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1、Electronic CommerceTenth Edition电子商务(英文精编版第10版) Chapter 1Introduction to Electronic CommerceElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition2 2Learning ObjectivesIn this chapter, you will learn about: What electronic commerce is and how it has evolved into a second wave of growth Why companies concentrate on reve

2、nue models and the analysis of business processes instead of business models when they undertake electronic commerce initiatives How economic forces have created a business environment that is fostering the continued growth of electronic commerceElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition3 3Learning Objectiv

3、es (contd.) How businesses use value chains and SWOT analysis to identify electronic commerce opportunities The international nature of electronic commerce and the challenges that arise in engaging in electronic commerce on a global scaleKey Termselectronic business电子商务electronic commerce 电子商务busine

4、ss-to-business (B2B) 企业间business-to-consumer (B2C)企业与消费者间business-to-government (B2G)企业与政府间consumer-to-consumer (C2C) 消费者间commodity item商品merchandise 商品procurement采购e-procurement电子采购electronic data interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换electronic fund transfer (EFT) 电子资金转帐firm企业flat rate access固定费率访问localization

5、本地化Key Terms ContdKey Terms Contdbusiness model商业模式revenue model盈利模式business process业务流程shipping profile运输规格strategic alliance战略联盟strategic partner战略伙伴strategic partnership战略伙伴关系trading partner贸易伙伴Key Terms Contdsupply management供应管理SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)analysisSWOT分析t

6、ransaction交易transaction cost交易成本telecommuting远程办公telework远程工作virtual community虚拟社区virtual company虚拟企业Key Terms Contdvalue-added network(VAN)增值网增值网:租用公用网的通信线路与计算机连接,进行信息的存储、处理的通信网系统 . 例如企业外部网(Extranet)Electronic Commerce, Tenth Edition9 91.1Electronic Commerce: Into the Third Wave Electronic commerce

7、 history Mid-1990s to 2000: rapid growth “Dot-com boom” followed by “dot-com bust” 2000 to 2003: overly gloomy news reports 2003: signs of new life Sales and profit growth return Electronic commerce growing at a rapid pace Electronic commerce becomes part of general economyElectronic Commerce, Tenth

8、 Edition1010Electronic Commerce: Into the Third Wave (contd) 2008 general recession Electronic commerce hurt less than most of economy Second wave continued forward Handheld devices lend the opportunity for third waveElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition11111.1.1Electronic Commerce and Electronic Busin

9、ess Electronic commerce Shopping on the Web Businesses trading with other businesses Internal company processes Broader term: electronic business (e-business) Electronic commerce includes: All business activities using Internet technologies Internet and World Wide Web (Web) Wireless transmissions on

10、 mobile telephone networks Electronic business (e-business) Term used interchangeably with e-commerce IBM defines electronic business as “the transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies” 使用互联网技术进行的关键业务流程的改造(转型) Electronic Commerce, Tenth Edition12 Electronic Com

11、merce: In this book, the term electronic commerce is used in its broadest sense and includes all business activities that use Internet technologies. Internet technologies include the internet, the World Wide Web, and other technologies such as wireless transmissions on mobile telephones or a persona

12、l digital assistant.Electronic Commerce, Tenth Edition13 Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition14 1) Business-to-business (B2B):请看阿里巴巴网请看阿里巴巴网2) Business processes:见见 Element of Electronic Commerce3) Business-to-consumer (B2C):请看当当网请看当当网(B2C)Five general e-commerce categories4) Business-to-government

13、(B2G): 国脉电子政务网国脉电子政务网(B2G) 1.1.2Categories of Electronic Commerce5) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C): 请看淘宝网请看淘宝网(C2C) Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition15BtoB Businesses sell products or services to other businesses. 阿里巴巴网阿里巴巴网 Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition16BtoCBusinesses sell products or servic

14、es to individual consumers. Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition17BtoGBusinesses sell goods or services to governments and government agencies. Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition18CtoCIncludes individuals who buy and sell items among themselves.Electronic Commerce, Tenth Edition19191.1.2Categories

