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1、unit 9 i like music that i can dance to.rr九年级上册九年级上册what is your favorite book? leading inleading inwhat is your favorite movie ? what is your favorite band ? what kind of music do you like to listen to ? and whats the name of your favorite song ?pop musicjazz musicfolk musicdance musicclassical mus

2、ichow many chinese musical instruments do you know about? do you know any famous pieces of music that are played on these in-struments? make a list with your partner. 2aread the passage and answer the questions. 2bread the passage again and use suitable words to complete the main idea of each paragr

3、aph. then list the supporting details in each paragraph. 2c1.the music was strangely beautiful, but under the beauty i sensed a strong sadness and pain.音乐音乐是动听的,但同时让我感觉到一种强烈的悲伤是动听的,但同时让我感觉到一种强烈的悲伤和痛苦。和痛苦。(1)sense作名词,意为作名词,意为“感觉感觉;意识意识;观念观念”。如:如:she has no sense of time. your brother has a good sense

4、 of humor. he is free from any sense of responsibility.语法重点一语法重点一还可作动词,意为还可作动词,意为“感觉到感觉到,意识到意识到”。 如:如:i sensed that i had made a serious mistake. im afraid i havent got a very good sense of directions, so i easily get lost. 选择题:选择题:1.the horse _danger and stopped. a. senses b. sensing c. sensed(2)pa

5、in表示表示肉体上的表示表示肉体上的“疼痛;痛苦疼痛;痛苦” ,可,可用作可数或不可数名词。用作可数或不可数名词。 如:如:this tooth is giving me pain. mary felt a sharp pain in her left arm. chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease. 由于可用作可数或不可数名词,所以有时在同由于可用作可数或不可数名词,所以有时在同一语境中用一语境中用pain, a pain, pains都是可能的。都是可能的。如:如:i have pain /a pain/ pains in my b

6、ack. pain还可表示还可表示精神上的精神上的“痛苦痛苦”,此时只用作不可,此时只用作不可数名词,不用复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。数名词,不用复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。 如:如:i could not stand the pain any longer. i hope you will forgive me if i have given you pain.later i looked up the history of erquan yingyue, and i began to understand the sadness in the music. 后来我查后来我查找了二泉映月

7、的历史,开始懂得了音乐里的悲伤。找了二泉映月的历史,开始懂得了音乐里的悲伤。look up动词短语动词短语 意为意为“查找查找”。如:。如:look up this word in the dictionary. she looked the word up in a dictionary. it is a good habit to look up new words in a dictionary. 选择题选择题 he has to _ the mans telephone number in the notebook because he forgot it.a. look for b.

8、 look up c. look at 语法重点二语法重点二its sad beauty not only paints a picture of abings own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences.它的忧伤和美丽不只是阿炳悲惨的一生的写照,更它的忧伤和美丽不只是阿炳悲惨的一生的写照,更让唤起了许多的人心底过往的忧伤和痛苦经历。让唤起了许多的人心底过往的忧伤和痛苦经历。如:如:bathe the wound and apply a

9、clean dressing. press firmly on the wound to stop the bleeding. blood began to coagulate around the edges of the wound.语法重点三语法重点三wound 作不可数名词,意为作不可数名词,意为“创伤;创伤; 伤口;伤口; 伤害伤害 ”。 作及物动词,意为作及物动词,意为“伤;伤害伤;伤害”。 如:如:he has wounded his opinions through each of his statements. what you have said has wounded m

10、e.选择题:选择题:he was seriously _. blood poured out of the wound. a. wounded b. wound c. wounds circle that or who and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. pain wounds sense pity praise2dstudent a is a foreign visitor who is interested in abing and his music. student b is a chinese student who knows about abing. use the information in the passage to make a conversation. what k


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