1、 Warm-up1. Match the technical terms in Column A with their Chinese equivalents in Column B. Column A1. documentary collection2. advising bank3. D/A or D/P4. issuing bank5. irrevocable confirmed documentary credit6. remittance7. documentary letter of credit8. notice of dishonor9. negotiating bank10.
2、remitting hank11.negotiation documentary credit12.collecting bank13.transferable documentary credit14.back-to-back documentary credit15.collection order16.T/T and D/D1.17.paying bank Column AA.背对背踉单信用证背对背踉单信用证B.代收行代收行;收款行收款行C.承兑交单或付款交单承兑交单或付款交单D.可转让跟单信用证可转让跟单信用证E.通知行通知行F.汇款,汇付汇款,汇付G.拒付通知拒付通知H.议付跟单信用
3、证议付跟单信用证I.托收委托书托收委托书J.跟单信用证跟单信用证K.开证行开证行L.跟单托收跟单托收M.不可撤销保兑跟单信用证不可撤销保兑跟单信用证N.议付行议付行O.托收行,委托行,汇款行,汇出行托收行,委托行,汇款行,汇出行P.汇入行汇入行Q.电汇和票汇电汇和票汇Answer: L E C K M F J G N O H B D A I Q P 2. Classify the above technical terms in Column A into the following three categories.Scripts & AnswersDialog 1 W: Morni
4、ng, sir. What can I do for you? M: Would you tell me about the documents needed for the documentary collection business? W: All right. The documents needed for collection are the bill of lading,certificate of inspection, certificate of insurance, and a sight draft for D/P,and a usance draft for D/A.
5、 M: What should be stated in a bill of lading? CW:Many items, of course. For example,unit price and amount of goods, ports of loading and destination, price and payment terms, latest shipper and date and validity of the L/C, the name and address of the shipper and carrier.And in the space of consign
6、ee,you should write the words “To Order”instead of the importers name.Question: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the documents needed for the collection business?译文:译文:女:早上好,先生。需要我们为您做些什么吗?女:早上好,先生。需要我们为您做些什么吗? 男:你可以给我讲讲托收需要哪些单据吗?男:你可以给我讲讲托收需要哪些单据吗? 女:好。托收需要的单据有提单、检验证明、保险证明,女:好。托收需要的单据有提单、
7、检验证明、保险证明, 如果是付款交单要有即期汇票,如果是承兑交单要有远期如果是付款交单要有即期汇票,如果是承兑交单要有远期汇票。汇票。男:提单上应该写些什么呢?男:提单上应该写些什么呢?女:当然有许多项目。例如,货物的单价和数量、装运码女:当然有许多项目。例如,货物的单价和数量、装运码 头和目的地、价格和付款条件、最迟装运日期和信用证的头和目的地、价格和付款条件、最迟装运日期和信用证的有效期、托运人和承运人的姓名和地址等。而且在收货人有效期、托运人和承运人的姓名和地址等。而且在收货人一栏,你应该填写一栏,你应该填写“凭指示交货凭指示交货”的字样,而不是进口商的的字样,而不是进口商的 姓名。姓名
8、。 For Reference D/A(documents against acceptance)承兑交单,承兑交单,跟单托说的条款之一。指售票人承兑远期汇票后,跟单托说的条款之一。指售票人承兑远期汇票后,代收银行放行运输单据给送票人。这里的运输单代收银行放行运输单据给送票人。这里的运输单据通常指物权证书据通常指物权证书提单。提单。 D/P(documents against payment)付款交单,付款交单,跟单托收的条款之一。指受票人支付即期跟单托收的条款之一。指受票人支付即期 汇票后,代收银行放行运输单据给受票人。这里汇票后,代收银行放行运输单据给受票人。这里的运输单据通常指物权证书的
9、运输单据通常指物权证书提单。提单。Dialog 2 M:Hello,madam!Ive checked the letter of credit you advised yesterday.Well,Ive found that some terms and conditions do not match the clauses of the sales contract.I want to order the issuing bank to make some amendment.Could you help me,please?W:No problem,sir.But I dont thi
10、nk you have the right to give any odder to the issuing bank.Youd better inform the applicant of the matter and negotiate with him,requiring him to give the instructions to his bank to amend the credit.M:All right.Thank you.Ill call him right away. Question: What are they talking about?译文:译文:男:您好,女士。