15、 of Electronic Commerce Dot-com (pure dot-com)(Company that operate only online) Businesses operating only online Business-to-consumer (B2C) Consumer shopping on the Web Business-to-business (B2B): e-procurement Transactions conducted between Web businesses1.1.2Categories of Electronic Commerce2021-

16、12-1920Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave1.1 Related terms Supply management/procurement Entire departments devoted to negotiating purchase transactions with their suppliers. B2B electronic commerce is sometimes called e-procurement Activity 业务活动 A task performed by a worker in the course of doing

17、 his or her jobChapter1 The Second of Wave of Global E-BusinessCategories of Electronic Commerce2021-12-1921Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave1.1 Related terms Transaction 交易交易 An exchange of value such as a purchase, a sale, or the conversion of raw materials into a finished product All transacti

18、ons involve at least one activity , some transactions involve many activities. Business processes 业务流程业务流程 The group of logical, related, and sequential activities and transactions in which businesses engage企业所参与的彼此关联、有前后次序的业务活动和交易的集合 Telecommuting or telework 远程办公远程办公 Employees log in to company co

19、mputers through the Internet instead of traveling to the officeChapter1 The Second of Wave of Global E-BusinessElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition22 Cengage Learning 2013FIGURE 1-1 Elements of electronic commerceElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition23 Elements of electronic commerce Relative sizes of el

20、ements Rough approximation(粗略估计) Dollar volume and number of transactions B2B much greater than B2C Number of transactions Supporting business processes greater than B2C and B2B combinedCategories of Electronic Commerce (contd.)Categories of Electronic Commerce (contd.) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) In

21、dividuals buying and selling among themselves Web auction site C2C sales included in B2C category Seller acts as a business (for transaction purposes) Business-to-government (B2G) Business transactions with government agencies Paying taxes, filing required reports B2G transactions included in B2B di

22、scussions2424Electronic Commerce, Tenth EditionElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition25FIGURE 1-2 Electronic commerce categoriesElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition26261.1.3The Development and Growth of Electronic Commerce People engaging in commerce: Adopt available tools and technologies Internet Change

23、d way people buy, sell, hire, and organize business activities More rapidly than any other technology Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs)电子资金转帐电子资金转帐 Wire transfers Electronic transmissions of account exchange information Uses private communications networksElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition2727The De

24、velopment and Growth of Electronic Commerce (contd.) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)电子数据交换电子数据交换 Business-to-business transmission of computer-readable data in standard format Standard transmitting formats benefits Reduces errors Avoids printing and mailing costs Eliminates need to reenter data Tr

25、ading partners贸易伙伴贸易伙伴 Businesses engaging in EDI with each other EDI pioneers (General Electric, Sears, Walmart) Improved purchasing processes and supplier relationshipsElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition2828The Development and Growth of Electronic Commerce (contd.) Problem faced by EDI pioneers Hig

26、h implementation cost Expensive computer hardware and software Establishing direct network connections to trading partners or subscribing to value-added network (VAN) Value-added network (VAN)增值网 Independent firm offering EDI connection and transaction-forwarding services Ensure transmitted data sec

27、urity Charge fixed monthly fee plus per transaction charge Gradually moved EDI traffic to the Internet Reduced EDI costsElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition29The Third Wave Begins Accentuated by mobile telephone based commerce (mobile commerce or m-commerce) Smart phone technology and tablet computers

28、 have made Internet available everywhere Internet technology integration First wave: bar codes, scanners Second wave: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices, smart cards, biometric technologies Increasing integration will lead to more effective B2B Web 2.0: making new Web business possibleEle

29、ctronic Commerce, Tenth Edition30301.2Business Models, Revenue Models, and Business Processes Business model商业模式商业模式 Set of processes combined to achieve company goal of yielding profit为盈利而建立的业务流程的集合 Electronic commerce first wave Investors sought Internet-driven business models Expectations of rapi

30、d sales growth, market dominance Successful “dot-com” business models were emulated Michael Porter argued business models did not existElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition3131Business Models, Revenue Models, and Business Processes (contd.) Instead of copying model, examine business elements Streamline

