



1、西工大2020年4月人学英语2作业机考试卷总分:100得分:100要答案:WangjiaOfUdaO一、单选题(共40道试题,共80分)1. The goal Of CUItUral exchange is tobetter UnderStanding between different nations.A. offerB. promoteC. expandD. raise正确答案:B2. Sorry, I have kept you Waiting.A. That, S all rightBCIOr t CareC. m SadD. Noz not at all正确答案:A3. The me

2、thod he USed turned OUt to bein improVing the StUdents' English.A. ableB. capableC. explicitD. effective正确答案:D4. I have a SeriOUS toothache, doctor. Let me give you an exami nation At doesr t matterB. That,s OKC. Take it easyD. Dort WOrry正确答案:D5. EXerCiSe Can affect OUr OUtIOOk On life, and it C

3、an also help US get rid Of OUr tension, anXiety and frustration. SO We ShOUld take exerciseA. usuallyB. normallyC. regularlyDxonstantly正确答案:6. decision he made I WOUId try my best to SUPPOrt it.A. AnythingB. WhoeverC. WhatD. Whatever正确答案:7. SOrryJ have kept you Waiting.A. That, S all rightBCIOr t Ca

4、reC. m SadD. Noznot at all正确答案:8. MOther IetS me PIay footballve finished homework.A. unlessB. untilC. only ifD. if OnIy正确答案:9. WOUId you Iike to have SOme biscuits?A. Yes. I, m full now.B. But the PriCe is highC. Yesz thank you. They are my favoriteD. Yesz I' d Iike SOme SOUP正确答案:10. He IikeS W

5、atChing TVto the movies.A. more than to goB. than goingC. more than goingD. rather than to go正确答案:1:Llt is essential that the formA. be SentB .were SentC. will be SentD. would be Sent正确答案:back before this after noon.16.12f She WantS to Stay thin, She must make ain her diet.A. cha ngeB. turnC. runD.

6、go正确答案:13. Will you go On a PiCniC With US tomorrow?A. Yes, but Il have English CIaSSeSB. Sorry, I have an appointment With Dr. BrOWn. C m afraid I have no ideaDWor t. It, S kind Of you正确答案:14. What kind Of room WOUId you like?A. Two rooms.B. OK, thank you.CIike it Very muchD.A double room With a Pr

7、iVate bath.正确答案:15. The COmmittee member agree to the PrOPOSal that the issueto the vote.A. is to be PUtB. should PUtC. is PUtD. be PUt正确答案: mfond Of PIaying table tennis.A. Do you Iike sports?B. Playing table tennis is fun?C. Which SPOrt do you Iike best?DS Playing table tennis your favorite thing

8、to do? 正确答案:17. The test results Were Very A. depressedB. depressC. depressi ngD. to depress正确答案:18. Singing these songs, I COUld not help the good Old days.A. thinking OfB. thinking OUtC. thi nking OVerD. thinking UP正确答案:19. Why dor t you travel to NeW YOrk On VaCatiOn?Adon' t Want to goBWant t

9、o but I haven' t got enough moneyC. Excuse me, because I Can' tD. Because m going to SChOOl today正确答案:20. He WaSthe PriZe for being the fastest runner in this COmPetition.A. rewardedB. awardedC. succeededD. won正确答案:21. He StUdied hard in his youth, Contributed to his great SUCCeSS in Iater I

10、ifeA. thatBJtC. whatD. which正确答案:22. Let me help you Carry the boxNOz I Canmanage, butA. not at allB. it doesrt matterC. thank you just the SameD. the Same to you正确答案:23. For a SUCCeSSfUl business, friendly and Staff are essential.A. sufficie ntB. efficientC. effective.respective正确答案:24. mfond Of PO

11、P musicA. Do you Iike music?B. Rock and roll is fun.C. What kind Of music do you like?D. How about if We enjoy CIaSSiCal music?正确答案:25. The test is for StUdentsnative Ianguage is not English.A. whoseB. whichC. thatD. of WhOm正确答案:26. ThiS is thePhOtO I have ever taken.A. bestB. betterC. worseD. most

12、WOrSt正确答案:27. By no meansIOOk down UPOn the poor.A. could WeB. we ShOUIdC. we ShaIlD. should We正确答案:28. The Unemployment rate in this districtfrom 6% to 5% in the PaSt two yearsA. has fallenB. had fallenC. is fallingD. was falling正确答案:29. room is big and bright. They Iike it Very muchA. Tom and Sam*

13、 SB. Tomt S and SarnC. Tom and SamD. Ton Sand Sam, S正确答案:30. TheIeCtUre WOre me out.A. two-hoursB .two, hour'sC. two-hourD. two-hours,正确答案:31. WhiIe I WaS in the Universityz I Iearned taking a photo,is Very USefUl now for me.A. itB. whichC. thatD. what正确答案:32. NOt Until the match beganat the Sta

14、diUmA. should they have arrivedB. had they arrivedC. did they arriveD. would they have arrived正确答案:33. Researchers Cannotthe POSSibility that Earth may One day run OUt Of its orbit.A. ha nd OUtB. drop OUtC. rule OUtD. keep OUt正确答案:34. WhenWhere he WaS borr John Said that he WaS a NeW Yorker.A. aski

