




1、新人教版选修7 Unit 4 Sharmg同步练习卷副标题题号IIIIIIIVrIVII总分得分一、单词拼写/单词释义(本大题共11小题,共11.0分)1. 接到的信.2. 极想:渴望3. 不久前的一天4. 和有关的.5. 参与:参加.6. (使浸水之物)完全变干;干透7. (河流、井等)干涸.8. 在困难中;在危急中.9. 完成;穿过10. 伸出11. 说实话二、单词拼写.单句(本大题共8小题,共8.0分)12. EVeryOne in the CIaSS is expected to (参力) actively in these discussions.13. FOreign invest
2、ors are not PCrnIitted to (购买)land.14. Food, ClOthCS and blankets have been (分发)to the CarthqUakC ViCtimS15. m afraid that either Of Ihem WilI not agree to this (安排).16. She Often tells her ClaSSnlateS how hard Iife is at the (偏僻的)school.17. SOme OId WOrkerS enjoy Certain (特权),SUCh as COnIPany CarS
3、and PriVate health Care in OUr company.18. It is hoped that education ShOUId be (有关的)to children's needs.19. In my opinion, these are (政治)rather than SoCial matters.三、完成句子(本大题共4小题,共8.0分)20. We WalkCd for two and a half hours to get there-first UP a InOUntain to a ridgefantastic VieWS and then do
4、wn a SteeP Path to the Valley below. (have)我们步行了两个半小时才到达那里-先是爬山,爬到山脊,从那我们看到了奇妙的 景色,然后下一个陡坡,一直走到下而的山谷.21. BUt IaSt Weekend another teacher, Jenny,and IViSit a VilIage WhiCh is the home Of One Of the boys, Tombe.但是上个周末,我和另一个老师,珍妮,确实拜访了一个村庄,其中一个男孩汤贝 的家就在那里.22. TIle gift you give is SOmething your IOVed
5、 One keepsa VOIUntary, COntriblltion towards the IiVeS Of PCOPle WhO really need it.你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有生活需要的人的一项志愿性 捐助.23. , I doubt Whether mthese boys, IiVeS at all.说实话,我真有点怀疑,我是否能对这些男孩的生活产生什么影响.四、阅读理解(本大题共7小题,共14.0分)Water is Very important to IiVing things WithOUt Water there Can be no Iife
6、On the earth. All animals and PlantS need water. Man also needs water. We need Water to drink, to COOk OUr food and to Clean OUrSelVeS Water is needed in offices, factories and SChOOlS Water is needed CVCryWhCrC.There is Water in seas, rivers and IakeS. Water is found almost everywhere EVen in the d
7、esert Part Of the WOrld. there is SOme Water in the air. YOU Can not See Or feel it When it is a Part Of the air. The Water in the SeaS rivers and IakeS is a IiqUid the Water in the air is a gas, and We Call it Water VaPOUr (蒸气)ClOUdS are made Of water. They may be Inade Of Very Small drops Of water
8、. They may also be made Of SnOW CrySIalS(结晶体) SnOW cr>rstals are Very Small CryStalS Of ice.Icc is frozen water. It is a SOlid. There Can be SnOW and ice CvCryWhCrC in winter.Water may be a SOIid Or a IiqUid Or a gas When it is a solid, it may be as hard as a StOne When it is a liquid, you Can dr
9、ink it. When it is a gas, you Can not See Or feel it.24. Where Can We find water?A. Water Can be found almost everywhereB. We Can find Water When it turns into vapour.C. We Can SeC Water in deserts here and thereD Water is OnIy in SeaS and rivers25 We Can drink Water When it is.A. a IiqUidB. a SOIid
