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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上鲁教版初中英语词组词组册页意思1a couple of81.52两个;几个2a little 71.02一点;少量3a little bit 81.26有点儿;稍微4a pair of61.59一双;一对5a set of61.36一套;一串6according to 81.62根据7across from 62.56在 对面8after all 91.35毕竟;终归9agree with 72.14同意某人10ahead of91.78在 前面11all in all71.21总的说来12all kinds of 71.61各种各样的13all of a sudde

2、n91.04突然14all the time 81.03一直;总是15all year round 81.54一年到头16along with91.78连同;和。一起17around the world 71.13全世界18as far as I know81.34据我所知19as for81.59至于;关于20as long as 71.53只要21as soon as81.03一 就22as soon as possible 82.22尽可能快的23ask for 61.35请求24at birth81.37出生时25at first 81.22首先;起初26at hand82.03(时间

3、上或空间上)接近的;不远的27at least 71.43至少28at the beginning of72.13在 开始29at the same time 91.22同时30at the top of91.59在 顶部或顶端31be able to 72.13能够32be born82.01出生33be born with82.30天生具有34be different from 71.53与 是不同的35be friends with sb.91.42成为某人的朋友36be good at 62.14擅长37be good with62.17善于应付的38be hard on sb.91.

4、46对某人苛刻39be harmful to91.59对 有害40be in (great)danger 62.41处于极度危险中41be in control of72.53掌管;管理42be interested in 71.21对 感兴趣43be known for82.58因为 而出名44be proud of82.54为骄傲;感到自豪45be ready to 72.05愿意迅速做某事46be responsible for91.78对有责任;负责任47be similar to 71.54与 相像的;类似的48be strict (with sb) 62.35对某人要求严格49be

5、 sure about 72.10确信50be thankful to sb.91.78对某人心存感激 51be thirsty for91.78渴求;渴望52be up to 71.61是的职责;由 决定53be used to doing sth72.53习惯于做某事54be willing to do sth82.22愿意做某事55because of 71.37因为;由于56believe in91.77信任;信赖57betweenand62.29两者之间58blow out 71.13吹灭59break the ice82.14打破僵局60break up82.07破裂;解散61br

6、ing back91.62恢复;使想起;归还62bring good luck to71.13给某人带来好运63bring out 71.53使显现;使表现出64by accident 91.03偶然;意外地65by bike62.26骑自行车66by mistake 91.05错误地;无意中67by the end of91.52在(某时间点)以前68by the time 91.49在 以前69call in91.43召来;叫来70Can I help you?61.56请问你需要什么?71care about 71.52关心;在意72care for 72.58关心,照顾,喜欢73che

7、er up 72.57使 高兴起来74clean up 72.57打扫干净75clean. off91.36把 擦掉76clear out81.59清理;丢掉77close to 81.63几乎;接近78come on 61.38快点儿79come true 62.29实现80come up with 72.58想出;提出81compare with 81.14比较;对比82connectwith82.30把和连接或联系起来83cut down 62.41砍到84cut off72.53切断85cut out81.14删除;除去86cut up 71.13切碎87deal with 82.51

8、处理88depend on 81.06取决于;依靠89die down81.19逐渐变弱;逐渐消失90divideinto91.06把 分成91do a good job 72.07做得好92do one's homework 62.22做家庭作业93do the dishes 62.34洗盘子94dream of 82.22梦想;幻想95dress up 72.07乔装打扮96drive sb. crazy/mad91.42使某人发疯/狂97drop by91.35顺便拜访98drop out of school82.03辍学99eat out 62.44出去吃饭100eithero

9、r62.23或者或者101end up 82.38结束102even though =even if81.35即使;尽管103ever since81.46自从104excuse me61.32打扰;劳驾;请原谅 105fall asleep 81.19入睡;睡熟106fall down 72.21倒塌107fall in love with 81.28爱上108fall over81.38绊倒109feel free to do sth81.34随便做某事110feel like doing sth71.57想要做某事111find out72.02找出;查明112first of all

10、91.78首先113fix up 72.60修理114follow the rules 62.35遵守规则115for example 71.61例如116for sure62.08确信117from time to time82.50时不时118fromto62.11从 到 119be full of81.42充满120get a surprise 712.9吃惊121get dressed62.19穿好衣服122get in the way of91.14阻碍123get in trouble82.02陷入麻烦124get lost 62.41迷路125get mad91.35生气126g

11、et married81.28结婚127get on with81.11与 相处128get out of72.53离开;从出来129get popular 71.13受欢迎130get through 91.67穿过;通过;渡过131get up 62.19起床132get used to doing sth91.38习惯于133give away 72.60赠送;分发134give out 72.57分发;散发135give up 72.54放弃136givea lift91.50捎某人一程137go along 62.58沿着 走138go by 91.76流逝139go out62.3

