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1、Un it 2 III help to clea n up the city parks.同步导学案Sectio n A 1a-1cDo you want to be a volun teer? What kind of volun teer job do you want to do? Why?I would likebecauseWhat other things can you help with?I canI canI canhelp the old to go across the road.give your seat to the old, the childre n, or t

2、he woma n who will have a baby.tell funny stories to make the old people laugh.help the passe ngers with their luggage.help pla nt trees and grass to beautify your hometow n.help the police catch the thieves.help the old people clea n up their houses.give the money to the charity and help the poor p

3、eople.Materials about volun teerAs we know, “ volunteer ” is a kind of “work ” that you offer to do it, and also, it is for free.Nowadays, there ' rmore and more people go to work as a volun teer in many areas. There are many ben efits being a volun teer.Firstly, I think as a volunteer, you can

4、gain much experience which is very important for both of your future and your curre nt job.Secon dly, you can know many peoplewho ' re from different parts of the world, you can makefriends with them, and you may build close relati on ship with some of them, so, whe n you have difficultiesin the

5、 future, theyh'elpllyou.Thirdly, as a volunteer,you can broadenyour horizonwhile you work with others andcom muni cate with others. You can lear n much from others. Most importa ntly, the practice can help you build the con fide nce.Help ing others is a kind of volun teer and it is importa nt to

6、 our lives. We can't become a volun teer inpoor rural area, but we can help classmates work out a math problem; we can't join the Olympics, but we day and everywhere, but we ignore it sometimes.can take part in a sports meet ing in school and developthe spirit of"higher, faster, stronge

7、r therways; we can't go to Wen chua n, but we can send our“ gifts ”there .In fact, we are vometeeri ngVolun teer is not a simple matter about yourself, it also has great in flue nce to your life, your family, even the world. If there are not volun teers any more, every one is selfish and vain, t

8、he world will be alonely place. Volunteercan bring people warm and kind feelings and help improve your personality.When you are volunteering, you'll find the beauty of the world and life and you really feel and touchsome hard experienee,which is able to lead you to treat your family, your life,

9、your friends morepreviously. So, volun teer is worth joining and val uing, though it is hard, you have gained the best awarda kind heart.Start your volun teer life now!词组:clea n up the city parks清扫城市公园visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up拜访医院里生病的孩子们让他们振作起来give out food to the homeless

10、 people at the food bank在食物银行给无家可归的人们分发食物keep the bus stop clea n保持公共汽车站点干净volun teer in an after-school study program (to teach kids)在课后学习项目中当志愿者来教孩子write dow n all the ideas写下所有的想法the old(以下均复数概念,可以理解成后边省略了名词people )老人the young年轻人the poor穷人the rich富人the disabled残疾人the bli nd盲人the deaf失聪者the livi n

11、g活着的人the dead死去的人2b-2c1. We n eed toa pla n to tell people about the city park clea n-up.2. Clean- up Day is only two weeks from now. We can' tmaking a plan.3. We couldsig ns.4. Let ' s make some notices, too. Then Iem tatter school.5. We could each10 stude nts and ask them to come.词组:come u

12、p with a pla n=think of a pla ncome up with a pla n for the city park clea n-up put off making a pla nput up sig nshand out some no tices/posters想出一个计划为城市公园清洁想出一个计划 推迟/拖延制疋计划张贴宣传标语分发一些通知/海报call up some stude nts打电话(召集)给一些学生2d1.Helen: Hi, T om. I ' m making some plans to work in an old people'

13、; s home this summerTom: Really? I did that last summer!Hele n: Oh,?Tom: Mm things like reading the newspaper to the old people, or just talking to them. They told mestories about the past and how things used to be.Hele n:.Tom: Yeah, a lot of old people are Ionely. We should listen to them and care

14、for themHele n:. I mean, we're all going to be old one day, too.s home?2. What did Tom help out with in the old peopleWhy did Helen think we should listen to old people and care for them?3. Tom worked in an last summer. He helped the old people do thingslikeor just The old people told him storie

15、s about and . Hele n wan ted to do that this summer. They thought they should liste n to the old people andbecause they both would beone day.词组:make plans to work in an old people' s homehelp out to read n ewspapers to the old peoplehelp out with things like readi ng n ewspapers to the old peopl

16、e tell us stories about the pastfeel Ion elylive/stay alon e=live/stay by on eselfcare for old peoplecare about old peopleone daysome day制疋计划来在老人院里工作帮忙给这些老年人读报纸帮助像给这些老年人读报纸这样的事情给我们讲关于过去的故事感到孤独一个人/单独居住照顾老年人关心老年人(过去/将来)某天(将来)某天3a-3c1. What do Mario and Mary volu nteer to do?2. Why does Mario volun tee

