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1、1. 系统概述1 General Description Of System 数据采集系统(DAS)没有设置单独的控制处理器,而是将相关测点分布在MCS、SCS、FSSS、ECS等各系统中,但它是整个DCS的一个重要功能,其主要功能如下:No independent control processor is provided for the Data Acquisition System (DAS) while related measurement points are distributed in MCS, SCS, FSSS and ECS, but the system is an i

2、mportant function of the whole DCS and main functions are as following: a) 数据采集处理及显示,以图表(操作画面、表格、曲线等)的形式显示控制对象工艺参数状态信息;a) Data acquisition treatment and display, displaying status information of all the parameters of the control object in mode of graphics (operation menu, sheets and curves); b) 记录参数

3、;b) Recording parameters; c) 记录事件;c) Recording events; d) 计算参数;d) Calculating parameters; e) 异常运行状态报警及事故信号;e) Alarm of abnormal operation status and event signal; f) 工艺过程的信息管理及归档;f) Information management and archive of technological processes; g) 连续检测及诊断硬、软件状态;g) Continuous detection and status dia

4、gnosis of hardware and software; h) 检测测量回路及指令通道的故障;h) Detecting faults of measurement loops and instruction channels; i) 报表打印;i) Printing report sheets; j) 事故追忆。j) Sequence of events (SOE); 2. 调试目的 2 Preparation Of PurposeDAS即计算机数据采集系统,英文全称Data Acquisition System。DAS是机组主设备及各种辅助设备在启停、正常运行和事故工况下的主要监视和

5、记录手段。反应机组汽机、锅炉、电气各专业的子系统的运行状态。它向运行人员提供大量有用的实时信息和经过处理的信息,指导和协助运行人员进行正确的操作以保证机组在正常工况下长期安全经济运行,以及事故与启停状态下的正确处理。DAS is short for Data Acquisition System. DAS unit is a master device which records and monitors the variety of auxiliary equipment in the startup and shut down, normal operation and accident

6、conditions. DAS provides the running state about all the sub-system of turbine, boiler and electrical. It provides a useful real-time information to the operating personnel and the correct action to ensure the correct handling of the unit under normal operating conditions in long time safe and econo

7、mic, accident, startup and shut down state after processing the information, guidance and assistance to operating personnel.3. 调试前应具备的条件3 Necessary Conditions And Preparation Before Commissioning3.1 数据采集系统的硬件设备具备通电条件。3.1 Installation of hardware equipments is finished and conditions for power initia

8、lized are prepared.3.2 数据采集系统的接地系统施工、预置电缆、通讯网络安装完毕。检查合格。3.2 Construction of grounding system in DCS and installation of pre-installed cables and communication network are finished and they are qualified after check.3.3 不停电电源(UPS)安装调试完毕,具备投入条件。3.3 Installation and commissioning test of the uninterrup

9、ted power supply (UPS) are finished and UPS possesses conditions for putting into operation.3.4 控制室及电子间空调系统应投入使用,保证温度稳定,控制室及电子间无灰尘。照明系统正常。3.4 Air conditioning systems in the control room and electron room should be put into operation to make the temperature stable; the control room and electron room

10、 are free of ducts. The illumination system is normal.3.5 具备完善的消防设施。3.5 Perfect fire fighting facilities are prepared.3.6 各设备内外的各部件应安装牢固无松动,安装螺钉齐全。3.6 Equipment inside and outside the various components should be installed securely without loosening and the mounting screws complete.3.7 相关系统出场验收合格。3.

11、7 The FAT is finished.3.8 确保数据采集系统与服务器时间同步,同时服务器时间可随GPS系统自动校正。3.8 Make sure that the data acquisition system (DAS) should be synchronized with time server and time server under auto correction of GPS system.4. 调试工作内容及程序4 Commissioning Items and Procedures4.1 调试内容4.1 Test Items4.1.1 硬件设备检查。4.1.1 Chec

12、k of hardware equipments. 4.1.2 输入信号及通道检查。4.1.2 Check of input signals and channels. 4.1.3 画面显示的检查与修正。4.1.3 Check and correction of menu display. 4.1.4 参数报警检查与修正。4.1.4 Check and correction of parameter alarm. 4.1.5 事故追忆(SOE)功能检查。4.1.5 Check of SOE function. 4.1.6 报表打印、及数据处理功能调试。4.1.6 Commissioning t

13、ests of such functions as printing of report sheets and data processing. 4.1.7 记录及DCS系统状态诊断功能检查4.1.7 Check of such functions as recording and status diagnosis of DCS system 4.2 调试程序4.2 Test Procedures4.2.1 系统受电及软件恢复4.2.1 Power initialized and software recovery of the system 4.2.2 核定工艺过程主参数,包括风量、给水流量