15、ngB. being askedC. was askedD. asked正确答案:35. What a beautiful dress you' re Wearing!A. No, thanksBThank youC. Yesz it isD. Sorry, it isnt t正确答案:36. Hello, may I talk to the manager now?A. Sorry, you Can' tB. No, you Can' tC. Sorry, he is OnanOther Iine now.D. Noz I don, t know.正确答案:37. T

16、he StUdents their PaPerS by the end Of this monthA. have finishedB. will have finishedC. will be finishingD. have been finishing正确答案:38. We ShOUld make OUr reservations as faras POSSible to get the flight We want.A. in detailB. in advanceC. in realityD. in PraCtiCe正确答案:39. TOmattended the meeting Ia

17、St night, but he didn't as he SUddenly fell ill.A. could haveB. hadC. must haveD. should have正确答案:40. Electricity, Iike Other forms Ofhas greatly inCreaSe in price.A. stre ngthB. forceC. powerD. en ergy正确答案:二、组合题(共2道试题,共20分)l. Passage 3A friend Of mine WaS fond Of drawing horses He drew horses V

18、ery well, but he always began at the tail NOW it is the WeStern rule to begin at the head Of the horse That is Why I WaS SUrPriSed It StrUCk me that it COUId not really make any d iff ere nce Whether the artist begi ns at the head Or the tail Or the belly Or the foot Of the horse, if he really knows

19、 his business And most great artists WhO really know their business do not follow Other PeOPIet S rule They make their OWn rules. EVery One Of them does his WOrk in a Way Strange to himself; and the PeCUliarity means OnIy that he finds it easier to WOrk in that way.NOW the Very Same thing is true Of

20、 IiteratUre And the questior UHOW Shall I begin?” OnIy means that you Want to begin at the head instead Of beginning at the tail Or SOmeWhere else That is, you are not yet experieneed enough to trust your OWn POWerS When you become more experieneed you WiIl never ask the questior and I think that yo

21、u WiIl Often begin at the tail that is to say, you WiIl Write the end Of the StOry before you have even thought Of the beginning.1). A friend Of the Write' S drew horsesA. in the Way Of his OWn ruleB. in the Way Of WeStern ruleC. very WeIlD. all Ofthe above正确答案:2) . The Writer WaS SUrPriSed beca

22、useA. The artist began to draw at the head Ofthe horseB. The artist began to draw at the tail Of the horseC. The artist followed Other PeOPIe' S rulesD. The artist did not follow Other PeOPIe, S rules正确答案:3) . YOU are not yet experienced becauseA. You do not trust your OWn power.B. You Want to b

23、egin at the head at the beginning at the tailC. You always asked questionsD. You don' t know Where to begin.正确答案:4) . When you become more experieneed you WiIlA. never ask questionB. often begin at the tailC. write the end Ofthe StOryD. think Of the beginning正确答案:5) . The PaSSage is aboutA. how

24、to draw a horseB. trust Of your OWn POWerC. how to make your OWn rulesD. how to Write a StOry正确答案:2. Passage 2IVIany PeOPIe WhO WOrk in LOndOn Prefer to IiVe OUtSide it, and to go in to their OffiCeS Or SChOOIS every day by train, Car Or bus, even though this means they have to get UP early in the m

25、orning and reach home Iate in the evening.One advantage Of IiVing OUtSide LOndon is that houses are cheaper. EVen a Small flat in LOndon WithOUt a garden COStS quite a IOt to rent. With the Same money, One Can get a IittIe house in the COUntry with a garden of one' S OWn.Thenz in the COUntry One

26、 Can really get away from the noise and hurry Of busy WOrking lives. EVen though One has to get UP earlier and SPend more time in trains Or buses, One Can SIeeP better at night and during Weekends and On SUmmer eveningsz One Can enjoy the fresh, Clean air Of the country. If One IikeS gardens, One Ca

27、n SPend one' S free time digging, PIanting, Watering and doing the hundred and one Other jobs WhiCh are needed in a garden.Then, When the flowers and VegetableS COme UPz One has got the reward together With those WhO have Shared the SeCretOf Nature.SOme people, however, take no interest in COUnt

28、ry things: for them, happiness IieS in the town, With its Cinemas and theatres, beautiful ShOPS and busy StreetSz dance-halls and restaurants. SUCh PeOPIe WOUId feel that their Iife WaS not WOrth IiVing if they had to IiVe it OUtSide London. An OCCaSiOnal WaIk in one Of the ParkS and a fortnight1 S

29、(两周)ViSit to the Sea every SUmmer is all the COUntry they want: the rest they are quite PrePared to IeaVe to those WhO are glad to get away from LOndon every night.1) . WhiCh Of the following StatementS is NOT true?A. People WhO IOVe NatUre Prefer to IiVe OUtSide the city.B. People WhO WOrk in LOndOn Prefer to IiVe in the COUntry.C. Som


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