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1、Test 2READINGQUESTIONS 1-45PART ONE Questions 1-5 Look at question1-5. In each question, which sentence is correct? For each question, mark one letter(A ,B or C) on your Answer Sheet.Example: 0Dont forget-flight BA 692 6.45 pmThe plane arrives at A quarter to seven in the morning.B quarter past six

2、in the evening.C quarter to seven in the evening.The correct answer is C 1 . Office Staff RequiredExperience essentialFull training given (leading to recognized qualifications)Applicants must haveA relevant qualifications.B previous experience.C recognized training.2.SPORTMASTERPakistan-based manufa

3、cturer of sports items wishing to do business in Europe is looking for importers TEL:92 555 4321Sport master wants to A sell its products abroad B import products into Pakistan. C manufacture in Europe.3. NOTICES FOR DISPLAY ABOVE THISPHOTOCOPIER MUST FIRST BE HANDED TO RECEPTION A You can photocopy

4、 notices at Reception for display here.B Photocopied notices can only be displayed at Reception. C Take your notice to Reception if you want it displayed here.4.THE AIRPORT EXPRESS DEPARTS FROM PLATFORM 3 EVERY 20MINUTES DURING DAY (EVERY 30MINUTES AT NIGHT)A The train service to the airport runs 24

5、 hours a day.B Airport trains leave Platform 3 at 20minutes past the hour.C The airport express takes half an hour at night.5.Goods not normally dispatched unless paid for at time of ordering-payment on delivery by special arrangement only Customers should normally pay for goods A when their order i

6、s processed. B when the goods are delivered. C when they place an order.PART TWOQuestions6-10Look at the list below .It shows locations at a conference center.For question 6-10,decide which location(A-H)each conference visitor on the opposite page needs.For each question, mark the correct letter(A-H

7、)on your Answer Sheet.Do not use any letter more than once. _MERIDIAN CONFERENCE CENTER _ A Newspaper kiosk B Information and Security Passes C Free Taxi Service-Conference Centre to Accommodation D Hotels-Availability and Key Deposit/Collection E Waterfront Dining Room-full waiter Service F E-mail

8、, Fax and Photocopying Facilities G Juice Bar and Staff Restaurant H Left Luggage and Car Parking Permits6.John Matthews needs transport from the center to his hotel as soon as possible.7.Sally Jones boss is visiting the conference ,and she wants to take him for a meal in the center.8.Jane Green wan

9、ts to deposit her bags at the center until lunch time as she has already checked out of her hotel.9.William Elliott is a journalist covering the conference and needs to send a document to the editor of his newspaper.10.James Watt has just arrived to start work at the Centre and wants to know where h

10、e should go.PART THREEQuestions11-15Look at the chart below .It shows a restaurants income ,total expenditure and advertising costs during an eight-month period.Which month does each sentence(11-15)on the opposite page describe?For each sentence, mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet.Do not use a

11、ny letter more than once. 11In this month, total expenditure, like income, showed a fall, while spending on advertising demonstrated the opposite trend.12. Total expenditure rose slightly in this month, while advertising costs reached their peak, leading to a higher income in the following month.13.

12、 Despite a decline in advertising costs in this month, expenditure as a whole rose.14. This months improvement in income was particularly welcome, as it was not matched by an increase in expenditure.15. While this month saw a low point in the restaurants income, expenditure continued to fall.PART FO

13、URQuestions16-22Read the magazine article below about a successful training company.Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page Right or Wrong? If there is not enough information to answer Right or Wrong, choose Doesnt Say.For each sentence16-22,mark one letter( A ,B or C)on your Answer Sheet.From Stre

14、ngth to Strength A training company which has lived through some very hard times celebrates its twentieth birthday this year, in an excellent state of health. When the Key Skills Centre in central England seemed likely to have to close in 1992, supervisor Jane Powell Had to choose between losing her

15、 job there or buying the company. She decided on the latter, and today runs a successful business providing training for everyone, from huge international companies to small homebased businesses. At first, the Centre simply offered training in office skills such as book-keeping, but now Key Skills h

16、as completely replaced the more traditional courses they used to provide with ones in technology and computer skills. Clients like to come to the modern training center rather than have training staff come to their company premises; in this way, they can work without being disturbed. Key Skills inve

17、sts heavily in producing its own training materials, such as CD-Roms and videos. “We try never to say No,” says Jane, adding that her flexible response has given her company a competitive advantage. As a result of her success, Jane now plans to expand and open offices in both the north and south of

18、the country over the next two years.16 The Key Skills Centre has had serious problems in the past. A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say17 Jane Powell was unemployed before she bought the Key Skills Centre . A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say18 Jane now concentrates on offering training only to small companies. A

19、Right B Wrong C Doesnt say19 .There is still a demand from some employers for training in traditional office skills. A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say20. Customers prefer to attend courses away from their workplace. A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say21. Trainees use materials written specially for their group.

