1、v1.0可编辑可修改Chapterl Geographical Features and Natural Resources1.ln area, the United States is the4th largest country in the world.2. The Midwest in the US refers to the regio naround the Great Lakes and the upper Mississippi Valley.3. The Backb one of North America refers to theRocky Mountains4. Dea
2、th Valley is on the wester n edge ofthe Great Bas in.5. The Great Plains might have a dust storm in summer.6. The wester n part of Wash ington Statehas the highest rain fall in the US.7.The US primary suppliers of foreign oil are the following countries exceptJapa n8.The US largest ope n-pit copper-
3、 mining cen ter is inUtah.1. The United States is bordered on the north byCanada, on the south by Mexico and the Guff of Mexico,on the east by the Atla ntic Ocea n, and on the west bythe Pacific Ocea n.2. The large territory of the continen tal US is divided into three basic areas:A. the Atla ntic s
4、eacoast west to the Appalachia nsB. the Mississippi River BasinC. the Rockies west to the Pacific3. The Middle Atla ntic States are themost den sely populated regi on in the US, where the land isflatand fertile.4. The Central Valley of California is a highly productive area, which produced enormous
5、amounts of fruits and vegetables.5. Most product ion of oil and n atural gas in the US comes from offshore areas ofLouisiana and Texas,and from on shore areas ofTexas, Oklahoma and California. Her big con sumpti on of en ergy now has madeAmerica insufficientin oil supply. The US relianee of foreign
6、oil has reminded consistently in the40%ran ges.6. The United States has little trouble caused by the shortage of fresh water. Farmlands in the USmaking up about 12% of the arable lands in the world, and they are among therichest and most productive.Chapter 2 America n Populati on1. The over 3 millio
7、 n of early America ns in 1790 were mostly ofBritish an cestry.2. About 700,000 immigrants were legally received by the US each year during the 1980s.3. The official racial segregati on con ti nued to be the law of the US un til1954.4. American Indians now mainly live in theSouth .5. The majority of
8、 America n Hispa nics are from the follow ing coun tries except6. The West now leads in perce ntage in crease in populati on.Spa in .7.Accord ing to the 1994 US cen sus, the sec ond most populous state in the US isTaxes.8.The trend in migration from cities to suburbs now prevailed in all regions exc
9、ept1.The Un ited States is thethirdmost populous n ati on in the world.the South .2.Prior to 1875 anyone from any country could en ter the US freely and take up perma nent reside nee there.Later the US Congress passed laws restricting immigration on the basis ofmorality, race , and nationalorigi n.
10、The 1952 Immigrati on and Nati on ality Act reaffirmedn atio nal orig inas the chief criteri on foreligibility and established a preferential system for skilled workers and for relatives of the UScitizens. For many years the US restricted to total number of immigrants to 270,000 each year, although
11、the real immigrants numbered much greater than the limit. The 1990 Immigration Act limits the total number ofimmigrants to 700,000 from 1992 to 1995 and 675,000 thereafter.3. The first blacks arrived in Jamestow n in 1619 asinden tured serva nts, but soon after 1619 they werebrought to colonies as s
12、laves. The blacks were formally freed in1863 , but continued to suffer theinstitutionalizedsegregation for about a century. Today many blacks still live inthe South, some haveen tered the middle class, but on e-third of all black families still live below thepoverty line4. The Chinese-Americans have
13、 proved to be industriousand intelligent.They are now viewed as a “ modelminority ” in the US. According to the 2010 UScensus, there were about millionChinese-Americans livingin the US. The figure was more thantwice what it was in 1990.Chapter 3 Discovery and Coloni zati on of the New World1. The an
14、 cestors of the prese nt America n In dia ns came fromAsia.2. “ The ambiti on for the vast lands” is not correct to expla in the reasons for the sudde n dari ngexploratio n of the unknown in the mid-15th cen tury.3. On his voyage of 1492, Columbus expected to reachIndia .4. Vasco da Gama discovered
15、the route to India.5. John Cabot was sent by the English King to explore the new way to the east.6. New York was not founded first by the English.7. The breadbasket colonies include the following ones except Virginia. (New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland)8. The last one of the 13 colonies wasGeorgia ,
