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1、YPC-BASF Compa ny LimitedEO/EG Pla ntIn stallati on Procedurefor compressor Equipme nts压缩机安装施工方案EO/EG 59编制:Compiled by:审核:Reviewed by:批准:Approved by:The Second Co nstruction Compa ny Of SINOPECBASF-YPC EO Complex Project GroupDec.20.2004INDEX目 录1.0Introduction 工程概况12.0Referenee 编制依据:13.0安装程序:Install

2、ation procedure 24.0 Construction method and quality requirement 施工方法及质量要求25.0Construction arrangement 施工安排226.0Quality guarantee 质量保证措施237.0 HSE measure 安全及文明施工 268.0 Product protection 成品保护: 279.0 Construction materials and facilities施工手段用料及机具 2810.0 Appendix 附录: 321.0In troduction 工程概况EO/EG compl

3、ex is a uni t project of BASF-YPC IPS .Its con tractor is JGC/SEI, SCC is JGC/SEI'ssubc on tractor. The EO/EG complex is divided into EO area and EG area. There in to: SCC is resp on sible for the EO project con structi on and SFCC for the EG project con structi on. There are 5 sets compressors

4、in EO area, one is cen trifugal compressor, and four are reciprocating compressors.All of them are delivered in a complete set, accordi ng to the con tract, the compressor disma ntl ing and debuggi ng isn 'resp on sible by SCC, but by the manu facturer.EO/EG装置是扬-巴一体化工程中的一个单项工程,总包方为 SEI/JGC,EO/EG

5、装置分为EO区和EG区其中:SCC(我方)和SFCC作为SEI/JGC的分包商 分别承建EO区和EG区的安装工程;由我方(SCC)承建的EO区内共有压缩机5台; 其中离心式1台,往复式4台;均为整体到货.按合同我方不对压缩机整体机组进行 拆检、调试。压缩机整体机组由压缩机供货商负责.实物量 practicality quantity位号型号转速功率NotypeSpeed(rpm)Power(kw)K12253TZL 8048297K13402 TZL 63-378/225K1201SZE 5014934897K1227K38602 TZS 63-185/1155901902.0 Referen

6、ee 编制依据:2.1Design drawi ng与装置有关的设计施工图。2.2C on structio n orga ni zati on design该装置的施工组织设计。机器安装工程施工及验收规范通用规定。2.3 HGJ205-92code for con struct ion and accepta nee of chemical machi necentrifugal compressor化工机器安装工程施工及验收规范-离心式压缩机2.3 HGJ206-92code for con struct ion and accepta nee of chemical machi neme

7、dium and small-sized piston compressor 化工机器安装工程施工及验收规范-中小型活塞式压缩机 2.5 API 686America Petroleum Institute advice code for equipment installation anddesign美国石油协会机械设备安装和安装设计建议规范2.6 IMT Grout Specification 10-010-00-0-0-00-023 IMT 灌浆规范3.0 安装程序:In stallatio n procedurefill the shoesadjust and leveli n gan

8、 chor boltgrout ing设备就位leve ling and adjust for theGrout ingfor thesec ondaxle concen tric in specti on4.0 Construction method and quality requirement 施工方法及质量要求4.1 Technique preparation 技术准备4.1.1 Follow ing docume nt shall be prepared before con struct ion施工前应具备下列技术资料: Certificate of cen trif

9、ugal compressor; it must in elude continents as follows:离心式压缩机组出厂合格证书;出厂合格证书必须包括下列内容:("material certificate of main comp onent and parts重要零、部件材质合格证书;(2) quality certificate of pipe material, fittings or valves accompany with the equipme nt随机管材、管件、阀门等质量证书;(3) hydraulic pressure test record for e

10、quipme nt shell and attached equipme nt机壳及附属设备水压试验记录;quality test certificate of rotator 转子制造质量检验证书;(5) record of rotator move bala nee test and impeller excessive speed test转子动平衡及叶轮超速试验记录;(6) record of machine assembling 机器装配记录;(7) mach ine test run record 机器试运转记录。 reciprocati ng compressor

11、shall be provided followi ng docume nts往复式压缩机尚应有以下资料:(1) quality certificate of pipi ng material, fitti ngs ,valves and faste ner(or copy) and valve test pressure certificate随机管材、阀门、管件和紧固件等的材质合格证书(或复印件)及阀门试压合格证书;(2) quality certificate of pressure vessel 压力容器产品质量证明书;(3) hydraulic pressure test recor

