERAL INFORMATION基本信息10 company REF. NO. 公司部门编号公司部门编号11 INJURY/ILLNESSES 伤/病at12 OTHER INCIDENT 其他事件13 POTENTIAL RISK EVALUTION 潜在危险评估First Aid 急救Fatality 死亡Property Damage 财产损坏Severity Potential 严重程度倾向Medical Treatment 医疗Occupational Illness职业病Vehicle 车辆DAFW 脱岗天数Others 其他.Fire 火灾Injured Name 伤员姓名.Electrical 电气Sex/Age 性别/年龄.Environment 环境Occupat


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