16、which was established in 1733.1. In 1488 Bartholomew Dia z, saili ng un der thePortuguese flag, went to the Cape of Good Hope at thesouthern Africa. In 1492 Christopher Columbus, financed by rulers of Spain sailed west across the Atlantic Ocea n and discovered the isla nds ofthe Caribbea n . He was
17、convin ced that he had found the con ti nent ofAsia .2. The South Africa was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci who showed the land he arrived in was a new continent.Before long the land was n amedAmerica after his n ame.3. Jamestown, the firstpermanent English settlement, was founded in 1607. In 1620,
18、Pilgrims and othersarrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They drew up“ Mayflower Compact ”4. By 1775, the 13 colonies in North America could be classified as the followi ng three kin ds. Specifyhow the gover nors were chose n in each.a. Royal:appo in ted by the En glish Kingb. Proprietary:chose n by p
19、roprietorsc. Self-governi ng:elected by reside nts5. Because the New En gla nd colonies were difficult of farmi ng, they become a cen ter forfish ingandshipbuilding . The middle colonies were known as thebreadbasket , which produced wheat and potatoes asthe major staple. The souther n colonies devel
20、oped apla ntati on system. The main crop in the South wastobacco. Much later,cott on became importa nt crop.Chapter 4 America n Revoluti on1. There was a great cha nge in policy towards the 13 colonies after1763.2. The Stamp Act of 1765 first set a large scale of opposition in the colonies.3. The Te
21、a Act of 1773 was passed by the British Parliament in order to help the British East India Company4. The First Continental Congress was attended by the representatives from all the colonies except Georgia .5. The first shot of the American War of Independence was fired inLexington .6. Thomas Pai ne
22、' s Com mon Sense urged the America n coloni sts todeclare their in depe ndence7. The prin cipal author of the Declarati on of In depe ndence wasThomas Jeffers on8. The victory at Saratoga was considered as the turning point of the War of Independence.1. During the colonial days the English ruli
23、ngclass did everythingthey could to controlthe developmentof the colonial economy. The colonies in North America were supposed tocompleme nt and not compete withEn glish in dustry.2. Within the five years from 1763 to 1767 after the war withFrance , the British government adoptedseveral measures to
24、extract more money from coloni es. TheSugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765,for example, laid taxes on certa in imports and nu merous articles in America to help pay for the costsof British gover nment in the coloni es.3. The Sons of Liberty was formed in1765 to orga nize the oppositi on to th
25、eStamp Act. They favored totake violent action to the stamp collectors.4. The firstContinentalCongress was held in Philadelphia in . The majority of the representativesstillfavor to take peaceful means to settle the quarrel with the British.They agreed to refuse to buy Englishgoods, hop ing in this
26、way to force the British gover nment to give in to their dema nds. This un ited action could be called boycott .5. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4,1776. Karl Marx once called it“ the firstdeclaratio n of the rights of the in dividual”.6. The America n War of In depe ndence laste
27、d7 years. The fighti ng was actually en ded in1781, but thefinal treaty betwee n Brita in and the Un ited States was sig ned in Paris in1783. The boun daries of theUn ited States were fixed roughly from the Atla ntic Ocea n to theMississippi River on the west and fromthe Great Lakes on the north to
28、Spanish Florida on the south. The direct social change brought aboutby the American Revolution was the emancipation ofslaves who fought against the British.Chapter 5 the Con federati on and the Con stituti ona very loose union of states1. The con federati on created in 1781 was2. James Madison was c
29、alled the Father of the US Constitution.3. The Constitutionwas frames on the followingideals except that the new government should impose itsauthority on the people through states.4. Those who supported the Constitutionand preferred a strongnationalgovernment were calledFederalists .5. Nine States w
