1、译文本地化跨境电子商务的模型摘要 通过对国际供应链的B2B电子商务交易量的快速增长和伊朗快速增加的跨境交易业务,跨境电商过程的有效管理对B2B电子商务系统十分重要。本文对局部模型的结构是基于B2B电子商务的基础设施三大层,消息层、业务流程层和内容层。由于伊朗的电子商务的要求,每一层的需要适当的标准和合适的方案的选择。当电子文件需要移动顺利向伊朗,建议文件的标准为文件内容支持纸质和电子文件阅读。验证提出的模型是通过案例研究方法呈现一到四阶段的情景。本文试图通过交换商业文件在贸易过程中这一局部模型,实现在全球电子贸易供应链更接近区域单一窗口建设的关键目标。关键词:电子商务;跨境贸易;电子文档管理;
3、中东国家的建立区域单一窗口可以在将来得到改善的更多的互操作性,从而建立伊朗国家单一窗口在本文的第二部分讨论引进国际供应链中的跨境B2B模式所需的基本概念和标准。第三部分介绍在大的模型中引入的组件功能和范围。第四部分讨论了B2B交易层模型的定位,最后结束本文。 2.背景在本节中,除了了解B2B电子商务在伊朗的情况,还有参考模型的背景等概念以及讨论B2B电子商务跨境模式的本土化。2.1 B2B电子商务在伊朗如今伊朗在贸易进程的变现是一个关键的贸易成功点。伊朗和许多其他国家接壤,它的进口和出口过程可以通过公路,铁路,海上和空中的方式来完成。因此,这个国家的中部和战略作用,使得它在亚洲和中东地区货物运
7、的业务伙伴或协议的建立,这是被分离的范围的跨境模式。3.模型介绍 在这一节中,引入了跨境电子商务的定制模式。该部分包括模型的范围,主要的模型组件和它们的行为在不同的B2B交易层B2B交易。3.1模型范围本款的B2B跨境模型范围对于其角色和用例分析。不同级别的数据集成存在,可以做,以简化数据集。在这个模型中,重点是在国际层面上。在交流过程中协调数据元素,导致有效的跨境贸易。一般而言,本文模型的适用范围是国际层,主要目标是协调交易过程和内容的交易过程和内容。基于供应链的两个方面的数据协调的概念,在分析模型的适当的标准和解决方案,可以选择。这些标准必须支持跨境交易。3.2模型组件 讨论海运收费的方法
10、不同的层进行讨论。每个小节显示了在贸易交易双方出口商,进口商,海关,区域单一窗口和国家单一窗口之间的关系。4.1业务流程层 在业务流程层,参考模型和文件的项目是用来管理电子文档,但作为项目管理的第一个包含在模型交易的确切范围必须被描述的关键一步。根据所提到的文件,它是说,这个项目主要是关于电子文件,但不确定的贸易伙伴或是用例之前的合同。虽然角色和过程之间的关系进行了讨论,模型的范围可以更精确地描述在业务流程层。本文所考虑的过程的范围可以在文中看到。4.2消息层消息层负责建立组件之间的通信会话,并将消息发送到组件层次结构的下一层10。出口商和进口商被视为在国家和地区的通信线路和单窗口系统的第一个
12、,二是通过一个独特的网关交换形式的11个解决方案。这种模式的一个优点是数据的可重用性。以不同的形式,同样的数据可以被检测和每层可以使用,进入系统前的数据元素。在这个层次中考虑的最重要的规则是通过系统的下一个层来发送和接收文件,并且模型中的每一个文档都需要一个确认消息来保证通信系统的完整性。4.4证书授权 作为PKI标准和B2B交易证书授权的必要性进行了讨论,最后,权威认证中心相关的跨境电子商务模式的其他组件的作用进行了讨论。很显然,在授权的主要监督作用是一次进入一个周期,并在完成工作后,与该文件整理工作,以节省它作为一个使用代码。图7中所示的分配数,显示在场景中一步一步发生的任务的优先级。为重
16、单一窗口的连接,能够发送和接收的形式和消息。在国家和地区级的基础上,根据出口商的私人密钥,该表单的签名的有效性正在得到批准。每一个由模型发送的单信息或文档必须通过区域单窗口检查。在消息传递方案中,通过区域性的规定,将审批信息发送到区域性单窗口,并在该区域批准后将其发送回给出口商,以批准该过程。也就是说,国家的单一窗口是使链的沟通完成,而区域的窗口是在法规的监督下的。在接受地区批准后,最后一个状态的形式被改变为“批准”。这表明,过程可以在第三阶段,出口商和进口商之间的相互作用的单窗口。5.3阶段:出口国与进口国的单一窗口之间的相互作用 第三阶段是出口国与进口国之间的互动关系,主要行为主体是进口商
17、和海关。每一个文件或其批准,必须通过国家单打窗口和区域的单窗口发送。类似的第二个阶段,每个组件负责转发或批准的形式。作为进口商的一面正在讨论中,海关是一个主要的演员,必须批准的形式,如申报过程。在消息层的第三个阶段中,在发送端收到的表单的批准将从海关发送到出口商的中心。由于区域性单窗口向进口商国家发送批准,国家单一窗口通过表单批准请求向海关申报。海关将这一要求作为一项审批信息,结果将被发送到相关部门。5.4阶段:进口商和进口商单窗口 第四阶段相互作用的进口商和进口单窗口之间的相互作用进行了讨论。这一阶段的主要演员是进口商和海关。进口商和海关通过进口国的单一窗口彼此相连。 在此阶段后,进口商必须
18、能够得到最终的批准,从海关。但很显然,海关和进口商之间的关系正在通过进口国家单一窗口申请。在这一阶段的形式的最后批准,通过在国家和地区的单一窗口发送到出口的中心。其结果是,在供应链中的出口和进口端之间的样本交易,以及在内容和消息层中的跨边界模型的每个组件的功能进行了讨论。 当认证中心接收来自进口国海关的批准信息时,下一个阶段是进口商和进口单窗口之间的相互作用。6.结论 文中在在伊朗的B2B电子商务一看,介绍了一种新的本地化的跨境电子商务模式基于单窗口的概念。该模型可以实现开展B2B交易在边界及作为一个路线图,通过建立国家单一窗口在跑。这可以是一个步骤,虽然加入伊朗区域单窗口在未来的步骤。此模型
20、展性和灵活的模型来实现电子文件管理在伊朗的交易系统或其他国家的类似交易系统。7.致谢 将一个成功的进程发送到国家的单一窗口。如果根据规定,该公司的认证需要在一个文件中记录下来,这条消息可以发送到存储的出口商的钙。作者要感谢研究院ICT和在2010年建立了电子商务实验室在Tarbiat Modares大学。外文原文A Model of a Localized Cross-Border E-CommerceBy the explosive growth of B2B e-commerce transactions in international supply chains and he rapi
21、d increase of business documents in Irans cross-border trading, effective management of trade processes over borders is vital in B2B e-commerce systems. Structure of the localized model in this paper is based on three major layers of a B2B e-commerce infrastructure, which are messaging layer, busine
22、ss process layer and content layer. For each of these layers proper standards and solutions are chosen due to Irans e-commerce requirements. As it is needed to move smoothly towards electronic documents in Iran, UNedocs standard is suggested to support the contents of both paper and electronic docum
23、ents. The verification of the suggested model is done by presenting a four phase scenario through case study method. The localized model in this paper tries to make a strategic view of business documents exchange in trade processes, and getting closer to the key target of regional single windows est
24、ablishment in global trade e-supply chains. Keywords: E-Commerce; Cross-Border Trade; Electronic Document Management; International Supply Chain 1. Introduction Electronic commerce is about buying and selling products or services over electronic systems like internet and other networks. The term B2B
25、 (Business-to-Business) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. In this paper the research focus is on the communication between traders in two different countries. Today one of the main targets of t
26、he world trade organization is to establish regional single windows which can increase the trade facilitation in different parts of world. Establishing a regional single window needs cross border gateways that can exchange trade documents efficiently. So first, the key necessity of managing the simp
27、lified documents over borders is to move toward national single windows. After that, the regional single windows can authorize the communication between countries. E-commerce models are studied based on the three major logical layers. These three layers are messaging layer, business process layer an
