



1、湖南省衡阳市2020-2021年度华新实验中学初三英语培优专项练习(二十)专项一:词汇专题(注意词性以及形式)1 He neverheart When he WaS in trouble2. Il WaS a PriSOn fromno One COUld escape3. The OWner Of the garden allowed US(enter) the garden.4. My mother devoted most Of her time to(Care) for my SiCk father.5. ASmatter Of fact, he WaSlawyer.6. Tom Wa

2、S OUtWOrk at that time.7. He Often turnedhis neighbour for help8. Freeworry, the WOman IiVCd a PeaCefUl Iife9. He WaS the first man(explore) the OUter SPaCe10. m WOrried aboutI Can be admitted to the UniVerSity专项二:完型填空(注意前后呼应;文章逻辑;文章体裁;题材;语 法关系;利用代入法或者排除法选出最佳答案)Mr Chen is a farmer WhO in WeStern Chi

3、na With his Wife and two sons. One year ago. he discovered that he had cancer. The doctor told him that he needed 2 at OnCe And he Said the OPeratiOn WOUld -3_ thousands Of yuan. It WaS too InUCh money for Mr Chen and his wife. They had no job and 4 Were at school. TlIe SitUatiOn Seenled 5 TWO WeekS

4、 Iaten however, Mr ChCn got SOme 6 news. HC WaS told about a health Care PrOjeCt WhiCh PrOVideS medical treatment for POOr PatientS in 7 China. They 8 to Pay OnIy half the COSt Or even IeSS TilankS to the PrOjeCt and the kindness Of 9 family and neighbours, he WaS able to receive an OPeratiOn just 1

5、0 to PreVent the illness from getting worse. 11 he has returned to his family.The 12 Of this health Care ProieCt is to improve the SitUatiOn for POOr PeOPle in WeStern China SO far, the PrqjeCt has helped more than 5.000 PeOPle 13 medical aid. The ChineSe government is 14 WOrking together With Other

6、 COUntrieS and international OrganiZatiOnS to do this They hope to develop a new health Care model 15 China AS OUr COUntrJf develops, We InUSt remember the rcspoIISibiIilics(责任)Of Caring for IhC WeakeSt members)1. A. IiVeB. IiVeS)2. A. a treatmentB. a rest)3. A. PayB.SPend)4. A. both their SOnSC. al

7、l their SOnS)5. A. hopefulB. hopeless)6.A. SadB. bad)7. A. easternB. SOUthenl)8. A. WantB. need)9. A. myB. your)10. A. in timeB. On time)11. A. AlreadyB. JUSt)12. A. ChanCeB. advice)13. A. receiveB. receiving)14. A. tooB. also)15. A. toB. atC. are IiVingD. IiVedC. an OPeratiOnD. trainingC. haveD. CO

8、StB. both their daughtersD. all their daughtersC. harmfulD. harmlessC. terribleD.goodC. WeSternD. northcmC. PreferD. IikeC. hisD. herC. at the Same time D. for a IOng timeC. EVerD. NowC. exampleD. goalC. receivedD. receivesC. eitherD. as WellC. forD. On专项三:阅读理解(做题时注意划记题目关键词;同时在文章中将正确答案标记出来)HaVe you

9、ever Seen the InOVie Big HerO 6 ? Baymax(大白)is a Inain CharaCter in the movie. He,s a friendly big robot that IOOkS After PeOPle,s health If there is a robot Iike BaymaX in OUr real life, PeOPle Will get more benefits The robot Will be especially helpful in Caring for the old. ThC health Of OId PeOP

10、le needs greater monitoring and care:.SCientiStS in AmeriCa are now WOrking to make BaymaX a rcally(实现) Actually, they have already PrOdUCed SOme health Care robots TheSe robots PrOVide brain VideO games to improve PCOPle,s memory. The garner Can help the OId remember things for longer. Besides, the

11、se PrOVide SPeCial app (应用程序)to help the Old Inanage their health at home The apps Can CheCk tle Old PeOPle, heart Iate 率)and tell them to take their medicine On Iime The apps Can also record their daily activities SUCh COlIeCtCd information helps doctors discover the CaUSe Of an illness faster and

