已阅读5页,还剩71页未读 继续免费阅读




1、莆田五中 吴兰青 摸着石子探新路理念理念 Without grammar, little can be conveyed. Without vocabulary,nothing can be conveyed. - Wilkins (1972)没有语法就没有正确的英语没有语法就没有正确的英语, 而没有词汇则根本没有英语而没有词汇则根本没有英语。 词汇词汇写作之魂写作之魂 完形之根完形之根阅读之本阅读之本 英语之基英语之基 学生学习词汇的现状 词汇学习中普遍存在以下的问题: 1. 单纯记忆词汇拼写,没注意其它方面如词义,近义词,反义词以及用法等。 2. 无法把新旧单词联系起来。 3. 不注意单词

2、读音,没有根据音节记忆单词。 4. 没有查词典的习惯。 以词汇教学为主线的高三复习 围绕话题进行的词汇教学 一 以导助学。教师要在认真学习和研究大纲以及考试说明的基础上,以大纲为依据,以说明为指导,以课本为基础,按照知识的内在联系,将其要点进行分类整理,注意以新带旧,使之条理化、系统化和规律化,真正实现词汇的网络化。我们每个单元做一个导学案,挑出高频词十个左右进行详细讲解其用法,及搭配。或翻译句子,或一词多意。或高考例句,或高考考题。 1 确定目标词汇,提高教学效率 一般说来,在选择目标词汇时应该注意以下几点:(1)所选词汇必须是经常出现的词汇,并且对学生来说比较重要。 (2)所选单词应能会引

3、起某种问题,造成学习的困难。 (3)所选单词必须能够用于其它活动,比如阅读、听力、谈话,写作等。 (4)所选择单词应具有一定的代表性,能够具备其它单词同样的特点,通过本单词的学习可以使其它单词的学习变得轻松。 28.She had to leave immediately, before her courage _ her. A. disappearedB. fellC. failedD. damaged Words failed me无法表达自己的感受 The rain failed and the rivers were dry . 雨水不足。 Her eyesight/health is

4、 failing .视力/健康衰退 without fail 务必 30.If they dont change the way theyre working on the issue, the result will _ turn out to be just the opposite of their wish.A. exactlyB. definitelyC. frequentlyD.actuallyexactly 在口语中表达的同意对方的观点看法。Not exactly 常用来纠正对方不完全正确的看法。definitely 用来强调某事是肯定的确实的actually 用来礼貌地纠正他人

5、,实际上,事实上;礼貌地引起注意转换话题,如:Actually,Im busy at the moment -,can I call you back ?(1)翻译法 翻译法就是把英语单词用中文或简单的英文翻译出来,最好鼓励学生用简单的英文翻译单词,这种方法比较直接,也能训练学生运用已学的词汇。 (2)猜词法 在平时的学习中,学生或多或少会遇到一些课文后没有而自己又不会的单词。这时,可让学生根据构词法以及上下文语境进行猜测,即猜词法。猜词法在做阅读理解时特别需要,是一项必须掌握的阅读技能,也是拓展词汇的较好的方法之一。(3)联想法词汇是一个整体,所以长时间的孤立的单词记忆必定是枯燥乏味的,而通

6、过联想记忆,让学生联系以前学过的近似词,这些词或者读音相似或者写法相似。同时也要联系同义词和反义词。这样的话,可以加深学生对单词的理解和记忆,起到事半功倍的效果。 (4)词典法 查字典是高中生必须会的一项技能。学生在遇到生词时,如果猜测不出,这时可考虑查字典。另外,对于一些重点词汇,在平时的学习中,也可通过查阅字典的方式了解其具体用法。 我们的导学案自主学习:词性转换(翻译以下名词并转换为形容词)Anxiety _ _ efficiency _ _ globe _ _Privacy _ _ convenience_ _ harm _ _Security _ _ depression _ _ a

7、nnoyance _ _词组复习巩固对.有害 _ harm _ / _harmful toGo shares with._ the lions share _对.有_影响 have an everlasting effect/_/_on 取得重大突破 make a great _课内导学 Anxiety (n.) _ (adj.)1. As his confidence in his work increased, his anxieties about it diminished.( )2. The doctors report removed all their anxieties. (

