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1、本课学习内容本课学习内容1.复习复习Unit5-62.习题练习,巩固知识习题练习,巩固知识准备好准备好 课本、笔记本、练习本课本、笔记本、练习本 姐;妹 母亲;妈妈 父亲;爸爸 父(母)亲 兄;弟 (外)祖母;奶奶 (外)祖父;爷爷 祖父母;外祖父母 家庭 sister mother father parent brother grandmother/grandma grandfather/grandpa grandparent family 那些 这些 谁 他(她、它)们 经受;经历 一天;一日;白天 过的愉快 再见 儿子 those these who they have day Have

2、 a good day! bye/goodbye son 堂兄(弟、姐、妹) 舅父,叔父,伯父 女儿 这就是;在这里 照片 图片 下一个(的)接下来 女孩 cousin uncle daughter here photo picture next girl这里一张我家的精美的照片。这里一张我家的精美的照片。_ _ _ _ photo _ my family.我的祖父母在第一幅照片里。我的祖父母在第一幅照片里。My _ _ _ _ _ _.在下一幅图片里的是我的堂兄们。在下一幅图片里的是我的堂兄们。In _ _ _ _my _.这两个女孩是我的朋友这两个女孩是我的朋友Alice 和和 Cindy

3、。_ _ _ _ _ _ Alice and Cindy.Paul 也在我的家里。也在我的家里。Paul _ _ _ _, too.Here is a nice ofgrandparents are in the first photo.the next photo are cousinsThese two girls are my friends is in my familySally是我妹妹的名字。是我妹妹的名字。Sally _ _ _ _ my sister.同义句:我妹妹的名字是同义句:我妹妹的名字是Sally。My _ _ _ sally._ _ _ my sister is Sa

4、lly.is the name of sisters name is The name of二、Unit6单词复习句型回顾 铅笔 书 一块橡皮 箱子;盒子 铅笔盒 书包 词典;字典 劳驾;请原谅(短语) 老师;教师 怎么样?好吗? pencil book an eraser box pencil box schoolbag dictionary excuse me teacher What about? 帮忙;帮助 不客气 棒球 手表 为而感谢 游戏 学生证;身份证 笔记本 戒指 袋;包 help Youre welcome. baseball watch thank you for/than

5、ks for game ID card notebook ring bag 图书馆 请求;要求;询问 请求;恳求(给予) 找到;发现 找到发现(过去式) 一些;某些 教室 电子邮件 (给)打电话 必须 library ask askfor. find found some classroom email/e-mail call must 一套,一副 (短语) 遗失 丢失(过去式) 我的(I的名词性物主代词) 你的(you的名词性物主代词) 她的(she的名词性物主代词) 他的(he的名词性物主代词) a set of lost mine yours hers his一、复习一般疑问句和回答一般

6、疑问句有两种,本单元主要讲由一般疑问句有两种,本单元主要讲由be 动词引导的疑问句动词引导的疑问句。 包含动词包含动词 be 的陈述句变为一般疑问句时的陈述句变为一般疑问句时,只需将动词只需将动词be (am, is, are) 移至句首移至句首。 注意注意: 1. 动词动词be (am, is, are) 第一个字母大写第一个字母大写;2. 句末用问号句末用问号。一般疑问句一般疑问句对一般疑问句的回答分为对一般疑问句的回答分为肯定和否定肯定和否定回答回答:作作肯定回答肯定回答先说先说Yes, 再作简单叙述再作简单叙述, 如如:- Is this your pen?- Yes, it is.

7、Its my pen.作作否定回答否定回答先说先说No, 再作补充回答。如再作补充回答。如:- Is that her baseball?- No, it isnt. Its my baseball._ this your pencil? Yes, _ _. No, _ _.Isit is it isnt _ _ his green pen? Yes, _ _. No, _ _.Is thisit is it isnt (这是他的绿色的钢笔吗?)(这是他的绿色的钢笔吗?)(这是你的铅笔吗?)(这是你的铅笔吗?)_ _ your pencil? Yes, _ _. No, _ _.Is that

8、it is it isnt _ _ your baseball? Yes, _ _. No, _ _.Is thatit is it isnt (那是你的棒球吗?)(那是你的棒球吗?)(那是你的书包吗?)(那是你的书包吗?)_ _ your _ ? Yes, _ _. No, _ _.Are thesethey are they arent (那些是你的钥匙吗?)(那些是你的钥匙吗?)(这些是你的书吗?)(这些是你的书吗?)booksAre thosethey are they arent keys_ _ your _ ? Yes, _ _. No, _ _.二、复习特殊疑问句和回答特殊疑问句

