



1、非谓语动词错题集锦请熟记每一点的规则,重新做每一道错 题,争取考试不要岀错一 解题方法1. 判断句子中缺少的成分1)缺主语To do和doi ng (包括两者的被动态)都可以引导主语.Doi ng表示的是习惯性的动作(考得 居多)/to do表示的是一次性的动作 .:考点:!过去分词 done 以及 having done/ having been done绝对不能做主语考点:it可以做形式主语,一般由不定式(to do)引导真正的主语,只有特殊的一些词组才用 doing 引导真正的主语 如 it ' s no use doing/it' s no good doing/ it

2、 ' s a waste oftime doing错题重做:1. -What do you suppose mad her worried?-a gold ring.A. LoseC. Losing | lose2. _ as the most excelle nt stude nt in the uni versity, as most classmates had expected, made her pare nts very happy.A. Mary was chosen chosen C. Mary being chosen's being chosen.3. As

3、 we all know, it wasthat resulted in the terrible car accident.A.because of her careless nessbeing careless nessC. Because she was carlesswas so carless4. Something as simple assome cold water may clear your mind and relievepressure.A. to drink C. to be drinking5. in a heavy traffic jam in a taxi wh

4、ile you are hurry ing to the airportis quite an un pleasa nt experie nee.caught caught C. Caught bee n caught2)缺宾语(动词或介词之后的部分叫做宾语)要背常见的动词用法 !常见的接to do的动词有agree, decide, promise, pretend, wish, expect, prefer, man age,appear等等.其它必备的短语 can ' t help but do/ have no choice but to do/ could do nothin

5、g butdo考点:!要注意不定式的完成式和进行式的考点如:he is said to have written a new book.I meant to have told you about it, but I forgot to do so.We didn 't expect you to be waiting for us.考点:!有一类”动词 +疑问词 +to do ” 的结构.To do 般用主动结构I don ' t know what to do/ where to go/ whom to ask/ when to stop考点:it做形式宾语时也常常用不定式

6、引出真正的宾语常见的接 doing 的 动词有: admit/imagine/consider/ mind/ avoid/miss/keep/suggest/mention 有时会自带主语女口 imagine one ' s doing常见的接doing 的短语有 can ' t help doing/ look forward to doing/ the key todoin g/ca nt sta nd doing/ feel like doing/ keep on doing等等考点!要注意doing的完成式和被动式如 I regret not having taken

7、his advice考点:能同时加 to do /doing的要区别意思forget/regret/remember/ mean/ try错题重做:1. I heard they've promoted Tom, but he did n'tmention whe n wetalkedon the pho ne.A. to promote B. having been promotedpromoted D. to be promoted2. -can i smoke here?-sorry. We don't allowhere.A. people smoking B.

8、 people smoke smokeD. smoking3.Susa n wan ted to be in depe ndent of her pare nts. She tried alone, butshe did n't like it and moved back home.A. living B. to be livinglive D. having lived4. Nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make iteasierA. reusing B. reused D.to be reused5. -you

9、 should have tha nked her before you left.-i meant, but whe n i was leavi ng i could n't find her any where.A. to do B. to C. doing to6. rve worked with children before, so i know whatin my new job.A. expected B. to expectC. to be expecting7. I would love to the party last night but i had to wor

10、k extra hours to finisha report.A. to go B. to have goneC. going gone8. Students made it a rulesome reading in English every morning.A. to do C. does9. When asked by the police, he said that he rememberedat the party,but not_.A. to arrive; leav ing arrive; to leaveC. Arrivi ng;leavi ng; to leave10.

11、Do let your mother know all the truth. She appearseveryth ing.tell be told C. to be telli nghave bee n told11. Fred seems very clever. His ideas led toa pay rise.A. him awarded being awarded to award to be awarded12. Who could have imagined such a sweet-tempered girl as Janesuch a thing.A. doing do

12、C. will do3)缺补语 常考的点有A. with 结构with +0+ doing(与前面宾语O是主动关系,一般在进行中)done 与前面宾语O是被动关系,并动作已经完成补充:be ing done正在被to do表示将要去做的事情(常考主动形式)*要看与后面主语的逻辑关系B. 感官动词同 see +O+ doing 正在do全过程 特别要注意这个结构的被动式为sb be see n to dodone与前面宾语是被动关系C. 使役动词 have/keep/make/let/get 等have +O+do (让去做 但是to省略了)doing(让一直去做)done( 让被)注:如果出现

13、keep oneself后面常用被动Have如果解释为有的话就是另外的情况Have sth to do/ have sth to be donehave a lot of readingsbefore the end of this term.A. completi ng B. to completeD. being completed2. -Do you have anything more, sir?-No. You can have a rest or do someth ing else.A. to type be typed C. typing3. The crowd cheered

14、 wildly at the sight of Liu Xia ng, who was reportedthe world record in the 110-meter hurdle race.A. break ing B. havi ng broke nC. to have broke n4. The split betwee n huma ns and livi ng apesis thought by some scholars15to 20 milli on years ago.A. to occurC. to have occurred occurred5. The differe

15、nce in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the ipad2more comfortable.A. held B. holdingC. Be heldholdmanypeople'sopi nion,thatcompa ny,thoughrelativelysmall,ispleasa ntA. to deal with B. deali ng with be dealt with D. dealt with7. W ith so many orphans, the charityorganizationcal