31、, enhance, and replace with Internet technology driven processes Revenue model used today盈利模型 识别客户、对其开展营销并从中获取收益的业务流程的集合。 Which is a specific collection of business processes used to Identify customers Market to those customers Generate salesElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition32Electronic Commerce, T

32、enth Edition33331.2.2Role of Merchandising零售推销的作用 Merchandising销售规划销售规划Combination of store design, layout, and product display knowledge Salespeople skillsIdentify customer needs Find products or services meeting needs 1.2.3Product/Process Suitability to Electronic Commerce Evaluating advantages/di

33、sadvantages of electronic commerce Suitability is dependent on available technologies current state Change as new e-commerce tools emergeElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition34Electronic Commerce, Tenth Edition35FIGURE 1-5 Business process suitability to type of commerceElectronic Commerce, Tenth Editi

34、on3636Product/Process Suitability to Electronic Commerce (contd.) Commodity item商品商品: well-suited to e-commerce selling商品销售特别适合于电子商务流程 A commodity item is a product or service that is hard to distinguish from same products or services provided by other sellers Features: standardized and well known P

35、rice: distinguishing factor Consider products shipping profile运输规格运输规格 Collection of attributes affecting how easily that product can be packaged and delivered value-to-weight ratio高价值质量比 NoteDVD: good example Expensive jewelry: high value-to-weight ratioElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition3737Product

36、/Process Suitability to Electronic Commerce (contd.) Easier-to-sell products have: Strong brand reputation Appeal to small but geographically diverse groups Traditional commerce Better for products relying on personal selling skills Combination of electronic and traditional commerce Business process

37、 includes both commodity and personal inspection itemsElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition3838Electronic Commerce: Opportunities, Cautions and Concerns Businesses need to exercise caution in weighing risks and benefits of online business Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition39Advantages of Electronic C

38、ommerce Electronic commerce can increase sales and decrease costs If advertising is done well on the Web, it can get a firms promotional message out to potential customers in every country Using e-commerce sales support and order-taking processes, a business can Reduce costs of handling sales inquir

39、ies Provide price quotes Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition40Advantages of Electronic Commerce (continued) It increases purchasing opportunities for buyers Negotiating price and delivery terms is easier The following cost less to issue and arrive securely and quickly(互联网可以安全、迅速、低成本的实现税收、退休金和福利金的结算

40、) Electronic payments of tax refunds Public retirement Welfare support Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition41Disadvantages of Electronic Commerce Some business processes may never lend themselves to electronic commerce Perishable(易腐烂的) grocery products are much harder to sell online High-cost, uniqu

41、e items such as custom-designed jewelry can be impossible to inspect adequately from a remote location. It is difficult to Calculate return-on-investment Integrate existing databases and transaction-processing software into software that enables e-commerce Cultural and legal obstacles also exist Ele

42、ctronic Commerce, Seventh Edition42Learning from failures前车之鉴 P H Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition431.3Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce(经济因素与电子商务) Economics (经济) Study of how people allocate scarce resources (研究人们分配稀缺资源的方式) Two conditions of a market市场的两个条件 Potential sellers of a good com

43、e into contact with potential buyers(一种商品的潜在买主和潜在卖主接触) A medium of exchange is available(必须有合适的中介) Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition44Transaction Costs(交易成本) Total costs that a buyer and seller incur as they gather information an d negotiate a purchase-and-sale transaction.(买主和卖主收集信息和协商买卖交易时发生的成本

44、总合) Significant components of transaction costs Cost of information search and acquisition Investment(投资) of the seller in equipment or in the hiring of skilled employees to supply products or services to the buyer Electronic Commerce, Tenth Edition45FIGURE 1-6 Market form of economic organization C

45、engage Learning 2013 Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition46Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce (cont.) (1) Coase(科斯) reasoned that when transaction costs were high, business people would form organizations to replace market-negotiated transactions. (2) These organizations would be hierarchical a

