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1、.太原市 2016-2017 年高一年级第一学期期末英语试卷(考试时间:上午10:30-12:00)第一卷共 70分)第一部分听力理解(共两节,滴分15分)策一节(共 5小题;每小题 1分,满分 5分)听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一谊。答案写在答题卡上。1. How does the woman go to work now?A. By bus.B. By taxi.C. By ear.2. When did the boy start

2、 to play the piano?A. At the age of 3.B. At the age of 4.C. At the age of 53. Where did the girl study last tern?A. In a big town,B. In a big city. C In a small village.4. Why does Alex look worried?A. He didn't pass the final examB. He hasn't prepared well for the final examC. He had a quar

3、rel with his friends.5 What does the girl think of the movie?A. The movie is the best. B. The movie is just so-so·C. The movie is the worst.第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)听下面 3段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟。听完后各小颐将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。答案写在答题卡上。听第

4、6段材料,回答第6至 8题。6 Where did Mr. Smith lose his bag?A. In a bookstore. B. In a supermarket. C. At a bus stop.7. What color is Mr. Smith's bag?A. Red. B. Brown. C. Black.8 What's in the bag?A. An ID card. B. An English book. C. A mobile phone.听第,段材料,回答第9至 11题。9. Where will they study together th

5、is evening?A. In Mike's house. B. In Linda's house. C. In the classroom.10. Who helped Mike with his chemistry project?;.A. Linda. B. Simon. C. Mike's teacher.1l. When will they go to the library?A. At noon. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.听第 8段材料,回答第12至 15题。12. When did the speak

6、er travel alone for the first time? A. At 13. B. At 14. C. At 15.13. Where did the speaker go for the first trip?A. To Shanghai. B. To Beijing. C. To Xi'an.14. Who were waiting for the speaker at the airport?A. Frtends. B. Grandparents. C. Parents.15. How did the speaker feel about the stay?A. N

7、ervous. B. Terrible. C . Enjoyable第一部分听力理解(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 25 分)第一节单项填空(共10 题;每小题 1 分 , 满分 10 分)从四个选项中 , 选出可以填入空白处的撮佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。 16. Are you willing to exchange your new bike for my old watch? _! I' m not that stupid.A. All rightB. That's OKC. No wayD. Go ahead17. _ keep fit, the retir

8、ed teacher, whether rain or shine; goes outdoo of exercise early in the morning.A. In order toB. So as toC. Because ofD. Now that18. It was such a(n) _ experience to throw a Halloween party. We had so much fun. A. thankful B. delightful C. awful D. powerful19. _, Jing Haipeng and Liu Dong have spent

9、 more than thirty days in space, and the Chinese are proud of it.A. For allB. At allC. On totalD. In total20. Jack woke up this morning and found his house _ last night, so he called 911.A. put intoB. put offC. broken intoD. broken off21. It is his English teacher _ encourages him to practise spoken

10、 and written English every day, so he has developed an interest in it.A. what B. whom C. who D. which22. Tom's parents are _ talking with him equally and never force him to study.A. speaking ofB. fond of C.hearing ofD. full of23. John agreed _ me his laptop because I promised _ it.A. to lend; to

11、 breakB. lending; breakingC. lending; not breakD. to lend; not to break24. _ you all have read the novel, let's begin our class with sharing your favorite character.A. Since B. Although C. While D. Unless25. 一Do you have any problems if you_this job?一 Well, I'm thinking about the salary.A. o

12、fferB. are offeredC. will offerD. will be offered第二节完形填空 ( 共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分 ).rs for plenty;.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A, B; C 和 D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。I have always loved to read ever since I was a child. So my house is forever full of26 . I have new ones, oldones,hardcovers, paperbacks , 27

13、and non-stories.I have thr eeboxes of books in my closet, two boxes of books on the floor of my bedroom, and a box ofchildren's books 28 formy futuregrandchildren. I have even more books 29 the two I wroteon my desk.Itrytokeep thebooks30 buildingup by donatingas many as Ican tothelocal31 , but a

14、s soon as I donate a few I find myself buying a few more.Books Ireadkeep my mind young,my heart32 , and my soulbright.They bringme knowledge,laughter,and joy.Theyconnectme withthewisdom of the pastand thenew ideas ofthe33 .They keep me moving on the right path as I journey through life.I have learne

15、d that people are a lot like books as well. Some have bright and shinycovers 34 don't have very much to say inside of them. 35 look old and plain but so fullofwisdom and lightthatreadingthem can36 yourwhole life.One differencebetweenbooksand people,though,isthatwhile a book have an ending,thewri