20、 A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say22. The company has set up a national network of training centers. A Right B Wrong C Doesnt sayPART FIVEQuestions23-28Read the following review of a book called The Bosses Speak.For each question 23-28 on the opposite page ,choose the correct answer.Mark one letter(A B o

21、r C) on your Answer Sheet. .The Bosses SpeakJohn Stuart is an executive recruitment specialist who has turned to writing. The result is this book, based on interviews with twenty Chief Executives.Each top manager-none of them famous names, surprisingly is given a short chapter ,and there is some int

22、roductory material and a conclusion. This means you can jump from one person to another, in any order, which is good for people who are too busy to read a book from cover to cover , for a management book it isnt expensive , although whether its good value for money is doubtful.Some of the twenty int

23、erviewees started their own businesses , while others joined a company and worked their way up .Some are fairly new in their position, and others have had years of experience, though, strangely , Stuart doesnt seem interested in these differences. The interviewees work in everything, from retailing

24、to airlines to software, and it is this variety that forms the main theme of Stuarts book.I have to say that Stuarts approach annoys me. He rarely stays at a distance from his interviewees, who are mostly presented in their own, positive words. If this were always the case, at least you would know w

25、here you were. But he seems to dislike certain interviewees. As a result, I dont know whether to accept any of his opinions.It also means that the book gives no clear lessons .At the very least, I expected to learn what makes a successful Chief Executive. But these people seem to share two types of

26、qualities. Some of them are very common , suggesting that anyone can be equally successful, which is definitely not the case , and the other qualities are ones which most successful bosses Ive seen definitely do not have .So in the end Im no wiser about what really goes on .Perhaps Im being unfair.

27、As long as you dont think about whether youd like them as friends, and pay no attention to most of the advice they give, the most readable parts are where the bosses describe their route to their present position.Stuart seems to think that his book would be useful for people aiming for the top, and

28、that it might even make a few want to start their own company; but, in fact ,what they could learn here is very limited. Seen as light business reading for a doctor or teacher, though, this book would provide some good entertainment.23.The reviewer suggests that one advantage of the book is that A i

29、t is better value than other management books . B it dose not need to be read right through. C it is about well-known people .24.The book concentrates on the fact that the twenty executives who are interviewed. A work in a number of different industries. B started their companies. C have worked for

30、different lengths of time.25. The reviewer cannot accept Stuarts opinions because Stuart A makes unreasonable complaints about the interviewees. B writes too positively about the interviewees. C has different attitudes towards different interviewees.26. Reading the book made the reviewer think that

31、A there are certain qualities which all Chief Executives need. B it is difficult to discover how people really run a company. C running a company is easier than many people think.27. Which parts of the book did the reviewer most enjoy reading? A how the interviewees became Chief Executives B what so

32、rt of people the interviewees are. C the advice given by the interviewees.28. The reviewer recommends the book for people who A intend to set up in business. B want to become senior managers. C are outside the field of business.PART SIXQuestions 29-40Read the article below about selling sandwiches.C

33、hoose the correct word to fill each gap ,from A ,B or C on the opposite page.For each question mark one letter(A ,B or C)on your Answer Sheet.Sandwich Success Brtains sandwich business is expanding fast. Half the population buy sandwiches at least twice (29).week, and they are spending more (30)them

34、. (31)sandwiches are made at home, while (32)from shops are selling in growing numbers.One reason is that packaging keeps sandwiches fresh for up to 48 hours ,making(33)possible to mass-produce them centrally and distribute them widely . (34)Reason is that petrol stations, wanting to expand the rang

35、e of (35)they sell, have quickly become major outlets for sandwiches.The increase in sandwich sales has also been helped by changing social trends .Many people have stopped (36)family meals at home ,and (37)choose the time and place to eat .Time has become more important than price ,(38)convenience

36、is the most important reason (39)all.Taken together, these changes are making the sandwich industry (40)into a very valuable business. 29. A The B a C an 30. A on B at C in31. A Either B Much C ewer32. A they B all C those33. A it B them C that34. A Another B Other C Next 35. A which B that C what36

37、. A have B having C had 37. A also B instead C alternatively38. A unless B whether C although 39. A of B for C by 40. A grow B growing C grownPart sevenQuestions 41-45Read the memo and note below .Complete the claim form on the opposite page .Write a word or phrase(in CAPITAL LETTERS)or a number on

38、lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet. MemoTO: BARBARA SINCLAIRFROM: Peter Rogers DATE: 25 May 2002SUBUECT: Insurance ClaimCould you deal with this? Its our insurance claim, for the damage at the weekend .The insurance policy is in my name, and we bought the carpet for 300, although it will cost at least

39、 500 to replace. Luckily our office carpets seem fine. ThanksOwen smith insurance companyWith complimentsThank you for your recent phone call regarding flood damage in your photocopy room.Could you please complete the attached form and turn it to me as soon as possible .Martun MorrisInsurance ClaimN

40、AME OF POLICY HOLDER: (41).POLICY NUMBER: LD4756030CITEM(S)TO BE REPLACED: (42)LOCATION OF ITEM(S) (43)VALUE WHEN PURCHASED: (44)CAUSE OF DAMAGE: (45).DATE OF DAMAGE: Sunday 19 MayWritingQUESTIONS 46 - 47Part EightQUESTION 46A new designer , Mary Watts ,has just joined your company.Write a memo to a

41、ll staff:telling them who the new employee is saying what her responsibilities will be explaining where her office is located .Write 30-40 words write on your Answer Sheet .MemoTo: All Staff From: General Managerdate subject: New employee .Part NineQuestion 47Read this part of a letter your boss has received from Mrs. Astbury, a conference organizer.I am writing to ask if you would attend a business conference on 17 March, and give a talk on an area of your work.Accommodation and the use of a car can be provided if you wish If you can attend, please confirm the subject of you


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