46、nd would include : strong supervision worker-monitoring elements. (3) Vertical integration(垂直一体化) The practice of an existing firm replacing one or more of its supplier markets with its own hierarchical structure for creating the supplied product图:Market forms of economic organizationMarkets and Hie

47、rarchies(等级制) Electronic Commerce, Tenth Edition47 Strategic business unit (business unit)战略业务单位战略业务单位 One particular combination of product, distribution channel, and customer type是特定产品、分销渠道和客户类别的组合 Cengage Learning 2013FIGURE 1-7 Hierarchical form of economic organization Electronic Commerce, Seve

48、nth Edition48Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce (cont.)The role of Electronic CommerceUsing Electronic Commerce to Reduce Transaction Costs Businesses and individuals Can use electronic commerce to reduce transaction costs by Improving flow of information Increasing coordination of actions(协调活动

49、) Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition49Network Economic Structures Network economic structures(经济组织结构) Companies coordinate their strategies, resources, and skill sets Strategic alliances (strategic partnerships)(战略联盟) Relationships created within the network economic structure Electronic Commerce,

50、 Seventh Edition50Network Economic Structures (continued) Virtual companies(虚拟企业) Strategic alliances that occur between or among companies operating on the Internet(当战略联盟发生在网上运营的企业之间时) Strategic partners(战略伙伴) Come together as a team for a specific project or activityElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edit

51、ion51 Cengage Learning 2013FIGURE 1-8 Network form of economic organization Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition52Network Effects(网络效应) Law of diminishing returns(边际效应递减) Most activities yield less value as the amount of consumption increases(绝大多数业务活动所产生的价值会随着消费量的增加而递减) Network effect As more people

52、 or organizations participate in a network, the value of the network to each participant increases 某种产品对一名用户的价值取决于使用该产品的其他用户的数量,在经济学中称为网络外部性(network externality),或称网络效应。Electronic Commerce, Tenth Edition5353Network Effects (contd.) E-mail account example Provides access to network of people with e-m

53、ail accounts If e-mail account is part of smaller network E-mail generally less valuable Internet e-mail accounts Far more valuable than single-organization e-mail Due to network effect Need way to identify business processes Evaluate electronic commerce suitability For each process Electronic Comme

54、rce, Seventh Edition54 Identifying Electronic Commerce Opportunities Firm(公司) Multiple business units owned by a common set of shareholders Industry Multiple firms that sell similar products to similar customers Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition55Strategic Business Unit Value Chains Value chain(价

55、值链) A way of organizing the activities that each strategic business unit undertakes(一种按承担战略业务单元活动的组织方法) Primary activities(基本活动) Design, produce, promote, market, deliver, and support the products or services it sells Supporting activities(支持活动) Human resource management and purchasingElectronic Com

56、merce, Tenth Edition56 Left-to-right flow Does not imply strict time sequence Cengage Learning 2013FIGURE 1-9 Value chain for a strategic business unit Electronic Commerce, Seventh Edition57Industry Value Chains Value system(价值系统) Larger stream of activities into which a particular business units va

57、lue chain is embedded Also referred to as industry value chainElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition58 Cengage Learning 2013FIGURE 1-10 Industry value chain for a strategic business unitElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition59SWOT Analysis: Evaluating Business Unit Opportunities SWOT analysis Strengths, wea

58、knesses, opportunities, and threats Consider all issues systematically First: look into business unit Identify strengths and weaknesses Then: review operating environment Identify opportunities and threats presented Take advantage of opportunities Build on strengths Avoid threats Compensate for weak

59、nessesElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition60 Cengage Learning 2013FIGURE 1-11 SWOT analysis questionsElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition61 Cengage Learning 2013FIGURE 1-12 Results of Dells SWOT analysisElectronic Commerce, Tenth Edition62Electronic Commerce, Tenth Edition63International Nature of Elect

60、ronic Commerce Internet connects computers worldwide When companies use Web to improve business process: They automatically operate in global environment Electronic commerce is growing in and outside the US (Refer to Figure 1-13)Electronic Commerce, Tenth Edition64 Cengage Learning 2013FIGURE 1-13 P


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