10、.C. in the air.D turned into ice.26. CIOUdS are made OfA. seas, rivers and IakeSB. blocks Of iceC. solid, IiqUid and gas.D VCry Snlail drops Of Water Or SnOW CryrStaIS27. Water has three s(atcs(状态) They areA. icc, SnOW and air.B. solid, IiqUid and gas.C. solid, vapour. SnOW.D. drops Of water, blocks
11、 Of ice and CryStaIS Of water.BFrOm a PlanC We Can See the fields, CitieSt mountains Or SeaS below.If We go into space, We See more and more Of the earth PeOPle andman-made SatClIiteS have been Sent OUt into SPaCe to IOOk at the earth CarefUlly and PeOPle have Iearnt more about the earth in the IaSt
12、 years.The Sea IOOkS Very beautiful When the SUn is Shining On ii. BUt it Can be Very terrible When there is a StrOng Wind.The Sea is VCry big, it nearly COVerS three quarters Of the earth. ThC Sea is also ver>r deep in SOme PlaCeS. There is One PlaCe in the Sea is about 11 kilometers deep. The h
13、ighest mountain in the WOrld is about 9 kilometers high If that InOUntain WaS PIlt into the Sea at that PlaCef there WOUId be StilI 2 kilometers Of Water above it!In most PartS Of the Seat there are Inany kinds Of fishes and PlantS.SOme IiVe near the top Of the Sea OtherS IiVe deep down There are al
14、so a IOt Of Small IiVing things, and IOtS Of fishes IiVe by eating them.The Sea Can be VCry COld. The further PeOPle go down, the Sea becomes COIder and COldCr. At One time Only SOme men COUld go down into the deep Sea BUtt in 1970, five WOmen SCientiStS IiVed in the deep Sea for fourteen days 28 Tl
15、le Sea COVerS aboutOf the earth.A. 1/3B. 1/4C. 3/4D. 1/229. are not mentioned in this PaSSage A. ISlandSB. FiSheSC. PlantSD. LiVing things30. WhiCh Of the following is NOT true?A. ThC Sea is always Very terrible When the Wind blows hard B. The highest mountain is in the deepest PlaCe Of the SeaC. Th
16、e Sea is USUally beautiful WhCn the SUn is Shining.D. ThC deeper the PeOPle go into the Seaf IhC COlder they Will fee 1五、单句改错(本大题共17小题,共34.0分)31 ThiS is the babyI Shall IOOk after tomorrow.32. ThC StUdent toyou talked just now is a good football PIayer33. My family CIimbCd UP the hills On the top Of
17、We had a PiCniC before.34. He Still IiVeS in the roomWindOW faces to the east.35He Still IiVeS in the roomis in the north Of the city.36. He StilI IiVeS in the roomthere is a beautiful table.37. Ill never forget the daysWe StUdied together38. l never forget the daysWe SPent together.39. ThC boymothe