14、和蒸汽流量的计算和补偿等,确保相关测点齐全、准确。各子系统的设备、阀门和测点检查表参见相关系统的调试方案。4.2.2 Check main parameters of the technological processes, including calculation and compensation of wind quantity, flow quantity of feed water and flow quantity of steam. Make sure that all the relevant parameters correct. The check list of devi

15、ces, valves and points are given in the relevant systems commissioning procedure by turbine, boiler and electrical.4.2.3 对打印功能进行检查4.2.3 Check of printing functions 对系统各项打印功能进行检查,确保所有打印机正常运行,满足设计要求。All printing functions of the system are checked. Make sure that all the printers running normally and

16、meeting the requirement of the design. 4.2.4 电缆连接的正确性检查4.2.4 Check on correctness of cable connection 检查热电偶的补偿导线必须与热电偶的型号相匹配,其极性应与热电偶相对应。检查组态中温度点的设置类型。确保设定和实际型号相匹配,温度指示正确。 Check that compensation leads of thermal couple must match with model of the thermal couple and the polarity shou

17、ld correspond to the thermal couple. Check the type of the temperature, make sure the set is suit for the point and the indication is correct. 检查变送器、压力开关、液位开关等仪表和模件设置相匹配。 Check that such instruments as transmitters, pressure switches and liquid level switches should match with module s

18、ettings. 4.2.5 工艺过程画面的检查:4.2.5 Check of menus of technological processes: 检查工艺画面合理和正确,按照设计院资料和现场的实际情况,确保各个热力设备及其测点在工艺画面中的的安排布置合理。Check all the technological menus by the design document and the situation of this site to ensure all thermodynamic equipments and measurement point thereof in technologic

19、al menu rational and correct. 4.2.6 变送器及其它就地一次元件投入。4.2.6 Putting of transmitters and other field primary elements into operation. 随着系统分步试运及整套启动的进行,在相应阶段投入相应测点,保证系统运行监视,对画面显示值进行检查,使之能正确地反应实际参数的变化。With proceeding of commissioning test in steps and whole startup of the system, corresponding measurement

20、 points are put into operation in corresponding stages to make sure the parameters display normally and correct response of the system.4.2.7 DAS系统测量结果与其它系统测量结果相比较4.2.8 Compare on measurement results of the DAS system and measurement results of other systems检查各测点数据,同其它系统的仪表指示值相对照,发现不同时对测量装置的静态参数进一步进行

21、检查,如属于DAS系统故障,则进行相应的调整。Data of all measurement points are checked and compare with instrument indication values of other systems. If differences exist, further checks should be carried out on static parameters of the measurement devices. If faults of the DAS system exist, corresponding adjustments s

22、hould be carried out. 4.2.9 数据采集系统数据处理、故障诊断功能检查4.2.9 Check on data processing and fault diagnosis functions of the DAS system 包括事故追忆(SOE)功能、报表打印、数据处理功能、DCS系统状态诊断功能及参数报警与修正检查。Including SOE function, printing of report sheets, data processing function, DCS system status diagnosis functions and paramet

23、er alarm and correction check. 4.2.10 检查符号名称、单位、系统图工位号是否正确。4.2.10 Check signal name, unit, system drawing and KKS.4.2.11 检查二次计算组态软件是否符合设计要求,如平均值计算,大选,中选,小选,三取二,补偿,累积,计数等运算,完善组态软件。4.2.11 Check the secondary computing configuration software with the design requirements , Such as Calculate the average,

24、 choose max , min, take two of three , compensation , cumulative and counting operations , improve the configuration software .4.2.12 根据最新设计资料,检查I/O测点的组态软件是否正确,设定报警限值、保护限值等参数。.4.2.12 Designed according to the latest information, check the I/O configuration of the measuring point software is correct,

25、 set alarm limits, limit protection parameters.4.2.13 系统综合性检查4.2.13 Ultimate check of the system 温度、压力等测点测量准确,画面位置正确。 Signals of temperature ,pressure ,and others, should be indicated correctly with proper ranges and positions in screen. 风量、水量等测点经计算修正后测量准确,画面位置正确。 Si

26、gnals which must be calculated, such as wind flow and water flow, should be indicated correctly with proper position in screen. 事故追忆系统(SOE)功能正确,满足灵敏度要求。 Sequence of Event (SOE) system works with enough precision normally.5. 组织与分工5 Commissioning Organization And Responsibility Divisio