30、ere needed to ratify the Constitution.6. “ They spe ll out the people ' s right ” is in correct to comme nt on the Federalist Papers.7. The ame ndme nt of the Con stituti on requires the approval of at leastthree-fourths of the states.8. When the Second War of In depe ndence broke out in 1812, t
31、he US preside nt wasJames Madis on.1. Un der the Articles of Con federatio n the n ati onal gover nment con sisted of only alegislature ; it hadno separate executive and judicialdivisions. The state government was left the exclusive powers toregulate commerce and to tax their citize ns.2. The Consti
32、tutional Convention was held in Philadelphia in 1787. Fifty-five delegates from all states except Rhode Isla nd atte nded the ope ning sessi on. The preside nt of the conven ti on was George Wash ington .3. The An tifederalistsopposed the con stituti on and preferred a moredece ntralizedfederal syst
33、em ofgover nment.4. George Washi ngton was elected unanim ously as the first US Preside nt in 1788. The first Vice-Preside ntwas Joh n Adams, and the first Secretary of Treasury wasAlexa nder Hamilt on , and the first Secretary ofState was Thomas Jeffers on5. the most glorious achieveme nt of Jeffer
34、s on as Preside nt was theLouisia na Purchase, which was about828,000 square miles. This Purchasedoubled the area of the then United States.6. The War of 1812 is also called theSecond War of Independence . This war lasted three years and endedin ano ther America n victory. An importa nt result of th
35、e war was the stre ngthe ning of n ati onalunity andpatriotism . And it was after this war that the US was able to make the change of asemi-colonial economyinto a really in depe ndent n ati onal economy.Chapter 6 America n Expa nsion and the Civil War1. The Monroe Doctri ne had the followi ng featur
36、es or ideas exceptLat in America for Europea ns2. The US con ti nen tal expa nsion was almost complete by1848.3. Cott on became the most profitable crop in the South mainly because of theWhit ney' s cott on gin4. In 1854, the Republica n Party was foun ded by someaboliti oni sts.5. In his in aug
37、uraladdress in 1861, Lincoln showed clearly that he would not abolish slavery immediatelybut to preserve the Union6. “ It immediately freed all slaves livi ng in the Un ited States” about the Eman cipatio n Proclamatio nis not accurate.7. the most importa nt adva ntage the North had over the South i
38、n the Civil War was itsin dustrialsuperiority8. An adva ntage the South had over the North was itssuperior military leadership.1. The esse nee of the Monroe Doctri ne was“ America for America ns” which later became thecorn erst oneof the US foreig n policy.2. The US expa nsion to the west may be tre
39、ated in three stages;A. the settlement of the region between seaboard states and the Mississippi RiverB. the settlement of the Louisiana Territoryc. the occupation of the far Southwest.3. The great majority of dwellers in Louisiana Territory were the descendants of theFrench pioneers.They settled ma
40、inly in two cities:St. Louis and New Orleans .4. Oreg on Territory was settled betwee n Britai n and the Un ited States in 1846. Its boun dary on the northwas fixed at theforty-ninthparallel of north latitude.5. Under Missouri Compromise, Missouri was admitted as a slave state,but the balanee of pol
41、iticalpowermaintained by admission of Maine as a free state. In addition, slavery was to be prohibited in the restof Louisiana Territory north of the line36° 30' parallel.6. In 1862, the federalgovernment took two revolutionary measures: (1) Homestead Act and (2) Emancipationproclamatio n.7
42、. I n July 1863 came the turni ng point of the war atGettysburg . Here the Con federate army un der thegeneral Robert E. Lee was defeated. The battlefield was made a nationalcemetery , where Lincoln gavehis famous speech, the Gettysburg Address , on November 19, 1863.8. In 1865, the Thirteenth Amend
43、mentto the USConstitutionwas adopted, which abolished slavery throughoutthe Uni ted States.Chapter 7 Rec on structio n and the Birth of US Imperialism1. The first US preside nt who faced impeachme nt proceed ings wasAn drew Joh nson .2. The radical Recon structi on was en ded un der the Preside ntRu