8、)3. His anxiety for knowledge deserves our praise. ( )4. We waited for news with a growing sense of anxiety._( )5. be _ for/about sth 意为_6. be _( for sb) to do sth.= be _ that +(should) do 意为_同义表达 Be eager/hungry/starving/thirsty/dying/keen to do sth. Long/desire to do sth. Long/hunger/thirst/starve

9、 for sth. Be keen on sth.我非常担心儿子的健康:_他希望他们得到所有想要的东西 He was anxious that they _ _all _ _.不带手机你是否会感到焦虑不安?Are you _ and restless if you _ _ _ your mobile phone? Connect 同义词有 j_/c_/c_/a_/r_/l_(up) 1 The two cities are connected _ a railway. 2 Hold on, Ill just connect you _/_ Miss Jones. 3 connections=r

10、elatives _ 4 in connection with sb/sth = with reference _ sb/sth 意为_ Im writing to you in connection with your job application. Account1 Police asked him to give a brief account of what had happened.( )2 open/close an account ( )3 pay money into/draw money out of an account ( )4 He turned/put his kn

11、owledge to good account.( )5 We delayed our departure _ _ _ the bad weather.(由于)6_ _ _will I do it.(决不)类似短语有:_7 I hope you will take account of my suggestion.=I hope you will _ _ _ _ _8 The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which _ _ my appearance.9 会计师:_ 二 创设语境,巩固所学 吕淑湘

12、先生曾说过:“词语要嵌在上下文里才有生命。”众所周知,孤立的东西不容易记忆。要有效地掌握词汇,就应该将词汇与句子、语篇结合起来。我们都明白学习词汇的目的是要掌握词义,词的搭配和用法,用词语造句表达思想。从使用词汇的角度看,词语连成句子或连成话语,才能实现其表达思想的交流功能。因此在课文教学过程中,我们不应该孤立地进行词汇教学,应千方百计地把词汇与句子,语境结合起来。莆田五中莆田五中 林素钦林素钦David Wilkins : Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be convey

13、ed.Self-diagnosis1.sth that causes death or harm2.influence3.relating to the countryside, not the city4.be good to the environment5 a lack of water 6.the relation of plants , creatures and surroundings7.treat to use again8.available in place of sth1.ecology2.poison3.rural4.recycle 5.water shortage 6

14、.alternative7.affect8.environmentally friendlyWhat else will come into your mind if I mention the topic about human beings and the environment?maleHuman &EnvironmentimmigrantpopulationRenewable enengyAir pollutionresourceagingfemaleatmosphereTake actionGreenhouse effectLead toLow carbonWater sho

15、rtageFloating populationCarbon dioxideGlobal warmingCarbon emissionTwo-child policyPopulation explosionAging societyListen to fill in the blanksWhats ?The temperature of the is going up.How does it ?Humans are burning fossil fuels to Meantime, they are producing largegreenhouse gases, which heat fro

16、m the sun and warm the earth.Whats the ?The mild warming makes plants grow quicker and encourage animals.The steady warming will a of a sea level, floods, droughts and so on.What should be ? the amount of greenhouse gases.Learning to use energy sources.global warmingearthcome aboutproduce energyquan

17、tities oftrapeffecta greater range ofresult intakenactionriserenewablereduceCancer villageTarget AnalysisdescriptionCauseEffectmeasuresdescriptionriseThere is a sharp rise in the number of the people who suffered a lot from cancer.causeToo many kinds of pollutionPeople lack the awareness of environm

18、ent protection这里有各式各样的污染比如说这里有各式各样的污染比如说(range)There exist _ pollution such asa range of以工厂为例,他们以工厂为例,他们往河里排放了大量往河里排放了大量未经处理的有毒的未经处理的有毒的废水,给当地人民废水,给当地人民带来了巨大的危害。带来了巨大的危害。Take the factory for example. They poured quantities of into the river, great damage to the local people.waste causepoisonous wast

19、e watercausingas a resultbring aboutresult inlead tocontribute toas a result ofresult fromsynonyms A range of waste _ the pollution of the river. The pollution of the river_ a range of waste.result from , result inresult from +原因原因 result in +结果结果。result inresult from翻译翻译: : 污染是由于当地人民污染是由于当地人民环境保护环境

20、保护意识的缺失。他们到意识的缺失。他们到处乱扔生活垃圾对环境处乱扔生活垃圾对环境造成造成重大不良的重大不良的影响影响。更可悲的是,。更可悲的是,他们并没有意识到这一点直到他们并没有意识到这一点直到生态平衡生态平衡被严重打破。被严重打破。The pollution the lack of awareness of . The local people throw the daily rubbish here and there, whose activities the environment .Whats worse, they didnt realize the harm they do t

