1、International Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-1Dominick SalvatoreCHAPTER 7ECONOMIC GROWTH AND INTERNATIONAL TRADEOUTLINE7.1 In troduct ion7.2 Growth of Factors of Product ion7.2a Labor Growth and Capital Accumulati on Over Time7.2b The Rybcz yn ski Theorem7.3 Tech ni cal Progr
2、ess7.3a Neutral, Labor-Sav ing, and Capital-Savi ng Tech ni cal Progress7.3b Technical Progress and the Nations Production FrontierCase Study 7-1: Chan ges in Relative Resource En dowme nts of Various Coun tries and RegionsCase Study 7-2: Change in Capital-Labor Rati ons in Selected Coun tries7.4 Gr
3、owth and Trade: The Small Co un try Case7.4a The Effects of Growth on Trade7.4b Illustrati on of Factor Growth, Trade, and Welfare7.4c Tech ni cal Progress, Trade, and WelfareCase Study 7-3: Growth of Output per Worker from Capital Deepe ning, Tech no logicalChan ge, and Improveme nts in Efficie ncy
4、7.5 Growth and Trade: The Large-Co untry Case7.5a Growth and the Nati ons Terms of Trade and Welfare7.5b Immiserizi ng Growth7.5c Illustration of Beneficial Growth and TradeCase Study 7-4: Growth, Trade, and the Gia nts of the Future7.6 Growth, Change in Tastes, and Trade in Both Nati ons7.6a Growth
5、 and Trade in Both Nations7.6b Change in Tastes and Trade in Both NationsCase Study 7-5: Change in the Revealed Comparative Advantage of Various Countries or RegionsCase Study 7-6: Growth, Trade, and Welfare in the Leadi ng In dustrial Nati onsAppe ndix:A7.1 Formal Proof of Rybcz yn ski TheoremA7.2
6、Growth with Factor ImmobilityA7.3 Graphical An alysis of Hicksia n Tech ni cal ProgressAn titrade product ion and con sumpti on Neutral product ion and con sumpti onNormal goodsIn ferior goodsKey TermsComparative staticsDyn amic an alysisBala need growthRybcz yn skitheoremInternational Economics ghE
7、ditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-2Dominick SalvatoreLabor-sav ing tech ni cal progressCapital-sav ing tech ni cal progress Protradeproducti on and con sumpti onLecture Guide1.This is not a core chapter and it is one of the most challenging chapters in international tradetheory. It is in clu
8、ded for more adva need stude nts and for complete ness.2.If I were to cover this chapter, I would prese nt two sect ions in each of three lectures. Timepermitting, I would, otherwise cover Sections 1 and 2, paying special attention to the Rybcz yn skitheorem.An swer to Problems1.a) See Figure 1.b)Se
9、e Figure 2c)See Figure 3.2.See Figure 4.3.a) See Figure 5.b)See Figure 6.c)See Figure 7.4.Compare Figure 5 to Figure 1.Compare Figure 6 to Figure 3. Note that the two product ion fron tiers have the same vertical or Yintercept in Figure 6 but a different vertical or Y intercept in Figure 3.Compare F
10、igure 7 to Figure 2. Note that the two product ion fron tiers have the samehoriz on tal or X in tercept in Figure 7 but a differe nt horiz on tal or X in tercept in Figure 2.5.See Figure 8 on page 66.6.See Figure 9.7.See Figure 10.8.See Figure 11.9.See Figure 12.Terms-of-trade effectWealth effectImm
11、iseriz ing growthInternational Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-3Dominick Salvatore10.See Figure 13 on page 67.11.See Figure 14.12.See Figure 15.13.The Un ited States has become the most competitive economy in the world since the early 1990s while the data in Table 7.3 refers t
12、o the 191590 period.International Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-4Dominick Salvatore卿uZFigsbFigur*?asxFiguraaIn ternational Econo mics -SfhEditionInstructor s Manual(1994466961.doc)7-5Dominick Salvatore85Figun FIQMIInternational Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(199446696
13、1.doc)7-6Dominick SalvatoreHgiufvUX4060XInternational Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-7Dominick Salvatore14.The data in Table 7.4 seem to indicate that China had a comparative advantage incapital-inten sive commodities and a comparative disadva ntage in un skilled-laborintensi
14、ve commodities in 1973. This was very likely due to the many trade restrictionsand subsidies, which distorted the comparative advantageof China.Its true comparative adva ntage became evide nt by 1993 after China had started toliberalize its economy.App. 1a. See Figure 16.lb.For producti on and con s
15、umpti on to actually occur at the newequilibrium point after the doubling of K in Nation 2, we must assumeeither than commodity X is inferior or that Nation 2 is too small to affectthe relative commodity prices at which it trades.lc. Px/Py must rise (i.e., Py/Px must fall) as a result of growth only
