1、MBA 英语模拟试题 PART I Structure and Vocabul ary (10% ) Directions: There are 20 i ncompl ete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are fo ur choices marked A, B, C and D. Ch oose the ONE answer that best Completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding l etter on the An swe r Sheet wi th
2、 a penci l. 1 . He didnt seem to mi nd _ TV wh ile he wa s tryi ng to study. A. their wa tching B. them watch C. they wa tching D. them to watch 2. It is said that mo re than one person in this d ep ar tme nt going to lose hi s job. A. are B. were C. wi ll D. i s 3. W hen she _ all the magazines, sh
3、ell come back home . A. has sold B. wi ll sell C. sell D. wo uld sell 4. _Themanufacturer claimed that this engine i s _ the Previous one. A. as twi ce pOwerfd8S B. powerfu l as twi ce as C. twi ce powerfu l as D. twi ce as powerfu 1 as 5. N owh ere el se in the world _ mo re attractive scenery than
4、 i n Swi tzerland. A. are fo und B. have been fo und C. yo u can fi nd D. can yo u fi nd 6. 1f he had not been ill yesterday, he _ to class. A. go B. wo uld go C. wo ul d have gone D. went 7. _ science and technology he1p the societ y to progress is a fa ct accepted by mo st peopl e. A. M odern B. T
5、hat mo dern C. There mo dern D. It is mo dern 8. _ one of the leading novelists in Am erica, Amy Tayl or has also wr itten a numb er of poems and plays. A. Considered B. Considering C. Having consi dered D. Been consi der ed 9. The streets are all wet 1t _ duri ng the night。 A. mu st be raining B. h
6、ad to rain C. mu st have rained D. had rained 10. Engl an dsc h i e f ex ports are coa1, cars and cotton goods, cars the mo st imp ortant of these. A. have been B. are C. be D. bei ng 11. Everyt hing wa s so expensive during the wa r that it was H ardly to sav e a penny A Likely B feasible C probabl
7、e D possible 12 The automa ti on has made i t possible to_ great changes in i ndustry。 A bring about B bring down C bri ng out D bring up 13 The pol ice stopped him because he _ the traffi c r egulation A dama ged B destroyed C brok e D corrupted 14 Al l too _ _ it wa s time to go back to school aft
8、 er the glori ous summ er hol idays A fa st B soon C quick D oft en 15 The chief ma nager refu sed to on the rumor that he was goi ng t o reti re A explain B comment C speak D talk 1 6 . Mr -B ro wn gr ad ual 1 y _ akn owl ed ge of th e subject . A required B inquired C achi eved D acquired 17 If I
9、am not _ wh en yo u come to my offi ce, ask fo r my secretary A suitab1e B available C comfo rtable D proper 18 peasants supp1y wo rkers wi th fo od, and wo rkers _ supply peasants wi th manufa ctured goods A in turn B by turn C fo r return D by return 19 L ets go out during the break to _ our legs。
10、 A stretch B expand C mov e D ex tend 20 I have just _ abeautifu l poem in that little book. A come to B come t hrough C come across D come up PART n Reading Comprehension ( 50%) Section A Directions : There are 4 passages in this part Each passage is fo llowe d by some questi ons or unfi nished sta
11、tements For each them of them are fo r choi ces marked A , B, c and D. Yo u should deci de on the best choice and blacken the correspondi ng letter on the An swer Sheet wi th a penci l. Questions 21 to 24 are based on the fo llowi ng passage : Ameri cans like to do business wi thout leaving their ca
12、rs. Yo ull see dri ve-in banks, dri ve-i n restaurants, dri ve-i n churches and drive-in movies. When dri vi ng i n the U. S., its a good idea to have an i nternational dri vers license if yo u dont have a state l icense. Each of the fi ft y states has i ts own t raffi c laws 。 Get info rmation wh e
13、n yo u cross the bord er into a state at a tourist i nfo rmation center There i s a national speed limi t of 55 mi les per hour. Americans are generally polite about letting cars enter busy streets. They usually stop fo r people wh o are walki ng to let them cross the street. In many states yo u may
14、 turn right aft er stopping at a corner, even if there is a red light. On some roads there may be a mi nimum speed. If yo u rent a car, ask the comp any wh at to do in case yo ur car breaks down. Some companies wi ll ask you to call a speci al number. Others wi ll want yo u to have the car repaired.