12、d of cylinder and cylinder sheet气缸和气缸夹套水压试验记录;(4) record of compressor pre-assemble and test run before leav ing factor压缩机出厂前预组装及试运转记录; drawings of compressor installation plane layout, stereogram, foundation, assembling, system and tubing; and installation & maintenance manual机组安装平、立面布置图

13、,基础图、装配图、系统图及配管图,安装、使用、 维修说明书; encasement sheet of compressc机组的装箱清单; turn over document of foundation 基础中间交接资料; releva nt specificati on, tech ni cal requireme nt, con struct ion schedule有关的规范、技术要求、施工方案等。4.1.2 draw ings must be con sulted and expla ined and recorded before con s

14、truct ion.施工前必须组织图纸会审及技术交底,并应有相应的记录。4.2 compressor tran sport and lift 机组运输与吊装4.2.1 transport and lift see the lifting schedule.机组的吊装与运输见吊装方案4.2.2 Whe n lift ing an d tran sport ing the compressor, the force point shall be con firmed according to the picking mark or equipment centrobaric point, and

15、keep the machine and main parts in level.机组的吊装和运输,应根据包装标记或设备重心确定受力点,作业过程中,应 使机器及主要部件保持水平状态。4.3 Open box to check and accept, and store开箱验收及保管4.3.1 Equipment opening inspection shall be carried out under the join of IMT, JGC/SEI and SCC, and in accorda nee with the en caseme nt sheet. The details in

16、cludes机器的开箱检验,应在IMT、总包方、分包方的有关人员共同参加下,按照装 箱清单进行。其内容包括:431.1 Check equipment name, type, size, package box number, box quantity and pack ing status.核对机器的名称、型号、规格、包装箱号、箱数并检查包装状况;431.2 Check the delivery tech ni cal docume nts and special tools accompa ny with the equipme nt is or not completed.检查随机技术资

17、料及专用工具是否齐全;431.3 Check the appeara nee of main frame, attachme nt equipme nt, parts and comp onen ts, and checkout the parts and comp on enttype, size and qua ntity etc.对主机、附属设备及零、部件进行外观检查;并核实零、部件的品种、规格、 数量等; submit the in specti on record with sig nature after in specti on.检验后应提交有签证的检验记录.4.3

18、.2 Do as follows whe n ope n the package box.开箱应做到: In order not to damage the equipme nt, n ecessary tools shall be take n and it c'n be beat fiercely whe n ope n the package box. The pack ing box, in which en casethe precisi on equipme nt shall be ope ned carefully to protect the mach i

19、ning surface.开箱应使用合适的工具,不得猛烈敲击,以防损坏设备,对装有精密设备的箱件,应注意对加工面的妥善保护。 Equipment running and sliding parts can't be run and slid before the rust protect ion material disposed; it shall be rust protect ion treated after in spect ion.设备的转动和滑动部件,在防腐涂料未清理前,不得转动和滑动;检查后仍进行防腐处理。4.323 After ope n the pac

20、kage box, the equipme nt which catibe in stalled immediately shall be covered again. To those package boxes laid down the work site or storage area, shall be covered with rain preve ntio n.设备开箱后,不能立即安装完的,应复箱封闭好;对露天放置的箱件,应加设防雨罩。 Those received parts and comp onent shall be keep carefully, thos

21、e major and precision parts shall be put on the rack .对已领回的零、部件要妥善保管,一些重要件、精密件要放置在货架上。4.325 The special tool shall be lend from JGC/SEI as used; the substitute parts and components of equipment shall be kept by JGC/SEI专用工具在使用时向总包方(SEI/JGC)借用;设备备品/备件由总包方(SEI/JGC) 保管。4.326 After the equipment is inspe

22、cted, all the parties that participate in the inspection shall record in writing with signing acceptance .设备开箱检查完毕后,参加检查各方在开箱验收记录上签字确认。 Those defect and unfitted equipments and parts shall be indicated the defected position, degree and quality, those questioned parts shall be indicated the re

23、asons,all these un fitti ng items shall be writte n in memo, and recorded with sig nature by participate parties.对有缺陷或疑问的设备、部件要清楚地描述出缺陷的部位、程度、性质。对有疑问的要写出产生疑问的原因,并形成联合检查备忘录,参检各方签字存档备查。4.328 The resp on sible party shall provide the disposal method and expla in docume ntwith in the period required by