16、.Px/Py will fall even more with trade.1. If the supply of capital in creases in Nati on 1 in the product ion of commodity Yonly, the VMPLy curve shifts up, and w rises in both industries. Some labor shiftsto the product ion of Y, the output of Y rises and the output of X falls, r falls, andPx/Py is
17、likely to rise.2. Capital inv estme nts tend to in crease real wages because they raise the K/L ratioand the productivity of labor. Tech ni cal progress tends to in crease K/L and realwages if it is L-saving and to reduce K/L and real wages if it is K-saving.Multiple-Choice Questi ons1. Dynamic fact
18、ors in trade theory refer to changes in:a. factor en dowme ntsb. tech no logyc. tastes*d. all of the above2. Doubli ng the amount of L and K un der con sta nt retur ns to scale:a. doubles the output of the L-i nten sive commodityb. doubles the output of the K-i nten sive commodityc. leaves the shape
19、 of the producti on fron tier un cha nged*d. all of the above.3. Doubli ng only the amount of L available un der con sta nt retur ns to scale:a. less tha n doubles the output of the L-i nten sive commodity*b. more than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodityInternational Economics ghEditionI
20、nstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-8Dominick Salvatorec. doubles the output of the K-i nten sive commodityd. leaves the output of the K-i nten sive commodity un cha ngedInternational Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-9Dominick SalvatoreTOsajr4.The Rybczynski theorem postulates t
21、hat doubling L at constant relative commodity prices:a. doubles the output of the L-i nten sive commodityInternational Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-10Dominick Salvatore*b. reduces the output of the K-i nten sive commodityc. in creases the output of both commoditiesd. any of
22、 the above5. Doubli ng L is likely to:a. in creases the relative price of the L-i nten sive commodityb. reduces the relative price of the K-i nten sive commodity*c. reduces the relative price of the L-i nten sive commodityd. any of the above6. Tech ni cal progress that in creases the productivity of
23、 L proporti on ately more tha n theproductivity of K is called:*a. capital sav ingb. labor sav ingc. n eutrald. any of the above7. A 50 perce nt productivity in crease in the product ion of commodity Y:a. in creases the output of commodity Y by 50 perce ntb. does not affect the output of Xc. shifts
24、the product ion fron tier in the Y direct ion only*d. any of the above8. Doubling L with trade in a small L-abundant nation:*a. reduces the nations social welfareb. reduces the n ati ons terms of tradec. reduces the volume of traded. all of the above9. Doubling L with trade in a large L-abundant nat
25、ion:a. reduces the nations social welfareb. reduces the n ati ons terms of tradec. reduces the volume of trade*d. all of the above10. If, at unchanged terms of trade, a nation wants to trade more after growth, then the n ations terms of trade can be expected to:*a. deteriorateb. improveInternational
26、 Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-11Dominick Salvatorec. rema in un cha ngedd. any of the above11. A proporti on ately greater in crease in the n ati ons supply of labor tha n of capital is likelyto result in a deterioration in the nations terms of trade if the nation exports:a
27、. the K-i nten sive commodity*b. the L-i nten sive commodityc. either commodityd. both commodities12. Technical progress in the nations export commodity:*a. may reduce the nations welfareb. will reduce the nations welfarec. will in crease the n ati ons welfared. leaves the n ati ons welfare un cha n
28、ged13. Doubling K with trade in a large L-abundant nation:a. in creases the n ati ons welfareb. improves the nations terms of tradec. reduces the volume of trade*d. all of the above14. An in crease in tastes for the import commodity in both n ati ons:a. reduces the volume of trade*b. in creases the
29、volume of tradec. leaves the volume of trade un cha ngedd. any of the above15. An in crease in tastes of the import commodity of Nati on A and export in B:*a. will reduce the terms of trade of Nation Ab. will in crease the terms of trade of Nati on Ac. will reduce the terms of trade of Nati on Bd. a