27、n5.1 DAS系统的调试由调试单位,监理单位,施工单位, DCS厂家,建设单位相互配合下来完成。5.1 The commissioning work of DAS system shall be carried out under the organization of the commissioning unit, supervision unit, construction unit, DCS company and building unit.5.2 施工单位负责现场的卫生、安全、消防、设备检查等与安装有关的工作,配合调试单位进行设备的检查和操作,并及时组织进行消缺检修工作。5.2 C

28、onstruction unit: be responsible for the site safety, fire fighting, and local equipment all-round inspection and so on, cooperate with the commissioning unit to carry out the equipment inspection and operation; organize the defect elimination and repair work in time.5.3 DCS厂家负责提供系统硬件设备及其技术服务;提供DCS软

29、件组态及相应的技术服务。5.3 DCS Company is responsible for providing the system equipment and technical services, and providing the software modify and technical services.5.4 调试单位负责编制相关调试方案;负责DAS系统的调试;准备有关测试用仪器、仪表及工具;负责试验数据的记录及整理,最终形成调试报告。5.4 Commissioning unit: Be responsible for formulating concerned commissi

30、oning programs and the DAS system commissioning; prepare the instruments and tools to be used for test; be responsible for the record and sorting out of test data; formulate commissioning report.5.5 监理单位负责检查、督促设计、设备、施工及调试的实施,并验收签证。5.5 Supervision unit: check, supervise and urge the implementation of

31、 design, equipment, construction and commissioning, and acceptance certificate.5.6 建设单位全面协助试运指挥部做好试运中的组织管理,协调各种关系。5.6 Building unit: In full-scale assist the commissioning headquarter to make the organization and management during commissioning well done and coordinate all relationships. 6. 工作危险源及环境

32、和职业健康管理6 Safety Attentions And Accident Prevention Measures6.1 设备首次上电前必须对输入电源电压等级、接地电阻进行测试。本工程DCS系统供电为一路UPS电源和一路保安段电源,电压等级为220VAC。6.1 Voltage grade and grounding resistance of input voltage must be measured before first power initialized of the equipment. One line is from electric UPS 220VAC power s

33、upply and the other line is from emergency power center 220VAC.6.2 在DCS系统恢复期间和通道检查期间,应定期检查各个机柜、各个操作站、工作站的运行情况,如发现异常情况,应立即报告工作项目负责人,以便使问题得到及时处理。6.2 During recovery and channel check of the DCS system, operation situations of all cabinets, all operator stations and working stations should be regularly

34、 checked. If abnormal situations are found, they should be reported to the principal of working items so that problems can be solved on time.6.3 在 DCS 系统调试期间,无关人员不得在工程师站、操作员站上进行任何操作。6.3 During commissioning test of the DCS system, unrelated persons should not perform any operations on the engineer s

35、tation and operator station.6.4 参加DCS系统调试的所有人员,未经工作项目负责人同意,不得修改任何系统组态。6.4 All persons taking parting commissioning test of the DCS system should not change any system configurations before being agreed by the principal of working items.6.5 除ABB现场服务工程师外,任何人不得修改各种操作站的计算机操作系统软件,各种组态文件及文件目录结构。6.5 Except

36、 field service engineers of ABB, no person should change software of computer operation system of all operation stations, all configuration files and directory structures of files.6.6 禁止运行制造厂提供的以外的软件运行、禁止运行制造厂提供的以外的外设、存储 器运行。6.6 Operation of software not provided by the manufacturer is forbidden and

37、 operation of peripheral equipments and memorizers not provided by the manufacturer is forbidden.7. 试验项表和试验流程图7. Attachment7.1 电源切换检查确认项7.1 Power Switching Check List 序号No.检查项目Check items质量标准Quality standard1.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA02)Power switching test of the 10CKA02机柜工作正常The cabinets are running normall

38、y.2.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA03)Power switching test of the 10CKA033.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA05)Power switching test of the 10CKA054.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA06)Power switching test of the 10CKA065.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA08)Power switching test of the 10CKA086.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA09)Power switching test of the 10CKA097.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA11)Pow

39、er switching test of the 10CKA118.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA12)Power switching test of the 10CKA129.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA14)Power switching test of the 10CKA1410.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA16)Power switching test of the 10CKA1611.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA18)Power switching test of the 10CKA1812.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA20)Power switching test of t

40、he 10CKA2013.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA22)Power switching test of the 10CKA2214.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA24)Power switching test of the 10CKA2415.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA26)Power switching test of the 10CKA2616.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA27)Power switching test of the 10CKA2717.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA28)Power switching test of the 10CKA2818.控制柜电源切换

