1、How to Make a Telephone Call(1) Announcing Identity A.Person Calling: B. Person Called: Hello, this is .Im calling fromHello, Im .Hello, this is . Who is speaking?May I have your name? May I ask who is calling?Who is that speaking?If you are not sure who the speaker is, you can say:第1页/共62页(2). Aski
2、ng if some one is in ? A. Person calling:Id like to speak to Can/may I speak to Mr. , Please?Hello, is available/there?第2页/共62页How to Make a Telephone CallB. Person Called Speaking.This is Jing.Thats me. 第3页/共62页How to Make a Telephone Call Person Called is not available l Im afraid hes in a meeting
3、/ not in (the office)/still at Im afraid hes in a meeting/ not in (the office)/still at lunch /not available at the moment. Is any thing I can lunch /not available at the moment. Is any thing I can do for you?do for you?l Can I give him a message?/Can I give him a message?/C Can I take a message? an
4、 I take a message? l Sorry, shes just gone out. Would you like to ring back Sorry, shes just gone out. Would you like to ring back later?later?l Would you like to speak to someone else?Would you like to speak to someone else?第4页/共62页How to Make a Telephone Call Ask caller to wait Yes, he is. One mom
5、ent, pleaseHold on ( a moment), please. Let me see if hes here. Hold the line, Ill see if hes in/Ill go and find out. Ill just find out if hes in the office.Hang on. 第5页/共62页How to Make a Telephone Call If the speaker dials the wrong number, you can say: Can I speak to Mr Lin Ming? lLin Ming? Im sor
6、ry, but theres nobody here by this name. lIm afraid we have no one by that name. lIm afraid youve got the wrong number.lIm sorry. But Im afraid that you must have/ have dialed the wrong number. 第6页/共62页How to Make a Telephone Call If you cannot hear clearly, you can say: Im sorry./ Pardon me? I cant
7、 hear you very well. It seems that we have a poor connection. Shall I hang up and call you back?第7页/共62页(3) Asking when the person wanted will be inA.Person calling:B. Person called:What time do you expect her back?What time could I reach her?When is he expected to be back?Do you know when hes in?He
8、 is not available till afternoon.Hell be here in 30 minutes.Hell be back around two oclock. (Should I have him call back?)You can ring again one hour later.In half an hour, I guess. But Im sorry I cannot tell you exactly.第8页/共62页(4) Asking the telephonist for help A.Person calledB.Person callingCan
9、you put me through to ?Can you connect me with the reservation office, please.Could I have extension 432?/ extension 432,please.Good morning, United Airline.United Airline , may I help you?第9页/共62页(5) Leaving a messageA.Person calling:B.Person calledCan I leave a message?Could you ask him to call/ri
10、ng me back?Please have him return my call.Would you mind having him call me back some time tomorrow?Could you tell him I rang?Can/May I take a message?Any message for him?Do you want to leave words/a message for him?Should I tell him youll call back,or do you want him to call you?Would you like to l
11、eave a message?第10页/共62页How to Make a Telephone Call Call again or call back another time: Could you please call again tomorrow? Would you possibly call again ten minutes later? Im sorry, Mary. Im busy now. Can I call you back in about half an hour? Please feel free to call me again. All right. Ill
12、call again later.第11页/共62页(6) Confirming whether you are understoodA.Person calling:B.Person called:Do you understand me, sir?Are you following me,sir?NO, Im afraid not.Yes, I follow you.Would you explain a little bit more?Could you put that in more specific terms?Could you put that more simply?第12页
13、/共62页(7) Ring offA.Person calling:B.Person called:Thanks a lot. Good-bye.Ill get back to you soon.Thanks for calling.Good-bye.OK. Bye-bye.第13页/共62页ExcersizeTelephonist:company.Can I help you?Caller:Er _ ,please.Telephonist:Mr Anderson. Just one moment, Ill put you through.Anderson:yes, Anderson, acc