16、tinginsideofus 37 forever.Take carewhen writingthebook of your own life.Fillit.withlove for yourself,others,and this world. Fill it with all the wisdom you have learned, goodness you have done, 38you have shared, and joy you have 39 . Keep writing it every day, too. Make it everythingyou areand ever

17、ythingyou want tobe,and thenopen itto 40 . I know itwillbe a wonderfuland fantastic book.26.A. papersB. booksC. lightsD. tapes27.A. musicB. paintingC. storiesD. radios28.A. waitingB. caringC. lookingD. working29.A. holdingB. leavingC. includingD. breaking30.A. toB. fromC. inD. under31.A. hospitalB.

18、stadiumC. companyD. library32.A. warmB. lostC. funnyD. usual33.A. problemsB. politicsC. presentD. progress34.A. andB. butC. soD. however35.A. OthersB. The otherC. OtherD. The others36.A. ruinB. recordC. changeD. produce37.A. puts outB. goes onC. tells byD. gives up38.A. lonelinessB. businessC. darkn

19、essD. kindness39.A. spreadB. boughtC. affectedD. cost40.A. somedayB. nobodyC. everydayD. everyone第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共 10小题;每小题2 分,满分 20 分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 答案写在答题卡上。 注意:C 篇分 A、 B 两种题型, A(易)种题型为客观题,B(难)种题型为主观题。ADrive-in movie theaters are an important part of America. While t

20、hey are an importantpart of American culture,reaching their heyday in the 1950s and 1960s, they have not received enough attention lately.;.Many people like to go to the movies. And it's a great way for them to see movies indrive-in theaters. You can also seemore and more drive-in theaters in Ch

21、ina.What is a driven-in theater? Its a theater intheopen air. It has a big white screenand a bigparkinglot.People can see movies bringingtheircars.They can alsot ake theirchairs to the theater. And they can see movies on their chairs in the open air.Why go to a drive-in theater? Drive-in theaters br

22、ing together two of the great joys of modern life: cars and movies. In a car, we control the space. We can lean back in our own chairs and adjust them so that we can see movies comfortably. We don't need to worryabout the people behind us talking or answering their cellphones during the movie. T

23、he space is ours. In drive-in theaters, people can see movies in their cars under the stars. It's really relaxing and interesting.41. In what way are drive-in theaters better than indoor theaters?A. You don't have to worry about noises from others.B. You can't answer your phone in drive-

24、in theaters.C. People can watch more interesting movies and stars.D. Drive-in theaters have a longer history in America.42. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. American theaters.B. Drive-in theater.C. The history of movies.D. New ways of using cars.BWhat if there was a fire where you live? Wo

25、uld you know what to do? It's a good ideafor families to talk about what they would do to escape a fire. Depending on where you live, there may be different escape plans, so let's start there.Know Your Way OutAn escape plan can help every member of a family get out of a burning house. The id

26、eaisto get outsidequicklyand safely.Smoke from a firecan make ithard to see where thingsare, its important to learn and remember the different waysout of your home. How manyexits are there? How do you get to them from your room'? It's a good idea to have your family draw a map of the escape

27、plan. It's possible that one way out could be blocked by fire or smoke, so you had better know where other ones are.Safety StepsIf you're in a room with the door closed when the fire breaks out, you need co take a few extra steps:? Check to see if there's heat or smoke coming in the crac

28、ks around the door.;.? If you see smoke coming under the door, don't open the door!? If you don't see smoke, touch the door. If the door is hotor very warm, don't openit!If the door feels cool, and you can't see any smoke around the door, you can open thedoor very carefully and slowl

29、y. If there's still no smoke or heat when you open the door, go toward your escape route exit.43. Why is it necessary to learn and remember different ways out of your home?A. There is only one way out in most homes.B. Maps may be hard to find in case of fireC. It is difficult to see things in he

30、avy smoke.D. Fire breaks out very often in some neighborhoods. .44. What is the next step if you don't see smoke coming under the door of your room?A. Go towards the exit.B. Keep cool and wait.C. Feel the temperature of the door.D. Open the door carefully and slowly.45. What is the best title of

31、 the passage?A. The Dangers of Fire.B. How to Prevent a Fire?C. Family Escape Plans.D. What to Do in a Fire?C以下为 A( 易 ),B( 难 ) 两种题型,任选一种,做A 种题型的不做 B 种,做 B 种题型的不做 A 种Just as Mrs. Waldman hands out the spelling test, you see Jeff pull out a small pieceof paper with a lot of little scribbling on it. Je

