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1、冠词及其用法讲解 冠词及用法讲解 冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。英语中的冠词有三种:定冠词、不定冠词、零冠词。 一、不定冠词的基本用法 不定冠词用于单数可数名词之前,其中 a 用于以辅音音素(辅音音素 素 4 24 个 /p/ 、 /b/ 、 /t/ 、 /d/ 、 /m/ 、 /l/ 、 /r/ 等, , 不是辅音字母)开始的词前。而 an 是用于以元音音素(元音音素 0 20 个 /i:/ 、/i/ 、 /e/ 、 /au/ 等 , 不是元音字母 a a ,e e ,i i ,o o ,u u )开始的词前。如:a university,a

2、 useful tool,a computer,an orange,an hour,an 800-meter bridge, 二用法 典型例句 1、 与可数名词单数连用,表示类别。 -i knocked over my coffee cup. it went right over the keyboard.-you shouldn"t put drinks near a computer. (2021 年北京卷) 2 2 、泛指某人或某物, 表示"某一个',相当于 a certain 。 -hello, could i speak to mr. smith? (20

3、21 年全国 i 卷) -sorry, wrong number. there isn"t a mr. smith here. 3 3 、用于数量、时间等名词前,表示"每一(单位)的'相当于 per 。 i earn 10 dollars an hour as a supermarket cashier on saturdays. (2021 年上海卷) 4 4 、用于固定词组中。 a knowledge of ,have a gift for,give sb. a ride,a couple of,have a good time,keep a diary,in

4、a hurry,once in a while,at a loss,tell a lie,do sb. a favor。 三 、定冠词的基本用法 1 1 、用来特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。所特指的名词常被短语或定语从句所 所修饰。 of all the reasons for my decision to become a university professor, my father"s advice was the most important one.(2021 年卷) 2 2 、指说话的双方都知道的人或事物。 don"t worry if you can"

5、;t come to the party. i"ll save some cake for you. (2021 年浙江卷) 3 3 、复述上文中提到的事物。 there is a shelf in my father"s room. the shelf is new. 4 4 、用于单数可数名词之前,表示该类事物,相当于 a a 。 when you come here for your holiday next time, don"t go to the hotel; i can find you a bed in my flat. (2021 年全国 i卷)

6、 5 5 、序数词和形容词最高级前。比较级前若表示特指时也要用定冠词 the 。 the cakes are delicious. he"d like to have a third one because the second one is rather too small. (2021 年上海春季卷) i want to chat with the taller of the two men. 6 6 、在表示方位、乐器的名词前。 summer in the south of france is for the most part dry and sunny. (2021 年北京

7、春季卷) play the piano, play the violin 7 7 、用于复数姓氏之前,表示"夫妇'或"全家'。 the smiths 8 8。 、表示世界上独一无二事物的名词前。 the sun,the moon,the earth,the world。 9 9 、用于由普通名词构成的专有名词、江河、山脉、湖泊、海洋、群岛、海峡、海湾运河及某些建筑物等名称前。 according to the world health organization, health care plans are needed in all big cities t

8、o prevent the spread of aids.(2021 年全国 ii 卷 ) after dinner he gave mr. richardson a ride to the capital airport. (2021 年.卷) 10 、在某些形容词之前,可表示某一类人。 the rich,the poor,the old,the wounded,the living,the dead。 四 、不用冠词( ( 零冠词) ) 情况: 1 1 、人名、地名(街名、广场名、公园名)、大学名、国名、病名前。 wang fu jing street,pei hai park 北海公园,

9、beijing university 但也可说 the university of beijing。 2 2 、抽象名词表示一般概念时,一般不用冠词。 when you finish reading the book, you will have a better understandingof life. (2021 年卷) 3 3 、物质名词表示一般概念时,一般不用冠词。 the warmth of the sweater will of course be determined by the sort of wool used.(2021 年全国卷) 4 4 、表示职位或头衔的抽象名词前

10、,常不用冠词。但表示具体的人时,加 the 。 we will elect engineer liu director of our factory. 类似的名词还有:president,monitor,headmaster,mayor 等。 5 5 、表示季节、月份、星期几、节、假日等表示时间的名称前,不用冠词。但我国的阴历节前要用 the 。 children"s day,women"s day,may day the spring festival。 6 6 、三餐、学科名称、球类活动和棋类游戏的名称前,不用冠词。 play basketball,play chess