28、d content layer 1,2. Generally the localized model in this paper is a way to automate the process of exchanging reading documents. This can be a step through establishing the National single window of Iran and then with the more interoperability between the East Asian and Middle Eastern countries a
29、regional single window can be improved in the future. In this paper the second section is discussed basic concepts and standards required to introduce the cross-border B2B model in international supply chains.The third section is assigned to introduce the scope of the model and its components functi
30、onality in a big picture schema. The forth section discusses the model localization over B2B transaction layers, and finally the paper in concluded. 2. Background In this section, besides, having a look at B2B e-commerce in Iran, the background concepts such as standards and reference models which a
31、re being used in localization of the B2B e-commerce cross border model are disussed. 2.1 B2B E-Commerce in Iran Today the performance of the trade processes in Iran is a key trade success point. Iran has long borders with many of the countries in the region and its import and export processes can be
32、 done over road, rail, sea and air ways. So the central and strategic role of this country makes it a key trade point of goods transit in the Asia and Middle East region. Today, almost all of trade processes in Iran customs are done through paper forms, and the electronic services given by the minis
33、try of commerce are restricted to the merchants who trade inside the country. The introduced model tries to simplify the process of exchanging electronic documents in the cross-border e-supply chains of Iran trading. Here some of the systems which give the electronic services by the ministry of comm
34、erce in Iran are mentioned: Importation Order Management System. Trade Statistics System. Iran Code.Made In Iran. These are the main electronic systems which are using today to facilitate trade processes in Iran. The systems are mentioned here as independent trade facilitators which can have interac
35、tion with the suggested model in this paper in the future. Joining Iran to the world trade organization regarding the standardization of data elements and trade processes can be a good movement through improving regional single windows in Asia. From the designing point of view, one of the main advan
36、tages of document data harmonization in Iran is the reduction of data elements of the forms. So they can be reused in different documents as much as possible. This makes the country ready for using any standard forms of data. So the localized cross-border model in B2B e-commerce can make the trade p
37、rocesses make faster and safer which is one of the necessities of Irans trading today.2.2. Single Window The Single Window is a system, which enables single submission entry and Single and synchronous processing of data and information.These can help the system to make a key service which is so effe
38、ctive in shipping goods ver the borders which is:A Single Decision-making point for customs release and clearance of cargo 3,4. It is needed to go through establishing a National single window in Iran to get closer to joining a regional single window. 2.3. Buy-Ship-Pay Reference Model In order to un
39、derstand the complexity of international trade, this simple model can make a clear view of the key elements of a trade transaction, and consequently to properly compile the necessary trade facilitation measures. UN/CEFACT has set out this to model the international supply chain using an internationa
40、lly accepted modeling technique to provide reference model, which gives a view of the international supply chain in its entirety 5. A simple view of the international supply chain based on BSP model includes three main categories of processes which are buy, ship and pay, plus four types of roles suc
41、h as customer, authority, intermediary and supplier (Figure 1). As discussed above, the recommended measures, group-ed into four categories, relate to the processes in this model. BUYCovering all commercial activities related to the ordering of goods; SHIPCovering all of the activities involved in t
42、he physical transfer of the goods, including official controls;PAYCovering all of the activities involved in the payment for the goods 5,6. After classifying the main categories of roles and processes in a cross-border supply chain, it is needed to have a closer view at different types that each of
43、these categories can support. Different procedures and roles of the BSP model can be described by use case diagrams to show the relation between roles and processes. Some processes are related to identifying business partners or agreement establishment which is being separated regarding the scope of