11、我已经检查了你们昨天通知我的信用证。男:您好,女士。我已经检查了你们昨天通知我的信用证。 嗯,我觉得有些条款与销售合约的条款不相符。我打算指嗯,我觉得有些条款与销售合约的条款不相符。我打算指示开证行进行修改。您能帮助我吗?示开证行进行修改。您能帮助我吗? 女:没问题,先生。但我认为您没有权利对开证行作任何指女:没问题,先生。但我认为您没有权利对开证行作任何指示。您最好把有关问题通知开证申请人,与他协商,要求示。您最好把有关问题通知开证申请人,与他协商,要求他指示他的银行修改信用证。他指示他的银行修改信用证。 男:好。谢谢。我马上给他电话。男:好。谢谢。我马上给他电话。ADialog 3 W:H
12、ello,Smith Law Office. M:Hello Madam!I want to have some advice from you.Ive have got the notice of dishonor from my remitting bank.What should I do if I want to sue the drawee for the dishonor? W: Well, you can require the presenting bank to protest the bill. A notary public there will help you and
13、 issue a Deed of Protest. It will state the reason of dishonor and provide legal evidence of dishonor acceptable to a court of law. Question: What can we learn from the dialog?译文译文 女:您好,史密斯律师事务所。女:您好,史密斯律师事务所。男:您好,女士。我希望得到您的建议。我收到托收行给男:您好,女士。我希望得到您的建议。我收到托收行给我转来的拒付通知书。假如我要起诉受票人拒付,应该怎我转来的拒付通知书。假如我要起诉
14、受票人拒付,应该怎么办?么办? 女:是这样,您可以要求提示行把票据做成拒付证书。那女:是这样,您可以要求提示行把票据做成拒付证书。那里的公证人会帮助您开立一份拒付证书。拒付证书会注明里的公证人会帮助您开立一份拒付证书。拒付证书会注明拒付的原因,提供符台法律要求的且法庭可以接受的拒付拒付的原因,提供符台法律要求的且法庭可以接受的拒付证明。证明。Dialog 4. M: Excuse me,madam. Would you please tell me how to send an L/C to my supplier in a foreign country after I apply for
15、it? W:In banking practice,.the issuing bank will send the L/C to its correspondent bank ln the country of you supplier .The correspondent bank will be required to advise the L/C to the named beneficiary. You know,the bank is called the advising bank.M:I see that the L/C is not sent through the post
16、office. Question: Who will be responsible for the advice of the L/C to the beneficiary?译文译文 男:您好,女士。麻烦您告诉我怎么把我申男:您好,女士。麻烦您告诉我怎么把我申 请的信用证寄送给外国的供货商,好吗请的信用证寄送给外国的供货商,好吗? 女女: 按银行惯例,开证行会把信用证寄送给供按银行惯例,开证行会把信用证寄送给供 货商所在国的代理行。开证行会要求代理货商所在国的代理行。开证行会要求代理 行把信用证通知给受益人。您知道,代理行把信用证通知给受益人。您知道,代理 行又叫通知行。行又叫通知行。 男:我
17、懂了,信用证不是经过邮局送递的。男:我懂了,信用证不是经过邮局送递的。Short Answer Questions Listen carefully and answer the question after each dialog.Scripts & AnswersDialog l W: Excuse me,sir. Please insert the complete address and full name of the drawee in the space here.M: OK. Thank you .Is it all right?W: Exactly correct,
18、sir. Would you please state here the way of sending the notice of dishonor in the event of non-payment or non-acceptance? Which would you prefer, by cable or by mail? M: Either by email or by fax,I think .Who on earth sends messages by mail now? Here is my email address and fax number.,Question: Wha
19、t do you think the bank will send to the man by email or by fax according to the dialog?The notice of dishonor.译文译文女:不好意思,先生。请在这里填写受票人的地址和姓女:不好意思,先生。请在这里填写受票人的地址和姓名的全称。名的全称。男:好。谢谢您。这样对吗男:好。谢谢您。这样对吗?女:完全正确,先生。请您在这里注明,如果发生拒付女:完全正确,先生。请您在这里注明,如果发生拒付或者拒绝承兑,如何寄送拒付通知。您愿意用哪种方法,或者拒绝承兑,如何寄送拒付通知。您愿意用哪种方法,电报还是
