



1、托福 IBT 考试 2014 年真题 4( 总分: 120.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、BSPEAKING/B( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00)二、BSpeaking Question 1/B( 总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)1.What kind of clothing do you usually wear, and why? Please include specific details in your explanation.(分数: 20.00 ) 正确答案: (topic To tell the truth, I usually wear formal clothe

2、s and don't really pay muchattention to casual or stylish clothes, because I think that the formal clothes can be very useful. reason 1 Firstly, formal clothes are suitable for work and for occasions such as meeting elders and attending official meetings. So wearing formal clothes every day prep

3、ares me for every eventuality. reason 2 Secondly, formal clothes are easier to wear: a pair of pants, a shirt and shoes are all you need. Formal clothes are everlasting: they will never be out of fashion.conclusion These are the reasons I usually choose to wear formal clothes.) 解析:三、BSpeaking Questi

4、on 2/B( 总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today know more about the world events than their parents did before.(分数: 20.00 )正确答案: (topic Personally, young people now have a much broader world view than their parents did. reason 1 First, considering

5、 the occurrence of communication technology, we can now learn about the world events at one click of a button on our computers or mobile phones. The information on line provided is modern, easy to use and widely available to the public. This kind of technology was simply unavailable thirty years ago

6、. reason 2 Secondly, education nowadays is more focused on international events, rather than domestic issues. As globalization spreads all over the world, young man have broader visions on matters beyond their national boundaries than their parents would have before. conclusion That's why I thin

7、k the younger generations have a much broader understanding of events than their parents did.) 解析:四、BSpeaking Question 3/B( 总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)3.A Proposal of the Restriction on Campus GarbageThe students of the Western University have been neglecting to throw away their own trashes, causing a messy c

8、ampus. Students are constantly reminded by the school to throw their trashes into the appropriate bins, however, there are still wastes such as empty lunch trays, soda bottles and other garbage being left all over the school. Instead of allowing this problem to continue, a message written by a stude

9、nt in the school newspaper suggests that the security officers should stop those littering on the campus and charge a 15 dollars penalty. The proposal is clear: if students don't clean up their trashes, then they will suffer the consequences.Now hear a conversation about the same topic.The woman

10、 expresses her opinion of the proposal to restrict throwing garbage on campus. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.(分数: 20.00 ) 正确答案: (reading A student suggests a proposal that the school should charge students for littering on campus. opinion The woman supp

11、orts the view because she thinks it is a good idea to keep the campus clean. reason 1 For one reason, she points out that the penalty can help students to clean up and throw rubbish into the garbage can. For example, she says that the garbage situation in her town became better after the local polic

12、e started charging penalties for littering. reason 2 The other reason she gives is that the school will not need to hire anymore guards to clean up all the buildings and thus save a lot of money if the proposal is implemented.)解析: 听力原文 W: Wow.I like the proposal from that student. M: What? W: Look,

13、a student asks the school to charge those who litter on campus. I think it is a great idea. M: Really? I thinkmost students won't be happy if they are charged for not throwing away their garbage. W: Well,I believe the penalty will be helpful to remind students to clean up and to keep our school

14、clean.I come from a small town where the junk could be found littered all over. But the situation became better right after the local police took action and started punishing those who littered. Plus, students might feel embarrassed if stopped by securities. M: Yeah, I am sure it will get thestudent

15、s to quit tossing their mess somewhere else besides the trash bins. W: That's right. Also, I believe once the proposal comes into effect, the school will be able to save money from hiring more janitors to clean and maintain all buildings on campus.五、BSpeaking Question 4/B(总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)4.Assi

16、milation and AccommodationThe term "assimilation" means: a new idea is assimilated into knowledge similar to our existing knowledge. Whenan object comes into one's sight for the first time, the information is processed and assimilated into people's brains. Accommodation is another

17、approach applied by humans to process information. It is when people come across new information, they accommodate in order to process this new data, expanding their knowledge in the process. The difference between the two is simple: to assimilate is to absorb new information into existing knowledge

