Lecture 1 The Power of Public Speaking, Speaking Confidently_第1页
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1、Speaking Confidently & EthicallyThe Power of Public SpeakingCourse description and requirements (20 minutes);Ice-breaking activity (25 minutes);The Power of Public Speaking (25 minutes);Speaking Confidently & Ethically(20 minutes).See handouts;Required course book: The Art of Public Speaking

2、, 10th ed. , Beijing: FLTRP, 2010.Evaluate the speakers speech whenever an evaluation form is handed out and your feedback is highly necessary. Friendly reminder: There will be a 10-question quiz on Chapters 1 and 2 at the next class meeting. VIDEO-VIEWING Yang Lans presentation- Video A.1 (5 minute

3、s);The Tradition of Public Speaking;OratorRhetoricPS and Intercultural Communicative Competence;What is ICC?What is PS?PS and Critical Thinking;What is CT?PS and Conversation;Similarities;Differences;Then how is the message conveyed in the speech process?It was 5:15 p.m., and the international sales

4、 conference of computer giant Lexstar had been going on in Shenzhen all day. A series of new product presentation to buyers from the companys largest global customer had taken much longer than expected. What element is contained in this example concerning SCP? Cindy Chen was worried. As a marketing

5、manager for the T-series of laptops, she was the last speaker of the day. When she rose to address the audience, she knew she faced a difficult situation. She had been allotted 45 minutes for her presentation, and the meeting was scheduled to end in 15 minutes. Whats more, sales of her product line

6、depended in large part on this presentation.What element is contained in this example concerning SCP? Cindy stepped to the microphone and began to speak. She could see members of the audience looking at their watches; she knew they were eager to get to dinner after a long day of speeches.What elemen

7、t (s) is/are contained in this example concerning SCP? “Good afternoon,” Cindy said, “and thanks for your attention. I know everyone is ready for dinner I certainly am. I was given 45 minutes for my presentation, but with your kind cooperation, Ill do my best to finish in half an hour. I think youll

8、 find the time worthwhile, because the computers I am going to tell you about are priced right to increase your customer base.” Cindy was relieved to see several people smiling as they settled back in their seats.What element is contained in this example concerning SCP? Now that she had the audience

9、s attention, Cindy presented each new computer in the T-series as briefly as she could. She streamlined her planned presentation to emphasize the features that would be most appealing to buyers from different countries. She ended by promising to contact anyone who needed more information. She quickl

10、y added her e-mail address to her PowerPoint slides and was encouraged to see people writing it down.What element is contained in this example concerning SCP? As promised, Cindy finished in under half an hour. “And thats it!” She concluded. “Lets eat!” Later, the marketing director complimented her

11、on dealing so well with a tough situation. “You did a great job,” the director said. “Next year well try to make all the presentations as efficient as yours.” What element is contained in this example concerning SCP? The Speech Communication Process (abbreviated to SCP);Speaker;Message;Channel;Liste

12、ner;Feedback;Interference;Situation.See p. 15 Analyze the text and video of Yang Lans “Cultural Programs and the 2008 Olympic Games.” Evaluate the speech in light of the criteria for public speaking and intercultural communicative competence discussed in this lecture. Focus discussion:What is the bi

13、ggest stumbling block that hinders you from speaking confidently in public?Nervousness;Stage fright;Shyness;Anxiety Sharing personal and debaters experience.Adrenaline;Positive nervousness;Dealing with nervousness:Acquire speaking experience;Preparation: 5 Ps Think positively;Use the power of visual

14、ization;Know that most nervousness is not visible;Dont expect perfection.Additional tips on p. 22 and CD-Rom.Ethics;Guidelines for Ethical Speaking:Make sure your goals are ethically sound;Be fully prepared for each speech;Be honest in what you say;Put ethical principles into practice.What is plagia

15、rism? Plagiarism: presenting another persons language or ideas as ones own. How does it happen in public speaking?Global plagiarism: stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as ones own;Patchwork plagiarism: Stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing t

16、hem off as ones own;Incremental plagiarism: failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people.Why do people believe is a serious offence?What ways do you suggest should we take to avoid it?See Checklist on p. 27.They occur frequently in incremental plagiaris

17、m. There are two ways to guard against it.To be careful when taking research notes to distinguish among direct quotations, paraphrased material, and your own comments;To err on the side of caution. When in doubt, cite your source.One way to avoid patchwork plagiarism or incremental plagiarism when w

18、orking with the Internet is to take careful research notes. Make sure you keep a record of the following:The title of the Internet document;The author or organization responsible for the document;The date on which the document was published, posted, or last updated;The date on which you accessed the

19、 document.HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY!See p. 31Experienced public speakers convey their confidence through a combination of their vocal and physical behaviors. Divide a sheet of paper into two columns: “Vocal Behaviors of a Confident Speaker” and “Physical Behaviors of a Confident Speaker.” In each column, list and briefly explain three behaviors that, in your experience, reflect a confident public speaker. Be prepared to discuss your ideas in class. Making your first speech


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