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1、2018-2019学年青竹湖湘一初二上学期入学考试英语试卷时量:60分钟满分:100zI知识运用(两部分,共20小题,计20分) 第一节 语法填空从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案填空。1. - What can I do for you, sir?供 10题,计 10分)-I want iPhone 8 plus for my wife as useful gift.A. a; anB. an, aC. an;/2. Work hard,you will pass the exam.A. andB. soC. or3. The students in the class are passin

2、g the ball from one to.A. the otherB. anotherC. other4. Miss Read is good music. She can be good children in the club.A. at; toB. with; withC. at; with5. I can't find my watch. It in my pocket.A. maybeB. mayC. may be6. Bruce practices basketball every day so that he can be a better player.A. pla

3、yB. to playC. playing7. - Did you sleep well last night?- Oh, no.noise outside the hotel made me crazy.第1页共9页A. Too much8. Too manyC. Much too8. It's sports time. Most students in Class 1 are playing football on the playground.A. boyB. boysC. boys'9. In our school library, there a number of

4、books on science and technology(技术).Thenumber of them growing larger and larger.A. are; isB. have; isC. is; are10. -Hey, Sally! I didn't you last weekend.-Yeah. I at home on Saturday. I was quite busy.A. see; stayB. saw, stayedC. see; stayed第二节 词语填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,选出最佳答案。(共10题,计10分)A father and hi

5、s son went to a kite-flying festival. When the son saw colorful kites in the sky, he wanted to 11 a kite, too. The father then bought a kite for his son.The son started to fly the kite. Soon, his kite was high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, 'Father, it seems that the 12 is stopping

6、the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, it will be 13 and fly even higher. Can we cut it?” The father cut the ofriiThe kite started to gohigher. This made the little boy 14But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. It soon 15 to the ground. The son was surprised to see this. He asked his fa

7、ther,“I thought that after cutting the string, the kite wo16 . Why did it fall(落下)down?"The father said, “The string was not stopping the kite from going higher, but was helping it 17 in the sky. You helped the kite go up in the 18 direction (方向)by using the string. But when you cut the string,

8、 it could not 19 the kite anymore."Sometimes, we may feel like there are some things in life that are stopping us from 20 . But in fact, these might be the things that support 支持)us the most.11. A.makeB.flyC. draw12. A.windB.rainC.string13. A.freeB.overC. lost14. A. interestedB. happy C. surpri

9、sed15. A. got16. A. longer17. A. stay18. A. middle19. A. keep20. A. movingB. turnedB. higherB. stopB. leftB. supportB. growingC. fellC. fasterC. playC. rightC. flyC. changingII阅读技能(四部分,共24小题,计48分)第一节 图表理解 阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问 题或完成句子。(共5题,计10分)21. When will the walk begin?A. At 10:00 a.m

10、.B. At 10:30 a.m.Charity WaSunday 11* Nov 2010 a m l 黜 giwer 傩10:30 a m.-Walk Begifls Venue集合地 : CLmton House| SolEhuIl 匚 we|22. From this text we know thatA. the walk is 5 kilometersWalk Registration Fee (费用力AduJ 值”;Childrtn S3;Ifyott are im)eresced jfi 由现purit ptoasc call it 0121788 oremai lulJurs

11、 oraC. At 11:00 a.m.w i 蠹a恙利件的.募K:;UOancing ClubFen: age groups: 5- 10 years oldEwery Saturday 7:00 p in to 9:00 p.mLexingtcm Street 29乳 New Ycrk Phone Number: 275S369Jujst 5 jdolLar a timePlease call Mias Green at 232-5347B. the walk lasts for a monthC. children don't need to payAre you good wi

12、th children?Am youin history and art?We Med voluniccra tc work g 的 9*5电23. The museum is about.A. science and artB. history and artC. history and robots24. Who can visit the museum for free?A. Junior 3 students.B. High school students.C. The fourth-graders in primary school.25. We can know that the

13、dancing club.A. is a non-profit clubB. opens once a weekC. costs 25 yuan a time第二节 短文理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问 题或完成句子。(共5题,计20分)ADo you often wear jeans? Do you have a pair of Levi's jeans? Levi's is the most famous brand (品牌)of jeans and denim(粗斜棉布)clothing. They have been popula

14、r for about one hundred and fifty years. Let's learn about its history.Levi Strauss was born in Germany in the mid-1800s and moved to the United States as a young man. He lived in New York City and learned the dry goods ( 纺织品)business for several years. In 1853 he took his knowledge and dreams t

15、o San Francisco to help with his brothers' dry goods business.The company began making denim in the 1870s, but it did not start making jeans until the 1920s.Levi Strauss and his partner Jacob Davis patented阪得专利)the copper rivet(铜怫钉)to make their clothing strong and hard in 1873. It was to become

16、 a key part of their jeandesign.During the World War II, their jeans sold very well. Before the war, they only had 15 salesmen(隹销员).After the war, they had 22,000 salesmen in 35 countries.Levi's jeans became popular with young people in the 1950s and 1960s. Levi's 501 jeans were their bigges