16、ls for moredon ati ons.A. to look afterB. to be looked after C. being looked after after8. -Come on, please give me some ideas about this project.-sorry, with so much workmy min d, i almost break dow n.A. filled B. to fill C. being filled|9. With no rain for three mon ths and food suppliesout, the s

17、ituatio n hereis gett ing worse.A. run B. running C. to run be running10. Passe ngers are permittedonly one piece of hand luggage onto the pla ne.A. to carry C. to be carried carried12. Tony tried to get his workin the medical circles.A.to recog nizeC. recog ni zed recog nize13. The program is so ex

18、citing that the children kept their eyeson the screen.A. to fix be fixedC. fixed |man agers discussed the pla n that they would like to seethe n ext year.A. carry out outC. carried out carry output up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself of his own dreams.A. remi ndingC. to remin ded

19、4)缺状语明显的符号(,)非谓语的位置可以变化,可以句首,句中,句尾;否定式直接在非谓语动词之前加NOTTo dodoi ngdo nehaving done hav ing bee n done,考点:引导结果状语时,doing引导的是自然而然的结果;only to do引导的是意想不到的结果.I fell, striking my head against the door.He survived the crash only to die in the desert.考点:有时分词之前会加上 when/if/unless/once等,方法一样考点:特别要注意意义上不翻译为被动,但是结构上

20、被动的一些词组be meant for/ be absorbed in / be lost in/be determ ined to /be caught i n/be seatedat/be convinced of/ be in terested in/be tired from/be face with等等考点:如果句子本身由and, but,so,onee 等连接,千万不能用非谓语动词,因为and, but,so 连接的是两个完整的句子.1. -Mum, why do you give me so much popcorn?- the bori ng time.A. Kill B. K

21、illingC. To killD. Having killed2. The retired man donated most of his savingsto the school damaged by theearthquake in Yushu,the stude nts to retur n to their classroom.A. enablingB. having enabled C. to enable D. to have enabled3. The lawyer listened with full attention, to miss any point.A. not t

22、rying B. Trying not C. to try not to try4. He had wonderful childhood,with his mother to all corners of theworld.B. travel B. to travel C. travelled5. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercises, if regularly, canimprove our health.A. being carried out outC. carried outcarry out6. for the

23、breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.A. Blame B. Blamed C. To blame be blamed7. The news reporters hurried to the airport, onlythe film stars had left.A. to tell B. to be toldC. telling8. He was busy writinga story, only once in a while to snoke a cigarette.A. to stopB.

24、 stopping| C. to have stopped stopped9. Tom kept quiet about the accidentlose his iob.A. so not as toB. so as not toC. so as to not so as to10. -What's the matter with him?-oh, Tim's cellph one was left in a taxi accide ntally, _neveraga in.A. to find B. to be found C. finding found11. the t

25、eacher, and he will tell you the an swer.A. Ask ing B. Ask C. If ask you ask12. All flightsbecause of the snow storm, many passengers could do nothingbut take the train.A. had bee n can celed B. have bee n can celed C. Being can celedbee n can celed13. The childre n went home from the grammar lesson

26、sfor the day.A. finishingfinished finished14. Look!there are many girls dressed in white standing in a circle, eachalighted can dle.A. held B. was holdi ng C. holdi ng hold15. To get an education, _.A. Work ing hard is importa nt hard is n eededmust work hard is n eeded to work hard16. While not in

27、terested in lear ning English,.A. It is a very useful tool for com muni cati on is very importa nt for com muni catio nC. Lear ning En glish is very importa nt for me man aged to lear n it well|17. Faced with a bill of $10,000,.A. Joh n has take n an extra jobboss has give n Joh n an extra jobextra

28、job has bee n take nextra job has bee n give n to Joh n18. her mother had come, her face lit up.A. Hearing heard C. When heard.she heard19. The news shocked the public,to great concern about students safetyat school.A. having led C. to lead|20. Ideallyin the Fifth Avenue, the New York Park hotel is

29、a favorite withmany guests.A. locating locatedbeen located|21. We all know that, the situation will get worse.A.not if dealt carefully with notcarefully dealt with C. If dealt not carefullywith if carefully dealt with worked late into the night,a long speech for the preside nt.A. to prepare C. prepa

30、red prepared23. long with host families, i believe,Ianguage travel students are likelyto get eno ugh Ian guage practice.A. Stay B. Stayi ng C. To stay stayed24. It rained heavily in the south, serious floodingin severalprov in ces.A. caused B. havi ng caused C. caus ing causeretiredman donated most

31、of his savingsto the school damaged by theearthquake,the stude nts to retur n to their classrooms.B. hav ing en abled C. to en able have en abled so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. I C. Faci ng face27. from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.

32、A. Seen C. Having see n see_everyth ing to go wrong in adva nce, and you won't feel quite so bad whe n it does.A. Having expected B. Expect C. To expect5)做后置定语修饰名词N+doingThere is a great deal of evidenee indicating music improve the brain.done so far no one has claimed the money discovered in th

33、e library.being done The man being questi oned is a murder.to do (the first to do/ i n the years/decades to come/to follow)to be done The book to be published n ext mo nth is based on a true story.1. The town hall in the 1800's was the most distinguishedbuildingat thattime.A. to be completed B. havi ng bee n completedC. completed | completed2. We fini shed the run in less tha n half


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