30、ny of the aboveADDITIONAL ESSAYS AND PROBLEMS FOR PART ONE1.Assume that both the Un ited States and Germa ny produce beef and computer chipswith the following costs:International Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-12Dominick SalvatoreUni t cost of beef (B)2Unit cost of computer c
31、hips (C)1a) What is the opport un ity cost of beef (B) and computer chips (C) in each coun try?b) In which commodity does the United States have a comparative cost advantage?What about Germa ny?c) What is the range for mutually beneficial trade between the United States andGerma ny for each computer
32、 chip traded?d) How much would the United States and Germany gain if 1 unit of beef is excha ngedfor 3 chips?Ans. a) In the Un ited States:the opportunity cost of one unit of beef is 2 chips;the opportunity cost of one chip is 1/2 unit of beef.In Germany:the opportunity cost of one unit of beef is 4
33、 chips;the opportunity cost of one chip is 1/4 unit of beef.b) The United States has a comparative cost advantagein beef with respect to Germany, while Germa ny has a comparative cost adva ntage in computer chips.c) The range for mutually beneficial trade between the United States and Germany foreac
34、h unit of beef that the United States exports is2C 1B 4Cd) Both the United States and Germany would gain 1 chip for each unit of beef traded.2.Given: (1) two n atio ns (1 and 2) which have the same tech no logy but differe nt factorendowments and tastes, (2) two commodities (X and Y) produced under
35、in creas ing costscon diti ons, and (3) no tran sportati on costs, tariffs, or other obstructi ons to trade. Provegeometrically that mutually advantageous trade between the two nations is possible.Note: Your an swer should show the autarky (no-trade) and free-trade points ofproduct ion and con sumpt
36、i on for each n atio n, the gains from trade of each n ati on,Un itedStates(dollars)Germa ny(markInternational Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-13Dominick Salvatoreand express the equilibrium condition that should prevail when trade stops expa ndin g.)Ans.: See Figure 1 on page
37、 74.Nati ons 1 and 2 have differe nt product ion possibilities curves and differe ntcommunity indifferenee maps. With these, they will usually end up with different relativecommodity prices in autarky, thus making mutually beneficial trade possible.In the figure, Nation 1 produces and consumes at po
38、int A and Px/Py=Pautarky, whileNatio n 2 produces and con sumes at point A and Px/Py=FS ince FA A since it invoIves more of both X and Y and lieson a highercommunity indifference curve. Nation 2 starts at A in producti on andcon sumptio n inautarky, moves to point B in product ion, and by excha ngin
39、g BC of Yfor CE of Xreaches point Ei n con sumpti on (which exceeds A).At Px/Py=PB=PB, Nation 1 wants to export BC of X for CE of Y, while Nation 2 wants toexport BC (=CE) of Y for CE (=BC) of X. Thus,PB=PBis the equilibrium relativecommodity price because it clears both (the X and Y) markets.3.Draw
40、 a figure show ing: (1) in Panel A a n ati ons dema nd and supply curve for A tradedcommodity and the n ati ons excess supply of the commodity, (2) in Panel C the tradepart ners dema nd and supply curve for the same traded commodity and its excessdema nd for the commodity, and (3) in Panel B the sup
41、ply and dema nd for the quantitytraded of the commodity, its equilibrium price, and why a price above or below theequilibrium price will not persist. At any other price, QD QS, and P will cha nge to P.Ans. See Figure 2 on page 74.The equilibrium relative commodity price for commodity X (the traded c
42、ommodityexported by Nation 1 and imported by Nation 2) inland the equilibrium quantity ofcommodity X traded is Q.International Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-14Dominick Salvatore4.a) Ide ntify the con diti ons that may give rise to trade betwee n two n ati ons.b) What are som
43、e of the assumpti onson which the Heckscher-Ohlin theory is based?c) What does this theory say about the pattern of trade and effect of trade on factorprices?Ans, a) Trade can be based on a differe nee in factor en dowme nts, tech no logy, or tastesFiguf1International Economics ghEditionInstructors
44、Manual(1994466961.doc)7-15Dominick Salvatorebetwee n two n ati ons. A differe nee either in factor en dowme nts or tech no logy resultsin a differe nt product ion possibilities fron tier for each n ati on, which, uni essneutralized by a difference in tastes, leads to a difference in relative commodi