14、ounts.Caller : oh, erhellois that Dr Bill Anderson?Anderson : what? Nono , this is Peter Anderson. Youve got _ .You probably want Dr Anderson in R&D, thats um657. All right , 657.Caller: oh, umwell, _ through the switchboard,please.Anderson: Huh!well, Ill try(the line goes dead)Caller: Hello?第14
15、页/共62页Oral practice Call one of your classmates and ask him to bring a dictionary tomorrow morning. Suppose you cant contact the person you want ask his/her roomate to take a message.第15页/共62页Set the scene Suppose you are secretary. Your boss is at an important meeting now. Suddenly, you received an
16、 international phone call from your bosss mother.She said that she would arrive in BJ two days later and asked the boss to pick her up at the airport.第16页/共62页Role play You will attend your friends birthday party at night.But your parents dont allow you to get home late.第17页/共62页Role play A: Where a
17、re you going , Lily? B: Im going to ., Dad. A: You mustnt come home late. You must be home at . C: Lily is .years old. Shes not a baby. She always comes home early. A: Oh, all right! But you mustnt come home after . B: Yes, Dad. Thank you, Mom. C: Thats all right, dear. Goodbye. Enjoy yourself!第18页/
18、共62页Role play-Complaining about your husband You always quarrel with your husband about the housework. Because you are so busy, but you have to look after the whole family without his help. Yesterday he invited four friends to dinner before informing you. At the same time, he is very messy.第19页/共62页
19、 A: Maggie, how have the things been? B: Oh, much the same. My husband and I still seem to have argumentsn. all the time. A: What do you quarrel about? B: Oh, everything. For example, when he gets home, he expects me to run around and get his dinner. He never does anything at home. A: Mmm. B: And ye
20、sterday! He even invited four of his friends to come round for a drink and didnt tell me before. A: I see. B: And hes so messy. Hes worse than a kid. He always throws his clothes on the floor. After all, Im not his servantn. You see, thats the trouble.第20页/共62页Role play-Rent a house You made a phone
21、 call to inquire sth about renting the house. The landlord introduced the house and price. At last you made a date to look at the house.第21页/共62页 A: . I understand you have a room for rent. B: Yes, thats right. Ive got just one room still vacant.Its rather small, but Im sure youll find its very comf
22、ortable. A: I see. And how much do you charge for it? B: The rent is five thousand dollars a month. A: I see. It is very nice? B: Oh, yes. It looks onto the garden and it faces south, so its bright and sunny, too. Its very attractive. Would you like to come see it when it is convient to you? A: Yes,
23、 Im very interested. Thats the kind of room Im looking for.第22页/共62页小赵: 早上好,杭州纺织品(Textile)公司.Lisa:早上好,我是ABC 公司Lisa. 刘军在吗?小赵:恐怕他出差了,要不要留个口信?Lisa:好啊.请你转告他给我回个电话吗?小赵:当然可以?稍等一下,我拿支笔.,请讲.Lisa:我的名字叫Lisa Alicia.小赵:请拼读一下好吗?Lisa:好的. L-i-s-a A-l-i-c-i-a.小赵:丽莎.阿丽丝亚Lisa:我的号码是001818-8832173小赵:0018188832173Lisa:请
24、转告他,我需要一份最新的产品目录(catalogue).小赵:好的.我已记下来了.你需要一份最新的 产品目录.Lisa:对,而且告诉他,我想尽快和他谈一下新的定单. 如果可能,请他明天下午给我电话.小赵:好的还有别的事吗?Lisa:就这些了.谢谢你. 再见小赵:再见.Oral practice第23页/共62页Discuss Have you ever received an international phone call? How do you feel when you first make a phone call to a foreigner in English?第24页/共62页
25、Discussion When you have a business call, what should you pay attention to? Make full preparation and communicate purposely;Pay great attention to your attitude and tone, trying to be friendly, gentle and considerate;Take care of telephone etiquette and try to use proper telephone language;Take tele
26、phone notes clearly and detailedly;talk business in working time and never when they are off work. If have to, show your sincere apology in advance;Take jet lag into consideration; 第25页/共62页Disscusion How did each of misunderstandings happen? What should each of the people have done or said to avoid
27、 the problems and mistakes? Plan your call by making notes beforehand. Talk slowly and clearly. Listen carefully to what the other person says. Note down important details (numbers, spellings, dates and times, etc.). Check back that you have understood important details correctly. Follow up the call