44、therford B. Hays3. Gold was discovered in California in1848.1869.4. The first transcon ti nen tal railroad in the US was completed inAlexa nder D. Bell5. Teleph one was inven ted in 1876 by6. The value of manu factured goods in the US was worth twice as that of her agricultural products by 1900.7. T
45、he first imperialist war, the US Spa nish War, broke out in 1898.8. After the US Spanish War, the US acquired all the follow ing areas exceptCuba (Puerto Rico, Guam,the Philipp in es)1. The Rec on structio nActs divided all the former Con federate states, except Tenn essee, into five militarydistric
46、ts and each was put under the control of a Northern army officer. The officer had the power tokeep order and to enforce martial law if necessary.2. During the Rec on structio n period many Norther ners moved to the south .Whatever their motives, theseNorther ners came to be calledcarpetbaggers becau
47、se they were said to have brought all theirbel ongings12to the South in a small, cheap suitcase made out of a carpet like material.3. During the Recon structi on the Souther n whites who supported the radical recon struct ion and joinedthe Republican Party were calledscalawags . They were considered
48、 as traitors by the SouthernDemocrats.4. The KKK, founded in Tennesseein 1866, was a secret society for restoring white supremacyanddrivi ngblacks out of politics5. During Theodore Rooseveltpreside ncy the US got con trol ofPan amaCa nal.1. By the begi nning of the 20Chapter 8 World War I and the De
49、pressio nth century the country that took the first place in economy in Europe wasGerma ny2. Whe nthe First World War bega n. Preside nt Wils on immediately called upon the America n people toobservestrict n eutrality3. The US joi ned the First World War in1917 .4. Wson ' s Fourteen Points did n
50、ot include the point of creationof an internationalpeacekeepingforce .5.“ Only the rich could afford new con sumer goods” about the US in 1920s is not true.6. In resp onding to the Depressi on. Preside nt Hoover thought that the basic role of the Gover nment wasto “ create con diti ons favorable to
51、the developme nt of private en terprises7. The agricultural Adjustme nt Act was anattempt to deal with the farmers'problem ofoverproduct ion8.“ It reduced the commodity prices by limiting production and devaluing the dollaris not right tocomme nt on the New Deal.1. The First World War was waged
52、betwee n two groups of imperialist powers:the Alliesand the CentralEuropean Power .2. The direct cause thatmade the US declare war on Germany in 1917 was theGermany s unlimited campaign.3. The major triumph forWils on at the Paris Peace Conference was the formati on of the League of Nati ons .4. The
53、 Uni ted States didn't join the League of Nations because the USSen ate refused to approve theTreaty of Versailles5. Three major treaties were con cluded at theWashington Conference:(1) The Four-Power Treaty, respect ing thestatus quo in the Pacific.(2) The Five-Power Treaty, on naval armsapport
54、i onment(3) The Nin e-Power Treaty, guara ntee ing the in depe ndence and in tegrity ofChina in appeara nee, butactually a public intern ati onal affirmati on of theOpen Door policy.6. The Nin etee nth Ame ndme nt to the US Con stituti on was adopted in1920 , which gran ted wome n the rightto vote7.
55、 The Great Depressi on started with the sudde n collapse of theStock Market in New York in October,1929. This econo mic distress exte nded to Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America.Chapter 9 American During and After World War II1. Between 1935 and 1939, American foreign policy included a
56、ll of the followingexcept active interventionto preve nt aggressi on2. The US formally en tered the Sec ond World War in1941.3. Norma ndy Landing took place on June 6, 19444. At Yalta Conference , in Feb. 1945 did Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin agree to call a conference ofall the Uni ted Natio ns
57、in San Fran cisco in April 1945.5. The post-World War II program of econo mic assista nee to Western Europe was known asMarshall Pla n6. Dr. Mart in Luther King, Jr., advocated the philosophy ofnon viole nee .7. Thousa nds of America n soldiers were sent to Viet nam un der the Preside ntLyndon B. Joh nson8. The formal diplomatic relation at the ambassadorial rank between China and the US was establishedun der the Preside nt Carter .1. The cash-and-carry policy allowed UScitizens to sell certain no prohibited goods to belligerentnationsas lon
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