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1、Unit5单元检测 A 卷一、单项选择题( 共 15 题, 共 15 分)1.That s really _ amazing thing.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. Would you like to try _? Yes, just _. A. some; a littleB. some; a few C. any; a little D. any; a few3. Mrs Lee helps me a lot _ my English. I often ask her _ helpwhen I have problems with English.A. on; for B.

2、 with; for C. with; about D. for; with4. How _ I was when I saw Tom this morning inthe cafe! I thought hewas on abusiness trip in Shanghai.A. strange B. interested C. surprised D. afraid5. This morning, I had to eat breakfast _ becauseI got up too late.A. earlyB. quicklyC.quiet1/11D. quietly6. There

3、 s _ fat in fish, so you dont need toworry about getting fat forhavingit.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little7. Why did you keep quiet when the man spoke to you?Well, because I was _ who he was and didnt knowwhat to say.A. replyingB. wonderingC. asking8. Youshould come to school early _ usual. A. forB

4、. like C. with D. as9. Whats thatoutside? It _ a babys crying.It must be my neighbours cat.A. looks likeB. hears likeC. listens likeD. sounds like10. Have you _ the young man? He can play with seven balls at the sametime. A. heard ofB. asked forC. been afraid of D. thought of11. What do you think of

5、 yesterdays football match?2/11 Sorry. I _ it. But I know China is the first. A. watchedB. didn t watch C. wont watch D. am not watching12. I am sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. Never mind. I got here only _.A. ten minutes laterB. ten minutes beforeC. in ten minutesD. ten minutes ago13. Wo

6、uld you like to go to watch the new film with methis evening? Thanks. But I watched it _. It was really fun. A. other dayB. another day C. the other day D. the another day14. I am afraid there is a ghost in the tree, Dad!_! That s nothing but a bird.A. Be carefulB. That s OKC. You re welcomeD. Come

7、on15. MrLee can play table tennis with his two hands at the same time. _! Few people can do that. A. How importantB. That samazing C. Have funD. So funny二、完形填空 (共 10 题,共 10 分)3/111.MrsBrown livedinasmalltownnearabigfarm.On aFridayafternoonshefinished(1) housework and went toher small shop. She opene

8、d the window of the shop and(2)outside. She enjoyed the greenfarm. There were many cows, horses and small animals(3)thefarm.Suddenlyshe sawakangaroounderthewindow.MrsBrownwas very surprisedbecauseitwas(4)anoldjacket.It stoodthereandseemedtobeveryhungry.MrsBrowngave somebread(5)nutstoit.Thekangarooat

9、ethem(6).Then itbecame happyand jumped away. Suddenly something dropped on the(7) from its jacketpocket. It was awallet! She picked it up, opened it and found there were $300 and aphoto init. That was a mans photo with his name“John” on it. John? She looked more(8) and remembered she had a brotherma

10、ny years ago, whose name was also John.“Isthisman my lostbrother? ” Shethought.They haventseeneach otherformany years.She took the wallet with her and began to(9)the man.She asked many people in thetown, and then she came to a farm and asked thefarmer. To her surprise, he wasJohn,her lost brother. T

11、hey were very excited and (10)to see each otheragain.(1)A. hisB.ourC.theirD.her(2)A. lookedB.sawC.lookD.see(3)A. forB.out ofC.onD.from(4)A. wearsB.wearingC. wearD.has(5)A. onB.andC.butD.nor(6)A. allB.noneC.anyD.many(7)A. backB.waterC.riverD.ground(8)4/11A. carefulB.carefullyC. careD.careless(9)A. lo

12、ok overB.look aheadC. look forD.look after(10)A. sadB.angryC.lateD.happy三、阅读理解 ( 共 15 题, 共 15 分)1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。ASome people want to befamous. Some people want to be famous so much that they will dosomeverystrangethings.Thereis aspecial bookaboutallthesepeople.Iti