12、4出去140go out of one's way to do sth91.38格外努力141go to a movie 62.44看电影142grow up 72.09长大143hand out 72.58分发144hang out 72.34外出闲逛145hardly ever71.41几乎不146have a cold 72.49感冒147have a fever72.50发烧148Have a good day!61.26过得愉快149have a great time 62.05玩得高兴150have a look 81.20看一下151have a point91.02有道

13、理152have a stomachache72.49胃痛153have to do with 72.13关于;与.有关154havein common71.61有相同特征155Help (sb) with sth62.17帮助某人做某事156Here you are.61.56给你。157hold on to 82.22继续;坚持158How about . 61.50怎么样? 159How are you?61.04你好吗?160How much? 61.55多少钱161how old 61.02多大162hundreds of 72.21许多;大量163hurry up81.42匆忙16

14、4in a row91.73连续几次的165in English 61.07用英语166in fact 71.53事实上167in front of 62.56在前面168in general 82.19通常;大体上169in line with91.51成一排170in one's opinion81.16在某人看来171in order to 81.06为了172in person82.54亲自173in public82.52在公众场合174in silence81.22沉默175in that case91.26那样的话176in the countryside 71.18在乡

15、下177in the end 71.05最后178in the face of81.35面对179in total91.30总计180instead of 81.26代替181keep one's cool91.75保持冷静182kick sb. off91.46开除某人183kind of 62.38有点184lay out82.35摆放185leave out91.42不包括;忽略186less than 71.48少于187let.down 91.46使失望188lie down72.50躺下189listen to62.31听190look after 72.36照料191lo

16、ok back at91.75回忆;回顾192look for 72.21寻找193look forward to 72.37期盼194look through 81.10浏览195look up 82.27查阅;抬头看196look up to91.06钦佩;仰慕197lots of 62.23许多198made of 62.41由做成199make (one's )bed 62.35铺床200make a difference72.21影响;有作用201make a mess91.75弄得一团糟202make a wish 71.13许愿203make an effort91.35

17、努力204make friends62.17交朋友205make one's own decision91.12做决定206make one's way81.21前往;费力地前进207make soup62.43做汤208make sure 72.10确信209make up 71.61编造210makecome true 71.14使实现211makefeel at home91.38使宾至如归 212more than 71.47多于213neither nor91.43既不也不214next to82.11紧挨着215no longer 81.59不再216no matt

18、er82.59不论;无论217not at all 71.21一点也不218not onlybut also91.06不仅而且219of course 71.35当然220of medium build71.02中等身材221of medium height71.01中等身高222on (a) vacation 62.53度假223on the one handon the other hand81.54一方面另一方面224on the weekend62.17在周末225on time 62.31准时226on weekends62.21在周末227once in a while91.27偶

19、尔地;间或228one another81.46互相229over and over again72.21反复230part with81.59分离;隔开231pass by82.43路过;经过232pay attention to 82.30关注233pay for 91.60支付234pick up 81.18接电话235play a part72.18参与(某事)236play a role 71.61发挥作用;有影响237plenty of 91.27大量;充足238prepare for72.33准备239pull down91.62拆下;摧毁240pull together91.4

20、6齐心协力241put off 72.58推迟242put on82.34增加(体重)243put sth. to good use91.62好好利用某物244put up 71.29搭建;举起245quite a few 71.34相当多;不少246quite a lot 71.17许多247rather than91.46而不是248run after91.21追逐;追赶249run away 71.27跑开250run out (of ) 72.53用尽;耗尽251sell out 91.54卖光252separate from91.79分离;隔开253set out91.78出发;启程

21、254set up 72.61建立255shout at 71.27冲大声喊叫256shout to71.29对大声喊叫257show up 91.52感到;露面258showaround71.18带领参观259shut off91.27关闭260so far 71.58迄今为止261stay up late 71.26熬夜262stick to91.27坚持;固守263such as 71.45例如264take a message62.50捎口信 265take a shower 62.19洗澡266take a trip72.37去旅行267take a walk 62.22散步268t

22、ake action91.60采取行动269take after 72.60(外貌;行为)像271take breaks(take a break)72.50休息272take care of 81.06照顾273take down81.22拆除274take in81.35吸入275take it easy 82.17从容;不紧张276take off 91.36脱下;起飞277take one's order 71.10点菜278take one's place (take sb.'s place)72.07顶替某人的位置279take one's temperature72.50测体温279take part in 91.60参加280take place 91.03发生;出现281take pride in 82.54为感到自豪282take risks(take a risk)72.53冒险283take the subway62.25乘坐地铁284take up 72.13学着做;开始做285ta


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