11、。 7 7 、 man 作"人类'讲时,同 human , mankind 一样不用冠词。 while he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, newton made a discovery, which completely changed man"s understanding of color. (2021 年卷) 8 8 、 by 与表示"通信、交通'的词连用,表示通信, , 交通手段时,不用 冠词。 if you go by train, you can have quite

12、 a comfortable journey, but make sure you get a fast one. (2021 年全国 iii卷) 9 9 、复数名词前不用冠词泛指类别。 it is often said that teachers have a very easy life. (2021年北京卷) 10 、有些名词与介词搭配表示抽象意义,不加冠词,常作状语。 his daughter is always shy in public and she never dares to make a speech to the public. ( 2021 年 上 海 卷 ) in s

13、urprise/wonder/danger/tears/comfort,in love with,under pressure,beyond expression 等。 典例精析: 1. _ walk is expected to last all day, so bring _ packed lunch. (2021 年山东卷) a. a; a b. the; 不填 c. the; a d. a; 不填 解析:the walk 是指大家心中都明白的 walk ,因此用定冠词特指;a packed lunch 是泛指,指一份盒饭。答案:c。 2. -could you tell me the

14、way to _ johnsons, please? -sorry, we don"t have _ johnson here in the village. (2021 年全国 ii 卷) a. the; the b. the; a c 不填; the d. the; 不填 解析:"the +复数姓氏'表示"夫妇'或"全家'。在人的姓前加 a ,表示"某个姓的人'。所以选 b 。 3. i looked under _bed and found _book i lost last week. (2021 年北京

15、卷) a. the; a b. the; the c. 不填;the d. the; 不填 解析:bed 特指说话的双方心目中的那张床,要用定冠词 the 。book 后接定语从句,特指上周丢失的那本书,要用定冠词 the 。所以选 b 。 4. i wanted to catch _early train, but couldn"t get _ride to the station. (2021 年天津卷) a. an; the b./; the c. an; / d. the; a 解析:early train 特指早班火车,要用定冠词 the 。ride 表示泛指要用不定冠词

16、a。所以选 d 。 5. christmas is _ special holiday when _whole family are supposed to get together.(2021 年卷) a. the; the b. a; a c. the; a d. a; the 解析:这句话的意思是:圣诞节是一个整个家庭应该聚在一起的特殊的节日。 a special holiday"一个特殊的节日',是泛指,用不定 冠词 a 。the whole family 特指"整个家庭',用定冠词 the 。所以选 d 。 冠词用法口诀 专题 练习 1.when

17、linda was a child, her mother always let her have _ bed. a. the breakfast in b. the breakfast in the c. breakfast in d. breakfast in the 2.he has promised to give up _ hundreds of times. 口诀一 口诀二(定冠词) 口诀三(零冠词) 名词是秃子 常要戴帽子 可数名词单 需用 a 或 an 辅音前用 a 元音前用 an 复数不可数泛指 the不见 碰到代词时,冠词均不现. 特指双熟悉 上文已提及 世上独无二 序数最

18、高级 某些专有名 习语和乐器 代词限定名词前 专有名词不可数 学科球类三餐饭 两季星期月份前 颜色语种和国名 称呼习语和头衔 a. a tobacco b. tobacco c. the tobacco d. tobaccos 3._ usually go to church every sunday. a. the brown b. a brown c. browns d. the browns 4.the train is running fifty miles _. a. an hour b. one hour c. the hour d. a hour 5.he can play al

19、most every kind of music instrument but he is good _. a. at the flute b. at flute c. at a flute d. at that flute 6.the investigators found that more should be done for _ in india. a. those poor b. a poor c. poor d. the poor 7.you look in high spirit. you must have _ during your holiday. a. wonderful

20、 time b. a wonderful time c. the wonderful time d. some wonderful time 8.the city assigned a policeman to the school crossing because _ traffic there was so heavy. a a b. an c. the d. one 9.a new teacher was sent to the village in place of _ one who had retired. a. a b. the c. an d. its 10.virtue an

21、d vice are before you;_ leads you to happiness,_ to misery. a. the formerlatter b. a formera latter c. the formerthe latter d. formerlatter 11.the children in the kinder-garden soon took _ to their teachers. a. quite fancy b. a quite fancy c. quite a fancy d. the quite fancy 12._ tend to bemoan the

22、lack of character in the young generation. a. the old b. old c. elderly d. older 13.a man suffering from a chock should be given _. a. hot sweet tea b. a hot sweet tea c. the hot sweet tea d. one hot sweet tea 14.he answered my questions with _ not to be expected of an ordinary schoolboy. a. his acc