21、o the until it is severely disturbed.ecology balanceresult fromenvironment protectionhave a bad effect onEffectsEnvironment should be protected . Other wise, the ecology balance will be and the local people will .What will happen to the ecology and local people if we dont protect the environment?des

22、troyeddie out2.Some wildlife is disappearing from the earth , the balance of ecosystem.A.destroyed B. to destroyC. destroying D. was destroyed缺连词缺连词-非句子,故用非谓语动词形非句子,故用非谓语动词形式式doing 表结果表结果What should we do to change the present situation of the cancer village ?MeasuresEveryone should raise the awaren

23、ess of protecting the environment.翻译:每个人都应该提高保护环境的意识。翻译:每个人都应该提高保护环境的意识。We will have to rely more on renewable energy, such as solar and wind power to develop the finance.wind powersolar power翻译:我们应该信赖新能源比如风能和太阳能来发展经济。翻译:我们应该信赖新能源比如风能和太阳能来发展经济。Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.As is seen in

24、 the picture, the cancer village is almost in ruins. There is an increasing in the number of people who suffer a lot from the cancer. Several factors contribute to it. For one thing,there exist _ pollution. Take the factory for example. They poured quantities of poisonous waste into the lake, great

25、damage to the local people. For another ,the pollution result from the lack of awareness of 。The local people throw the daily rubbish here and there, whose activities the environment .Whats worse, they didnt realize the harm they do to the ecology balance until it is severely disturbed. risehave a s

26、trong effect onenvironment protectioncausinga range of It will cause some harmful effects. Environment should be protected . Other wise, the ecology balance will be and the local people will die out. Some effective measures should be taken to solve the problem. On one hand, everyone should raise the

27、 awareness of the environment. On the other hand, We will have to rely more on such as solar and wind power to develop the finance. Only in this way can we gain the sustainable development, achieving the mutual benefits of human and environment.destroyedprotectingrenewable energyAs is seen in the pi

28、cture, the cancer village is almost in ruins. There is an increasing rise in the number of people who suffer a lot from the cancer. Several factors contribute to it. For one thing,there exist a range of pollution. Take the factory for example. They poured quantities of poisonous waste into the lake,

29、 causing great damage to the local people. For another ,the pollution result from the lack of awareness of environment protection。The local people throw the daily rubbish here and there, whose activities have a strong effect on the environment .Whats worse, they didnt realize the harm they do to the

30、 ecology balance until it is severely disturbed.It will cause some harmful effects. Environment should be protected . Other wise, the ecology balance will be destroyed and the local people will die out.Some effective measures should be taken to solve the problem. On one hand, Everyone should raise t

31、he awareness of protecting the environment. On the other hand, We will have to rely more on renewable energy, such as solar and wind power to develop the finance. Only in this way can we gain the sustainable development, achieving the mutual benefits of human and environment. Basic elements Analysis

32、Para1Para2Para3Target AnalysisDescrption Implied meaningMeasuresinside the picturebehind the picturein front of the picturehomework昨天学校组织你们班级的学生区东方红化工厂参观,你发现附近昨天学校组织你们班级的学生区东方红化工厂参观,你发现附近的环境受到了严重污染。于是给市长写了一封信,要求政府加强的环境受到了严重污染。于是给市长写了一封信,要求政府加强对化工厂的管理,要求工厂采取措施处理污染,保护环境。对化工厂的管理,要求工厂采取措施处理污染,保护环境。内容包括:

33、内容包括:1.描述你看到的情况;描述你看到的情况; 2.发表自己的看法发表自己的看法 3.提出具体的措施提出具体的措施 三 滚动练习,运用所学。一、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Please explain to me how the greenhouse effect . I am still in the dark.A. comes byB. comes aboutC. comes uponD. comes to2. Most air pollution is caused by the burning of like coal, gas and oil.(2008 天津) A. f

34、uels B. articlesC. goods D. products3. Peter, a superstar in environment protection, reduces plastic and other through DIY.(2010 浙江阅读理解改) A. materials B. resourcesC. wastesD. objects4. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this creates further problems.(2007 湖