24、user.责任方和答疑方要在用户要求的时间内提供书面的处理方案和释疑材料。4.4 con structio n con ditio ns施工现场应具备的条件441 the foundation must be qualified for installation, the underground engineering nearby the foundation and ground shall be completed, the transport and firefighting passage shall be smoothly基础必须具备安装条件,基础附近的地下工程及地坪应完成,运输、

25、消防道路 应畅通。4.4.2 the workshop or temporary facility shall prevent the attack of wind, sand, rain and snow. The circumsta nee temperature shall not below 5°C。厂房或临时设施应能防止风、沙、雨、雪的侵袭。环境温度不应低于5 C。4.4.4 water, electricity, gas and lighting for construction shall be put through and qualified for use.施工用

26、水、电、气和照明应接通且具备使用条件。4.4.5 eno ugh firefighti ng equipme nt shall be provided with at site.施工现场必须备有足够的消防器材。4.4.6 prepare for construction machine and gauge. Gauge shall be measured up in weekly in specti on, and its precisi on must satisfy for the measureme nt requireme nt.备齐施工用机具及计量器具。计量器具应周检合格,精度等级必

27、须满足测量 要求。4.4.7 construction site shall be provided with conditions for storing material. Special tools shall lend from JGC/SEI when it used; equipment spares shall be stored by JGC/SEI.施工现场应具备材料存放条件,专用工具在使用时向总包方(SEI/JGC)借用;设备备品/备件由总包方(SEI/JGC)保管。4.5 Foun dati on accepta nee and disposal基础验收及处理4.5.1

28、Foundation midst turn over certificate must be transacted before it used. Follow ing docume nts must be submitted as foun dati on turned over.基础使用前必须办理中间交接证书。基础移交时必须同时提供下列资料; bedrock practice measurement record of center, elevation, figure size.基础中心、标高、外形尺寸实测记录; submit the settleme nt

29、observati on positi on and observati on record of foun datio n whe n desig n required.当设计有要求时,提供基础的沉降观测点位置及沉降观测记录。4.5.2 the foun dati on appeara nee in spect ion shall satisfy for the follow ing requireme nt:对基础进行外观检查,应满足下列要求: no fault of crack, beehive, inan iti on and rebar expose.不得有裂纹、蜂窝、

30、空洞、露筋等缺陷; the marks of foundation central line, elevation and settlement observation positi on (if desig n required) shall be completed and clear.基础中心线、标高、沉降观测点(如设计有规定时)等标记齐全、清晰。4.5.3 re-measure foun dati on figure size and coord in ate positi on accordi ng to the civil foun datio n draw ing

31、and tech ni cal docume nt, if there is no special regulati on in desig n, the allowa nee deflect ion shall satisfy for the flow ing requireme nt.按土建基础图和技术文件,对基础的外形尺寸、坐标位置进行复测检查,如设计无特殊规定时,其允许偏差应符合下allowa nee deflecti on for foun datio n size and positi on项次no项目名称n ame允许偏差allowa nee1坐标位置(纵横轴线)coord in

32、 ate positi on( axes)± 202不同平面的标咼elevati on in differe nt pla ne203平面外形尺寸figure size of pla ne+204凸台上平面外形尺寸figure size of protrud ing pla ne-205凹穴尺寸con cave hole size± 206平面水平度(包括地坪上 需安装设备部分)level degree of pla ne每米per.m全长total5107垂直度upright ness degree每米per.m全长total5108预埋地脚螺栓pre-embed an

33、ch-bolt标咼(顶端)elevation (top)+20-0中心距cen tral dista nee±29预留地脚螺栓孔pre-embed an ch-bolt hole中心位置cen tral positi on±10深度deepness+20-0项次项目名称允许偏差non ameallowa nce孔壁垂直度upright ness degree of hole wall104.5.4 foun dati on shall be treated before compressor in stalled机组安装前应对基础作如下处理: foun dat

34、i on surface n eed sec ond grouti ng shall be shoveled rough, the deep ness of spotty shall be not less than 10mm, the density shall be suitable at 35 per cm2, the surface shall not be loose or oil left.需要二次灌浆的基础表面,应铲出麻面,麻点深度不应小于10mm,密度以每平方分米内35点为宜,表面不得有疏松层或有油污; gravel, clay and seeper in the