15、 They wi l l partly deduct the cost of the repair fr om yo ur bill. Mileage can mean two things. It may mean the total number of mi les a car has been dri ven. We say “This caronly has 10, 000 mi les on it; it has low mi l eage.”On the ot her hand, “gas mi leage”is the numb er of mi les a car 21. If
16、 yo u have a state drivers l icense, _ . A. yo u can dr iv e anywh ere in the U. S. B. yo u dont have to appl y fo r an inter national dri vers license C. Yo u cannot across the border in a car D. yo u mu st know the traffi c laws of another state befo re yo u ent er i t . A fo r yo u wi th fr ee te
17、lephone service B pay yo u a certai n amo unt of yo ur total cost of the r epair C. pay yo u the total cost of the repair D send wo rkers to repair the car 23 “An economy car”here may refe r to a car that A. can be bought at a r ather low price B. is easy to operate 24 Which of the fo ll owi ng stat
18、ements is true? A. A mericans are usually wi lling to wait fo r another car to enter busy streets. B. A mericans car do anythi ng wi thout leaving their cars. C. A merican dr iver s can ignore a red light wh en they wa nt to turn right. D. A mericans can drive at 55 mi les per hour everywh ere i n t
19、heir country. Questions 25 to 28 are based on the fo llowi ng passage : There are robots all around us, Some do ver y complicated jobs like fl ying airplanes and dri ving subway trains。 An d some do a simp le job. When an automatic washing machine is swi tched on, water pours in. The mchine waits un
20、til the water is hot befo re wa shing the clothes. It does this by“feedback ” I nfo rmation about What is happening is“fe edback”into the robot to te11 it wh at to do next. Our eyes, ears and other senses are our fe edback They tell us wh at is goi ng on around us. So robots are li ke people in two
21、ways, They wo rk and they have feedback. can travel on one U. S. gall on car that gets 25 mi les to the mi leage. A smal l economy car to the gallon wh en i ts new. of gas. For examp le, a big gallon gets v er y good should get at least 35 mi les 22. If yo ur rented car breaks down , some comp anies
22、 wi ll C. uses only a small amo unt of gas per mi le D. is special1y designed fo r a small fa mi 1y There are robots all around, making our li ves easier. Some of them , like the pocket calculat or , can w ork much mo re quick1y than human beings can. An d they rarel y make mi st akes. In some ways
23、robots are better than people. They wo rk quick1y, but do not make mi stak es, They do not get bored doing the same j ob over and ov er again。 An d they never get tir ed. Robots are very useful in fa ctories. They can be taught to do many diffe rent jobs Fi rst their electronic brai ns mu st be show
24、n how the job is done. A person mo ves the r obot“sarm”and“hand”through each part of the job The robotsbrain rememb ers each mo ve。 When the robot is put to work on its own, its brain contro ls the rods, wh eels and mo tors wh ich move it s arm. When the robot is needed fo r a new job, its electroni
25、c memo ry is“wi ped clean. ”Then it is taught how to do its new task. If the robotshand stops wo rking, or if something gets in the wa y, it cannot do the next part of the job So it stops and signals fo r help, Then a human engineer r epairs it. The mo st“intell igent”robots can mo ve and see. Their
26、 eyes are cam er as. Their metal fi ngers can feel shapes and even fi nd out how hot and col d objects are. These robots have comp uter brains, linked to their eyes and fi ngers, wh ich control their actions. 25 In this story the author tells us that_ . A. there are vervfe wrO6ots B. we see robots o
27、nly at certain tines C. robot5are somethi ng new in our l ife D. ro6ots are all ar ound us 26 In this story we are told that _ . A. we get feedback t hrough our eyes and ears B. we get fe edback through the robots C. only robots get fe edback D. robots are not intell igent because of the fe edback 2
28、7 What does the author of this story want you to fe el about robots? A. They wi l l pr obab1y take over in the fu ture. B. They are very helpful and usefu l to humans. C. They are machines that are oft en out of order. D. They are not fr iends of human beings. 28 Since people like wh at robots do, w
29、h at do you think this means fo r the fu ture ? A, More and better robots wi ll be built . B. People wi l l stop maki ng robots. C. There wi ll be laws against using robots. D. Robots wi ll benefi t nobody. Questions 29 to 32 are based on the fo llowi ng passage: Tests conducted at the University of