28、 with a fax, e-mail or letter, confirming the details.第26页/共62页How to make an international phone call Telephone: 00+country code+区号+号码 (手机号码) 00+44+1337+123 456China 86 America 1 the UK 44 Cell phone: 主叫国际冠码+被叫国家代码+被叫号码 011-86-139.(USA to China) 00- 1-976-325-(China to USA) 中国00, 美国011第27页/共62页Gram
29、mar focus-subject and object pronounsSubjects go before the verbObjects go after the verb第28页/共62页Grammar focus-subject and object pronouns第29页/共62页SnapshotWhich activities are also popular in your country?第30页/共62页Disscusion What other activities are popular in your country? What are your favourite
30、 activities, why?第31页/共62页Conversation-Id love to!What are they talking about?第32页/共62页Conversation-Id love to!Comprehension Did Jennifer receive Michaels original invitation? Why? When will they go to meet?第33页/共62页Pronounciation-want to and have to第34页/共62页Grammar Focus-Invitation; verb+to If you
31、want to invite sb to do sth, what should you say?第35页/共62页Grammar Focus-Invitation; verb+toWe use Would you like to. and Do you want to.to make invitation Would you like to. is more formal than Do you want to.第36页/共62页Exercise第37页/共62页Role play-Make an invitation Your friends went to BJ for the firs
32、t time. You wanted to invite them to dinner, but for some reason, they refused. So you recommended to change a date. Finally, they agreed. Your high school classmate is going to have a wedding reception on Sunday afternoons. However, you have to work. 第38页/共62页Excuse, excuse Excuse is a reason for n
33、ot doing sth. Your excuse can be true or false. It is impolite to decline an invitation by just sayingno.To politely decline an invitation, people usually sayI am sorry, but(excuse).第39页/共62页Excuse, excuse Do you ever use any excuses if you dont want to do something?What are your three favourite exc
34、uses?第40页/共62页Pair work Write down three things you want to do this weekend. Invite your classmates to do the things. You classmates respond with excuse.第41页/共62页Lets make a dateImagine this is a next month calendar.Write ten plans on the calendar.第42页/共62页Lets make a date Look at your calendar, agr
35、ee on a date to do something together.第43页/共62页Discussion Where do you like to go in your city or town on the Labors day? Which shows or events do you like?第44页/共62页Listening Here are three messages from the answering machine. There are some mistakes,pls correct them.第45页/共62页ReadingMiami Florida-Wh
36、ats on this saturday?New vocabularyjungle: a tropical forestexperience: learn about sth firsthandseats.sell out quickly:people buy all the tickets for seats quicklyexotic: unusual and strangenature park: a park with a lot of plants and animalstrick: a funny act that entertains peopleunder the stars:
37、 outdoors at nightseating is still available: you can still get a seatlatest: newestmulticultural: have many culturesjewelry: earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings第46页/共62页第47页/共62页第48页/共62页第49页/共62页稍等稍等 Could you hold on, please? 能稍等一会吗?能稍等一会吗? Will you hold the line, please? Wait a moment, plea
38、se. 请稍等请稍等 He is on another line now 他在接另一个电话他在接另一个电话让你久等了让你久等了Im sorry to keep you waiting. 第50页/共62页 急事急事 Its urgent. Could I have her mobilephone number? Im sorry to call you so late/early. I need to get in contact with him right now. 第51页/共62页听不清听不清/ /懂懂 Could you slow down, please?慢一点慢一点 I beg
39、your pardon?/ Pardon? 再说一遍再说一遍 Would you say that again? I dont hear you very well.第52页/共62页 打错电话打错电话 Theres no one named Anna here 这儿没有叫安娜的这儿没有叫安娜的 Are you sure you have the right name? 你肯定没弄错姓名吗?你肯定没弄错姓名吗? You must have the wrong number 你一定是弄错号码了你一定是弄错号码了 Im sorry,theres nobody by this name 对不起,没有这个人对不起,没有这个人 第53页/共62页Conversation 1 你好,我想找苏珊。你好,我想找苏珊。 不好意思,她现在不在,可以留言吗?不好意思,她现在不在,可以留言吗? 不用了,我过会再打过来,谢谢。不用了,我过会再打过来,谢谢。 不客气。不客气。第54页/共62页Conversation 1 Hello, Id like to speak to Susan. Im sorry, shes not in at the
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