9、是由疑问词特殊疑问句是由疑问词what, how, where等等疑问词疑问词来引导的。来引导的。其结构是其结构是: 疑问词疑问词be/助动词助动词/情态动词主语情态动词主语谓语谓语? 如:如:Whats your telephone number?Whats this in English?How do you spell it?特殊疑问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句回答时要特殊疑问句回答时要根据所问的情况回根据所问的情况回答答,不能用不能用Yes或或No。如:。如: - Whats this? 这是什么?这是什么? - Its an eraser. 这是一块橡皮。这是一块橡皮。 - Whats y

10、our telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?你的电话号码是多少? - Its - What color is this pen? 这支笔是什么颜色的?这支笔是什么颜色的? - Its black. 它是黑色的。它是黑色的。 - Whats your last name? 你姓什么?你姓什么? - My last name is Green. 我姓格林。我姓格林。三、复习形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词为避免重复使用名词,有时可用为避免重复使用名词,有时可用“名词性物主代名词性物主代词词”来代替来代替“形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+名词名词”的形式

11、。的形式。数数人称人称类别类别单单 数数第一人称第一人称 I第二人称第二人称 you 第三人称第三人称 he she it形容词性形容词性物主代词物主代词名词词性名词词性物主代词物主代词myyourhisheritsmineyourshishersits含义含义我的我的你的你的他的他的 她的她的 它的它的习题练习_ name is Alice.That is_ baseball.我的名字叫我的名字叫AliceAlice。那是我的棒球。那是我的棒球。Alice Alice 是我的名字。是我的名字。That baseball is _. 那个棒球是我的。那个棒球是我的。mymineMyAlice

12、is the name of _.mineThose bags are _ .Those are _ bags.那些袋子是她的。那些袋子是她的。 那些是她的袋子。那些是她的袋子。herhersThese books are _ .These are _ books.这些书是你的。这些书是你的。 这些是你的书。这些是你的书。youryours1.Is that _ (she) ring?2.Are those _ (you) _ (brother) bag?3.Bob is a boy and _ (he) family name is Green.4.Are these yellow keys

13、 _ (you )?5.Please call _ (I) Miss Li.6.I must find _ (I) ID card.7.This is _ (Alice) family photo.8.The isnt _ (he) green pen. It is _ (my).heryourbrothershisyoursmemyAlices his mine 四、寻物启事 失物招领在西方国家,学生一旦不小心在学校在西方国家,学生一旦不小心在学校里丢了东西,就会写一个里丢了东西,就会写一个Lost的便条,的便条,上面写出所对物品以及联系方式。上面写出所对物品以及联系方式。 同同样,当人们拾

14、到物品,会以相同的方样,当人们拾到物品,会以相同的方式在纸上写一个式在纸上写一个Found便条。便条。 有的学有的学校会设立专门的失物招领区域,列如:校会设立专门的失物招领区域,列如:Lost and Found (box, office, room,desk, board.)便于大家找回丢失的便于大家找回丢失的物品。物品。1.found (find) 的过去式的过去式 在失物招领中单独讲意为:在失物招领中单独讲意为:招领启示招领启示2.lost (lose)的过去式)的过去式 在失物招领中意为:在失物招领中意为: 寻物启示寻物启示I lost my school ID card. I mus

15、t find it. Call me at 685-6034. Thanks. TomLost:I lost my schoolbag. Its black and red. My name is Cindy Brown.Please call 215-3673.Lost:在在寻物启示寻物启示(Lost)中都要涉及中都要涉及哪些主要的信息呢?哪些主要的信息呢?1.丢失的物品丢失的物品名称名称。2.可以涉及找到的东西的可以涉及找到的东西的颜色颜色3.丢失者的丢失者的姓名姓名4.丢失者的丢失者的联系方式联系方式(E-mail or phone number)Some keys are in Cla

16、ssroom 7E.Arethey yours? E-mailme at Maryg2 Is this your watch?My phone number is495-3539. Call me. JohnFound:Found:A computer game isin the school library.Is it yours? Ask theteacher for it. Found:在在招领启示招领启示(Found)中都要涉中都要涉及哪些主要的信息呢?及哪些主要的信息呢?1.找到的东西的找到的东西的名称名称。2.可以涉及找到的东西的可以涉及找到的东西的地点地点3.拾到者的拾到者的姓名

