



1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。新目标七年级第一学期英语期中测试亲爱的同学:经过半学期的学习,你在英语学科方面一定有很大进步。希望你在这次测评中,能发挥自己的水平。本试卷由听力部分和读写做部分组成,满分100分,答题时间100分钟。答题时请同学们把答案写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡,试卷请自己保管好。祝你取得优异成绩!一、 写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。(5分) 二、 写出相应的小写形式,注意按书写格式写出句子。(5分) IM VERY HAPPY TO SEE YOU HERE, LI HONG.MEI 三、 选择与缩写词相符的中文意思。(5分) 1. L ( ) 2. P

2、( ) 3. CD ( ) 4. RMB ( ) 5. BBC ( ) A. 停车(区) B. 英国广播公司 C. 人民币 D. 激光唱片 E. 大号 四 单项选择。(2分)( ) 1. 选出字母不一致的一项:A.flmns B. bptvz C. hkjx( ) 2. Whats this English?A. an B. on C. in( ) 3. She has an . A. map B. oranges C. uncle( ) 4.- _is my notebook?Its in the drawer. A. Where B. What C. What color ( ) 5. T

3、hank you _ your dictionary.A. to B. at C. for ( ) 6. Are _ her parents?A. this B. these C. she( ) 7. A ping-pong ball and a tennis under the bed. A. is B. am C. are( ) 8. -Is this a key? - _.A. No, it isnt. B. Its a ruler C. Yes, its. ( ) 9. -Is this your _? - Yes, she is.A. sister B. brother C. fat

4、her ( ) 10. - Your English is very good. -_A. No,no B.Yes, it is. C. Thank you. ( )11. -Hello, Jim! - _A Hello, Gina! B. Whats your name? C. Thank you. ( )12.-Is that a pencil? -_A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, that is. C. Yes, its ( )13.Please call me _ 289-6578A. in B. at C. on ( )14. -_that in English? -

5、Its a map.A. Whats B.What C. Is ( )15.-_ your phone number? -Its 87667895A. Wheres B. Whats C.Hows ( )16._ name is Zhen Mei? What is _ name?A. I; you B. My; you C.My; your ( )17._book is _ the floor.A. An; on B A; under C. The; under ( )18.-Do you play computer games? -Yes, I _A. does. B. do. C. has

6、. ( )19.Peter has an _ bookA. interesting B. fun C. boring ( )20. -Are these your English books? - Yes, _A. theyre B. they are C. these are 五、句子搭配。(10分) ( ) 1. How are you? A. No, she doesnt. ( ) 2. Good morning! B. Fine, thanks.( ) 3. Do you have a ball? C. Its a pen.( ) 4. Whats her name? D. Its A

7、my.( ) 5. What color are the pens? E. Nice to meet you!( ) 6. Nice to meet you! F. Good morning!( ) 7. Is this a green pen? G. Yes, I do.( ) 8. Whats this in English? H. Yes, it is.( ) 9. Wheres the pen? I. Theyre green.( )10. Does your mother watch TV? J. Its in the bag.六、句子A.补全对话。(5分)A. How do you

8、 spell it? B. Is this a case? C. Whats it?D. Whats your phone number?. E. Hello, my name is Steve.A: (1) B: Hello. Steve.A: Whats your name? B: Jim Harold.A: (2) B: H-A-R-O-L-D.A: (3) B: Its 62975463. A: (4) B: No, it isnt.A: (5) B: Its a computer.A: Thank you.B 按要求写出句子(10分) 1._ _ _ his pen ?His pen

9、 is black.(根据答语写出问句)2.That is my friend.(改为复数)_ are my _.3._ _ your _ ?My pencil is in the drawer.(根据答语写出问句)4.These keys are on the dresser.(改成一般疑问句)_these keys _ _ _?5. desk, on, the, my, pen, is.(连词成句)_.6. this, is, your , pencil, it , is , yes (连词成句)_ ? _ .7.These are my uncles.(变单数)_ _ my _ .8Is

10、 the sister your friend?( 否定回答)_ ,_ _ .9Does she have a computer? (肯定回答)_ ,_ _ .10Are these your parents? ( 否定回答)_ ,_ _ .七、完形填空。(6分)My name is Bill. 1 an English boy. Here is a photo 2 my family. Lets look at it. My father is in the red hat, he is a teacher (教师). My mother is near(在附近) my father, 3

11、is a teacher, too. I have two 4 . They are Kate and Gina. They have a baseball. Its under the table 5 the floor . They often (经常) 6 baseball .( ) 1. A. ImB. Iam C. Im( ) 2. A. in B. of C. at( ) 3. A. her B. he C. she( ) 4. A. sisters B. sister C. a sister( ) 5. A. on B. in C. under( ) 6. A. plays B.

12、 play a C. play八、阅读理解。根据下列短文内容选择最佳答案。(10分)Look at this . Heres a pencil case, its orange, its my pencil case, its on the desk. Look! This is a pen, its black. And this is an eraser, its blue and white. Theyre both (都) in the pencil case. This is a ruler, its red, its on the pencil case. That is a ru

13、ler, too.Its yellow. Its in the drawer. Wheres my math book? Ah, its there, under the sofa.( ) 1. This is pencil case. A. my B. her C. his( ) 2. The yellow ruler A. in the backpack B. in the drawer C. on the pencil case( ) 3. in the pencil . A. A pen is B. An eraser C. A and B are( ) 4. The is orang

14、e. A. pen B. pencil C. pencil case( ) 5. Where is my English book? A. Under the sofa B. On the desk C. Sorry, I dont know. 九、单词拼写。(10分) A 根据汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。 1. My aunts son is my . (堂兄) 2. I have many . (手表) 3. She is my friend. (好的) 4. the boy to his school. (带走) 5. Is your grandfather. (他) B 根据所给字母和

15、句子,把字母组合成正确的单词。 6. Are those your ? (cairsh) 7. Lets play tennis. -OK, it interesting. (ssnuod) 8. I have clocks on the table. (heret) 9. She has a red .(tepiruc) 10.Whats your name? (lifmay)十、任务型阅读。 根据短文内容填写表格。(4分)My names Ye Zilu. I am a boy. I am twelve. My telephone number is I have a great collection.I have some volleyballs, basketballs, soccer balls, tennis rackets and ping-pong bats. But yesterd


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