32、ff holds the note into his closed fistbutsoontakesit out again.Whilehe'stakingthetest,you see himlookingbackand forthbetween the teacher and his paper. There's no mistaking it一he's cheating.Cheatingcan happen in a lotofdifferentways. Jeffis doingitby sneaking( 偷带 )answersto a test, but i

33、t's also cheating to break the rules of a game or to pretend something isyours when it isn't. When people cheat, it's not fair to other people,like the kids whostudied for the test or who were the true winners of a game.Sometimes it may seem that cheaters have it all figured out. They ca

34、n watch TV insteadofstudyingforthespellingtest,orhang outwiththeirfriendswhen theyshouldbe trainingforthe game. But otherpeopleloserespectfor cheatersand thinkless ofthem. The cheatersthemselvesmay feelworriedaboutgettingcaught.Whether theyare caughtornot,thesekidsmay feelguilty,orembarrassed, or as

35、hamed 一 orallthree.Even ifthecheaterfeelsfineor doesn't get caught,that doesn't mean it's OK.There are plentyofreasonswhy a kidshouldn'tcheat,butsome kidshave alreadycheated.If that'syou,it's never toolateto stop cheating. Cheating can become a habit, and it'sa bad one.It

36、isadvisedthata kidcan alwaysdecidetoactbetterand make betterchoices.It is a good idea and very helpful to talk the problem over with a parent or a teacher.Choosing to play fair and be honest again can help a kid feel relieved and proud.(以下是A种题型 )46. What does the underlined word "scribbling&quo

37、t; probably mean in the first paragraph?;.A. Writing.B. Pictures.C. Questions.D. Drawing.47. Why does the writer use Jeff's story?A. To show Jeff is a dishonest boy.B. To explain why students cheat.C. To prove all cheaters get caught.D. To give an example of cheating.48. Which of the following i

38、s NOT a cheating act according to Paragraph 2?A. Sneaking answers to a spelling test.B. Winning a race by breaking rules.C. Using others' works as your own.D. Losing a game to a better player.49. What's the writer's suggestion for those who have already cheated?A. Be careful in order not

39、 to get caught.B. Stop cheating and talk to an adult.C. Be ashamed of what you've done.D. Let it go and be proud of yourself:50. What is the writer's attitude towards cheating?A. Agreeable. B. Indifferent.C. Disagreeable.D. Supportive.(以下是B 种题型 )46. Name three ways of cheating according to t

40、he passage.47. How may feel someone when he is cheating? (at least 2 points)48. What do other people think of cheaters?49. Whom may kids talk to about their cheating problems according to the last paragraph?50. How will a child feel when he decides to stop cheating?解析:46. Sneakinganswers to a test;b

41、reakingthe rulesof a game; pretendingsomethingisyours47. Someone may think it is fine, while others may feel worried about getting caught.48. Other people lose respect for cheaters and think less of them.49. They may talk the problem over with a parent or a teacher.50. A kid will feel relieved and p

42、roud when he decides to stop cheating.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。Do You Know How to Be Street Smart?Do you know yourselfsafe from how to be streetsmart? Being streetsmart means knowinghow strangerswhen youre alone or withotherkids.Most strangersto keep aren tdan

43、gerousand wouldn'tdo anythingto hurtkids.Unfortunately,though,some strangerscan be dangerous.A dangero us person doesn t necessarily look terrible, scary or mean一the person mightlook nice. _51_That's why it's important to follow these safety rules all the time._52_.The adult who's ta

44、king careof you needs to know where you areat all times. That meanstelling your mom or dad, grandmother, or whoever is keeping an eye on you where you are and when you'll be coming home.Stick with a friend.;.It's more fun and safer to do things with friends. _53_. Travelling with a friend wh

45、enever you can is a good idea, and travelling with a group of kids is even better.Avoid places that aren't safe._54_. These areplaces where no one isaround, likethewoods or small, darkstreets.Pick out safe spots.What are safe spots? Safe spots are places where you can stop if you need help, like

46、the houses of kids you know, your parents' friends' houses, stores, restaurants, policestations, libraries, and fire departments. When you're walking or riding your bike, makea mental note of the safe spots along your route. _55_.A. Be sure to keep away from lonely areas.B. Make your whereabouts(行踪 )known.C. So it can be quite difficult to tell who's OK and who's not.D. In this way, youll know where they are in case you ever need one.E. Take along a partner when you walk to school, bike around the park, or go to th


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