13、scalledGuinness Book of World Records(吉尼斯世界纪录) . The book was first madenearly fifty years ago, and anew book is made every year because people keep breakingtheoldrecords.Ifyouwantyournameinthisbook,youmust befaster,stronger,bigger, taller,or perhaps just sillier than anyone else in the world.One ma

14、n in the USA hasfeet that are so big that each pair of shoes costs him 22, 745dollars!Howmany fingersdoyouhave?Youshould haveeightandtwothumbs.AmaninEngland is special. He has ten fingers and two thumbs! He says it makes Mathslessonsveryeasy.A boy in Germany jumpedmore than 5 metresinto thea ir on h

15、is bicycle, and a boyinthe USA jumped more than9 metres high on a skateboard. A man in Britain has a tonguethat is more than 9 centimetreslong, and someone in the world is growing a moustachethat is now more than 3metres long. A man in New York jumped on a pogo stick(弹簧单高跷) more than 37 kilometres.I

16、t took him more than 2 hours to do it.(1)The story is mainlyabout _.A.afamous bookB.how tobecome famousC.amazingpeopleD.howtobreakrecords(2)The book GuinnessBook of World Records is aboutpeople_.A.whoare famous all around the worldB. whoare rich and have done a lot for charity5/11C. whoare specialor

17、havedone strangethingsD.whohave the largestnumber offingers(3)How many fingersdoes a man usually have?A.Two.B.Eight. C.Ten.D.Twelve.(4)How high does theboy in the USA jump on his skateboard?A.5 metres. B.9 metres. C.10 metres. D.37 metres.(5)How long did it takethe man in New York to jump on his pog

18、o stick?A.Foraboutanhour.B.Forlessthantwohours.C.Forovertwohours.D.Forover three hours.2.BPeoplesometimeshavestrangeideas about food.In the18thcentury,Americansneverate tomatoes.They grew them in their gardens because tomato plants are so pretty. Buttheythoughtthiskindofplantswerepoisonous.Sotheycal

19、ledtomatoes“poisonapples ”.President(总统 ) Thomas Jefferson,however, knew that tomatoes were good to eat. He wasa learned man. He had beento Paris, where he learned to enjoy the food made of tomatoes. He wanted to letmore people know about the wonderful taste of tomatoes. He grew many kinds oftomatoe

20、s in his garden. The president taught his cook to cook a soupwith creamand tomatoes. This nextdinner party. The guestsbeautiful thoughtthepink soup soup tastedwas served at really good.the presid ent s They neverthoughttheir president would serve(上菜) his guests“poisonapplestohishonouredguestsaboutth

21、efact.Later,moreandtomatoes.(1) What is the passagemainly about?A.PresidentThomas Jefferson.B.Thedinnerpartyin”. Jefferson never spokemorepeoplebegantheWhiteHouse.toeatC.Howtomatoes was accepted(接受)inAmerica.D.How tomatoes became popular all aroundtheworld.(2) Jefferson waspresident of _.A.GermanyB.

22、 theUnited StatesC.EnglandD. France6/11(3)Jefferson learnedthat tomatoes were good to eat_.A. whenhe was a little boyB.from his parents C. frombooksD.while he was inParis(4)From the passage wemay infer all the guests invitedby Jefferson were_.A.people of his own countryB. peoplefrom other countriesC

23、. Frenchmen D. men(5)Which of thefollowing statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.Allthe guests began to accept tomatoes asfoodafterthat dinner.B. Alltheguests thought the soup had a good taste. C. Noneof the guests thought the soup was made from tomatoes. D. Noneof the guests ever though

24、t if the soup was poisonous or not.3.CThe kangaroo ( 袋鼠 ) from Australia was a newstar in a zoo in America. It was famousfor jumpinghigh andquick.Becauseitcould jumpoverthewall andrunaway easily,the zookeeper put it in a placewith 3-metre-high walls around.But thenext morningpeoplefound the kangaroo

25、 was playingoutside.Thezookeeperthought it needed higherwalls, so he made the walls 3.5 metres high. But the kangaroogot out again the followingday. The zookeeper felt surprised. He read some books aboutanimalsandfoundoutthata kangaroocan jump ashighas4 metres.Sohemade thewalls 4.5 metres high. But