30、 Pennsyl vanias Psyc ho1ical L aboratory showed that anger is one of the most di ffi cult Emo tions to fi nd out fr om f acial expressions. Professor Dallas E. Buzby confr onted 716 students wi th pictures of extreme1y angry per sons, and ask ed them to i dentify the emo ti on fr om the fa cial expr
31、essi on。 Only two percent ma de correct judgments. An ger was mo st frequentl y j udged as“pl eased”. An d a typical reaction of a student confr onted wi th the picture of a man wh o was mad wa s to classif y his expression as either bewi ldered, quizzical, or simp ly ama ze d Other studies showe d
32、that it is extremely diffi cult to tell wh ether a man is angry or not just bylooking at his face. The investigators found fu rther that wo men are better at fi nding out anger fr om fa cia1 expressions than men are. Paradoxically, they fo und that psychological training doesnot improveonesability t
33、o j udge a ma n semo ti ons by his expressi ons but actually hinders i t For in the universi ty tests, the more courses the student had taken in psyc hology, the poor er judgment score he turn ed in. 29 The info rmation in this passage centers around . A. the re1ation between anger and other emoti o
34、ns B. the diffe rencesbetween men and women wi th respect to emo tion C. the infl uence of psychology on human emo tions D. the discovery of anger fr om facial expressions 30 wh en tested, students wi th psyc hological training . A. marked less than two percent of their possible choi ces corr ectly
35、B. did better than the average student in the group C. seemed l ess able to judge correctly than the average student D. perfo rmed in a manner not specifi ed in the passage 31To achieve the greatest success in fi nding out anger fr om facial expressions, it wo uld be best to _ . A. use adults rather
36、 than students as j udges B. ask wo men wh o do not study psychology to judge it C. ask me n rather than wo me n to judge it D. be sati sfi ed wi th a two percent success, if such a percentage is guaranteed 32 The last two sentences in the second par agraph show that . A. such trai ning has not resu
37、lted i n better scores B. we have really achieved the anticipated resul ts C. the judgment is similar to what we have expected D. we can expect such training to have the eff ect stated Questions 33 to 36 are based on the fo llowing passage: Wouldnt it be great if you could just look up at the sky an
38、d read the weather fo recast r i ght awa y ? Well, yo u Can. The fo recast is wr itten in c1ouds. If yo u can read that wr iting, you can tell something about the atmosphere. Wi th some practice, yo u can become a pretty good weather fo recaster Who knows, you mi ght even do as we ll as meteorologi
39、sts. Meteorologists use much mo re info rmation than just the appearance of the clouds to make their fo recast They collect data fr om all over the wo rld Then they put it i nto powerfu l, high-speed comp uters. Thi s does give meteorologi sts an advantage, because they can track weather patterns as
40、 they mo ve fr om west to east across the country. But yo u have an advantage, too. Yo u can look at the sky and get your data directly A meteorologist uses a comp uter fo recast thatsseveral hours ol d to make a 1ocal fo recast. What are you seeing when you look at a cloud? ”A picture of wh at mois
41、ture is doing in the atmosphere,”says meteorologist Peter Leavit Theresmo isture throughout the at mo sp h er e. Most of the time you dont see it, because i ts in the fo rm of an i nvisible gas cal led water vapor. Sometimes, the temperature of the air gets cold en ough to cause the water vapor to c
42、hange to li qui d water Thats called condensation, and we see it happen al l the time (fo r examp le, wh en humi d air fr om the shower hits the cold glass of a mi rr or ). W hen enough water vapor condenses, droplets form in the air.These droplets scatter light A cloud is seen. Watching c1ouds over
43、 a day or two tel ls yo u a lot more than a si ng1e cl oud about the weather to come, Changes in clouds show changes in the atmo sphere. You should begin to noti ce patterns. Certain clouds, fo l1owi ng each other in order, can signal an appro aching storm. But donttake our word for it; see fo r you
44、rself. 33 This passage main1y tells us about how_ . A. to become a meteorologist B. to keep an eye on the weather C. to be an assi stant to a meteorol ogist D. to change wa ter v apor to liquid wat er 34 Ac cordi ng to the passage, an ordi nary person mi ght do as well as a meteorologi st in weather
45、 fo recast _ . A. wi th the hel p of the high-speed comp uters B. thro ugh a comp lex process of cal culation C. wi th some simple practice looking up at the sky D. consul ti ng a weather stati on 35 Meteorologists make their weather fo recast _ A. by collecting data fr om all over the wo rld B. by