20、信件电报还是信件?男:我想用邮件或传真。现在还有谁用信件传送消息男:我想用邮件或传真。现在还有谁用信件传送消息?这是我的电子邮件地址和传真号。这是我的电子邮件地址和传真号。 Dialog 2 W: Mr Green,the beneficiary of the No. 675342 L/C has presented the documents to our bank for negotiation. What shall we do next? M: We will check the documents against the terms and conditions of the L/C
21、 if they are OK. we will negotiate the documents at current discount rate W: I see .Thank you Question:What kind of role does the bank play in the L/C business according to the dialog?The bank plays the role of a negotiating The bank plays the role of a negotiating bank in the L/C business.bank in t
22、he L/C business.译文译文 女:格林先生,女:格林先生,675342号信用证的受益人已经向我号信用证的受益人已经向我行提示单据要求议付。接下来我们应该怎么做行提示单据要求议付。接下来我们应该怎么做? 男:我们要根据信用证的条款来核对那些单据。如果男:我们要根据信用证的条款来核对那些单据。如果没问题,我们就按现行贴现率议付单据,然后把单据寄送没问题,我们就按现行贴现率议付单据,然后把单据寄送给开证行要求偿付。给开证行要求偿付。 女:我明白了。谢谢您。女:我明白了。谢谢您。Dialog3 M: Hi, Jane. Im told that the importer wants to
23、open a revocable documentary credit in favor of our company. Is that true? W: Exactly true. But I declined the request .You know that a revocable credit may increase credit risk on our part .Wed better require him to open an irrevocable documentary credit. M: I cant agree with you more. What about c
24、onfirmation? Shall we require our bank to add its confirmation to the credit? W: You are talking my language. Question: What kind of letter of credit will be issued according to the woman?An irrevocable conformed documentary credit will be issued.译文译文 男:嗨,简。我听说进口商要求开立以我们公司为受男:嗨,简。我听说进口商要求开立以我们公司为受益人
25、的可撤销信用证。是真的吗?益人的可撤销信用证。是真的吗? 女:千真万确。但我拒绝了。您知道可撤销信用证会女:千真万确。但我拒绝了。您知道可撤销信用证会增加我方的信用风险。我们最好要求他开立不可撤销信用增加我方的信用风险。我们最好要求他开立不可撤销信用证。证。 男:我完全同意。保兑呢?我们可以要求我们的银行男:我完全同意。保兑呢?我们可以要求我们的银行对信用证加以保兑吗?对信用证加以保兑吗? 女:您说的就是我想的。女:您说的就是我想的。For Referenceopen an L/C in favor of someone开立以某人为受益人的信用证add confirmation to an L
26、/C对信用证加以保兑,保兑后的跟单信用证成为保兑信用证(confirmed documentary L/C),保兑信用证的银行被称为保兑行( confirming bank)。 Listening& SimulatingListen to the dialogs and fill in the blanks with what youve heard, and then simulate the dialogs in pairs.Scripts& Answers Dialog 1 W:Excuse me,sir. Have you finished the collection
27、 order? All right,let me have a check. Oh,sir,you forgot to state the instruction of D/A or D/P here. M:Is it critical to the collection? W: Absolutely important. Without D/P or D/A instruction,the collecting bank will only release documents against payment according to URC522.译文译文 女:先生,打扰了,您的托收申请表填
28、好了吗女:先生,打扰了,您的托收申请表填好了吗?好,我检好,我检查一下。哦,先生,您忘记在这里写明查一下。哦,先生,您忘记在这里写明“承兑交单承兑交单”还是还是“付款交单付款交单”了。了。 男:这对托收重要吗男:这对托收重要吗? 女:绝对重要。没有填写女:绝对重要。没有填写“承兑交单承兑交单”还是还是“付款交单付款交单”,根,根据第据第522号托收统一规则,代收行只能按付款交单放号托收统一规则,代收行只能按付款交单放行单据。行单据。 For Reference URC522第522号托收统一规则,全称为Uniform Rules for Collections N0 522,是国际商会第522
29、号出版物,于1995年修订,1996年1月1日起施行。除非另有明确的约定,或与某一国家、某政府,或与当地法律和尚在生效的条例有所抵触,托收规则对银行托收业务相关的所有人均具有约束力,是银行办理托收业务的法律依据。 Dialog 2 . M: Would you mind telling me the advantage of deferred payment credit? W: OK, sir. If you are going to issue a deferred payment credit, you need not pay stamp duty on the bill of exc