17、r to help others?3. Why does Mary volun teer to help others?4. What does Mario say about volun teeri ng?5. What does Mary say about volun teeri ng?Mario and Maryseveral hours each weekothers. Mario wantsan ani mal doctor.Heat an ani mal hospital. He wantsmore aboutcare for an imals.Mary is a book lo

18、ver. She could read by herselfof four. Last year, she decidedfor aread.therevolunteerafter-school program. Mary still works there once a weekkids Volun teeri ng here is a dream come true for her. She can what sheand helps others at thesame time.1. Mario would likean an imal doctor.2. Mario works for

19、 an ani mal hospital because he wantsabout howfor ani mals.3. Mary decided for a job at an after- schoolread ing program last year. She still worksnowkids learn to read.4. Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves.词组;work for an ani mal hospital为动物医院工作give up several hours each week to

20、help others每周放弃几个小时(抽出几个小时)来帮助别人hard work困难的工作,累活get such a strong feeli ng of satisfact ion得到如此强烈的满足感see the ani mals get better看到动物们变好see the look of joy on theirowners ' face看到它们主人的脸上咼兴的表情a book lover一个书籍爱好者at the age of four在四岁时try out the idea尝试这个想法try out for a job参与一项工作的选拔try out for a vo

21、lun teer after-school read ing program参与课后读书志愿项目的选拔go on a differe nt journey with each book进行每一本书的不冋之旅a dream come true for me对于我来说梦想成真at the same time同时need 用法1) need用作实义动词,“需要”之意,有人称、数和时态的变化。这个人在工作时需要一本英语词典。The man n eeds an En glish diet ionary whe n he works.你必需亲自见他吗?Do you n eed to see him you

22、rself?2) need用作情态动词,意为“有必要”,没有人称、数等变化,通常用于疑问句和否定句中。你必须和你的同学去公园吗?Need you go to the park with your classmate?他不必花掉这么多钱买这块新手表。He n eed n' t spe nd much money for this new watch.【注意】由need引出的疑问句, 答语表肯定时用 must或have to ;表示否定时用 needn ' t或don ' t have to 。A: Need I come to work tomorrow?明天我需要来上班

23、吗 ?B: Yes, you must / have to.是的,你必须来。A: Need I fin ish the work at on ce?我需要马上完成这项工作吗?B: No, you needn ' t / don ' t have to .不,不必今天完成。to do用法动词不定式to do是一种非谓语动词形式,在句子中可以用作主语、表语、宾语、补足语、定语、状语等。一. 作宾语I want to tell you a story.They begin to work at eight every morning.Don ' t forget to loc

24、k t he door.Would you like to go and have a pic nic with us tomorrow?二. 作宾语补足语。The teacher asked us to read En glish for half an hour in the morning.The teacher ofte n tells Jim not to spe nd toomuch time play ing computer games.Please let me help you.2. 省“ to ”的不定式作宾语补足语:Let / make / have + sb. +do

25、 sth.Let the boy go out now.The boy made the baby cry.see / watch / hear / no tice / feel + sb. +do sth.I saw the stude nts play basketball on the playgro und yesterday.I ofte n hear the girl sing in the n ext room.否定形式:(1 )动词不定式的否定式是直接在to之前加not.Tell them not to play football in the street.(2 )省to的动

26、词不定式的否定式是直接在动词前面加not. Let the boy not go.三. 作状语:(1) 作目的状语。He stopped to have a rest. 可用 in order to 或 so as to + 动词原形, so as to 不用于句首。The bus stopped so as to pick up passe ngers.(2) 作结果状语。He woke up only to find everybody gone.His grandma lived to see the liberation of China.He is old eno ugh to go

27、 to school.(3) 在表示喜、怒、哀、乐等的形容词后作原因状语。I' m proud to have taken part in the competitions.I ' m happy to have found many thing s I can do.填写说出下列不定式的用法。1. I ' d like(help) homeless people.2. She decided(try) out for a volun teer after-school read ing program.3. You could ask hospitals(let) y

28、ou visit the kids and cheer them up.4. Mario believes it can help him(get) his future dream job.5. She volun teers there once a week(teach) kids.6. I ' m making some sig ns _ (put) up around the school.7. Tell them(not play) football in the street.8. Nobody tells him what(do) next.9. The teacher