35、 bolt hole shall be clea ned up.螺栓孔内的碎石、泥土、积水等必须清除干净。4.6 compressor perch机组安装就位:4.6.1 preparati on work before compressor perched机组就位前的准备:4.6.2 oil, paint, casting sand and iron rust left on the joint surface of soleplate and con crete must be clea ned up.底座与混凝土接触的部位,必须清除油垢、油漆、铸砂、铁锈等。4.6.3 the equip

36、me nt in stalled un der the machi ne and conn ected to the mach ine shall be lifted to perch in advance and leveled primitively after test pressure qualified. The flange ni pple conn ected to the machi ne shall be set up bli nd plate to preve nt dun ghill fall in to it.步找正,与机器连接的法兰口应加设盲板,以免脏物掉入。464

37、five compressors in EO area are all in stalled without seat, n amely, both equipme nt dead weight and an chor bolt screw force are bared by sec ond grouti ng. This method is that using top thread to level mach ine. Use the appo in ted grout material by IMT to carry out the second grouting, and re-me

38、asure the level degree after the grouting layer intension reached above 75% of desig n. Whe n using top thread level, each bolt shall be set up a thread; the thread is comp onent accompa ny with the mach ine.本装置EO区所有5台压缩机组均采用无垫铁安装,机器的自重及地脚螺栓的 拧紧力均由二次灌浆层来承担的安装方法,称为无垫铁安装。此法是利用安装用 的顶丝来找平机器。用IMT指定灌浆料进行二

39、次灌浆,待二次灌浆层达到设计强 度的75%以上时复测水平度。用顶丝调整时,每个地脚螺栓应布置1个顶丝;顶丝 为随机零件.4.6.5 inspection, treatment and installation shall be satisfied for the following requireme nt before an chor bolt in stalled.地脚螺栓安装前的检查处理及安装,应符合下列要求: there shall be no oil or oxidati on skin on the an chor bolt pole, and the screw t

40、hread shall be wiped a little grease.地脚螺栓的光杆部份应无油污或氧化皮,螺纹部份应涂上少量油脂;465.2 bolt shall be upright and no deflect.螺栓应垂直无歪斜; the anchor bolt shall not touch the bottom hole, any part of the bolt distance the hole wall shall be not less tha n 15mm.地脚螺栓不应碰孔底,螺栓上的任一部位离孔壁的距离不得小于15毫米;465.4 the bolt mus

41、t be exposed 1.53 threads after the nut screwed dow n.拧紧螺母后,螺栓必须露出螺母1.53个螺距; the connection of nut and washer, washer and soleplate must be in all right螺母与垫圈、垫圈与底座间的接触均应良好。465.6 anchor bolt shall be screwed down after the concrete intension in the pre-embed hole reached above 75% of design. T

42、he screw force shall be in equality and its moment data see the follow ing table.拧紧地脚螺栓应在预留孔内的混凝土达到设计强度的75 %以上时进行。拧紧力应均匀,拧紧力矩数值见下表。螺栓螺纹直径(毫米mm)screw thread diameter力矩(公斤力-米kg-m)mome nt轴向拉力(公斤力kg)shaft pull122.5-3900166-715002013-1425002423-2435002734-3548003045-4755003680-82850042120-13011500Note: t

43、he data is only applied for the material of A3 steel anchor bolt; other material an chor bolt data is calculated accord ing to the material promise stress注:表中数值只适用于材料为 A3钢的地脚螺栓,其他材料的地脚螺栓,根据材 料的许用应力计算拧紧力矩及轴向拉力值。4.7 compressor perch and level机组就位、找平找正4.7.1 centrifugal compressor 离心式压缩机: norm ma

44、chi ne for leveli ng compressor must be con firmed before it perched.The norm machi ne must be calibrated, the n the other mach ine be adjusted and fixed based on the axes.机组就位前必须合理确定供机组找平找正的基准机器。应调整固定基准机器, 再以其轴线为准,调整固定其余机器。 norm machine shall be satisfied for the following requirement:基准机器的确

45、定,应符合下列要求:(1)regulated by manufacturer;制造厂规定的安装基准机器;(2)weight in large and adjust difficult machine;选重量大、调整困难的机器;(3)midst machine is suitable for use if machine are many or axes is long.机器多、轴系长时,宜选安装在中间位置的机器;(4)chose the high running speed first if the condition is same条件相同时,优先选择转速高的机器。 when