30、hange under the credit because no draft is required. M: Oh, I see. But there will be risk on the part of the beneficiary since he will not get his payment at maturity. . W: Dont worry about the payment. The credit is a definite undertaking of payment given by the issuing bank.译文译文 男:请给我讲讲延期付款信用证的好处,
31、好吗男:请给我讲讲延期付款信用证的好处,好吗? 女:好的,先生。如果您打算开立延期付款信用证,您就女:好的,先生。如果您打算开立延期付款信用证,您就不必为信用证项下的汇票支付印花税,因为根本不需要汇不必为信用证项下的汇票支付印花税,因为根本不需要汇票。票。 男:哦,我明白男:哦,我明白了了。但对于受益人来说可能有风险,因为。但对于受益人来说可能有风险,因为到期他可能拿不到付款。到期他可能拿不到付款。 女:女:不不用担心付款。信用证就是开证行给您的一个确定的用担心付款。信用证就是开证行给您的一个确定的付款承诺。付款承诺。 For Reference deferred payment credit
32、延期付款信用证,是远期信用证的一种。该信用证明确规定了开证行付款的时间,受益人不必开立汇票并要求承兑。 Dialog 3 W: Sorry, professor. A question puzzles me so much. Is there any distinction between a standby L/C and a commercial L/C? M: Yes, of course.There is simple method to tell the difference. Just remember that in the event of dishonor or defaul
33、t in payment or default in the performance of contract,a standby L/C will be set off, otherwise a commercial L/C will be used and it is method of payment in the ordinary trade. W:I understand that the standby L/C is used as 8 guarantee in the transactions and the guarantor is the issuing bank. 译文译文
34、女:不好意思,教授。我有个问题弄不清,备用信用证与女:不好意思,教授。我有个问题弄不清,备用信用证与商业信用证有区别吗商业信用证有区别吗? 男:当然有啊。有个简单方法来区分。只要记住,在发生男:当然有啊。有个简单方法来区分。只要记住,在发生拒付或者不能履行台约的时候,备用信用证才被启用,否拒付或者不能履行台约的时候,备用信用证才被启用,否则,在正常的贸易中,一般使用商业信用证作为付款手段则,在正常的贸易中,一般使用商业信用证作为付款手段。 女:我明白,在交易中,备用信用证被用作为担保,而担女:我明白,在交易中,备用信用证被用作为担保,而担保人就是开证行。保人就是开证行。 Long Conver
35、sationsConversation l Types of Letters of CreditTask l Previewing 1.How many parties are involved in the documentary L/C business? 2 Which do you think most probably acts as a confirming bank,issuing bank or advising bank? 3 By whom and to whom will the advice of the letter of credit be sent? 4 . Tr
36、y to give the counterpart of each of the letters of credit given in the table.Answers 1.Four basic parties: an applicant, a beneficiary, an issuing bank, an advising bank. 2.The advising bank .The issuing bank may probably request the advising bank to add its confirmation to the credit if the applic
37、ant gives such instructions. 3.The advice of the letter of credit will be sent by the advising bank to the beneficiary.Task 2 Multiple ChoiceListen to the conversation carefully and choose the best answer to each of thefollowing questions.Scripts Answers W: Morning,professor! M: Morning,Zhang! What
38、are you reading? W: Oh, Im reading my textbook of International Settlement, professor .Ive a test tomorrow. I have to review the subject .I want to get a top grade this time. M: Very good .Now Ill give you an oral test to see how much you have learnt about the course. W: Id love to,professor. Please