26、thenext morning, the kangaroo was playing outside again!The zookeeper feltangry, and he made the walls as high as 5 metres.“How high will he buildthe walls?” a giraffe asked the kangaroo.“I don t know, ” said the kangaroo. “Maybe they ll be 300 metres. It all dependson (取决于) whether he remembers to

27、close thegate.”(1)Where was thekangaroo living?A.Australia.B.France.C.America.D.England.(2)What was thekangaroo good at?A.Drawing.B.Jumping.C.SingingD.Running(3)What did thezookeeper do to stop the kangaroo from going out?A.He built high walls.B.He closed the gate.C.He made it afraid.D.He asked7/11a

28、 man to watch it.(4)How high did thezookeeper make the walls the second time?D.300 metres.(5)What do you thinkof the zoo keeper?A.He is clever.B.He is careful.C.He is kind.D.He is careless.四、根据句意及汉语提示填空(共5题,共5分)1.I emailed him last Friday, and he _(答复) the next morning.2._ (没有) his help, I cant fini

29、sh the workquickly.3. The _(地球) looks like a large ball.4.Iwas about 3kilos heavyat _(出生) .5. There are lots of people at the corner. What is _(发生) ?五、提示词填空( 共 10 题, 共 10 分)1. A lot of _ (visit) come to Chinafor a visit every year.2. Mary does everything _ (careful), so I think she can do this jobwe

30、ll.3. My hero is an NBA player _ (name) Nate Robinson.4.This treeis at_ (little)10 metres tall.5.Both of the _ (sandwich) are fordinner.6. Onmy way home, I saw a boy_ (cry)on the street. 7.It is veryimportant_ (notgive) them too much food.8. The boy tried his best _ (save) the little dog.9. Thank yo

31、u very much for _ (search) the Internet for us.10.Thestudents_ (collect)things for Project Hope at the moment.六、补全句子 ( 共 5 题, 共 10 分)1. 我们刚才听到的那个声音听起来像火车。The noise we heard just now _a train.2. 我们转过头来,但没有发现什么异常。We_.3. 没有你的帮助,我无法到达那里。I cannot _.4. 在我回家的路上,我碰到了一个老朋友。8/11I_ old friend _.5. 那个小男孩向他爸爸要了一

32、本字典。That boy _.七、任务型阅读( 共 1 题, 共 10 分)1.阅读下面的短文,根据文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)Yesterday I visited amuseum. There I learnt about a lot of amazing facts about humansand animals. What interested me mostwas a talk by a scientist.Do you know how muchtime will you spend watching TV in your life? In yesterdays talk,t

33、hescientist said that a person watches TV for over 70, 000hours in his or her life onaverage ( 平均 ). It means you sit infront of a TV for 8 years. Do you know how longyour hair can grow if you dontcut it? The scientist said that it can be as long as 9metres! Another amazingthing is that you say abou

34、t 4, 200 words a day. Thatmeans morethan 100 million words in your life!I also got to knowcamels have some amazing abilities. They can run over 15 metres persecond. Andit samazing thattheycankeepwalkingfor dayswithoutanyfood ordrinks.Camelscanhelppeopleinmanyways.For example,they cancarrythingsforpe

35、ople.In the past, I dislikedsome animals and thought they were dirty and lazy. But now, Ifind theminteresting.Weshouldbekindtoanimals.Itwillbegreattostudyanimalsand dosomethingforthem.Let sworkhard tomaketheworldabetterplaceforboth humans and animals.(1)A(1) _ to a museumTime( 2) _Amazing(3) _I learnt aboutFacts about( 4) _9/11A person spends(5) _ years watching TV inhis or her life.A person s hair can be 9 metreslong if he or she doesnt cut it.A person says (6) _ 100 millions words inhis or her life.Facts about camelsThey can run fast.They can keep walking for dayswithout eating or (7) _


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