46、putting this date into powerfu 1, high peed comp uters C. by ca1culati ng and ana1yzirig this data D. all above 36. Your advantage in weather fo recasts is that _ . A. yo u have mo re powerfu l comp uters at home B. yo ur brain wo rks as well as a high-speed computer C. yo u observe the sky and obta
47、i n yo ur data directly D. meteorologists give their data to yo u as soon as they get them Questions 37 to 40 are based on the fo llowi ng passage: Security and commodity exchanges are trading posts wh ere people meet wh o wish to buy or sell The exchanges themselves do no trading; they merely provi
48、 de a place wh ere prospective buyers and sellers can meet and conduct their business. Wall Street, although the best known , i s not the only home of exchanges i n the United States. There are cotton exchanges in New Orleans and Chicago; the Mercantile Exchange, wh i ch deals i n many farm products
49、, in Chicago; and grai n exchanges in many of the larg e cities of the Mi dwe st. home exchanges, like the Chicago Board of Trade,provide mar ket services f or sever al k inds of pr oducts. These trading posts wh ere products may be bought or sold are called commo dity exchanges. The security exchan
50、ges, on the other hand, are me eting places wh ere stocks and bonds are traded Like the commo di ty exchanges , they help serve the economi c li fe of t he country. But wh en their operations get out of hand, they may become very dangerous In l 929, the security exchanges, or stock market , contribu
51、ted to a crash a sudden, sharp decl ine in the value of securi ti es. M any people lost fo rtunes; many corporations were bankr upted; many wo rk er s lost their jobs. The Crash of l929 has been attributed to many causes, among them wi ld and unwi se specul ation by many people and dishonest practi
52、ces on the part of some businessmen and of some memb ers of the exchanges. Today, howe ver, investing through secur ity exchanges and trading on commo dity exchanges has been made safe r by r egulations set up by the ex changes t hemselves and by regulations of the United States government, In l922,
53、 the government instituted the Commo dity Exchange Commission wh ich operated through the Departme nt of Ag riculture; and in l934, the Securities and Exchanges Commi ssion, to protect investors and the public against dishonest practices on the exchanges. buyers and sellers of _ A. stock s B. grain
54、C. securities D. 38. A mo ng the reasons fo r the Crash of 1929 we re _ A. unwi se specul ation by many people B. dishonest practi ces by some businessmen C. str ict regulations of the Commo dity Exchange Commi ssion D. both A and B 39 1nvestinR in securi ties has been made safe r by . A. the Securi
55、ties and Exchange Commi ssion B. the Co mmo dity Exchange Commi ssion C. Chicago Board of Tr ade D. Chicago M ercantile Exchange 40 Imp li es but not stated : _ . A. Some exchanges provi de ma rket servi ces for several k inds of products B. The role of the government has been an i mportant factor i
56、n curbi ng dishonest practices on the exchanges C. Investi ng in securi ti es is unwi se D. Buyi ng and selli ng securi ties is dishonest 37 Security and commo dity exchanges are meeting places fo r all of these Sect ion B Directions: Read the fo ll owi ng passage and then give short answe rs to t h
57、e fi ve questions Wr ite yo ur answers on the An swe r Sheet. Hunting wa s origina11 yameans of providing food, but it has now become a sport. T hough in so me par ts of the world therearestil1 peoplewho hunt wild animalsto provide them sel ves wi th fo od, i n England, hunting is as mu ch a social
58、activity as anyt hing else. A great many y ears ago, fi shermen in Japan used bird s to catch fi sh This art of fi shi ng i s said to be at least a thousand years old and is menti oned i n Japanese plays. To day, however, fi shing in this way has simp ly become a sport, fo r the fi sher men are not
59、serious1y i nterested in catching fi sh. On summer nights the fi shing boats set out on rivers in v arious parts of the country, At the fr ont of each boat hereisanironbasket in which awood fireis kept burning, As the graceful curved boats fl oat past carried along by the cur rent, these fi res, dot
60、ted her e and there, make bright patterns on the wa ter. Steeri ng down theriver,thefishermen beat thesides of theboat to encourage the bi rds, and people out fo r an evenings entertainment either sit orlieon thefloor of theboats drinking beer and sometimes even cooking a meal fo r themselves over t
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