29、 made his students(come) into the meeting room on time.10. I ' m happy (meet) you here.11. She thinks it difficult for her(carry) the heavy box.12. There are eno ugh time(get) to the airport.13. It is safe(cross) the river by boat.14. I always tell my stude ntson the road because it' s reall

30、y dan gerous.A. not to playB. to play notC. not play ingD. not play15. - will go to Harbin for my summer vacation. What about you?-I haven' t decided where.A. go B. went C. goingD. to go16. -1 didn' t hear you come in just now.-That ' s good. We triedany noise, for you were sleeping.A. n

31、ot makeB. not to make C. to makeD. making17. Lucy is shy. She would not in vite her classmatesdancing with her.A. practiceB. practicesC. practici ngD. to practice4a-4cput up, hand out, call up, cheer up, come up with, give out, put off1.1 want tomy pla n to work in anani mal hospital un til n ext su

32、mmer. Im too busy with my studiethis year.2. She hopes toat least five primary schools to ask if they need volunteersfor theirafter-school programs.3. Our class is trying tosomeideas tosick childre n because they are ofte n sad.4. We decided tosig ns around the school andno tices to tell stude nts a

33、bout the booksale. We willthe money from the sale to homeless people.Most people today are only worried about gett ing good jobslots of money. In their freetime, they think about whatfor fun. However, few people thi nk about what they can doothers. There are many people who are less lucky than us. V

34、olunteering our time to help these people is agood wayour free time. For example, we can make planssick childre n in the hospitalor raise money for homeless people. Some people even stop doing their jobs for a few mon ths to ayearto another place, like one of the countries in Africa, and help people

35、 there1. I ' d like to volunteer2. At 12:00 a.m., I called my friend.3. I ' m very busy but I could help4. Summer vacatio n is comi ng, and I want5. I want to travel alone. My pare nts told me (not).词组;be busy with my studies/less onsbe busy study ing for my testsat least five primary school

36、be worried about getting good jobs to make lots of money in my free timedo someth ing for funvolun teer my time to help old peopleraise money for homeless peoplegive away money to homeless peoplestop doing my jobsstop to have a good rest忙于我的学习/功课忙于为我的考试做准备至少五所小学为得到好的工作赚很多钱而忧虑 在我空闲时做某事为了好玩/乐趣/消遣自愿花费时

37、间来帮助老年人为无豕可归的人们筹钱把钱捐给无家可归的人们停止做我的工作停下来去好好休息一下短语动词分类:1. 动词+介词ask for请求 belongto 属于 look at看 lookafter照顾 learn from向学习remi nd of提醒takeafter与相像think of想起look after 照顾look for寻找agree with 同意ask for 请求2.动词+副词take away 拿走wake up 醒来 put off推迟 give out分发 think over考虑end up 结束put on穿上putoff脱下put up挂起 give up

38、 放弃 give away捐赠hand out 分发 wake up 叫醒3. 动词+副词+介词come up with 提出,想出 run out of 用完 get along with 与相处 do well in 擅长 look forward to 期望4. 动词+名词+介词take part in参力口 make use of禾U用 pay attention to注意 take care of 照顾5. 系动词+形容词+介词be strict with 对要求严格 be mad at 对恼火 be full of充满I. 1 didn ' t finish writing

39、 my math test because I(用完了 ) the time.2. Mr. Cool has(修理)the bike.3. Yesterday my mother( 赠送)my old pens to my cousin.4. Ms Green lost the( 车轮)of her new car.5. Lucy(相像)hergra ndmother.6. The old trousers are so( 破损的)that he couldn ' t wear them any more.7. Don ' t(张贴)the poster on the wall

40、.8. Your parents must( 为自豪)you.9. You could( 分发)food at the food bank to help feed them.10. I want to( 使振作)my grandparents.II. My friend wants to( 自愿做)in an orphanage ( 孤儿院)this summer holiday.12. Look at the( 标志)on the wall. Don ' t use your mobile phone here.13. Monday is our school ' s清洁)

41、Day.14. We should( 想出)some ideas trying to help people in poor rural countries.15. She ' s a gusty (勇敢的)player; She never( 放弃).16. The pla ne (起飞) on time in spite of the fog.17. Would you like(帮忙打扫)the city parks?18. Could you please help me(洗)the dishes, Lily?19. Jane didn ' _t(想出)a good w

42、ay(做出)this math problem.20. They ' re(计划进行oLassa.1. Would you please drive faster? My flight isA. taking offB. gett ing off C. turning offD. putt ing off2. You are not allowed toadvertisements on this wall without special permission.A. put dow nB. put onC. put upD. put off3. Young man,! Don'