35、北)A. in shortB. in caseC. in doubtD. in turn5. As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel.(2009 湖北)A. primaryB. alternativeC. instant D. unique6. The town is so beautiful! I just love it. Me t

36、oo. The character of the town is well .(2013 江苏)A. qualifiedB. preservedC. decoratedD. simplified二、选出适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。balance, consequence, conservation, immigrant, protection, rubbish1. Tourists often disturb the delicate of nature on the island.2. Chinese began to arrive in California during the Go

37、ld Rush Period.3. We have to take environmental into consideration when developing the economy. (译林U2)4. One of the of our planets being warming up is an increase in the number of natural disasters.5. The programme aims to encourage energy , which helps save resources for the future.6. Everyday coul

38、d provide a valuable source of energy thanks to a clever new invention.renewable, polluted, poisonous, sustainable, urban, solar7. One advantage of using power is that it pollutes nothing at all.8. We will have to rely more on energy, such as solar and wind power.9. Rural residents are still behind

39、the residents to get access to the Internet. (2007 上海听力理解改)10. We can never expect a bluer sky unless we create a less world. (2009 安徽单项填空改)11. Today, development is a popular trend in many countries, which means growth with low carbon. (2011 广东阅读理解改)12. With the rapid economic development, more was

40、te water is poured into the lake and more gases are sent into the air.三、根据所给提示,完成下列句子。1. The pollution of the river has (lead) unsafe drinking water.2. It can be easily seen that human activities (strong, influence) the environment.3. The growth of population should (bring, control) so that well hav

41、e a better hometown in the future.4. I think the government should (prevent, people, drive) cars on certain days.(2008 全国听力理解改)5. We strongly (advocate, set up) a website where people can get to know more about general ecology.6. Tristan da Cunha, a 38-square-mile island, belongs to Great Britain an

42、d (population)a few hundred.7. Sadly, it is often only after serious consequences arise that governments will (action)to reduce levels of harmful waste.8. Forests in the northern half of the globe could be growing faster now than they were 200 years ago (result) climate change.(2010 上海选词填空改)There is

43、 no doubt that the environment is in trouble. Factories burn fossil fuels which produce acid rain andthis kills trees. At the same time, greenhouse gases rise into the air and 1 global warming which threatens to melt the polar ice cap. Meanwhile farmers clear huge areas of 2 in places such as the Am

44、azon to produce feeding land for cattle or produce wood for building. Rivers and oceans are so heavily polluted by industrial 3 that it is no longer safe to go swimming. Cars pump out 4 emissions which we all have tobreathe in. Illegal hunting and overfishing are 5 millions of animals, including wha

45、les, elephants and other 6 species. In fact, all around us, all living things large and small which comprise (构成) our finely 7 ecosystem are being systematically destroyed by human greed and thoughtlessness.There is a lot we can all do, however, to help 8 this. The easiest thing, of course, is to 9

46、waste material such as paper and glass so that we can use it again. We should also check that the things we buy fromsupermarkets are packaged in biodegradable (可生物降解的) packaging which decomposes (分解) 10 . Atthe same time, we should make a conscious 11 to avoid foods which are genetically modified. I

47、f you are trulycommitted to protecting the environment, of course, you should only buy organic fruit and vegetables, safe in the knowledge that they have been naturally 12 . Finally, of course, we should buy a small car that uses unleaded(不含铅的) petrol which is less harmful to the environment or, eve

48、n better, make more use of public transport. 1. A. belong toB. contribute toC. react toD. attend to 2. A. desertB. mountainC. grasslandD. Rainforest 3. A. wasteB. gasesC. radiationD. Fuels 4. A. messyB. deadlyC. poisonousD. Smelly 5. A. taking offB. waving offC. killing offD. keeping off 6. A. prese

49、rvedB. influencedC. discoveredD. Endangered 7. A. balancedB. controlledC. selectedD. Reserved 8. A. protectB. preventC. improveD. Develop 9. A. recoverB. reduceC. removeD. Recycle 10. A. easilyB. practicallyC. effectivelyD. Cheaply 11. A. decisionB. effortC. agreementD. choice 每个阶段的周练,包括阅读完型作文所有材料都围