18、, to accommodate is to receive new information by modifying or expanding our existing knowledge base.Now hear a talk on the some subjectThe professor takes an example to illustrate the difference between assimilation and accommodation. Explain how the example relates to the reading passage.(分数: 20.0

19、0 ) 正确答案: (topic (reading) The topic of the lecture is the difference between assimilation andaccommodation. And the professor illustrates the difference by giving an example of her daughter. example In the lecture, the professor says that her daughter was able to identify different kinds of birds t

20、hrough the windows of her home when she was little. The form of birds in her mind kept assimilating into her existing knowledge of birds that all small flying creatures with feathers were birds. However, the form of birds wasn't changed and expanded until she first saw ostriches in the zoo. Then

21、 she knew that birds such as ostriches could be big with feathers, and not all birds could fly.)解析: 听力原文 W: I have personal experience with regards to the difference between assimilation and accommodation. When my daughter was very young, she was able to identify different birds through the windows

22、in our home. She watched the small birds so often, and then she was able to gradually form the concept of a bird in her mind as a small flying creature with wings and feathers. As a result, my daughter was assimilating each small bird into her existing knowledge of birds.However, the first time I to

23、ok her to the zoo, she screamed with delight when she saw an ostrich. She didn't know what it was until I told her itwas a "big bird". She was astonished for a littlewhile and then smiled saying "big bird". Her existing knowledge of bird in this case had been modified from a

24、small creature with wings and feathers that fly to the knowledge that not all birds were small and able to fly. This is just an easy example of assimilation and accommodation I often show to my students.六、BSpeaking Question 5/B(总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)5.The man discusses two possible solutions to the woman

25、's problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.(分数: 20.00 ) 正确答案: (problem The woman is having problem in parking her car. She parks her Mom's car on campus without permission and might get ticket for illegal parking i

26、f she doesn't move the car immediately, but her class is going to begin in 5 minutes. solutions The mangives her two solutions. One is removing the car after finishing class; the other is spinning right into the parking lot to remove the car right away. best solution I think what she should take

27、 is the first advice.reasons The reason is that she will be late for her class starting in 5 minutes if she moves the car at once. Besides, she has to take a test in class and she'd better not take risk of arriving late. In addition, the police might not find her Mom's car during the one hou

28、r of her class since the parking area is fully packed. Furthermore, even under the worst situation the charge won't be more expensive than missing her class, so she shouldn't worry too much. After all, class is the most important for her.)解析: 听力原文 W: Gosh! I am totally messed up! M: Calm dow

29、n, Lucy. What happened to you? W:I drove my Mom's car to school this morning, but I didn't realize I can't park her car on our campus without parking permission. I have to run right away and move the car off campus if I don't want to get a ticket. M: But.wait. It is about 5 minutes b

30、efore our class starts. If I am correct, we have a test today. You don't really want to miss it. W: Damn! I almost forgot it. What shouldI do now? M: Take it easy. You can just leave the car where it is and spin right to the class with me. There is only an hour before the end of the day and the

31、police shouldn't be aware of your car during class since the parking lot is all filled up now. Even if the police find out, the charge of penalty won't be too high. You shouldn't worry about the ticket. W: No way. The penalty for parking without permission has increased according to the

32、new parking policy issued currently. I don't want to receive the ticket which could be very expensive. M: Right. Of course. Then, I suppose you could run immediately to the parking lot and move your car to somewhere that doesn't require parking permission. Since the professor usually gives a

33、 lecture before the test, you won't really miss anything significant even after finding a spot for your car. W: Well.I guess so. But I cannot take the risk. What if I come late to the class?七、BSpeaking Question 6/B(总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)6.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how pe

34、ople make flood irrigation beneficial to agriculture.(分数: 20.00 ) 正确答案: (topic In the lecture, the professor mentions that flooding is very helpful toagriculture. example In fact, flood waters bring fresh minerals and sediment which are important to !rich soil fields and grow good crops. Therefore, people in ancient Egypt started making flood to irrigate farm land as they had gradually learnt to control flood by building irrigation systems.So the flood water was able to flow into the fields wherever the plants and crops need water and nutrition.)解析: 听力原文 M: People usually thin


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