12、more correctly. BUt the IleaIth Care IObOtS are51 as clever as BaynIaX yet.Nowadays, SCientiStS are WOrking On improving the health Care robots. ThCy HOPe the robots Can PrOdUCe electricity by Walking across the floor. If they SUCCeed. batteries Will not be needed. They also hope the robots COmmUniC

13、ate With humans in rthe daily Iife SO to make PCOPle happier and healthier.SCientiStS are trying to realize these dreams. Like Baymax, these health Care robots may SaVe PeOPle,s IiVeS in Ihe future We are IOOking forward to them.1. TIle Imderlmed WOrd HmOnItOnng,' In the PaSSage means 八'、in

14、Chinese.A. 监测B娱乐C.危害2. ACCOrding to the PaSSage BaymaX is A. a friendly Small robot that lks after PeOPle,s healthB. as CleVer as the health Care robots in real IifeC. a main CharaCter in the movie Big HerO 63. In the passage, the health Care robots that have been PrOdUCed by SCientiStSA. can,t impr

15、ove PeOPle,s memoryB. Can COmmUniCate With humane in the daily IifeC. Can help the OId manage their health at home4. WhiCh Of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. NOWadayS the health Care robots ran PrOdUCt electricity by WaIking across the floo.B. BOth the doctors and the Old WhO USe t

16、he health Care robots Can get help from themC. ThC health earn robots Can PrOVide VideO games to CheCk a PerSOirS heart rate5. What is the PaSSage mainly about?A. Ifs mainly about the movie Big Hero 6B. It,s mainly about the health Care robotsC. It's Inainly about the importance Of health.专项四:语法

17、填空(名词的数和格;动词时态语态;形容词副词的级以及相互转化;虚词的固定用法)Margaret always( give) her friends CardS On ChriStnlaS Day. She thinks it is agreat Way to tell each Other how much She ValUeS their(friend).LaSt week, Margaret Went to SeVeral different( StOre) IOOking for SPeCial CardS forher friends Margaret IikeS all the fr

18、iends equally. She Wanted to find a Card for each friend thatWaS PerSOnaL and She Wanted the CardS to also IOOk SOrt Ofsame, Margaret SPent OVer anhour lking at CardS but She COUld not find the CardSWere right.Margaret had a great idea She WOUld make CardS for each Of her &Iends. BUt She WaSn,tS

19、Ure how to Inake CardS She remembered(hear) SOmewhere about ChriStmaS CardS that(make) by hand OVer a hundred years ago. She USed the Internet to find OUt (Inany)about these CardS. She made notes for all the materials She WOUld need and Went back to the StOre to get them.Margaret SPent SeVeral hours

20、 WOrking On the ChriStmaS CardS( CarefUI). Thatnight at dinner, Margaret ShOWCd her family the CardS She had made for her friends. EVen her brotler thought they Were great, and he almost never thuks Margaret,s IdeaS are great. Margaret (decide) to make each Of her ParentS a ChriStmaS Card and One fo

21、r her brother, too.专项五:阅读表达专项(注意是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句;明确各 个特殊疑问词含义;然后去文章中找出正确答案)CCTV reported that every year ChineSe PeOPle throw away a IOt Of food WhiCh Can feed 200 InilliOn PeOPle for a year.Do We have too much food? Of COUrSe not. ACCOrding to the UN WOrld FOOd PrOgrammethere Were 90OmiIliOn hungry Pe

22、OPle all OVer the WOrId in 2018. AbOUt SiX million ChiIdren die Of hunger CVCry year.SO think about it. We ShOUld Say no to PCOPle WhO WaSte food every day. An Old Saying goes, "Every grain On the PIate COmeS from hard work/' It tells US everybody must sate food.Luckily, a number Of PeOPle have realized the importance Of SaVing food. Li Hong, a WaitreSS in a restaurant in Jiangsu, OnCe IOSt her job because She took SOme ICfIoVCr(剩余的)food


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