50、绕着所涉及的话题。不断滚动。月考的题形在二卷中短文填词改为句子首字母填空和翻译,以检测学生背诵情况。单选题词汇题占8分主要是考查本阶段词汇。完行阅读包括作文也全部是与本阶段的话题相关的语料。 我们的试卷五、根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词5分The smell is very _ (熟悉的) to everyone who lives near a bakery.Children can get a lot out of i_ themselves in volunteer work.3 Why is she always taking a distant a_ towards you?4 As

51、a monitor, I recognized the _ (强项) of my classmates and had everyone do their part in class.5. Sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be _(令人混淆的)。6. You cant imagine what d_ we had walking home in the snowstorm.7 Scientists are convinced of the positive e_ of laughter on

52、 physical and mental health.8 Judy lay on the sofa, a_ in her book.9 If you dont stop working, youll w_ yourself out.10 Countless inventions and innovations are b_ to mankind.二卷六、根据汉语提示完成句子10分1你等待时我会陪伴你。Ill _ you _ while youre waiting.2没有什么能弥补失去孩子的痛苦。Nothing can _ _ _ the loss of a child.3用我的旧电视换这部照

53、相机,好吗?Would you like my old TV _ _ _ this camera?4只有高级官员才有接近总统的机会。Only high officials have _ _ the president.5无论多忙,我们都应尽量多花时间与他们交谈、陪伴他们。_ _ we may be, we should try our best to spend more time talking with them and _ them.6尽管我对破旧的校园和设备简陋的教室感到失望,我发现老师很耐心且善解人意。_ _ I felt at the shabby campus and the p

54、oorly-equipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and _.7除了强身健体和丰富知识外,课外活动也把我从繁重的学习任务中解脱出来。Besides _ up my body and enriching my knowledge, after-class activities also free me _ the heavy work of study.8不要挑剔你的朋友。Try not to _ _ _ your friends. 七、书面表达(满分20分) 在英语课堂上,你的周围有一些学习效率高的同学,他们表现突出,这与他们良好的习

55、惯是分不开的。请就此话题用英语写一篇120词左右的短文,举你的一个同学为例,说明他/她的良好习惯,(如严谨的计划,合理的时间安排,劳逸结合,参加课外活动等),最后谈谈你的看法。 第一轮的复习, 1阅读理解按题材分 2 以高三课文为主。在进行词汇教学的同时我们穿插了选修九和选修十的教学,高三课文教材题材体裁多样,篇幅较大,语言地道。同时有许多的长难句。应该说这两个选修课文能读懂。基本上学生的阅读能力上了一个档次。 3 辅以精选时文。掌握一定的英语文化背景知识。 (三) 淡化语法不等于不重视语法,语法依然要过关。每个阶段着重解决两个语法项目。 (四) 听力 注重复听,及点评。听力我们有复听,同时对

56、听力材料中难句进行点评。和一些听力微技能点拨指导 第二轮复习 4月份以来我们重点是查出短板,专攻弱项,分类积累,分专项积累,明确自身专题优势,查出短板项目,针对症结找方法,这是一个厚积薄发的一个重要阶段。 高频词汇Doctors said she is now out of (危险) .Do you know how to (描述) the beautiful place in articles .We are (失望) that you will not be able to come .I have no d making myself understood .Marx was (熟悉)

57、with five languages . (经验) is the father of wisdom and the smother of memory .I (听说) that you would marry Mr. Zhang . Is that true ?We are determinded to (创造) an even better system .We investigate lakes and rivers and the (生物) which inhabit them .Some people choose not to eat meat because they belie

58、ve that it is c to eat animals .He is such a c boy , always asking questions .Last nights TV news said that by then the of the missing people had not been proved yet .考试说明词汇表综合测试(四)考试说明词汇表综合测试(四)(discussion - fog)、根据提示写出单词。、根据提示写出单词。He was punished for giving false _.(证据).One more _(努力), and you wil

59、l succeed.The governments policy on higher _(教育)is a success. The old lady needs a few_(羽毛) pillows to make herself comfortable. The new restaurant was a _(失败)and soon closed.The smell is very _(熟悉的)to everyone who lives near a bakery.She didnt give an adequate _(解释) for her being late. The _(神色)in

60、his eyes told me that something was wrong.I dont get much _(运动)sitting in the office all day.An unhappy home_(环境) can affect a childs behavior.He is in charge of purchasing new _(仪器) for sports club.The book is based on her personal _(经历). 、用括号里的动词的过去式或过去分词形式填空。、用括号里的动词的过去式或过去分词形式填空。 He is proud of his


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