17、t-selling product(产品).Today Levi's jeans are more popular than ever, and Levi's name continues to live in different countries.26. Levi Strauss went to San Francisco to help his brothers with.A. jeans business B. clothing business C. dry goods business27. When did Levi Strauss and his partner

18、 patent the copper rivet?A. In 1853B. In 1873C. In 187028. The underlined word "design" probably meansin Chinese.A.传统B.设计C.标志29. Why does the writer mention the number of the salesmen in the fifth paragraph?A. To show how well their jeans sold.B. To show how cheap their jeans are.C. To sho

19、w how much their salesmen loved their jobs.30. We can read the passage from a magazine called.A. Funny Stories B. American HistoryC. The Fashion Industry(工业)BYoung people and old people do not always agree with each other. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in

20、 one program( 节目)in Sydney, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adul喊人)live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works for seven hours a day. They do so not only to keep busy, but also to find meaning and happiness in

21、 work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farm near the village. Some learn to make things like tables, chairs and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills.There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn to take phot

22、os or paint pictures. Others sit around and talk, sing or dance. Each teenager has his own way to spend his free time.When people live together, rules are necessary('要的).In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the wh

23、ole group. They talk about it and ask, "What should we do about it?"One of the teenagershas said something about it, "You have to stop thinking only about yourself. You should learn to think about the group."31. How long does the program last each year?A. several days B. eight we

24、eksC. a summer vacation32. All the members spend some time together every day mainly to.A. make life more interestingB. learn new skills of farmingC. find meaning and pleasure in work33 .Which of the following is NOT true about the program?A. They can have some free hours on weekdays.B. Teenagers ca

25、n learn how to think for others in the work group.C. If someone breaks a rule, the whole group will be unhappy with him.34 .The last paragraph shows that the teenager thinks his experience in the program is.A. tiringB. excitingC. helpful35 .The best title for the passage is.A. The Rules of Living To

26、getherB. Teenagers in the Special Work GroupC.A Special Program between Teenagers and Adults第三节 语篇补全 阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短 文.选项中有一项为多余选项。(共4小题,计8分)How does your lunch taste? Students at the Philips Academy Charter School in the US say their lunch tastes fresh and "proud".From gr

27、ades 6 to 8,36. On the small farm inside their kitchen, they grew vegetableslike broccoli, lettuce and many kinds of Asian greens青菜).For most students, 37 . The greens grow under lights. Each month, students from different grades come to water them and take care of them. The farm produces about 8 po

28、unds (3.6 kg) of Asian greens every three weeks. The fresh food then goes to the students.“ Wenarvest(|攵获)it and then it's used in the kitchen and the salad bar. And we're eating it during lunch. It's so much fun, “said Yves Millien. 14.38 It also helped change students'eating habits

29、. Catkin Flowers, 13, hated greens before. 39 . However, after she grew her own vegetables, Catkin changed her mind." I made this and I want to eat it because it's good and I aproud of it, " said Flowers.A. it was the first time for them to see how people produce 住产)foodB. it was a goo

30、d chance for them to learn about vegetablesC. She thought they tasted badD. This project is not only good for teaching scienceE. they had to grow their own lunch第四节 阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。(共5题,计10分)If you ask someone in China about Russia, you might hear something about how it's a "natio

31、n of warriors", or zhan dou min zu in Chinese. They drink a lot. They keep bears as pets. But still people name Russia the “nation of warriors" for reasons.Russians do well in sports. They never finish below fourth place for every Summer Olympic Games. The country's long winters make i

32、ts people become good at winter sports, including ice skating and skiing.Its literature(文学)and art are also very famous. You can see them in War and Peace by famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, Swan Lake by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, and the traditional nesting dolls(套 娃).China has been Russia's top busi

33、ness partner for eight years. Besides, two countries are joining hands to develop economy through the Belt and Road Initiative(带路倡议).For example, a Pipeline(管道)has been built across the two countries. We hope people can bring gas to China in 2019.China is also helping to build Russia's first hig

34、h-speed train from Moscow to Kazan.Russia is China's largest neighbor, and the two neighbors are getting ever closer.40 .Why are Russians good at winter sports?41 .Who wrote the famous novel War and Peace?42 .What does China do to help Russia?43 .What is the relationship侯系)between China and Russ

35、ia like?44 .Does the "nation of warriors " mean a nation likes to fight according to the passage?三、写作技能(共16题,计32分)第一节 语篇翻译 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文.(共5小题,计10分)In life, there are things or people that are important to us or even changed us. But there is one person I can remember the most.She wa

36、s my English teacher when I was in junior high school. At first, I thought 45. English was so difficult that I gave up trying to learn it. But I changed my mind because of her. She was very kind to me and always told me I was the best. 46.She grew hope in my heart, and I began to become interested in learning English.In the beginning, it was so hard. She often said,“There areffitianin scodoljt47J如果你想学好英语,你得努力


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