46、compressor perched, the coupling ends distance shall be satisfied for the tech ni cal docume nt requireme nt.机组就位时,联轴器端面间轴向距离,应符合技术文件要求。 compressor central line shall be in accordance with the foundation central line; its deflecti on shall be not more tha n 5mm.机组中心线应与基础中心线一致,其偏差不应大于5mm。4.7.1

47、.5 the installation elevation of norm machine shall be not more than 3mm.基准机器的安装标高,其偏差不应大于3mm。 before leveling, the level measurement position and installation norm position shall be con firmed in adva nee, and its shall be satisfied for the follow ing requireme nt:调整水平前,应先确定水平测点的位置及机组的安装基准部位

48、,并应符合下列 要求:(1)portrait level can be parted on the bearing hole, bearing seat and shell or measured on the axes n eck or special mach ining surface appo in ted by manu facturer纵向水平可在轴承座孔,轴承座、壳体中分面,轴颈或制造厂给定的专门加工面上选点测量;(2)Iandscape orientation shall be parted on the bearing seat and lower shell, or mea

49、sured on the special machi ning surface appo in ted by manu facturer横向水平以轴承座、下机壳中分面,或制造厂给的专门加工面上进行测量;(3)the axes neck of norm machine is suitable for selected for installation norm positi on宜选择基准机器的轴颈为机组的安装基准部位。 the allowance deflection of the machine level degree shall be satisfied for the f

50、ollowing requirement:机组水平度的允许偏差应符合下列要求:(1)the allowa nce deflect ion of portrait level for norm in stallati on positi on shallbe 0.02 0.05mm/m, the others must assure coupling center.纵向水平度的允许偏差,基准机器的安装基准部位应为0.020.05mm/m,其余机器必须保证联轴器对中要求;(2) the allowanee deflection of Iandscape orientation shall be n

51、ot more than0.10mm/m, the level degree of each parallelism point of the same machine shall be in con siste nt.横向水平度的偏差不应大于0.10mm/m,同一机器各对应点的水平度应基本一致。 coupling center 机组联轴器对中:coupli ng appeara nee in spect ion shall be no burr or crack.联轴器外观检查,应无毛刺、裂纹等缺陷。(1) center machine and adjust operation

52、 shall be satisfied for the following requireme nt:对中器具及调整操作应符合下列规定:(a) Dial gauge is weekly tested qualified; its precision is satisfied for measureme nt requireme nt.千分表周检合格,精度应符合测量要求;(b) Gauge frame shall be firm, light, and rigid, and in stalled fast. When use it, gauge frame deflect ion shall b

53、e measured to calibrate the result.表架应结构坚固,重量轻、刚度大,安装牢固无晃动。使用时应测量表架挠度, 以校正测量结果;(c) Cen teri ng shall be avoided to carried out un der the sun or cold wind.应避免在阳光照射或冷风偏吹情况下进行对中;(d) the whole seat shall be clea n, level up, no hem or burr.整垫片应清洁、平整,无折边、毛刺。(e) When coupling two axes centered, the speci

54、al level frame shall be manufactured, and measured by fhree gauge method” See the followingdraw ing.调整联轴器两轴的对中时,制作专用找正架,采用“三表法”进行测量;见下图:Sketch map for coupling axesa3180°360°0°270°90°Re co PdCentering must be carried out according to the adjust chart provided by manufacturer

55、 or cold center data. The allowanee deflection of coupling center shall be satisfied for the following table requirement.(f) 必须按制造厂提供的找正图表或冷对中数据进行对中。联轴器对中允许偏差应符合下表的规定、转速 千、r/mi nX表联、位轴器*置 型X 式<6000>6000径向端面径向端面齿式0.弹性、膜片0.刚性0. the data is 180 dial

56、gauge reading difference注:表中数值为180 °千分表读数差4.7.2 reciprocating compressor往复式压缩机:Disma ntli ng and clea ning of compressor set shall be carried out accord ing to the con tract.整体安装压缩机的拆卸和清洗,按合同规定执行; adjusting and leveling of reciprocating compressor shall be satisfied for the following req

57、uirement.往复式压缩机的找正、找平应符合下列规定:the alig nment level of horiz on tai compressor can be measured on the slide path, its level deflection shall be not more than 0.10mm/m; axial level can be measured on exte nd part of the main axes, the allowa nee deflect ion shall be not more tha n 0.10mm/m;卧式压缩机的列向水平度可在滑道上测量,水平度偏差不应大于0.10mm/m;轴向水平度可在主轴外伸部分上测量


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