18、r is dead WaS brought UP by his father.40. ve read all the booksyou gave me 41. TllCre is no difficultycan,t be OVerCOme in the WOrld.42. ThiS is the first thingI Want to say.43. He keeps a record Of evethinghe had Seen there.44. Tell US about the PeOPle and the PlaCeSare Clifferent from OUrS.45. Th
19、iS is the Very thingI am after46. Any PerSOnhas the money Can join the group.47. WhiCh is the Staris nearest to the earth Then CheCk the answers together六、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)OnCe there WaS a young girl named EliZa She WaS the daughter Of a king and She WaS Very lazy. She 48 had her SerVantS do eve
20、rything for her“I am VCry thirsty,and my 49 is On the table. PleaSe get it for me.” She called. 50 a SerVant PiCked the glass UP from the 51 next to EliZa and held it UP to her 52 Until EliZa WaS no IOnger 53 The next day, EliZa WaS Walking to dinner When her hat 54.She Called for a Senfant and a yo
21、ung man ran over, PiCked UP the hat, 55 it off, and PlaCed it back On Eliza, S head.She COntinUalIy 56 her SerVantS to do SimPle tasks for her. Her father noticed her 57 and decided to PUniSh her. He Set her in a 58 With Only a IoOm(织布机)and SOme thread. No 59 Were allowed in the room.“You Will 60 in
22、 this room, not eating Or drinking Until you have WOVen a blanket for me. YOU have to do all Of the WOrk by 61 W The king Ieft EIiZa all alone in the room.EliZa Caned for her servants. 62 none appeared Then She 63 her father telling her about Athena the goddess Of WiSdOm. She Called for AthCna OVer
23、and OVer Until finally, She fell 64 dreamWhiIe She WaS SleePing, She had a 65 HCrmeS SPOke to her in her dream. He said,"Athena has heard your PlCa(i青求)for 66 ShC is Very angry With you. She Will COme toyou and inform you Of VOUr 67. ” EIiZa awoke Very frightened4&A. SeIdOnlB. alwaysC. neve
24、rD. SOmetimeS49.A. hatB. threadC. blanketD. glass50.A. I immediatelyB. SUddenlyC. FOrtUnatelyD. EVentUally51.A. floorB. ShOPC. tableD. kitchen52.A. bedB. rmC. IiPSD. ShOUlderS53.A. angryB. hungryC. happyD. thirsty54.A. fell OffB. Went awayC. jumped OffD. StOOd UP55.A. tookB. dustedC. kickedD. Paid56
25、.A. beggedB. requiredC. advisedD. PerSUaded57.A. happinessB. WiSdOmC. 1 azinessD. honesty5&A. SChOOlB. factoryC. roomD. ChUrCh59.A. SerVantSB. ClaSSmateSC. relativesD. SiSterS60.A. restB. StUdyC. PlayD. Stay61.A. himselfB. InySelfC. herselfD. yourself62.A. butB. SOC. alsoD. even63.A. forgotB. re
26、memberedC. regrettedD. SUggeSted64.A. illB. hungryC. asleepD. WOrried65.A. timeB. POWerC. ChanCeD. dream66.A. helpB. PlayingC. accompanyD. IiVing67.A. PraiSeB. PUniShmentC. PleaSD. freedom七、单句语法填空(本大题共4小题,共4.0分)68. ThC desks and ChairS are,and you Canthem to the height Of the StUdentS. ThCis not dif