39、, Im ready. M: Well,would you tel me the types of letters of credit? W: Oh! It is a big question, but Im sure I can give the answer.There are many types of letters of credit. For example, we may divide letters of credit into documentary credits and clean credits according to whether or not it is acc
40、ompanied by shipping documents.And the former one is frequently used in international trade. M: Very good. Go ahead.W: OK. All the letters of credit must state whether they are revocable or irrevocable,and irrevocable credits are usually acceptable in foreign trade,because the irrevocable credits ca
41、nnot be modified or cancelled without agreement of all the parties concerned.M: Too right ,you are! How about the transferable documentary credits? W: The transferable documentary credit is one that specifically authorizes the beneficiary to transfer part or whole of the benefits of the letter of cr
42、edit to someone else. Thus an exporter abroad can arrange the shipment of goods after the importer opens a transferable credit in favor of the exporter,and then he may transfer the benefits of the credit to the actual supplier or suppliers of the goods through a transferring bank. M: Are there any o
43、ther types of letters of credit?W: Yes,of course. Letters of credit may be classified into confirmed credits and unconfirmed credits according to whether or not a third bank adds its confirmation to the letter of credit .The third bank will only confirm payment for the irrevocable credit at the requ
44、est of the issuing bank .According to UCP600, the issuing bank undertakes the primary payment, and the confirming bank undertakes the secondary payment .It is generally stated in the advice of the letter of credit by the confirming bank as“The credit is confirmed by us” or“We hereby add our confirma
45、tion to this credit”. Sometimes the confirming bank may undertake the primary payment,and the words will appear like this “This credit bears our conformation and we undertake that documents presented for payment in conformity with the terms of this credit will be duly paid on presentation.”Without s
46、uch words in the advice of the letter of credit. it is an unconfirmed credit. M: Well done .Go on, please.W: In addition, depending on the time of payment, letters of credit can also be divided into sight credits and usance credits. The bill of exchange drawn under a usance credit is usually a usanc
47、e draft and it must be accepted by the issuing bank or a nominated bank. So the usance credit is also named as an acceptance credit. There are also payment credits or negotiation credits just according to who will make payment on the presentation of the credit, if it is stated to be payable directly
48、 by the issuing bank or some nominated bank, it is a payment credit. If it is stated to be negotiated by the advising bank or any other bank, it is a negotiation credit.M: Excellent. Youve really done well. Tm sure youve made it. I would give you an “A”if you were my student.W: Thank you very much,