45、ty priceand mutually beneficial trade. If two nations face increasing costs and have identicalproduction possibilities frontiers but different tastes, there will also be a difference inrelative commodity prices and the basis for mutually ben eficial trade betwee n the twonations. The difference in r
46、elative commodity prices is then translatedinto a difference inabsolute commodity prices between the two nations, which is the immediatecause oftrade.b) The Heckscher-Ohlin theory (sometimes referred to as the moder n theocys opposedto the classical theory - of intern ati onal trade) assumes that n
47、ati ons havethe same tastes, use the same tech no logy, face con sta nt returns to scale (i.e., a given perce ntage in crease in all in puts in creases output by the same perce ntage) butdiffer widely in factor endowments.lt also says that in the face of identical tastes or demand con diti ons, this
48、 differe nce in factor en dowme nts will result in a differe nce inrelative factor prices between nations, which in turn leads to a difference in relativecommodityprices and trade. Thus, in the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, the intern ati onaldiffere nce in supply con diti on s al one determ ines the patt
49、ern of trade. To be no ted isthat the two n ati ons n eed not be ide ntical in other respects in order for intern ati onaltrade to be based primarily on the differe nce in their factor en dowme nts.c) The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem postulates that each nation will export the commodityin ten sive in its
50、 relatively abundantand cheap factor and import the commodity intensive in its relatively scarce and expe nsive factor. As an importa nt corollary, it adds thatunder highly restrictive assumptions,trade will completely elimi nate the pretraderelative and absolute differe nces in the price of homoge
51、neous factors among n atio ns.Un der less restrictive and more usual con diti ons, however, trade will reduce, but noteliminate, the pretrade differences in relative and absolute factor prices among n ati ons.In any eve nt, the Heckscher-Ohli n theory does say somethi ng very useful on howtrade affe
52、cts factor prices and the distributio n ofin come in each n atio n. Classical econo mists were practically sile nt on this point.5.con sumers dema nd more of commodity X (the L-i nten sive commodity) and less ofcommodity Y (the K- in ten sive commodity). Suppose that Natio n 1 is In dia, commodityX
53、is textiles, and commodity Y is food. Starting from the no-trade equilibrium positionand using the Heckscher-Ohlin model, trace the effect of this cha nge in tastes on Indias(a) relative commodity prices and dema nd for food and textiles,(b) product ion of both commodities and factor prices, and(c)
54、comparative adva ntage and volume of trade.International Economics ghEditionInstructors Manual(1994466961.doc)7-16Dominick Salvatore(d) Do you expect intern ati onal trade to lead to the complete equalizati on ofrelative commodity and factor prices between India and the United States?Why?Ans.a. The
55、change in tastes can be visualized by a shift toward the textile axis inIndias indifference map in such a way that an indifference curve is tangent tothe steeper segme nt of In dias product ion fron tier (because of in creas ingopport unity costs) after the in crease in dema nd for textiles. This wi
56、ll causethe pretrade relative commodity price of textiles to rise in In dia.b. The in crease in the relative price of textiles will lead domestic producers inIn dia to shift labor and capital from the product ion of food to the production oftextiles. Since textiles are L-intensive in relation to foo
57、d, the dema nd for laborand therefore the wage rate will rise in In dia. At the same time, as the dema ndfor food falls, the dema nd for and thus the price of capital will fall. With laborbecoming relative more expensive, producers in In dia will substitute capital forlabor in the product ion of bot
58、h textiles and food.Even with the rise in relative wages and in the relative price of textiles, In diastill rema ins the L-ab undant and low-wage n ati on with respect to a nationsuch as the United States. However, the pretrade difference in the relativeprice of textiles between India and the United States is now somewhat smallerthan before the change in tastes in India. As a result the volume of traderequired to equalize relative commodity prices and hence factor prices issmal
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