44、 cross-border model .3. Model Introduction In this section the customized model in cross-border e-commerce is being introduced. The subsections include Model scope, main model components and their behavior over B2B transactions in different B2B transaction layers. 3.1. Model Scope In this subsection
45、 the scope of the B2B cross border model regarding its roles and use cases is discussed. Different levels of data integration exist which can be done to simplify the data sets. In this model the focus is on the international layer. Harmonizing data elements in the exchange process, leads to effectiv
46、e cross-border trade. Generally, the scope of the model in this paper is about international layer, so the main aim is to harmonize trading transaction in processes and content 7. Based on the concept of data harmonization which is suggested in both sides of supply chain; proper standards and soluti
47、ons in analyzing the model can be chosen. These standards have to support the cross border transactions. 3.2. Model Components The buy-ship-pay reference model discussed as a way to simplify the processes and eliminate unnecessary details of a trade scenario. UNedocs project is suggested to cluster
48、and manage different documents. These standards are introduced as solutions to go through the single window policy. First lets have a high level view of the components of the system while a cross-border communication is happening. In every side customs are placed which are leading to the national si
49、ngle window of the country. The documents in the National format are entering to the translator module which is changing the format of the documents to the standard UNedocs format 8. Then it can go through a middle ware to be declared more and finally the cross-border single windows is the last gate
50、way. Every country can use this model form its own side to the exchange gateway (Figure 3). 3.3. Certificate Authentication in the Model The relationship between CAs in this model is designed according to the basic types of PKI interoperability models. Based on the Irans e-supply chain security requ
51、irements, it is needed to support the certificate authority by using the benefits of a variety of different relationship topologies. The architecture which is suggested here benefits the advantages of CA hierarchy model, certificate trust list and bridge CA interoperability models. The benefits of t
52、his topology are: It will publish a trust list of national CAs. Those national CAs can retrieve the list themselves and are free to add and subtract CAs from the list and republish it to their governments users according to their own national preferences. It may also publish trust lists of CAs in pa
53、rticular sectorsfor example, a list of CAs accredited to provide health certificates. It will cross-certify with each national CA and make that certificate available to other CAs to perform their own cross-certifications 9. It will provide a certificate authority center for giving approval to messag
54、es and or ms while transferring through layers of the cross-border model. As it is mentioned above, the benefits of the hierarchy and modularity in this topology of CAs is improved Figure 4. 4. Model Localization over B2B Layers In this section the components of the model are being discussed over th
55、ree different layers of communication between B2B e-commerce systems. Each subsection shows the relationship between exporter, importer, customs, regional single window and the National single window in both sides of a trade transaction. 4.1. Business Process Layer In the business process layers, th
56、e reference model and the UNedocs project are used to manage the electronic docs, but as a key step of project management first the exact scope of the transactions which are included in the suggested model must be described. According to what was mentioned about UNedocs, it is said that this project
57、 is mainly about the electronic documents but not about identifying the trading partner or the use cases which are about before contract. While the relation between roles and processes are discussed, the scope of the model can be described more precisely in the business process layer. The scope of p
58、rocesses which are considered in the localized cross-border model of this paper can be seen inside the dotted line in Figure 2. 4.2. Messaging Layer The messaging layer is responsible to establish the communication session between components, and send the contents of the message to next layers of the components hierarchy 10. The exporter and importer are considered as the first and last points of a communication line and single window systems in national and regional levels are responsible to process information and move them
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