49、professor. You know,my dream is to become a banker.M: Come on!Your dream will come true, Im positive.DABCCQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation youve just heard. 1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as types of letters of credit? 2. What is the exact name of the L/C if it is confirmed
50、 at the request of the issuing bank? 3. Which of the following is most acceptable to the exporter in the foreign trade? 4. What is the name of the L/C when it is stated to be negotiated by the advising bank or any other bank? 5.What will be written on the L/C advice if it is not confirmed by another
51、 bank?Task 3 True or FalseListen to the conversation again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. The letter of credit is called a documentary credit if it requires presentation of shipping documents for payment. 2. Letters of credit can he divided into sight credits and u
52、sance credits according to whether or not a third bank adds its confirmation to the letters of the credit.(. . . according to the time of payment) 3. An irrevocable credit can be amended or cancelled by the buyer at any time before the payment is made.(. cannot be amended or cancelled by the buyer w
53、ithout consent of all the parties concerned)TFFTT 4 With a transferable letter of credit,the beneficiary can transfer part or whole of the benefits of the letter of credit to someone else through the transferring bank. 5. The advising bank will act as a negotiating bank in the letter of credit busin
54、ess if it negotiates the documents under the credit at the request of the issuing bank.译文:译文:女:早上好,教授。女:早上好,教授。男:早上好,张同学。你在看什么书。男:早上好,张同学。你在看什么书。女:哦,我的国际结算课本,教授。明天有考试。我必女:哦,我的国际结算课本,教授。明天有考试。我必须复习这门课。我希望这次可以拿个最好成绩。须复习这门课。我希望这次可以拿个最好成绩。男:很好。现在我就给你口试男:很好。现在我就给你口试下,看你学得怎么样?下,看你学得怎么样?女:太好了,教授。开始吧。我准备好了。
56、受不可撤销信用证,因为没有相关各方的同意,不可撤销信可撤销信用证,因为没有相关各方的同意,不可撤销信用证不能被修改或被用证不能被修改或被 撤销。撤销。男:你说得太对了。说说可转让信用证吧?男:你说得太对了。说说可转让信用证吧?女:可转让信用证特别授权受益人将信用证的部分或全部权女:可转让信用证特别授权受益人将信用证的部分或全部权益转让给其他人。这样,进口商开立了以外国出口商为受益转让给其他人。这样,进口商开立了以外国出口商为受益人的可转让信用证以后,他可以安排货物的装运然后益人的可转让信用证以后,他可以安排货物的装运然后通过转让行把信用证的部分或全部权益转让给实际供货商通过转让行把信用证的部分
57、或全部权益转让给实际供货商(们)。(们)。男:还有其他种类的信用证吗?男:还有其他种类的信用证吗?女女 :当然有。根据是否有第三家银行对信用证加以保兑,信当然有。根据是否有第三家银行对信用证加以保兑,信用证分保兑信用和无保兑信用证。第三家银行一般应开证用证分保兑信用和无保兑信用证。第三家银行一般应开证行的要求只对不可撤销信用证加以保兑。根据第行的要求只对不可撤销信用证加以保兑。根据第600号号跟单信用证统一惯例,开证行承担付款第一责任,保兑跟单信用证统一惯例,开证行承担付款第一责任,保兑行承担第二责任。保兑行通常在信用证的通知书中写明行承担第二责任。保兑行通常在信用证的通知书中写明“本信用证由
60、如果信用证注明由通知符或者任何银行议付,这就是议付信用证。是议付信用证。男:太好了。你答得的确不错。我确信你学会了。如果你是男:太好了。你答得的确不错。我确信你学会了。如果你是我的学生,我会给你一个我的学生,我会给你一个“A”。女:非常感谢,教授。您知道,我的梦想就是成为一名银行女:非常感谢,教授。您知道,我的梦想就是成为一名银行家。家。男:加油。我肯定你的梦想会成真的。男:加油。我肯定你的梦想会成真的。For Reference usance credit远期信用证远期信用证,usance credit与与acceptance credit(承兑信用证)(承兑信用证)一样,要求开证行或一样,要求开证行或信用证指定的银行承
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