43、 t cry for the spilt milk.A. set upB. cheer upC. give upD. fix up4. I haven' t a bean now (身无分文 ). I'veof the money in my pocket.A. call upB. hand outC. put off D. run out5. The boy whoA. put upB. puts up C. is putting upD. is putting6. Let ' splanting the trees until tomorrow. I think i

44、t' s going to rain.A. put onB. put upC. put offD. put down7. The good news of our football team winning the gameeverybody there.A. cheered outB. cheered upC. cheered onD. cheered forthe notice there is my cousin.8. If youA. keep up withB. catch up withC. feed up withD. come up witha new idea, pl

45、ease call me as soon as possible.9. PleaseA. put down B. put onC. put off D. put together10. -! Theres a car comin-g-! Oh. Thanks.A. Look overB. Look up C. Look onD. Look out11. It ' s very cold today. You' d better putyour coat when you go out.A. awayB. downC. onD. upthe box carefully. It i

46、s filled with glasses.the map on the blackboard?12. Lucy, could you please help meA. put into B. put up C. put out D. put onthe light?13. I can ' t see the words clearly. Can IA. turn onB. put off C. hold onD. take off14. As soon as the man walked into the warm room, he his heavy coat and sat do

47、wn.D. took up m away?D. keeping outA. took away B. took down C. took off15. Would you mind my pet dog while IA. setting up B. looking after C. turning down16. When he home, he saw his mother cleaning the room.A. got up B. got back C. got off D. got on17. Father is sleeping. You ' d better quiet.

48、A. to keep B. keep C. keeping D. kept18. We ' re going to tables before the party.A. fix up B. put up C. set up D. cut up19. I don' t have any more of these kind of paper. I have it.D. run out ofA. run of outB. run ofC. run out20. If the UFO came, I would the police.D. speak upA. call outB.

49、speak outC. call up21. We can' t reviewing, because the final test is only three weeks.A. put outB. put off C. put downD. write down22. We couldsome movie posters on the wall of our cin ema.put outB. put off C. put dow nD. put up23. Many stude nts in our schoolthe old and they usually offer thei

50、r seats to them onbuses.A. worry about B. care for C. agree with D. take care24 . Tom, it ' s cold outside.your coat when you go out.A. Take off B. Put on C. Put away D. Take away25. A stude nt in Fuda n Uni versity was killed by his roommate just because of small things in dailylife. It is impo

51、rta nt for stude nts to lear n how toeach other.A. get on with B. come over to C. stay away from26. If you want to buy this dress , you 'd betterfirst to make sure it fits you .A. pay for it. B. take it off. C. tidy it up . D. try it on.27.1 ' m reading now .Please tell him the TV a bit.A. t

52、urn up B. turn off C. to turn down D. turn down28. His money already last mon th.A. run out of B. run out C. ran out of D. ran out29. There are some things for children. Let' s .A. give away them B. gave away them C. give them away D. gave them away30. Mother is ill. I have to look after it.A. l

53、ook up B. look over C. take care of D. look aroundSectio n B1a-1e词组:run out of money用/花光了钱take after my fatherbe similar to my father像/随我的爸爸fix up my bike修理我的自行车don ' t have eno ugh money to buy bikes没有足够的钱买自行车volun teer to help people in n eed自愿帮助有需要的人们be proud of you以你自豪take pride in you以你自豪Ji

54、mmyorold bikesn obody wan ts. Then hethe bikes andthemto kidsdon ' t have eno ugh money to buy their own bikes. That' s fan tastic. What gave him the idea? H guess hehis father. But now he hasmoney to buy any more old bikes. he n eeds tosome way of getti ng mon ey.2a-2b1. What kind of letter

55、 is it?2. Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why?T or F1. The writer can' t use his arms or legs well.2. Lucky was brought to the writer by his friend.3. They have bee n trained atAn imal Helpers ” for seve n mon ths.4. A dog-helper is for those who are disabled.5. Lucky can un dersta nd differe n

56、t in struct ions.Ben Smith is aman. He has manyin his life. He canegs wellthisSome no rmal thi ngs like an sweri ng the teleph one,and clos ing the doors, orthings aredifficult for him. But“ Lucky -helpee, amgkesto his life. Lucky is a fantastic dog. It isveryandmany En glish words. It can un dersta nd him whe n he gives him order.词组;set it up to help disabled peoplemake it possible to have a trained dogmake a big differ


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