17、姓名4.拾到者的拾到者的联系方式联系方式(E-mail or phone number)习题练习_: My notebook My _ is David. Please _ me at 679-8871. _: A set of keysAre these _?Call Jenny at _. 根据所给的单词补全信息根据所给的单词补全信息name yours found 284-5486 lost call LostcallnameFound284-5486yoursPut in order to make a message按顺序排列句子My name is Jack. A backpack

18、.Found: Please call 63017047.at 63752148.Please call CindyMy notebook.Lost: Found: A backpack. My name is Jack. Please call 63017047.Lost: My notebook. Please call Cindy at 63752148. 连词成句:连词成句:1. my , watch , lost, I (.)_2. computer game, this, is , your (?)_3. your, are, keys, they(?)_4. Linda, cal

19、l, 287998,at (.)_5. that, is , your, baseball (?)_I lost my watch.Is this your computer game?Are these your keys?Call Linda at 287998.Is that your baseball?五、综合习题练习首字母填空首字母填空 This boy is Peter Smith. His f_ name is Peter. His l_name is Smith.This is his s_. His school ID c_ number is 20043718. His E

20、nglish t_ is Miss White. Miss White i_ a good teacher. Li Ming is a Chinese boy. Li Ming is his good f_ at school. L_! Thats a p_ sharpener. Is it Li Mings? Lets c_ him a_ 458-8796.irstastchoolardeachersriendookencilallt句型转换句型转换 根据要求,完成下列句子根据要求,完成下列句子1. Is this your mother? (作肯定回答) _.2. Is Mary your

21、 sister? (作否定回答) _.3. this, his, is, daughter?(连词成句) _.4. Those are my cousins.(改为一般问句) _.5. This is my sister.(改为复数) _.6. Those are books.(改为单数) _.7. Jim, are, my, Tom, brothers, and.(连词成句) _. Yes, it is.No, she isnt.Is this his daughter?Are those your cousins?These are my sisters.That is a book.Ji

22、m and Tom are my brothers.根据句意填入家族成员的名词。1. Fathers mother is my _.2. Mothers brother is my _.3. Mothers father is my _. 4. Fathers sister is my _.5. Im Lucy. This is my father. Im his _.6. Uncles daughter is my _.7. Tom is my son. Im not his father. I am his _.8. My father and mother are my _.9. My

23、_ are my parents parents.10.Im Jim. This is my mother. Im her only _.grandmotherunclegrandfatherauntdaughtercousinmotherparentsgrandparentsson1.Lucy is a girl. She is her fathers _.2.Jim is his fathers _.3.My fathers sister is my _.4. Kates fathers brother is her _.5. Tims father is my uncle, so Tim

24、 is my _.6.His parents are his _ and _7.My grandparents are my _ and_.daughtersonauntunclecousinmotherfathergrandfathergrandmother根据句意用am, is, are填空.1. Those _ my English books.2. I think(认为) they _ Johns parents.3. His father _ Mr White.4. I _ a student. My mane _ Liu Qian.5. Li Hong and Zhao Liang

25、 _ not friends.areareisam isare把下列单词改为复数。1. name _ 2. brother _ 3. watch _4. parent _ 5. this _ 6. that _7. is/am _ 8. dictionary _ namesbrotherswatchesparentsthesethosearedictionariesWHOS WHO Come here and look at these pictures. This is a photo of a man,Mr Brown, and a boy, Jim Brown. Mr Brown is

26、Jims father.AndJim Brown is Mr Browns son. That is a picture of a woman, MrsBrown, and a girl, Mary Brown. Mrs Brown is Mr Browns wifeand Mary Browns mother. Mary Brown is Jims sister.根据短文选择最佳答案。1. Marys father is _. A. Jim B. Jim Brown C. Mr Brown2. Jims mother is _. A. Miss Mary B. Mrs Mary C. Mrs

27、 Brown D. Mary3. Jim Brown is _. A. Marys sister B. Marys son C. Mr Browns son D. Jims brother4. The two pictures have _ people. A. eight B. six C. five D. four 5. Mr Browns daughter is _. A. Jims sister B. the wife of Jim C. Mrs Mary D. Mrs BrownCCCDAReading(A) Hello! Im an English boy. My name is Paul White. Please look at the photo. This is my father. Hes 38. Hes a doctor. He works in a ho


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