27、ficult to make, (adjust)69. ThC SChOOl bus WaSto them by a motor COnIPany and they receivedfrom Other COmPanieS as well.(donate)70. DO you know the reasonhe did not come?71 ThC TV Play I WatChed IaSt night is the best OneI have WatChed this year.第4页,共14页答案和解析1. 【答案】hear from【解析】答案:hear from解析:根据中文提示
28、可知,本题考查hear from"受到的来信"这一固定短语.接到的信本题考査短语的翻译,做此类题目时一定要根据中文提示准确判断出所考的 单词、短语对应的英文.2. 【答案】(be) dying to【解析】略3. 【答案】the Other day【解析】略4. 【答案】be relevant to【解析】答案:be relevant to解析:根据所给中文提示可知,本题考查be relevant to”与有关“这一固定短 语.例句:ThiS StUdy SUggeStS that health is ClOSely relevant to exercise.该项研究 表明
29、健康与运动紧密相连.和/与有关本题考査单词/词组的翻译,做此类题目时一定要根据所给中/英文提示准确 找出与之对应的英/中文,并注意形式是否需要变化.5. 【答案】PartiCiPate in/take Part in【解析】答案是 PartiCiPate in/take Part in;考查词义识记;PartiCiPate itake Part in 参与;参加;如:Did you PartiCiPatein/take Part in this discussion ?你参加这次讨论了吗?参与:参力口 PartiCiPate in/take part in对于单词短语的识记,要从词义着手.理解
30、词性和常见用法或搭配,并能在 语境中灵活运用.6. 【答案】Clry OUt【解析】略7. 【答案】dry UP【解析】答案:dry UP 考查单词、词组.例如:The IOng drought dried UP all the WeiIs.长 期的干旱使所有的井都干涸了.(河流、井等)干涸考查单词、词组,要熟记单词、词组拼写,弄清楚相近单词、词组词义的区别,然后正确写出单词、词组.8. 【答案】in need【解析】答案:in need解析:根据所给中文提示可知,本题考查in need“在困难中;在危急中”这一固定短语.例句:A friend in need is a friend inde
31、ed.患难见真情.在困难中;在危急中本题考查单词/词组的翻译,做此类题目时一定要根据所给中文提示准确地翻译出英文.9. 【答案】get through【解析】°略10. 【答案】hold OUt【解析】答案:hold out.考查单词、词组.例如:They Were ready to hold OUt a friendlyhand.他们准备伸出友谊之手.伸出考查单词、词组,要熟记单词、词组拼写,弄清楚相近单词、词组词义的区别,然后正确写出单词、词组.11. 【答案】to be honest【解析】答案:to be honest.考查汉译英.TObe honest, I expecte
32、d to Play worse.说实话,我本来以为会打得更糟.说实话考査汉译英,注意英汉之间的差异,英语与汉语之间的一些特殊表达.准确 地理解句子、翻译句子,然后根据句意及提示完成句子.使句意更通顺.12. 【答案 J PartiCiPate【解析】答案:PartiCiPate考查动词用法.根据句意可知应该使用搭配"参加“,可以使用PartiCiPate in, 其后有了介词in,故答案为PartiCipate.希望每个人都能积极的参加这些讨论.本题属于翻译填空题,需要根据很有意思,写出单词的正确形式13. 【答案】PUrChaSe【解析】略14. 【答案】distributed【解
33、析】答案:distributed.考查翻译填空.根据句意及句子结构,要填入distributed, FOOdt CIOtheS and blankets与distribute之间是动宾关系,要用现在完成时的被 动语态.食物、衣服和毯子已经分发给地震灾民考査翻译填空,准确地理解句子、翻译句子.然后根据句意及提示确定所填 单词词性,正确写出单词完成句子.使句意更通顺.15. 【答案】arrangement【解析】略16. 【答案】remote【解析】略17. 【答案】PriViIegeS【解析】J略18. 【答案relevant【解析】略19. 【答案】POlitiCal【解析】略20. 【答案】
34、from Where We Ilad【解析】答案:from Where We had.本句为定语从句的考査,先行词为ridge,表示从山脊那里看到的景色,所以 用from Where来引导;have fantastic VieWS欣赏到壮美的景色;故答案为from Where We had.from Where We had翻译题在解题是首先要确定好句子的时态,然后要把握好短语表达.最后要 注意句子结构.21. 【答案】did【解析】略22. 【答案】略【解析】not: but23. 【答案】略【解析】TO be honest; making any difference to24. 【答案】
35、【小题1】A【小题2】A【小题3】D【小题4】B【解析】【文章大意】:文章主要介绍了水的重要性和它的三种形态。根据文章第二段“Water is found anost everywhere.”可知水几乎到处都有,故 选A。根据文章最后一段的“When it is a liquid, you Can drink it.”可知液态的水能喝, 故选A。根据文章第三段的44Clouds are made Of vater. They may be made Of Very Smaildrops Of water. They may also be made Of SnOW CIyStaIS,oj知云是
