



1、青春与梦想英语演讲稿青春与梦想英语演讲稿(1)N yung man believes he shall ever die. There is a feeling f Eternity in yuth, which makes us amend fr everying.T be yung t be as ne f the Immrtal Gds. ne half f time indeed is flwn-the ther half remains in stre fr as with all its cuntless treasures; fr there is n line drawn, a

2、nd we see n limit t ur hpes and wishes. We make the cming age ur wn-The vast, the unbunded prspect lies befre us, including ur dreams.S Ill say:Cncentrate upn yur dreams and they will becme material actualities. Thrugh cncentratin we wrk ut ur dreams in physical life. Yur future depends upn the drea

3、ms yu are frming nw. Yur past dreams are determining yur present. Therefre, if yu want a bright future, yu must begin t prepare fr it tday.We say a man is as changeable as the weather. What is meant is his dreams change. Every time yu change yur idea yu think differently. Yu becme like a rudderless

4、bat n an cean. Therefre realize the imprtance f hlding t yur dream until it becmes a reality .Catch the star that hlds yur destiny, the ne that frever twinkles within yur heart. Take advantage f precius ppryunities while they still sparkle befre yu. Always believe that yur ultimate gal is attainable

5、 as lng as yu cmmit yurself t it.Thugh barriers may smetimes stand in the way f yur dreams, remember that yur destiny is hiding behind them. Accept the fect that nt everyne is gimg t apprve f the chices yuve made, have faith in yur judgement, catch the star that twinkles in yur heart, and it will le

6、ad yu t yur destinys path. Fllw that pathway and uncver the sweet sunrises that await yu.Take pride in yur accmplishments, as they are stepping stnes t yur dreams. Understand that yu may make mistakes, but dnt let them discurage yu. Value yur capabilities and talents fr they are what make yu truly u

7、nique. The greatest gifts in life are nt purchased, but acquired thrugh hard wrk and determinatin. Finding the star that twinkles in yur heart fr yu alne are capable f making yur brightest dreams cme true.S dnt think that yu are neglected, r nt understd, r nt appreciated. zsuch thughts are the thugh

8、ts f failure.Dnt pity yurself, criticise yurself. Yu knw that the nly thing in the wrld that yu have gt t cunt upn is yurself.青春与梦想英语演讲稿(2)Ladies and Gentlemen , Gd afternn! Im very glad t stand here and give yu a shrt speech. tday my tpic is “yuth”. I hpe yu will like it , and fund the imprtance in

9、 yur yuth s that mre cherish it. D yu knw what is yuth? Hw d yu master yur yuth?Yuth is nt a time f life, it is a state f mind ; it is nt rsy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter f the emtins : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness f the deep springs f life .Yuth means a temperamen

10、tal predminance f curage ver timidity f the appetite , fr adventure ver the lve f ease. This ften eists in a man f 60 mre than a by f 20 . Nbdy grws ld merely by a number f years . We grw ld by deserting ur ideals.Years wrinkle the skin , but t give up enthusiasm wrinkles the sul . Wrry , fear , sel

11、f ndash;distrust bws the heart and turns the spirit back t dust .Whether 60 f 16 , there is in every human being s heart the lure f wnders, the unfailing childlike appetite f whats net and the jy f the game f living . In the center f yur heart and my heart theres a wireless statin : s lng as it receives messages f beauty , hpe ,cheer, curage and pwer frm men and frm the infinite, s lng as yu are yung .When the aerials are dwn , and yur spirit is cvered wi


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