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1、英英 语语 新课标(新课标(WYWY)八年级下册八年级下册单元主题写作九单元主题写作九整体感知整体感知本模块以本模块以“友谊友谊”为话题,说明了友谊的重要性。它贴近为话题,说明了友谊的重要性。它贴近学生生活,与学生的日常学习息息相关。现在,让我们一起结学生生活,与学生的日常学习息息相关。现在,让我们一起结合实例来看看此类文章的写作技巧吧!合实例来看看此类文章的写作技巧吧!话题分析话题分析1 1Im glad to receive your letter.Im glad to receive your letter.2. Whether you are at school or not, try

2、 to make 2. Whether you are at school or not, try to make friends with your classmates.friends with your classmates.3 3Everyone likes a smiling face.Everyone likes a smiling face.4. Whenever my friends meet with troubles, I will 4. Whenever my friends meet with troubles, I will give them a hand with

3、out even a moments thought.give them a hand without even a moments thought.常用表达常用表达单元主题写作九单元主题写作九实例分析实例分析下面我们就结合实例加以分析。下面我们就结合实例加以分析。典型例题典型例题赵庆转到了一所新学校,面对陌生的环境,他感到很不适赵庆转到了一所新学校,面对陌生的环境,他感到很不适应。应。 他写信给好友郭阳,寻求他的帮助。假如你是郭阳,请用他写信给好友郭阳,寻求他的帮助。假如你是郭阳,请用英语给他回一封信,帮助他解决这些困惑。词数英语给他回一封信,帮助他解决这些困惑。词数7070左右。左右。De

4、ar Zhao Qing, Dear Zhao Qing, _YoursYours,Guo YangGuo Yang单元主题写作九单元主题写作九1 1开门见山,提出困惑。开门见山,提出困惑。(Glad to get a letter from (Glad to get a letter from you.You saidHere is)you.You saidHere is)2 2针对困惑,提出建议。注意:恰当使用连词,使文章结针对困惑,提出建议。注意:恰当使用连词,使文章结构完整,层次清晰。构完整,层次清晰。( (如如FirstFirst,be friendly be friendly to

5、SecondtoSecond,try to helpThirdtry to helpThird,give everyone a give everyone a smile)smile)3 3总结全文,结束文章。总结全文,结束文章。(If so, you will be happy (If so, you will be happy and have more friends.I hope you can)and have more friends.I hope you can)思路点拨思路点拨单元主题写作九单元主题写作九1 1收到你的来信非常高兴。收到你的来信非常高兴。(glad to)(gl

6、ad to)_2 2你应该对其他人友好你应该对其他人友好(be friendly to )(be friendly to )_3 3当他们处于困境时,你应该尽力去帮助他们。当他们处于困境时,你应该尽力去帮助他们。(try to (try to dodo,in trouble )in trouble )_4 4我希望你能过得很愉快。我希望你能过得很愉快。(enjoy oneself)(enjoy oneself)_遣词造句遣词造句Glad to get a letter from youGlad to get a letter from youYou should be friendly to

7、othersYou should be friendly to othersYou should try to help then when they are in troubleYou should try to help then when they are in troubleI hope you can enjoy yourselfI hope you can enjoy yourself单元主题写作九单元主题写作九Dear Zhao Qing, Dear Zhao Qing, Glad to get a letter from you.In your letter, you Glad

8、 to get a letter from you.In your letter, you said you felt lonely and worried. Dont worry about it. said you felt lonely and worried. Dont worry about it. Here is some advice.Here is some advice.First, you should be friendly to others. Whether First, you should be friendly to others. Whether you ar

9、e at school or not, try to make friends with your you are at school or not, try to make friends with your classmates. Second, you should try to help them when classmates. Second, you should try to help them when they are in trouble. Thirdthey are in trouble. Third,please remember to give please reme

10、mber to give everyone a smile every day . In fact, everyone likes a everyone a smile every day . In fact, everyone likes a smiling face. If so, you will be happy andsmiling face. If so, you will be happy and连句成篇连句成篇 单元主题写作九单元主题写作九have more friends. I hope you can enjoy yourself.have more friends. I

11、hope you can enjoy yourself.Best wishes.Best wishes.YoursYours,Guo YangGuo Yang单元主题写作九单元主题写作九根据以下要点提示,写一篇你在旅游中做的一件有趣的事根据以下要点提示,写一篇你在旅游中做的一件有趣的事情情要点:要点:1. 1. 你和你的家人周末去长城。你和你的家人周末去长城。2. 2. 在长城上遇见了一个外国男孩,一个人来中国旅游。在长城上遇见了一个外国男孩,一个人来中国旅游。3. 3. 互相介绍,并充当他的导游。同时练习英语。互相介绍,并充当他的导游。同时练习英语。4. 4. 成为朋友,约定回国后写信联系。

12、成为朋友,约定回国后写信联系。_自我展示自我展示 单元主题写作九单元主题写作九One possible versionOne possible version:Last weekend, I went to the Great Wall with my Last weekend, I went to the Great Wall with my family.It was a sunny day and there were a lot of family.It was a sunny day and there were a lot of people there. Before enter

13、ing the gate, a foreign boy people there. Before entering the gate, a foreign boy came to me and asked where he could buy a ticket in came to me and asked where he could buy a ticket in English.I told him and found that he came here by English.I told him and found that he came here by himself. So I invited him to go with us.I tried to himself. So I invited him to go with us.I tried to introduce the Great Wall to him in English. We were so introduce the Great Wall to him in English. We were so happy together that day.Before


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