36、小液滴或结晶组成的,故选D。 根据文章最后一段的“Water may be a SOIid Or a IiqUid OragaS可知水可以是固 态液态或气态,故选B。2&【答案】【小题1】C【小题2 A【小题3 B【解析】【文章大意】文章介绍了关于海洋的知识,海洋占据的面积、深度、温度以及 海底的情况。根据“The Sea is vey big, it nearly COVerS tlee quaiters Of the earth.”可知.海洋 大约占地球面积的四分之三。故选CO根据"In most PaItS Of the sea, there a,e many kind
37、s Of fishes and PIantS.''以及 UThere are also a IOt Of Small IiVing things, and IOtS Of fishes lie by eating them." 可知,鱼类、植物以及微生物在文章中都有提及,只有岛屿没有被提及。故选AO根据“The highest mountain i the WOrld is about 9 kilometers high. If that mountain WaS PUt into the Sea at that place, there WOUId be Still
38、 2 kilometers Of WateraboVe it!”可知,此处是假设最高的山在最深的海那里,这只是一种假设,并不是事实。故选B。31. 【答案】PartiCiPate【解析】略32. 【答案】PUrChaSe【解析】略33. 【答案】distributed【解析】略34. 【答案】arrangement【解析】略35. 【答案】remote【解析】略36. 【答案】PriViIegeS【解析】略37. 【答案】relevant【解析】略38. 【答案】POlitiCal【解析】略39. 【答案】donated; donations【解析】略40. 【答案】hear from【解析】
39、略41. 【答案】(be) dying to【解析】略42. 【答案】the Other day【解析】略43. 【答案】be relevant to【解析】略44. 【答案】dry OUt【解析】略45. 【答案】dry up【解析】略46. 【答案in need【解析】略47. 【答案】StiCk OUt【解析】略4&【答案】【小题1】B【小题2】D【小题3】A【小题4】C【小题5】C【小题6】D【小题7】A【小题8】B【小题9】B【小题101 C【小题11】C【小题121 A【小题13】D【小题141 D【小题151 A【小题16 B【小题17 C【小题18 D【小题19 A【小
40、题20】B【解析】【文章大意】这篇文章主要讲述了国王的女儿EIiZa很懒惰.她总是让仆人为 她做一切。她的父亲看到后想要惩罚她.就将她关在只有一间织布机和一些 线的房子里。在梦中请求自由神的帮助.但是自由神告诉她要惩罚她。【关键词 Jlazyipunish: frightened.1根据“she WaS Very lazy”她非常懒,可推知她经常止仆人帮她做事。句意:她 总是i上她的仆人为她做一切。A.seldom难得,很少:B. al ways总是;C.never从 不:D.sometimes时而,有时。故选BO2.根据"I am Very thirsty”我 口渇极了,以及“a
41、SerVant PiCked the glass up”仆人拿起杯子。可知句意:我的杯子在桌子上。A.hat帽子;B.thread螺纹,线;C. blanket毛毯,毯子:D.glass杯子,镜子。故选DO3句意:仆人立刻从EliZa旁边的桌子上拿来玻璃杯。AJmmediately立刻;B-Suddenly 突然:C-Fortunately 幸运地:D1Eventually 终干 最后。故选 AO4. 根tmy1 is On the table.”我的杯子在桌子上。可知句意:仆人立刻从EIiZa旁边的桌子上拿来玻璃杯。A.floor楼层,地面;B.shop商店:C.table桌子;D. kit
42、chen厨房。故选CO5. 句意:把杯子放在他的唇边,直到她不再渴。A.bed床;B.room房间;C.lips嘴 唇:D.shoulders肩膀。喝水放在唇边。根据题意,故选CO6句意:把杯子放在他的唇边,直到她不再渴。A.angry生气的:B.hungry饥饿的:C.happy快乐的;D.thirsty 口渴的。根据题意,故选DO7.根 据"She Caned for a SerVant and a young Inan ran over,picked UP the hat”她 叫一个仆人和一个年轻人跑过去捡帽子。可知句意:他的帽子掉落了。A. fell Off 跌落;B.wen
43、t away 离开;Cjumped Off 掉落;D.stood UP 站立。故选AO&帽子掉落在地上,推知沾上尘土,应弹掉或轻拂。所以本句句意:弹了弹帽 子,把它戴在了 EIiZa的头上O A.took带走;B.dusted拂,弹;C.kicked踢;D Paid支付。故选BO9. 句意:她不断要求她的仆人为她做简单的工作。A.begged乞求:B.required 要求:C.advised建议:D.persuaded说服。根据题意,故选BO10. 根据 She WaS Very lazy.她很懒O 以及 She COntinUallV 8 her SerVantS to do SimPIe tasks for her.她不断要求她的仆人为她做简单的工作。可知句意:国 王注意到她的懒惰。A.happiness幸福;B.wisdom聪明;CJaziness懒惰;D.honesty诚实。故选C。11 .根据"No12 Were allowed in the room”任何仆人不许进入房间。句意:她的父亲让她进入到只有一台织布机和一些线的房IgOA.school学校:B. factory
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