



1、unit 1 tales of the unexplained (m2) i. vocabularytask 1 spelling:1. do you believe in u_ things such as ufos, yetis and monsters?2. a fifteen-year-old boy went missing 2 days ago and the police have stepped up their s_ for him.3. the game was put off d_ to the rain.4. an old man said he was a w_ to

2、 the accident.5. all the people invited to the party s_ up.6. there is no p_ that he will win the match.7. they are carrying out some r_ into/on the causes of cancer.8. the whole experience was _; i even get _ when i hear a plane fly over. (frighten)9. the story he m_ up wasnt interesting at all.10.

3、 would you please choose the right statements a_ to the passage?11. dont be _(失望) at your marks. you have made p_.12. the two boys are _ (相似) to each other in height.13. footprints are one of the few pieces of hard _ (证据) supporting the _ (存在) of yeti.14. on a_, these footprints are 14 to 18 inches

4、long.15. i am c_ (确信) of his innocence.task 2 fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words or phrases. on average, take charge of, convinced, make ones way, look into, support, search for, similar, mystery, live on, rule out, run after1. after a long _ the information on the internet

5、, he found shat he wanted to know about yetis.2. do children in china and usa have _ after-school activities?3. some people think that there are still dinosaurs _ in deep oceans.4. some parents have become _ that learning to play chess helps a child develop their mind.5. the soldier felt weak and th

6、irsty. he _ to the riverside and drank his fill of the cool water.6. though he said he had been there when the accident happened, the witnesss story was not _ by any convincing evidence.7. its estimated that _ five people around the world die from aids every minute.8. the statues on easter island ar

7、e one of the great _, which have puzzled people for centuries.9. police have not _ the possibility that justin was taken by aliens.10. the engineers _ the creature, which ran with amazing speed and strength.ii. structures:1. 助动词do起强调作用,对谓语内容加以强调。助动词do随句意进行时态变化,原行为动词保持原形。 1然而,警方发现justin星期五晚上11点左右确实回过

8、家。_ 2) 她确实喜欢听流行音乐。_2. happen to sb./happen to do (be doing; have done)/ it + happen + that. 1) 你认为他发生了什么事?_ 2) 我到家时妈妈碰巧不在家。 _. 3碰巧我刚刚把衣服洗完。 _ 拓展:occur 1) 他突然想起了一个好主意。 _ 2) 我突然想到我得去机场接我叔叔。_ 3. yetis are said to be heavily built and hairy. = it _ said _ yetis _ heavily built and hairy. = people _ _ ye

9、tis _ heavily built and hairy. 类似词:report, expect, believe, suppose, think, know, etc. 据报道20多人在那次事故中丧生。 _ 4. he became _ that they exist. (convince) 1) i tried to _ them _ my success. =i tried to _ them _ i would _. 2) 我们说服他开车去。 (convince sb to do sth.)_ 3) 他们还未找到令人信服的证据。_iii. grammar: present perfe

10、ct tense and present perfect continuous tense1. 我已等你一个小时了。_2. 一些村民说他们看到过不明飞行物屡次。_3.这是他第三次来到中国学习。_4. 他们修了一条公路。_.5. 他们一直在修一条公路。_iv. multiple choices:1. a lot of money _ collected for the hope project since last year. a. is being b. has beenc. are beingd. had been2. the boys missing made the police _.a

11、. puzzleb. puzzling c. puzzledd. to be puzzled3. _ what he said, we can judge him to be an honest boy.a. owing tob. due toc. according tod. thanks to4. he left home two weeks ago and we havent heard from him _.a. thoughb. thereforec. thusd. since5. tims mother _, in fact, like beijing opera very muc

12、h. she was even able to sing a piece.a. lookedb. appearedc. seemedd. did6. _ we have made thirty pounds by selling the raw meat.a. so farb. so longc. so muchd. so there7. his success is due to _.a. work hardb. hard workc. study hardd. work hardly8. why does she look so tired? - she _ all the morning

13、 and she still hasnt finished it.a. cleanedb. was cleaningc. has been cleaningd. has cleaned9. cats are similar _ tigers _ several ways.a. with; to b. to; in c. in; tod. on; with 10. can you produce any evidence to _ what you said?a. make upb. explainc. supportd. tell11. she is said to _ abroad. but

14、 i dont know which country she stayed in.a. studyingb. studyc. be studyingd. have studied12. the case with the lost boy _ by the police at present.a. looking out b. is being looked intoc. is being looked outd. looked into13. by the time i see you again, i _ from that school.a. have graduated b. grad

15、uatedc. will have graduatedd. graduate14. when i return to the classroom, i found my pen _. a. goingb. losingc. missingd. missed15. when jack arrived, he learned mary _ for almost an hour.a. had gone b. had set offc. had leftd. had been away16. the pen i _ i _is on my desk, right under my nose.a. th

16、ink; lostb. thought; had lostc. think; had lostd.thought; have lost17. in the last 3 years, there _ many changes in our hometown.a. have beenb. has beenc. have hadd. were18. you dont need to describe her. i _ her several times.a. had metb. have metc. metd. meet19. im sorry to keep you waiting. - oh,

17、 not at all. i _ here only a few minutes.a. have beenb. had beenc. was d. will be20. the house cant be used now because it _.a. is paintingb. has been paintedc. is paintedd. is been painted21. leonardo da vinci (1452-1519) _ birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. a.

18、is said to be buying b. is said to have bought c. had said to buy d. has said to have bought22. -how is your mother now? -it is only _ that shes been well enough to go out.a. lately b. late c. later d. latest23. a plane loaded with 30 journalists and _ to make a safe landing crashed in iraq last month. a. triedb. tryingc. to tryd. was trying 24. -how do you find the books? -oh, they are wonderful. people here think _ of the books. a. a number b. a great many c. a great deal d. a plenty25. -would you like some more tea? -_, please. a. no


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