41、试验(10CKA29)Power switching test of the 10CKA2919.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA30)Power switching test of the 10CKA30 20.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA32)Power switching test of the 10CKA32 21.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA34)Power switching test of the 10CKA34 22.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA36)Power switching test of the 10CKA36 23.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA38)Power

42、 switching test of the 10CKA3824.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA40)Power switching test of the 10CKA4025.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA42)Power switching test of the 10CKA4226.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA50)Power switching test of the 10CKA5027.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA51)Power switching test of the 10CKA5128.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA54)Power switching test of t

43、he 10CKA5429.控制柜电源切换试验(10CKA61)Power switching test of the 10CKA6130.控制柜电源切换试验(A0CKA10)Power switching test of the A0CKA1031.控制柜电源切换试验(A0CKA11)Power switching test of the A0CKA1132.控制柜电源切换试验(A0CKA20)Power switching test of the A0CKA2033.控制柜电源切换试验(A0CKA21)Power switching test of the A0CKA2134.控制柜电源切换

44、试验(A0CKA30)Power switching test of the A0CKA3035.控制柜电源切换试验(A0CKA31)Power switching test of the A0CKA317.2 控制器切换检查确认项7.2 Check List of Controller Switching 序号No.检查项目Check items质量标准Quality standard1.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA02)Controller switching test of the 10CKA02符合ABB公司质量要求;(切换时不影响逻辑及设备的正常运行、操作)Meet the AB

45、B company quality requirements; (do not affect the normal operation and running of the logic and equipment during the switching)2.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA03)Controller switching test of the 10CKA033.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA05)Controller switching test of the 10CKA054.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA06)Controller switching test of

46、the 10CKA065.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA08)Controller switching test of the 10CKA086.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA09)Controller switching test of the 10CKA097.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA11)Controller switching test of the 10CKA118.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA12)Controller switching test of the 10CKA129.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA14)Controller switching tes

47、t of the 10CKA1410.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA16)Controller switching test of the 10CKA1611.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA18)Controller switching test of the 10CKA1812.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA20)Controller switching test of the 10CKA2013.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA22)Controller switching test of the 10CKA2214.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA24)Controller swi

48、tching test of the 10CKA2415.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA26)Controller switching test of the10CKA2616.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA27)Controller switching test of the10CKA2717.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA28)Controller switching test of the10CKA2818.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA29)Controller switching test of the10CKA2919.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA30)Controll

49、er switching test of the 10CKA30 20.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA32)Controller switching test of the 10CKA32 21.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA34)Controller switching test of the 10CKA34 22.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA36)Controller switching test of the 10CKA36 23.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA38) Controller switching test of the 10CKA3824.控制柜控制器切换试验(1

50、0CKA40)Controller switching test of the 10CKA40 25.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA42)Controller switching test of the 10CKA4226.控制柜控制器切换试验(10CKA50)Controller switching test of the 10CKA5027.控制柜控制器切换试验(A0CKA10)Controller switching test of the A0CKA1028.控制柜控制器切换试验(A0CKA20)Controller switching test of the A0CKA2029.控

51、制柜控制器切换试验(A0CKA30)Controller switching test of the A0CKA307.3 通讯切换检查确认项7.3 Check List of Communication Switching 序号No.检查项目Check items质量标准Quality standard1.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA02)Communication switching test of the10CKA02符合ABB公司质量要求;(切换时不影响逻辑及设备的正常运行、操作)Meet the ABB company quality requirements; (do not

52、affect the normal operation and running of the logic and equipment during the switching)2.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA03)Communication switching test of 10CKA033.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA05)Communication switching test of 10CKA054.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA06)Communication switching test of 10CKA065.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA08)Communicati

53、on switching test of 10CKA086.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA09)Communication switching test of 10CKA097.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA11)Communication switching test of 10CKA118.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA12)Communication switching test of 10CKA129.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA14)Communication switching test of 10CKA1410.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA16)Communicat

54、ion switching test of 10CKA1611.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA18)Communication switching test of 10CKA1812.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA20)Communication switching test of 10CKA2013.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA22)Communication switching test of 10CKA2214.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA24)Communication switching test of 10CKA2415.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA26)Commu

55、nication switching test of 10CKA2616.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA27)Communication switching test of 10CKA2717.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA28)Communication switching test of 10CKA2818.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA29)Communication switching test of 10CKA2919.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA30) Communication switching test of 10CKA3020.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA32)Communication switching test of 10CKA32 21.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA34)Communication switching test of 10CKA34 22.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA36)Communication switching test of10CKA3623.控制柜通讯器切换试验(10CKA38) Communication


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