23、uracy b. a accuracy c. the accuracy d. an accuracy 15.if you go by train you can have quite _ comfortable journey. a. the b. one c. a d. that 16.were going to _ with _ today, arent we? a. the teathe smiths b. teathose smiths c. a teaa smith d. teathe smiths 17.i want an assistant with _ knowledge of

24、 french and _ experience of office routine. a. thethe b. athe c. aan d. thean 18.anns habit of riding a motorcycle up and down the road early in the morning annoyed the neighbors and _ they took her to the court. a. in the end b. at the end c. in an end d. in end 19.it is reported that today _ presi

25、dent will have lunch with _ president omon. a. thethe b. aa c. the/ d. / 20.tianan men square and _ great wall are tow of the places everyone should see in _ peoples republic of china. a. thethe b. / c. the/ d. /the 21.it has long been known that there is an electric field _. a. inside the earth b.

26、inside earth c. inside an earth d. on earth 22._ much harder work, the volunteers were able to place the raging forest fire_. a. by the means ofunder the control b. by means ofunder control c.by means ofunder a control d. by a means ofunder control 23.no sooner had the man departed than the tree beg

27、an dropping coffee beans _. a. by the thousand b. by a thousand c. by thousands d. by thousand 24.he expressed _ of their having ever been married. a. the doubt b. a doubt c. doubt d. an doubt 25.he saw through the little boys tricks _. a. at glance b. at the glance c. at some glance d. at a glance

28、26.their victory is _,for theyve lost too many men. a.out of question b. out of the question c. out question d. of question 27.many a girl wants to become _. a. some secretary b. a secretary c. secretary d. secretaries 28.he grabbed me _ and pulled me onto the bus. a. a arm b. an arm c. the arm d. b

29、y the arm 29.ill come in _ minute; in fact ill come _ moment im through. a./the b. athe c. thea d. / 30.this is one of _ interesting books on your subject. a.the most b. the most of the c. most d. most of the 31.he enjoys life _ the "queen anne'. a. on a board b . on board c. in the board d

30、. board 32.he lost his fob and _ his wife left him. a. on that top b. on top of that c. on a top of that d. on the top 33.most of the representatives think that _ the meeting was very successful. a. on whole of b. on a whole c. on the whole d. on the whole that 34.under no circumstances will there b

31、e wage control while i am _ of the government. a.the head b. a head c. head d. that head 35.like his sister, david needed _ from some generous person in order to get home. a. a ride b. some ride c. ride d. the ride 36.the brains left hemisphere controls logic and language, while _controls intuitive

32、talents and musical ability. a. the right b. a right c. that right d. right one 37._ is setting up a research team to see how children react to video games. a. the japans health ministry b. japans health ministry b. a japans health ministry d. japan health ministry 38.unlike americans, who seem to p

33、refer coffee,_ a great deal of tea. a. english drink b. the english drink c. english man drink d. the english drinks 39.hundreds of people are _ now, so there are about 50 people trying for the same position. a.out of the work b. out work c. out of work d. out of a work 40.his mother taught _ ,but h

34、is father was only a blue-collar worker. a. piano b. an piano c. the piano d. a piano 41.contrary to what i had expected, he lost for _. a second time b. a second time c. second times d. the second time 42.fashions change and people change too, but the old feeling remains _. a. the same b. same c. t

35、hat same d. as same 43.we are going to dine tomorrow with _ to celebrate christmas day. a. the cunning b. cunnings c. the cunnings d. cunnings 44.this is _ which is collected before the first rain in spring. a. one tea b. a tea c. the tea d. that tea 45._ is known by its note,_ is known by his talk.

36、 a. a bird/a man b. one bird/one man c. the bird/the man d. bird/man 46.never travel with _ who leaves you in case of danger. a. the friend b. that friend c. a friend d. friend 47.do you think it possible for the north pole to have _ a few thousand years from now? a. shanghai b. a shanghai c. the sh

37、anghai d. one shanghai 48.i dont think _ is a better car than our makes. a. a ford b. fords c. the ford d. ford 49.i didnt know why he looked angry when i patted him _. a. on the head b. on head c. on a head d. on his head 50.he never fails to give you _ when you are in trouble. a. his helping hands b. the helping hand c. helping hands d. a helping hand 51.the historical events of that period are arranged _. a.


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